Emmanuel BENOîT 4774426962 UI - More refactoring
The idea is to split off all UI/display code from e.g. the parser. This
could take a while.
2017-11-23 14:15:17 +01:00

170 lines
3.8 KiB

#include "externals.hh"
#include "ui-dialogs.hh"
#include <imgui_internal.h>
/*= A_ModalDialog ============================================================*/
char const* const id ) noexcept
: id_{ id , uint32_t( strlen( id ) + 1 ) }
T_String const& id ) noexcept
if ( id && id[ id.length( ) - 1 ] == 0 ) {
id_ = ebcl::T_Buffer< char >{ ) , id.size( ) };
} else {
id_ = id.toOSString( );
A_ModalDialog::~A_ModalDialog( )
{ }
uint8_t A_ModalDialog::addButton(
char const* name ) noexcept
buttons_.addNew( name , strlen( name ) + 1 );
return buttons_.size( ) - 1;
uint8_t A_ModalDialog::addButton(
T_String const& name ) noexcept
if ( name && name[ name.length( ) - 1 ] == 0 ) {
buttons_.addNew( ) , name.size( ) );
} else {
buttons_.add( name.toOSString( ) );
return buttons_.size( );
void A_ModalDialog::initDialog( ) noexcept
bool A_ModalDialog::draw( ) noexcept
using namespace ImGui;
if ( !open_ ) {
assert( buttons_.size( ) );
OpenPopup( &id_[ 0 ] );
open_ = true;
initDialog( );
if ( initialSize_ ) {
SetNextWindowSize( *initialSize_ , ImGuiCond_Appearing );
BeginPopupModal( &id_[ 0 ] , nullptr , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize );
const auto btMask{ drawDialog( ) };
assert( btMask != 0 );
const ImVec2 ws( GetWindowContentRegionMax( ) );
auto const& style( GetStyle( ) );
const float innerWidth{ ws.x - 2 * style.FramePadding.x };
const auto nButtons{ buttons_.size( ) };
const ImVec2 buttonSize{
std::max( 40.f , ( innerWidth - nButtons * style.FramePadding.x ) / nButtons ) ,
int32_t clicked{ -1 };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < buttons_.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
const auto m{ 1 << i };
const bool d{ ( btMask & m ) == 0 };
if ( i ) {
SameLine( 0 );
if ( d ) {
PushItemFlag( ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled , true );
PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha ,
GetStyle( ).Alpha * .5f );
if ( Button( &buttons_[ i ][ 0 ] , buttonSize ) ) {
assert( clicked == -1 );
clicked = i;
if ( d ) {
PopItemFlag( );
PopStyleVar( );
const bool close( clicked != -1 && onButton( clicked ) );
if ( close ) {
CloseCurrentPopup( );
EndPopup( );
return !close;
/*= T_MessageBox =============================================================*/
void T_MessageBox::setButtons(
const T_Buttons buttons ) noexcept
assert( buttons );
for ( auto i = 0u , nb = 0u ; i < 4 ; i ++ ) {
const E_Button b{ (E_Button) i };
const bool hasButton{ buttons & T_Buttons{ b } };
if ( !hasButton ) {
buttonMask_ |= ( 1 << nb );
nb ++;
buttons_.add( b );
switch ( b ) {
case BT_OK: addButton( "OK" ); break;
case BT_CANCEL: addButton( "Cancel" ); break;
case BT_YES: addButton( "Yes" ); break;
case BT_NO: addButton( "No" ); break;
char const* const title ,
char const* const text ,
F_Handler handler ,
const T_Buttons buttons ) noexcept
: A_ModalDialog( title ) , text_{ text , strlen( text ) + 1 } ,
handler_{ std::move( handler ) }
setButtons( buttons );
setInitialSize( 300.f , 100.f );
T_String const& title ,
T_String const& text ,
F_Handler handler ,
const T_Buttons buttons ) noexcept
: A_ModalDialog( title ) , handler_{ std::move( handler ) }
if ( text && text[ text.length( ) - 1 ] == 0 ) {
text_ = ebcl::T_Buffer< char >{ ) , text.size( ) };
} else {
text_ = text.toOSString( );
setButtons( buttons );
setInitialSize( 300.f , 100.f );
uint8_t T_MessageBox::drawDialog( ) noexcept
ImGui::TextWrapped( "%s" , &text_[ 0 ] );
return buttonMask_;
bool T_MessageBox::onButton(
uint8_t button ) noexcept
assert( button < buttons_.size( ) );
if ( handler_ ) {
handler_( buttons_[ button ] );
return true;