Emmanuel BENOîT 3fd377699f Sequencer - Some work towards having a zoomable thing
Display areas for the header and the sequencer itself; writes lewd text
in the header with the appropriate font; computes some of the data for
proper zooming, and prints it to stdout because fuck you, that's why.
2017-11-20 21:54:46 +01:00

279 lines
5.8 KiB

#include "externals.hh"
#include "imgui_impl_sdl.h"
#include "demo.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "profiling.hh"
#include "window.hh"
#include "shaders.hh"
#include "odbg.hh"
#include "ops.hh"
#include "rendertarget.hh"
#include "sync.hh"
#include "syncview.hh"
using ebcl::T_Optional;
/*= T_Main ===================================================================*/
struct T_Main
static constexpr uint32_t ResizeDelay = 50;
T_Main( );
~T_Main( );
void mainLoop( );
bool done = false;
bool capture = false;
ImVec2 mouseInitial;
ImVec2 mouseMove;
uint32_t stopResize = 0;
ImVec2 prevSize;
T_Optional< T_Demo > demo;
T_Optional< T_SyncView > sequencer;
void initDemo( );
void startIteration( );
void handleCapture( );
void makeUI( );
void render( );
T_Main::T_Main( )
Globals::Init( );
prevSize = ImVec2( -1 , -1 );
void T_Main::mainLoop( )
auto& p( Globals::Profiler( ) );
while ( !done ) {
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
if ( prevSize.x != dspSize.x || prevSize.y != dspSize.y ) {
const auto doit( prevSize.x > 0 );
prevSize = dspSize;
if ( doit ) {
stopResize = ResizeDelay;
bool needInit( !demo );
if ( stopResize > 0 ) {
stopResize --;
if ( stopResize == 0 ) {
needInit = true;
if ( needInit ) {
initDemo( );
#warning FIXME remove this
if ( !sequencer ) {
sequencer.setNew( );
Globals::Watcher( ).check( );
Globals::Shaders( ).update( );
Globals::Sync( ).checkCurveFile( );
glFinish( );
p.startFrame( );
p.start( "Full frame" );
startIteration( );
if ( !done ) {
handleCapture( );
makeUI( );
render( );
p.end( "Full frame" );
Globals::Window( ).swap( );
p.endFrame( );
T_Main::~T_Main( )
demo.clear( );
Globals::Shutdown( );
void T_Main::initDemo( )
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
if ( dspSize.x < 0 || dspSize.y < 0 ) {
if ( !demo ) {
demo.setNew( );
printf( "init w/ dspsize %dx%d\n" , int( dspSize.x ) , int( dspSize.y ) );
if ( demo->initialise( (uint32_t) dspSize.x , (uint32_t) dspSize.y ) ) {
Globals::Profiler( ).clear( );
void T_Main::startIteration( )
SDL_Event event;
mouseMove = ImVec2( );
while ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) ) {
ImGui_ImplSdl_ProcessEvent( &event );
if ( event.type == SDL_QUIT ) {
done = true;
if ( capture && event.type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION ) {
mouseMove.x += event.motion.xrel;
mouseMove.y += event.motion.yrel;
Globals::Window( ).startFrame( capture , mouseInitial );
ImGui::GetIO( ).MouseDrawCursor = true;
void T_Main::handleCapture( )
using namespace ImGui;
auto const& io( GetIO( ) );
const T_MouseButtons mb( ([]() {;
T_MouseButtons mb;
if ( IsMouseDown( 0 ) ) {
mb |= E_MouseButton::LEFT;
if ( IsMouseDown( 1 ) ) {
mb |= E_MouseButton::RIGHT;
if ( IsMouseDown( 2 ) ) {
mb |= E_MouseButton::MIDDLE;
return mb;
})() );
const T_KeyboardModifiers kb( ([&io]() {
T_KeyboardModifiers kb;
if ( io.KeyCtrl ) {
kb |= E_KeyboardModifier::CTRL;
if ( io.KeyShift ) {
kb |= E_KeyboardModifier::SHIFT;
if ( io.KeyAlt ) {
kb |= E_KeyboardModifier::ALT;
return kb;
})() );
const bool appCanGrab( !( ImGui::IsMouseHoveringAnyWindow( )
|| io.WantCaptureMouse
|| io.WantCaptureKeyboard ) );
if ( capture && !mb ) {
capture = false;
CaptureMouseFromApp( false );
SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode( SDL_FALSE );
Globals::Window( ).warpMouse( mouseInitial );
SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow );
} else if ( capture ) {
SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_Move );
Globals::Sync( ).handleDragAndDrop( mouseMove , kb , mb );
} else if ( appCanGrab && mb ) {
capture = true;
mouseInitial = GetMousePos( );
CaptureMouseFromApp( true );
SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode( SDL_TRUE );
SetMouseCursor( ImGuiMouseCursor_Move );
if ( ( appCanGrab || capture ) && io.MouseWheel ) {
Globals::Sync( ).handleWheel( io.MouseWheel , kb , mb );
void T_Main::makeUI( )
using namespace ImGui;
bool eSequencer{ sequencer };
if ( BeginMainMenuBar( ) ) {
if ( BeginMenu( "File" ) ) {
if ( MenuItem( "Quit" ) ) {
done = true;
EndMenu( );
if ( BeginMenu( "Views" ) ) {
MenuItemCheckbox( "Input overrides" ,
&Globals::Sync( ).overridesWindowEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Output debugger" ,
&Globals::ODbg( ).uiEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Profiler" ,
&Globals::Profiler( ).uiEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Sequencer" , &eSequencer );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Shaders" ,
&Globals::Shaders( ).uiEnabled( ) );
EndMenu( );
EndMainMenuBar( );
if ( eSequencer && !sequencer ) {
sequencer.setNew( );
} else if ( !eSequencer && sequencer ) {
sequencer.clear( );
Globals::Profiler( ).makeUI( );
Globals::ODbg( ).makeUI( );
Globals::Shaders( ).makeUI( );
Globals::Sync( ).makeOverridesWindow( );
if ( sequencer && !sequencer->display( ) ) {
sequencer.clear( );
void T_Main::render( )
if ( demo ) {
demo->render( );
Globals::Profiler( ).start( "Debug" );
T_Rendertarget::MainOutput( );
if ( Globals::ODbg( ).isActive( ) ) {
Globals::ODbg( ).debugOutput( );
glFinish( ); Globals::Profiler( ).end( "Debug" );
} else {
T_Rendertarget::MainOutput( );
glClearColor( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 );
glUseProgram( 0 );
glBindProgramPipeline( 0 );
Globals::Textures( ).reset( );
glClearColor( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 );
ImGui::Render( );
int main( int , char** )
T_Main m;
m.mainLoop( );
return 0;