Shaders are no longer found under /shaders in the project; they can be anywhere. In addition, paths for both (program) instructions in the script and include directives in shader source code are relative to the file which contains them.
183 lines
4.2 KiB
183 lines
4.2 KiB
#pragma once
#include "c-shaders.hh"
#include "c-filewatcher.hh"
struct T_ShaderManager;
struct T_ShaderProgram
friend struct T_ShaderManager;
T_ShaderProgram( );
COPY( T_ShaderProgram );
MOVE( T_ShaderProgram );
~T_ShaderProgram( );
bool valid( ) const noexcept;
void enable( ) const;
GLuint id( ) const;
T_Optional< E_ShaderType > type( ) const;
T_FSPath name( ) const;
explicit T_ShaderProgram( uint32_t id ) noexcept;
uint32_t id_;
struct T_ShaderPipeline
friend struct T_ShaderManager;
T_ShaderPipeline( );
COPY( T_ShaderPipeline );
MOVE( T_ShaderPipeline );
~T_ShaderPipeline( );
bool valid( ) const noexcept;
void enable( ) const;
GLuint id( ) const;
GLuint program( const E_ShaderType program ) const;
explicit T_ShaderPipeline( T_String id ) noexcept;
T_String id_;
struct T_ShaderManager
friend struct T_ShaderPipeline;
friend struct T_ShaderProgram;
struct T_ShaderCode
E_ShaderType type;
T_AutoArray< uint32_t , 8 > starts; // Position of chunk in source file
T_AutoArray< uint32_t , 8 > counts; // Chunk lengths
T_AutoArray< T_FSPath , 8 > sources; // Chunk source files
T_StringBuilder code;
T_Array< T_ShaderError > errors;
T_KeyValueTable< T_FSPath , bool > files;
T_ShaderManager( ) noexcept;
// Build / get a program based on its name
T_ShaderProgram program( T_FSPath const& name );
// Build a program from its source code
T_ShaderProgram program( T_String const& name ,
E_ShaderType type ,
char const* source );
T_ShaderPipeline pipeline(
std::initializer_list< T_String > shaders );
T_ShaderPipeline pipeline(
T_String const* shaderNames ,
uint32_t count );
void update( );
void makeUI( );
bool& uiEnabled( )
{ return uiEnabled_; }
T_ShaderPipeline currentPipeline( ) const noexcept
{ return T_ShaderPipeline{ cPipeline_ }; }
struct T_Pipeline_
T_String idString;
uint32_t references = 0;
GLuint id = 0;
T_Array< T_String > programs{ 6 };
T_Pipeline_( T_String const& id ,
std::initializer_list< T_String > shaders )
: idString{ id } , programs{ shaders }
T_Pipeline_( T_String const& id ,
T_String const* const shaderNames ,
const uint32_t count ) noexcept
: idString{ id }
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < count ; i ++ ) {
programs.add( shaderNames[ i ] );
struct T_Program_
T_FSPath name;
T_Array< T_String > plReferences;
uint32_t saReferences{ 0 };
T_ShaderCode code;
GLuint id;
T_Optional< T_WatchedFiles > watch;
bool uiEnabled_ = false;
T_ObjectTable< T_FSPath , T_Pipeline_ > pipelines_;
T_Array< T_Program_ > programs_;
T_KeyValueTable< T_FSPath , uint32_t > programIndex_;
T_KeyValueTable< T_FSPath , P_ShaderInput > inputs_;
T_KeyValueTable< T_FSPath , T_Array< T_FSPath > > missing_;
T_Array< T_FSPath > updates_;
T_String cPipeline_{ };
// Load/use existing program for use with pipelines
void loadProgram(
T_String const& pipeline ,
T_FSPath const& name );
bool useExistingProgram(
T_String const& pipeline ,
T_FSPath const& name );
// Load/use existing program for standalone use
void loadProgram( T_FSPath const& name );
void loadBuiltinProgram(
T_String const& name ,
E_ShaderType type ,
char const* source );
bool useExistingProgram( T_FSPath const& name );
// Program management
T_Program_& initProgramRecord( // Init management data
T_FSPath const& record ,
E_ShaderType type = E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ ,
char const* source = nullptr );
uint32_t newProgramRecord( ); // Allocate entry in index
T_ShaderInput const* getInput(
T_FSPath const& name );
void dereferencePipeline( T_String const& id );
void dereferenceProgram(
const uint32_t index ,
T_String const& pipeline );
void dereferenceProgram(
const uint32_t index );
void initPipeline( T_Pipeline_& pipeline ) const;
void initProgram( T_Program_& program );
void initBuiltinProgram( T_Program_& program ,
E_ShaderType type ,
char const* source );
void buildProgram( T_Program_& program );
void parseGLSLError(
T_ShaderCode& code ,
char const* errorLine );
void programUpdated( T_FSPath const& name );
void resetProgram( T_Program_& program );