So the profiler apparently expects starts and ends to be consistent in ordering. Whenever the order changes, it will likely crash. Modified the main loop so it doesn't add the debug output's timings if the profiler has been reset due to reloading as a workaround. This needs to be fixed, though.
224 lines
4.5 KiB
224 lines
4.5 KiB
#include "externals.hh"
#include "common.hh"
#include "c-filewatcher.hh"
#include "ui.hh"
#include "ui-app.hh"
#include "ui-demo.hh"
#include "ui-odbg.hh"
#include "ui-opemu.hh"
#include "ui-profiling.hh"
#include "ui-rendertarget.hh"
#include "ui-sequencer.hh"
#include "ui-shaders.hh"
#include "ui-sync.hh"
#include "ui-utilities.hh"
/*= T_Main ===================================================================*/
struct T_Main
static constexpr uint32_t ResizeDelay = 50;
explicit T_Main( T_FSPath const& path );
~T_Main( );
void mainLoop( );
bool done = false;
uint32_t stopResize = 0;
ImVec2 prevSize;
UI ui;
T_Optional< T_Demo > demo;
T_Optional< T_SyncView > sequencer;
void initDemo( );
void startIteration( );
void makeUI( );
void render( );
T_Main::T_Main( T_FSPath const& path )
: ui{ path }
prevSize = ImVec2( -1 , -1 );
Common::SetInteractiveMode( );
void T_Main::mainLoop( )
auto& m( UI::Main( ) );
auto& p( UI::Profiler( ) );
while ( !m.exiting( ) ) {
// Check whether there's a resize in progress
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
if ( prevSize.x != dspSize.x || prevSize.y != dspSize.y ) {
const auto doit( prevSize.x > 0 );
prevSize = dspSize;
if ( doit ) {
stopResize = ResizeDelay;
// If there was a resize and some time has passed,
// re-initialise the demo.
bool needInit( !demo );
if ( stopResize > 0 ) {
stopResize --;
if ( stopResize == 0 ) {
needInit = true;
if ( needInit ) {
initDemo( );
// Update file watcher and shaders
Common::Watcher( ).check( );
UI::Shaders( ).update( );
// Display
p.startFrame( );
p.start( "Full frame" );
m.handleEvents( );
if ( !m.exiting( ) ) {
makeUI( );
render( );
m.render( );
p.end( "Full frame" );
m.swap( );
p.endFrame( );
T_Main::~T_Main( )
demo.clear( );
void T_Main::initDemo( )
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
if ( dspSize.x < 0 || dspSize.y < 0 ) {
if ( !demo ) {
demo.setNew( );
printf( "init w/ dspsize %dx%d\n" , int( dspSize.x ) , int( dspSize.y ) );
if ( demo->initialise( (uint32_t) dspSize.x , (uint32_t) dspSize.y ) ) {
UI::Profiler( ).clear( );
void T_Main::makeUI( )
using namespace ImGui;
auto& main{ UI::Main( ) };
bool eSequencer{ sequencer };
if ( BeginMainMenuBar( ) ) {
if ( BeginMenu( "File" ) ) {
main.actionMenu( "Save curves" );
main.actionMenu( "Reload curves" );
Separator( );
main.actionMenu( "Undo" );
main.actionMenu( "Redo" );
Separator( );
main.actionMenu( "Quit" );
EndMenu( );
if ( BeginMenu( "Views" ) ) {
MenuItemCheckbox( "Input overrides" ,
&UI::Sync( ).overridesWindowEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Output debugger" ,
&UI::ODbg( ).uiEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Profiler" ,
&UI::Profiler( ).uiEnabled( ) );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Sequencer" , &eSequencer );
MenuItemCheckbox( "Shaders" ,
&UI::Shaders( ).uiEnabled( ) );
EndMenu( );
EndMainMenuBar( );
if ( eSequencer && !sequencer ) {
sequencer.setNew( );
} else if ( !eSequencer && sequencer ) {
sequencer.clear( );
UI::Profiler( ).makeUI( );
UI::ODbg( ).makeUI( );
UI::Shaders( ).makeUI( );
UI::Sync( ).makeOverridesWindow( );
if ( sequencer && !sequencer->display( ) ) {
sequencer.clear( );
void T_Main::render( )
if ( demo ) {
const bool hadReset = demo->render( );
if ( hadReset ) {
UI::Profiler( ).clear( );
UI::Profiler( ).startFrame( );
UI::Profiler( ).start( "Full frame" );
if ( !hadReset ) {
UI::Profiler( ).start( "Debug" );
T_Rendertarget::MainOutput( );
if ( UI::ODbg( ).isActive( ) ) {
UI::ODbg( ).debugOutput( );
if ( !hadReset ) {
UI::Profiler( ).end( "Debug" );
} else {
T_Rendertarget::MainOutput( );
glClearColor( 0 , 0 , 0 , 1 );
int main( int argc , char** argv )
const T_FSPath cwd{ Filesystem::Cwd( ) };
T_FSPath pp;
if ( argc >= 2 ) {
pp = T_String{ argv[ 1 ] };
if ( !pp.isValid( ) ) {
fprintf( stderr , "Invalid path '%s'\n" , argv[ 1 ] );
return 1;
} else {
pp = T_String{ "." };
const T_FSPath rpp{ ( pp.isRelative( ) ? ( cwd + pp ) : pp ).canonical( ) };
T_Main m{ rpp };
m.mainLoop( );
return 0;