Curves referenced through a pointer were being deleted in batch, causing some of the later curves to point to random shit.
677 lines
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677 lines
18 KiB
#include "externals.hh"
#include "common.hh"
#include "c-syncedit.hh"
/*= T_UndoSyncChanges ========================================================*/
void T_UndoSyncChanges::undo( ) const noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
const auto n{ changes_.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto const& c( changes_[ i ] );
if ( c.before ) {
sync.setCurve( *c.before );
} else {
sync.removeCurve( c.inputId );
void T_UndoSyncChanges::redo( ) const noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
const auto n{ changes_.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto const& c( changes_[ i ] );
if ( c.after ) {
sync.setCurve( *c.after );
} else {
sync.removeCurve( c.inputId );
T_UndoSyncChanges& T_UndoSyncChanges::curveCreation(
T_SyncCurve curve ) noexcept
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto n{ changes_.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
assert( changes_[ i ].inputId != );
changes_.addNew( true , std::move( curve ) );
return *this;
T_UndoSyncChanges& T_UndoSyncChanges::curveDeletion(
T_SyncCurve curve ) noexcept
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto n{ changes_.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
assert( changes_[ i ].inputId != );
changes_.addNew( std::move( curve ) );
return *this;
T_UndoSyncChanges& T_UndoSyncChanges::curveReplacement(
T_SyncCurve before ,
T_SyncCurve after ) noexcept
assert( == );
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto n{ changes_.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
assert( changes_[ i ].inputId != );
changes_.addNew( std::move( before ) , std::move( after ) );
return *this;
/*= T_UndoDurationChanges ====================================================*/
const uint32_t units ,
const uint32_t oldUnits ,
const float unitSize ,
const float oldUnitSize ) noexcept
: T_UndoSyncChanges( ) ,
unitsBefore_{ oldUnits } ,
unitsAfter_{ units } ,
uSizeBefore_{ oldUnitSize } ,
uSizeAfter_{ unitSize }
{ }
void T_UndoDurationChanges::undo( ) const noexcept
Common::Sync( ).setDuration( uSizeBefore_ , unitsBefore_ );
T_UndoSyncChanges::undo( );
void T_UndoDurationChanges::redo( ) const noexcept
Common::Sync( ).setDuration( uSizeAfter_ , unitsAfter_ );
T_UndoSyncChanges::redo( );
/*= SyncEditor ===============================================================*/
namespace {
T_SyncCurve SESDScaleCurve_(
const float uSizeBefore ,
const float uSizeAfter ,
T_SyncCurve const& curve ) noexcept
T_SyncCurve nCurve;
| =;
for ( auto const& segment : curve.segments ) {
const auto nsid{ nCurve.segments.add( segment ) };
T_SyncSegment& nSeg{ nCurve.segments[ nsid ] };
const auto nd{ nSeg.durations.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nd ; i ++ ) {
const float duration{ nSeg.durations[ i ] * uSizeBefore };
nSeg.durations[ i ] = std::max( 1u , uint32_t( std::roundf(
duration / uSizeAfter ) ) );
#if 0
printf( "initial duration %f (%d units) ; new duration %f (%d units)\n" ,
duration , segment.durations[ i ] ,
uSizeAfter * nSeg.durations[ i ] ,
nSeg.durations[ i ] );
return nCurve;
} // namespace <anon>
void SyncEditor::SetDuration(
const uint32_t units ,
const float uSize ,
const bool scaleCurves ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
const float oldUnitSize{ sync.durationUnitSize( ) };
const uint32_t oldUnits{ sync.durationUnits( ) };
if ( oldUnits == units && oldUnitSize == uSize ) {
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoDurationChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoDurationChanges >(
units , oldUnits ,
uSize , oldUnitSize ) ) };
sync.setDuration( uSize , units );
if ( !scaleCurves || uSize == oldUnitSize ) {
auto const& curves( sync.curves( ) );
for ( auto const& curve : curves ) {
auto nc{ SESDScaleCurve_( oldUnitSize , uSize , curve ) };
undo.curveReplacement( curve , nc );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nc ) );
void SyncEditor::ReplaceCurve(
T_SyncCurve replacement ) noexcept
auto* const curve{ Common::Sync( ).getCurve( ) };
if ( !curve ) {
// Create undo entry
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
undo.curveReplacement( *curve , replacement );
Common::Sync( ).setCurve( std::move( replacement ) );
void SyncEditor::DeleteCurve(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const ovr{ id.isOverride ? sync.getOverride( ) : nullptr };
if ( id.isOverride && !ovr ) {
const uint32_t nCurves{ ovr ? ovr->inputNames( ).size( ) : 1 };
T_String cNames[ nCurves ];
if ( ovr ) {
bool hasNonNull{ false };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nCurves ; i ++ ) {
cNames[ i ] = ovr->inputNames( )[ i ];
hasNonNull = hasNonNull || sync.getCurve( cNames[ i ] );
if ( !hasNonNull ) {
} else {
if ( !sync.getCurve( ) ) {
cNames[ 0 ] =;
// Create undo entry
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
// Delete curves
for ( T_String const& cn : cNames ) {
auto const* const curve{ sync.getCurve( cn ) };
if ( curve ) {
undo.curveDeletion( *curve );
Common::Sync( ).removeCurve( cn );
void SyncEditor::AppendSegment(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
uint32_t nsDuration ) noexcept
assert( nsDuration > 0 );
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const ovr{ id.isOverride ? sync.getOverride( ) : nullptr };
if ( id.isOverride && !ovr ) {
const uint32_t nCurves{ ovr ? ovr->inputNames( ).size( ) : 1 };
T_SyncCurve const* curves[ nCurves ];
T_String cNames[ nCurves ];
if ( ovr ) {
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nCurves ; i ++ ) {
cNames[ i ] = ovr->inputNames( )[ i ];
curves[ i ] = sync.getCurve( cNames[ i ] );
} else {
cNames[ 0 ] =;
curves[ 0 ] = sync.getCurve( );
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nCurves ; i ++ ) {
auto const* const curve{ curves[ i ] };
if ( curve && !curve->segments.empty( ) ) {
const float lastValue{ [&](){
auto const& lSeg{ curve->segments.last( ) };
return lSeg.values.last( );
}( ) };
auto nCurve{ *curve };
auto& nSeg{ nCurve.segments.addNew( ) };
nSeg.type = T_SyncSegment::LINEAR;
nSeg.values.add( lastValue );
nSeg.values.add( lastValue );
nSeg.durations.add( nsDuration );
undo.curveReplacement( *curve , nCurve );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nCurve ) );
} else {
T_SyncCurve nCurve;
| = cNames[ i ];
const auto value{ sync.inputs( )[
sync.inputPos( cNames[ i ] ) ] };
auto& nSeg{ nCurve.segments.addNew( ) };
nSeg.type = T_SyncSegment::LINEAR;
nSeg.values.add( value );
nSeg.values.add( value );
nSeg.durations.add( nsDuration );
undo.curveCreation( nCurve );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nCurve ) );
void SyncEditor::DeleteSegment(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
const uint32_t segmentIndex ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const ovr{ id.isOverride ? sync.getOverride( ) : nullptr };
if ( id.isOverride && !ovr ) {
const auto nc{ ovr ? ovr->inputNames( ).size( ) : 1 };
T_SyncCurve const* curves[ nc ];
if ( ovr ) {
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
curves[ i ] = sync.getCurve( ovr->inputNames( )[ i ] );
} else {
curves[ 0 ] = sync.getCurve( );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
if ( !curves[ i ] || segmentIndex >= curves[ i ]->segments.size( ) ) {
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
T_AutoArray< T_String , 8 > dcNames; // Curves to delete
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
if ( curves[ i ]->segments.size( ) == 1 ) {
undo.curveDeletion( *curves[ i ] );
dcNames.add( curves[ i ]->name );
} else {
auto nCurve{ *curves[ i ] };
nCurve.segments.remove( segmentIndex );
undo.curveReplacement( *curves[ i ] , nCurve );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nCurve ) );
// We delete curves that need to be deleted now, in order to avoid
// using dangling curve pointers in the loop above
const auto nd{ dcNames.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nd ; i ++ ) {
sync.removeCurve( dcNames[ i ] );
void SyncEditor::SetSegmentType(
T_SyncCurve const& initial ,
const uint32_t segmentIndex ,
const T_SyncSegment::E_SegmentType newType ) noexcept
assert( segmentIndex < initial.segments.size( ) );
T_SyncSegment const& iSegment{ initial.segments[ segmentIndex ] };
if ( iSegment.type == newType ) {
// Create new curve
T_SyncCurve copy{ initial };
copy.segments[ segmentIndex ].type = newType;
// Create undo entry
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
undo.curveReplacement( initial , copy );
// Replace curve
Common::Sync( ).setCurve( std::move( copy ) );
void SyncEditor::SetSegmentTypes(
A_SyncOverride const& ovr ,
const uint32_t segmentIndex ,
const T_SyncSegment::E_SegmentType newType ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const& iNames{ ovr.inputNames( ) };
const auto nc{ iNames.size( ) };
auto nSame{ 0u };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
auto const* const c{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ i ] ) };
assert( c );
assert( segmentIndex < c->segments.size( ) );
T_SyncSegment const& iSegment{ c->segments[ segmentIndex ] };
if ( iSegment.type == newType ) {
nSame ++;
if ( nSame == nc ) {
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
auto const* const c{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ i ] ) };
if ( c->segments[ segmentIndex ].type == newType ) {
T_SyncCurve copy{ *c };
copy.segments[ segmentIndex ].type = newType;
undo.curveReplacement( *c , copy );
sync.setCurve( std::move( copy ) );
void SyncEditor::InsertPoint(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
const uint32_t segmentIndex ,
const uint32_t pointIndex ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const ovr{ id.isOverride ? sync.getOverride( ) : nullptr };
if ( id.isOverride && !ovr ) {
const auto nc{ ovr ? ovr->inputNames( ).size( ) : 1 };
T_SyncCurve const* curves[ nc ];
if ( ovr ) {
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
curves[ i ] = sync.getCurve( ovr->inputNames( )[ i ] );
} else {
curves[ 0 ] = sync.getCurve( );
for ( auto const* curve : curves ) {
if ( !curve || segmentIndex >= curve->segments.size( ) ) {
auto const& segment{ curve->segments[ segmentIndex ] };
if ( pointIndex == 0 || pointIndex > segment.values.size( )
|| segment.durations[ pointIndex - 1 ] == 1 ) {
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
for ( auto const* curve : curves ) {
auto c{ *curve };
auto& ns{ c.segments[ segmentIndex ] };
const auto hd{ ns.durations[ pointIndex - 1 ] / 2 };
const float hv{ ns.computeValue( ns.findTimeOfPoint( pointIndex - 1 ) + hd ) };
ns.durations[ pointIndex - 1 ] -= hd;
ns.durations.insert( pointIndex - 1 , hd );
ns.values.insert( pointIndex , hv );
undo.curveReplacement( *curve , c );
sync.setCurve( std::move( c ) );
void SyncEditor::DeletePoint(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
const uint32_t segmentIndex ,
const uint32_t pointIndex ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const ovr{ id.isOverride ? sync.getOverride( ) : nullptr };
if ( id.isOverride && !ovr ) {
const auto nc{ ovr ? ovr->inputNames( ).size( ) : 1 };
T_SyncCurve const* curves[ nc ];
if ( ovr ) {
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
curves[ i ] = sync.getCurve( ovr->inputNames( )[ i ] );
} else {
curves[ 0 ] = sync.getCurve( );
for ( auto const* curve : curves ) {
if ( !curve || segmentIndex >= curve->segments.size( ) ) {
auto const& segment{ curve->segments[ segmentIndex ] };
if ( pointIndex == 0 || pointIndex >= segment.values.size( ) ) {
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
for ( auto const* curve : curves ) {
auto c{ *curve };
auto& ns{ c.segments[ segmentIndex ] };
ns.durations[ pointIndex ] += ns.durations[ pointIndex - 1 ];
ns.durations.remove( pointIndex - 1 );
ns.values.remove( pointIndex );
undo.curveReplacement( *curve , c );
sync.setCurve( std::move( c ) );
namespace {
bool MOCRequiresChanges_(
ebcl::T_Set< T_String > const& iNames ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
const auto nInputs{ iNames.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nInputs ; i ++ ) {
auto const* const c0{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ i ] ) };
if ( !c0 ) {
for ( auto j = i + 1 ; j < nInputs ; j ++ ) {
auto const* const c1{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ j ] ) };
if ( !c1 || c1->matches( *c0 ) != E_SyncCurveMatch::IDENTICAL ) {
return true;
return false;
T_SyncCurve const& MOCFindLongest_(
ebcl::T_Set< T_String > const& iNames ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
const auto nInputs{ iNames.size( ) };
uint32_t longestLen{ 0 };
T_SyncCurve const* longest{ nullptr };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nInputs ; i ++ ) {
auto const* const c{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ i ] ) };
const auto l{ c ? c->points( ) : 0 };
if ( l > longestLen ) {
longestLen = l;
longest = c;
assert( longest );
return *longest;
void SyncEditor::MakeOverrideConsistent(
T_String const& id ) noexcept
auto& sync{ Common::Sync( ) };
auto const* const src{ sync.getOverride( id ) };
if ( !src ) {
// Check whether it's actually necessary to enact changes
if ( !MOCRequiresChanges_( src->inputNames( ) ) ) {
// Prepate undo structure
auto& undo{ dynamic_cast< T_UndoSyncChanges& >(
Common::Undo( ).add< T_UndoSyncChanges >( ) ) };
// Find longest curve
auto const& iNames{ src->inputNames( ) };
const auto nInputs{ iNames.size( ) };
T_SyncCurve const& longest{ MOCFindLongest_( iNames ) };
// For other curves:
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nInputs ; i ++ ) {
auto const& name{ iNames[ i ] };
if ( name == ) {
T_SyncCurve const* const ori{ sync.getCurve( iNames[ i ] ) };
if ( !ori ) {
// If missing, create it with the same structure
const float v{ sync.inputs( )[ sync.inputPos( iNames[ i ] ) ] };
T_SyncCurve nc;
| = name;
for ( auto const& ss : longest.segments ) {
auto& ns{ nc.segments.addNew( ) };
ns.type = ss.type;
ns.durations = ss.durations;
ns.values.resize( ss.values.size( ) , v );
sync.setCurve( nc );
undo.curveCreation( std::move( nc ) );
// If identical, don't change anything
const auto diff{ ori->matches( longest ) };
assert( diff != E_SyncCurveMatch::LASTSEG_LONG
&& diff != E_SyncCurveMatch::MATCHING_LONG );
if ( diff == E_SyncCurveMatch::IDENTICAL ) {
T_SyncCurve nc;
| = name;
if ( diff == E_SyncCurveMatch::MISMATCH ) {
// Recreate it completely, keeping the values but using
// the timings from the longest curve.
auto oss{ 0u } , osp{ 0u };
auto lv{ 0.f };
for ( auto const& ss : longest.segments ) {
auto& ns{ nc.segments.addNew( ) };
ns.type = ss.type;
ns.durations = ss.durations;
for ( auto j = 0u ; j < ss.values.size( ) ; j ++ ) {
if ( oss < ori->segments.size( ) ) {
lv = ori->segments[ oss ].values[ osp++ ];
if ( osp == ori->segments[ oss ].values.size( ) ) {
osp = 0;
oss ++;
ns.values.add( lv );
undo.curveReplacement( *ori , nc );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nc ) );
assert( diff == E_SyncCurveMatch::LASTSEG_SHORT
|| diff == E_SyncCurveMatch::MATCHING_SHORT );
// Copy the segments from the original, as they match.
for ( auto const& os : ori->segments ) {
nc.segments.add( os );
if ( diff == E_SyncCurveMatch::LASTSEG_SHORT ) {
// The last segment is too short, repeat last value
// with the correct durations
auto const& ols{ longest.segments[ nc.segments.size( ) - 1 ] };
auto& ls{ nc.segments.last( ) };
while ( ls.durations.size( ) < ols.durations.size( ) ) {
ls.durations.add( ols.durations[ ls.durations.size( ) ] );
ls.values.add( ls.values.last( ) );
// Add missing segments
const float lv{ nc.segments.last( ).values.last( ) };
while ( nc.segments.size( ) < longest.segments.size( ) ) {
auto const& os{ longest.segments[ nc.segments.size( ) - 1 ] };
auto& ns{ nc.segments.addNew( ) };
ns.type = os.type;
ns.durations = os.durations;
ns.values.resize( os.values.size( ) , lv );
undo.curveReplacement( *ori , nc );
sync.setCurve( std::move( nc ) );