#include "externals.hh" #include "common.hh" #include "c-project.hh" #include "ui.hh" #include "ui-shaders.hh" #include "ui-utilities.hh" #include namespace { const std::regex GLSLErrorNv_( "^[0-9]*\\(([0-9]+).*$" ); const GLenum ProgramTypes_[] = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER , GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER , GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER , GL_COMPUTE_SHADER }; const GLbitfield PipelineStages_[] = { GL_VERTEX_SHADER_BIT , GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER_BIT , GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER_BIT , GL_COMPUTE_SHADER_BIT }; static_assert( sizeof( PipelineStages_ ) / sizeof( GLbitfield ) == size_t( E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ ) , "missing pipeline stage constants" ); } /*= T_ShaderPogram ===========================================================*/ T_ShaderProgram::T_ShaderProgram( ) : T_ShaderProgram( 0 ) { } T_ShaderProgram::T_ShaderProgram( T_ShaderProgram const& other ) : T_ShaderProgram( other.id_ ) { } T_ShaderProgram::T_ShaderProgram( T_ShaderProgram&& other ) noexcept : T_ShaderProgram( ) { swap( other.id_ , id_ ); } T_ShaderProgram::T_ShaderProgram( const uint32_t id ) noexcept : id_( id ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].saReferences ++; } } T_ShaderProgram::~T_ShaderProgram( ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferenceProgram( id_ - 1 ); } } T_ShaderProgram& T_ShaderProgram::operator=( T_ShaderProgram const& other ) { if ( this != &other ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferenceProgram( id_ - 1 ); } id_ = other.id_; if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].saReferences ++; } } return *this; } T_ShaderProgram& T_ShaderProgram::operator=( T_ShaderProgram&& other ) noexcept { if ( this != &other ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferenceProgram( id_ - 1 ); } id_ = other.id_; other.id_ = T_String{}; } return *this; } bool T_ShaderProgram::valid( ) const noexcept { return id_ && UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].id != 0; } void T_ShaderProgram::enable( ) const { if ( !id_ ) { return; } auto const& p( UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ] ); if ( p.id ) { glBindProgramPipeline( 0 ); glUseProgram( p.id ); } } GLuint T_ShaderProgram::id( ) const { if ( id_ ) { return UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].id; } else { return 0; } } T_Optional< E_ShaderType > T_ShaderProgram::type( ) const { if ( id_ ) { return UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].code.type; } else { return {}; } } T_FSPath T_ShaderProgram::name( ) const { if ( id_ ) { return UI::Shaders( ).programs_[ id_ - 1 ].name; } else { return {}; } } /*= T_ShaderPipeline =========================================================*/ T_ShaderPipeline::T_ShaderPipeline( ) : T_ShaderPipeline( T_String{} ) { } T_ShaderPipeline::T_ShaderPipeline( T_ShaderPipeline const& other ) : T_ShaderPipeline( other.id_ ) { } T_ShaderPipeline::T_ShaderPipeline( T_ShaderPipeline&& other ) noexcept : T_ShaderPipeline( ) { swap( other.id_ , id_ ); } T_ShaderPipeline::T_ShaderPipeline( T_String id ) noexcept : id_( std::move( id ) ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).pipelines_.get( id_ )->references ++; } } T_ShaderPipeline::~T_ShaderPipeline( ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferencePipeline( id_ ); } } T_ShaderPipeline& T_ShaderPipeline::operator=( T_ShaderPipeline const& other ) { if ( this != &other ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferencePipeline( id_ ); } id_ = other.id_; if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).pipelines_.get( id_ )->references ++; } } return *this; } T_ShaderPipeline& T_ShaderPipeline::operator=( T_ShaderPipeline&& other ) noexcept { if ( this != &other ) { if ( id_ ) { UI::Shaders( ).dereferencePipeline( id_ ); } id_ = other.id_; other.id_ = T_String{}; } return *this; } bool T_ShaderPipeline::valid( ) const noexcept { return id_ && UI::Shaders( ).pipelines_.get( id_ )->id != 0; } void T_ShaderPipeline::enable( ) const { if ( !id_ ) { return; } auto const* pl( UI::Shaders( ).pipelines_.get( id_ ) ); if ( pl && pl->id ) { glUseProgram( 0 ); glBindProgramPipeline( pl->id ); UI::Shaders( ).cPipeline_ = id_; } } GLuint T_ShaderPipeline::id( ) const { if ( id_ ) { return UI::Shaders( ).pipelines_.get( id_ )->id; } else { return 0; } } GLuint T_ShaderPipeline::program( const E_ShaderType program ) const { if ( !valid( ) ) { return 0; } auto const& sm( UI::Shaders( ) ); auto const& pl( *sm.pipelines_.get( id_ ) ); for ( auto const& pn : pl.programs ) { auto const* pos( sm.programIndex_.get( pn ) ); if ( !pos ) { continue; } auto& p( sm.programs_[ *pos ] ); if ( p.code.type == program ) { return p.id; } } return 0; } /*= T_CodeBuilder_ ===========================================================*/ namespace { using F_GetInput_ = std::function< T_ShaderInput const*( T_FSPath const& ) >; using T_Code_ = T_ShaderManager::T_ShaderCode; // Code builder, state and functions struct T_CodeBuilder_ { struct T_StackEntry_ { T_FSPath name; T_ShaderInput const* input; uint32_t pos; }; F_GetInput_ loader; const T_FSPath name; T_Code_& code; T_ShaderInput const* main; T_KeyValueTable< T_FSPath , uint32_t > pos; std::vector< T_StackEntry_ > stack; T_Array< T_FSPath > libraries; T_ShaderInput const* current; uint32_t cpos{ 0 }; T_FSPath cname; T_CodeBuilder_( F_GetInput_ loader , T_FSPath const& name , T_Code_& code ) : loader( loader ) , name( name ) , code( code ) , main( loader( name ) ) { } bool buildCode( ); void appendChunk( T_ShaderInputChunk const& chunk ); void include( T_FSPath const& name , const uint32_t lines ); void next( ); void addInputLoaderErrors( T_ShaderInput const* input , T_FSPath const& name ); }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ bool T_CodeBuilder_::buildCode( ) { code = T_Code_{ }; code.files.add( name , main != nullptr ); if ( !main ) { return false; } if ( main->type == E_ShaderInput::CHUNK || main->type == E_ShaderInput::LIBRARY ) { code.errors.addNew( name , 0 , "invalid type" ); } else { code.type = E_ShaderType( int( main->type ) - 2 ); } addInputLoaderErrors( main , name ); cname = name; current = main; while ( cpos < current->chunks.size( ) ) { auto& chunk( current->chunks[ cpos ] ); if ( chunk.type == E_ShaderInputChunk::CODE ) { appendChunk( chunk ); } else { include( chunk.data.value< T_FSPath >( ) , chunk.lines ); } next( ); } code.code << '\0'; return true; } void T_CodeBuilder_::appendChunk( T_ShaderInputChunk const& chunk ) { auto* p( pos.get( cname ) ); if ( !p ) { pos.add( cname , 0u ); p = pos.get( cname ); } code.sources.addNew( cname ); code.counts.add( chunk.lines ); code.starts.add( *p ); code.code << chunk.data.value< T_String >( ); *p += chunk.lines; } void T_CodeBuilder_::include( T_FSPath const& nname , const uint32_t lines ) { auto* const p( pos.get( cname ) ); const auto prevPos( *p ); *p += lines; // Avoid recursion if ( nname == cname || 0 != count_if( stack.begin( ) , stack.end( ) , [nname] ( T_StackEntry_ const& e ) { return nname == e.name; } ) ) { T_StringBuilder sb; code.errors.addNew( cname , prevPos , sb << "recursive inclusion of '" << nname << "'" ); return; } // Avoid including libraries more than once if ( libraries.contains( nname ) ) { return; } T_ShaderInput const* const isi{ loader( nname ) }; code.files.add( nname , isi != nullptr ); // Check for problems if ( !isi ) { // Not found code.errors.addNew( cname , prevPos , "file not found" ); return; } if ( isi->type != E_ShaderInput::CHUNK && isi->type != E_ShaderInput::LIBRARY ) { // Trying to load a top-level shader code.errors.addNew( cname , prevPos , "trying to include a top-level file" ); return; } // Add input loader errors if ( !libraries.contains( nname ) ) { addInputLoaderErrors( isi , nname ); } libraries.add( nname ); // Enter the new file stack.push_back( T_StackEntry_{ cname , current , cpos } ); cname = nname; current = isi; cpos = UINT32_MAX; pos.set( cname , 0u ); } void T_CodeBuilder_::next( ) { cpos ++; while ( cpos == current->chunks.size( ) && !stack.empty( ) ) { T_StackEntry_ const& se( stack[ stack.size( ) - 1 ] ); pos.remove( cname ); cpos = se.pos + 1; current = se.input; cname = se.name; stack.pop_back( ); } } void T_CodeBuilder_::addInputLoaderErrors( T_ShaderInput const* input , T_FSPath const& name ) { for ( auto const& errs : input->errors ) { code.errors.addNew( name , errs.line , (char*) errs.error.toOSString( ).data( ) ); } } } // namespace /*============================================================================*/ T_ShaderManager::T_ShaderManager( ) noexcept : pipelines_( []( T_Pipeline_ const& p ) -> T_String { return p.idString; } ) { } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ T_ShaderProgram T_ShaderManager::program( T_FSPath const& name ) { loadProgram( name ); assert( programIndex_.contains( name ) ); assert( programs_[ *programIndex_.get( name ) ].name == name ); return T_ShaderProgram( *programIndex_.get( name ) + 1 ); } T_ShaderProgram T_ShaderManager::program( T_String const& name , const E_ShaderType type , char const* const source ) { assert( name && name.startsWith( "*" ) ); assert( type != E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ ); loadBuiltinProgram( name , type , source ); assert( programIndex_.contains( name ) ); assert( programs_[ *programIndex_.get( name ) ].name == name ); return T_ShaderProgram( *programIndex_.get( name ) + 1 ); } T_ShaderPipeline T_ShaderManager::pipeline( std::initializer_list< T_String > shaders ) { if ( shaders.size( ) < 1 || shaders.size( ) > 5 ) { return {}; } const T_String id( ([&shaders] () { T_StringBuilder sb; for ( auto const& s : shaders ) { sb << s << '|'; } sb << '\0'; return T_String{ std::move( sb.data( ) ) }; } )() ); auto const* existing( pipelines_.get( id ) ); if ( existing ) { return T_ShaderPipeline{ existing->idString }; } pipelines_.add( T_Pipeline_{ id , shaders } ); auto& p( *pipelines_.get( id ) ); for ( auto const& pName : shaders ) { loadProgram( p.idString , pName ); } initPipeline( p ); return T_ShaderPipeline{ p.idString }; } T_ShaderPipeline T_ShaderManager::pipeline( T_String const* shaderNames , uint32_t count ) { if ( count < 1 || count > 5 ) { return {}; } const T_String id( ([shaderNames,count] () { T_StringBuilder sb; for ( auto i = 0u ; i < count ; i ++ ) { sb << shaderNames[ i ] << '|'; } sb << '\0'; return T_String{ std::move( sb.data( ) ) }; } )() ); auto const* existing( pipelines_.get( id ) ); if ( existing ) { return T_ShaderPipeline{ existing->idString }; } pipelines_.add( T_Pipeline_{ id , shaderNames , count } ); auto& p( *pipelines_.get( id ) ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < count ; i ++ ) { loadProgram( p.idString , shaderNames[ i ] ); } initPipeline( p ); return T_ShaderPipeline{ p.idString }; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::update( ) { using namespace ebcl; T_Set< T_FSPath > temp{ UseTag< ArrayBacked< 64 > >( ) }; T_StringBuilder sb; inputs_.clear( ); // Check for missing files for ( auto it = missing_.keys( ).cbegin( ) ; it.valid( ) ; ++it ) { const bool exists( ([] ( T_FSPath const& name ) -> bool { struct stat buffer; const auto p{ Common::Project( ).strPathOf( name ).toOSString( ) }; return ( stat( (char const*) p.data( ) , &buffer ) == 0 ); })( *it ) ); if ( !exists ) { continue; } auto& set( missing_.values( )[ it.pos( ) ] ); for ( auto& s : set ) { if ( !updates_.contains( s ) ) { updates_.add( std::move( s ) ); } } temp.add( *it ); } // Remove all marked entries for ( auto i = 0u ; i < temp.size( ) ; i ++ ) { missing_.remove( temp[ i ] ); } temp.clear( ); // Reset programs that need to be updated for ( auto it = updates_.begin( ) ; it.valid( ) ; ) { auto const* p( programIndex_.get( *it ) ); if ( p ) { auto& pr( programs_[ *p ] ); for ( auto const& ref : pr.plReferences ) { if ( !temp.contains( ref ) ) { temp.add( ref ); } } resetProgram( pr ); ++it; } else { updates_.removeSwap( it.pos( ) ); } } if ( updates_.empty( ) ) { return; } // Reset pipelines affected by the programs above for ( auto i = 0u ; i < temp.size( ) ; i ++ ) { auto& pipeline( *pipelines_.get( temp[ i ] ) ); if ( pipeline.id != 0 ) { glDeleteProgramPipelines( 1 , &pipeline.id ); pipeline.id = 0; } } // Try to load all updated programs sb.clear( ); for ( auto const& name : updates_ ) { auto& pr( programs_[ *programIndex_.get( name ) ] ); initProgram( pr ); for ( auto const& e : pr.code.errors ) { sb << e.source << ':' << e.line << ": " << e.error << '\n'; } } sb << '\0'; printf( "%s" , sb.data( ) ); // Try to initialise all affected pipelines for ( auto i = 0u ; i < temp.size( ) ; i ++ ) { initPipeline( *pipelines_.get( temp[ i ] ) ); } updates_.clear( ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::loadProgram( T_String const& pipeline , T_FSPath const& name ) { if ( !useExistingProgram( pipeline , name ) ) { initProgramRecord( name ).plReferences.add( pipeline ); } } bool T_ShaderManager::useExistingProgram( T_String const& pipeline , T_FSPath const& name ) { auto const* pos( programIndex_.get( name ) ); if ( !pos ) { return false; } auto& refs( programs_[ *pos ].plReferences ); assert( !refs.contains( pipeline ) ); refs.add( pipeline ); return true; } void T_ShaderManager::loadProgram( T_FSPath const& name ) { if ( !useExistingProgram( name ) ) { initProgramRecord( name ); } } void T_ShaderManager::loadBuiltinProgram( T_String const& name , const E_ShaderType type , char const* const source ) { if ( !useExistingProgram( name ) ) { initProgramRecord( name , type , source ); } } bool T_ShaderManager::useExistingProgram( T_FSPath const& name ) { auto const* pos( programIndex_.get( name ) ); if ( !pos ) { return false; } programs_[ *pos ].saReferences ++; return true; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ uint32_t T_ShaderManager::newProgramRecord( ) { uint32_t i = 0; while ( i < programs_.size( ) ) { if ( programs_[ i ].plReferences.empty( ) && !programs_[ i ].saReferences ) { return i; } i ++; } programs_.addNew( ); return i; } T_ShaderManager::T_Program_& T_ShaderManager::initProgramRecord( T_FSPath const& name , const E_ShaderType type , char const* const source ) { const uint32_t index( newProgramRecord( ) ); auto& program( programs_[ index ] ); programIndex_.add( name , index ); program.name = name; program.id = 0; if ( type == E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ || source == nullptr ) { initProgram( program ); } else { initBuiltinProgram( program , type , source ); } T_StringBuilder sb; for ( auto const& e : program.code.errors ) { sb << e.source << ':' << e.line << ": " << e.error << '\n'; } sb << '\0'; printf( "%s" , sb.data( ) ); if ( type != E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ && source != nullptr && program.id == 0 ) { std::abort( ); } return program; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ T_ShaderInput const* T_ShaderManager::getInput( T_FSPath const& name ) { T_FSPath extra; T_FSPath const* absPath; T_FSPath const* relPath; if ( name.isAbsolute( ) ) { extra = name.makeRelative( Common::Project( ).basePath( ) ); absPath = &name; relPath = &extra; } else { extra = Common::Project( ).pathOf( name ); absPath = &extra; relPath = &name; } auto const* const existing( inputs_.get( *relPath ) ); if ( existing ) { return existing->get( ); } T_ShaderInput ni; if ( !ni.load( *absPath ) ) { return nullptr; } inputs_.add( *relPath , NewOwned< T_ShaderInput >( std::move( ni ) ) ); return inputs_.get( *relPath )->get( ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::dereferencePipeline( T_String const& id ) { auto& pipeline( *pipelines_.get( id ) ); assert( pipeline.references > 0 ); pipeline.references --; if ( pipeline.references > 0 ) { return; } if ( pipeline.id != 0 ) { glDeleteProgramPipelines( 1 , &pipeline.id ); pipeline.id = 0; } for ( auto const& pName : pipeline.programs ) { auto const* pos( programIndex_.get( pName ) ); assert( pos ); dereferenceProgram( *pos , id ); } pipelines_.remove( pipeline.idString ); } void T_ShaderManager::dereferenceProgram( const uint32_t index , T_String const& pipeline ) { auto& program( programs_[ index ] ); auto& refs( program.plReferences ); const auto plidx( refs.indexOf( pipeline ) ); assert( plidx >= 0 ); refs.remove( plidx ); if ( !refs.empty( ) || program.saReferences ) { return; } resetProgram( program ); programIndex_.remove( program.name ); } void T_ShaderManager::dereferenceProgram( const uint32_t index ) { auto& program( programs_[ index ] ); assert( program.saReferences > 0 ); program.saReferences --; if ( program.saReferences || !program.plReferences.empty( ) ) { return; } resetProgram( program ); programIndex_.remove( program.name ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::initPipeline( T_Pipeline_& pipeline ) const { assert( pipeline.id == 0 ); printf( "init pipeline %s\n" , pipeline.idString.toOSString( ).data( ) ); constexpr auto nst{ size_t( E_ShaderType::__COUNT__ ) }; int32_t programs[ nst ]; for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nst ; i ++ ) { programs[ i ] = -1; } for ( auto const& pName : pipeline.programs ) { const uint32_t pid( *programIndex_.get( pName ) ); auto const& program( programs_[ pid ] ); if ( programs[ int( program.code.type ) ] != -1 || program.id == 0 ) { printf( "... failed\n" ); return; } programs[ int( program.code.type ) ] = pid; } GLuint id( 0 ); GL_CHECK( {} ); glGenProgramPipelines( 1 , &id ); GL_CHECK( return ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nst ; i ++ ) { const auto pid( programs[ i ] ); if ( pid == -1 ) { continue; } auto& program( programs_[ pid ] ); const GLbitfield type( PipelineStages_[ int( program.code.type ) ] ); glUseProgramStages( id , type , program.id ); } GL_CHECK({ glDeleteProgramPipelines( 1 , &id ); printf( "... failed\n" ); return; }); pipeline.id = id; printf( "... success\n" ); } void T_ShaderManager::initProgram( T_Program_& program ) { assert( program.id == 0 ); // Build the code auto name( program.name ); printf( "init program %s\n" , program.name.toString( ).toOSString( ).data( ) ); auto& code( program.code ); T_CodeBuilder_ cb{ [this]( T_FSPath const& n ) { return getInput( n ); } , name , code }; const bool built{ cb.buildCode( ) }; // Initialise file watcher + missing files program.watch = T_WatchedFiles{ Common::Watcher( ) , [this,name]() { programUpdated( name ); } }; const auto nf( code.files.size( ) ); auto& w( *( program.watch.target( ) ) ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nf ; i ++ ) { T_FSPath const& fn( code.files.keys( )[ i ] ); if ( code.files.values( )[ i ] ) { w.watch( Common::Project( ).pathOf( fn ) ); } else { auto& mset( missing_.getOrCreate( fn ) ); if ( !mset.contains( name ) ) { mset.add( name ); } } } if ( !( built && code.errors.empty( ) ) ) { printf( "... failed\n" ); return; } buildProgram( program ); } void T_ShaderManager::initBuiltinProgram( T_Program_& program , E_ShaderType type , char const* source ) { auto name( program.name ); printf( "init built-in program %s\n" , program.name.toString( ).substr( 1 ).toOSString( ).data( ) ); program.code.code << source << '\0'; program.code.type = type; program.code.counts.add( UINT32_MAX ); program.code.starts.add( 0 ); program.code.sources.add( program.name ); buildProgram( program ); } void T_ShaderManager::buildProgram( T_Program_& program ) { // Try to compile the program auto& code( program.code ); auto const& name( program.name ); char const* const list[] = { program.code.code.data( ) }; const GLenum sid = glCreateShaderProgramv( ProgramTypes_[ int( code.type ) ] , 1 , &list[ 0 ] ); if ( sid == 0 ) { code.errors.addNew( name , 0 , "failed to create GL program" ); return; } // Read and convert the log int infoLogLength( 0 ); glGetProgramiv( sid , GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , &infoLogLength ); if ( infoLogLength ) { char buffer[ infoLogLength + 1 ]; glGetProgramInfoLog( sid , infoLogLength , nullptr , buffer ); char* start( buffer ); char* found( strchr( buffer , '\n' ) ); while ( found ) { *found = 0; parseGLSLError( code , start ); start = found + 1; found = strchr( start , '\n' ); } if ( start < &buffer[ infoLogLength - 1 ] ) { parseGLSLError( code , start ); } } // Did it link? GLint lnk( 0 ); glGetProgramiv( sid , GL_LINK_STATUS , &lnk ); if ( lnk ) { program.id = sid; printf( "... success\n" ); } else { glDeleteProgram( sid ); } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::parseGLSLError( T_ShaderCode& code , char const* errorLine ) { assert( !code.sources.empty( ) ); std::cmatch m; uint32_t rawLine; if ( std::regex_match( errorLine , m , GLSLErrorNv_ ) ) { rawLine = atoi( m[ 1 ].str( ).c_str( ) ); } else { rawLine = 0; } uint32_t check = 0 , pos = 0; while ( pos < code.starts.size( ) && check < rawLine ) { check += code.counts[ pos ]; pos ++; } code.errors.addNew( pos == 0 ? T_FSPath{ "*unknown*" } : code.sources[ pos - 1 ] , pos == 0 ? 0 : ( rawLine + code.counts[ pos - 1 ] - check + code.starts[ pos - 1 ] ) , errorLine ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::programUpdated( T_FSPath const& name ) { if ( !updates_.contains( name ) ) { updates_.add( name ); } } void T_ShaderManager::resetProgram( T_Program_& program ) { if ( program.watch ) { program.watch->clear( ); } if ( program.id != 0 ) { glDeleteProgram( program.id ); program.id = 0; return; } auto const& files( program.code.files ); const auto nf( files.size( ) ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nf ; i ++ ) { T_FSPath const& k{ files.keys( )[ i ] }; bool v{ files[ i ] }; auto* const ptr( missing_.get( k ) ); if ( v || !ptr ) { continue; } auto& set( *ptr ); const auto index( set.indexOf( program.name ) ); if ( index != -1 ) { set.removeSwap( index ); if ( set.empty( ) ) { missing_.remove( k ); } } } } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void T_ShaderManager::makeUI( ) { if ( !uiEnabled_ ) { return; } using namespace ImGui; auto const& dspSize( GetIO( ).DisplaySize ); SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , dspSize.y * .34f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing ); SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y * .66f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing ); Begin( "Shaders" , &uiEnabled_ , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse ); const auto n( std::count_if( programs_.begin( ) , programs_.end( ) , []( auto const& p ) { return ( !p.plReferences.empty( ) || p.saReferences != 0 ) && p.name.isValid( ); } ) ); std::vector< size_t > indices; const auto rn = programs_.size( ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < rn ; i ++ ) { auto const& p( programs_[ i ] ); if ( ( !p.plReferences.empty( ) || p.saReferences ) && p.name.isValid( ) ) { indices.push_back( i ); } } std::sort( indices.begin( ) , indices.end( ) , [this]( size_t a , size_t b ) { auto const& pa( programs_[ a ] ); auto const& pb( programs_[ b ] ); if ( pa.code.errors.size( ) != pb.code.errors.size( ) ) { return pa.code.errors.size( ) > pb.code.errors.size( ); } if ( pa.plReferences.size( ) != pb.plReferences.size( ) ) { return pa.plReferences.size( ) > pb.plReferences.size( ); } return programs_[ a ].name < programs_[ b ].name; } ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) { auto const& program( programs_[ indices[ i ] ] ); const auto nErrors( program.code.errors.size( ) ); const bool open( nErrors ? TreeNodeEx( &program , ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnArrow | ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_OpenOnDoubleClick , "%s" , program.name.toString( ).toOSString( ).data( ) ) : false ); if ( !nErrors ) { Text( "%s" , program.name.toString( ).toOSString( ).data( ) ); } SameLine( 400 ); Text( "Usage: %u" , program.plReferences.size( ) + program.saReferences ); SameLine( 550 ); if ( program.code.errors.empty( ) ) { PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text , ImVec4( .6 , 1 , .6 , 1 ) ); Text( "No errors" ); } else { PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text , ImVec4( 1 , .6 , .6 , 1 ) ); Text( "%u error%s" , nErrors , nErrors > 1 ? "s" : "" ); } PopStyleColor( ); if ( open ) { for ( auto const& err : program.code.errors ) { NewLine( ); SameLine( 50 ); Text( "%s" , err.source.makeRelative( Common::Project( ).basePath( ) ).toString( ).toOSString( ).data( ) ); SameLine( 350 ); Text( "line %d" , err.line ); SameLine( 470 ); Text( "%s" , err.error.toOSString( ).data( ) ); } TreePop( ); } } End( ); }