#include "externals.hh" #include "demo.hh" #include "sync.hh" #include "rendertarget.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "ops.hh" #include "opcomp.hh" #include #include #warning remove this later #include "syncoverrides.hh" bool T_Demo::initialise( const uint32_t w , const uint32_t h ) { width = w; height = h; return program && runInit( *program ); } void T_Demo::render( ) { if ( Globals::Ops( ).hasNewProgram( ) ) { auto nProgram{ Globals::Ops( ).program( ) }; if ( runInit( *nProgram ) ) { program = std::move( nProgram ); } } auto& sync( Globals::Sync( ) ); if ( playing ) { const float time = SDL_GetTicks( ) * 1e-3; if ( playingPrevious ) { sync.timeDelta( time - lastFrame ); playing = !sync.finished( ); } lastFrame = time; } playingPrevious = playing; if ( context && !context->aborted ) { try { context->run( ops::T_OpContext::R_RENDER , sync.time( ) , width , height ); } catch ( ops::X_OpFailure const& fail ) { printf( "FAILED TO RUN FRAME!\n\t%s\n" , fail.what( ) ); context->aborted = true; } } } void T_Demo::handleDND( ImVec2 const& move , const bool hasCtrl , const bool hasShift , const bool lmb // Left mouse button ) { } void T_Demo::handleWheel( const float wheel , const bool hasCtrl , const bool hasShift ) { } bool T_Demo::runInit( ops::T_OpProgram& p ) { auto nContext{ NewOwned< ops::T_OpContext >( p ) }; try { nContext->run( ops::T_OpContext::R_INIT , 0 , width , height ); } catch ( ops::X_OpFailure const& fail ) { printf( "FAILED TO RUN INIT!\n\t%s\n" , fail.what( ) ); nContext.clear( ); } if ( !nContext ) { return false; } context = std::move( nContext ); Globals::Sync( ).clearInputs( ); const auto n( context->initialInputs.size( ) ); assert( n == p.inputs.size( ) ); for ( auto i = 0u ; i < n ; i ++ ) { Globals::Sync( ).addInput( p.inputs[ i ] , context->initialInputs[ i ] ); #ifdef INVASIVE_TRACES printf( "#%d %s pos %d\n" , i , p.inputs[ i ].toOSString( ).data( ) , Globals::Sync( ).inputPos( p.inputs[ i ] ) ); #endif //INVASIVE_TRACES } Globals::Sync( ).updateCurveCaches( ); if ( context->installOverrides ) { Globals::Sync( ).mergeOverrides( *( context->installOverrides ) ); context->installOverrides.clear( ); } return true; }