Optimizer - Partial constant folding
Handles: * size vars in fixed size mode, * unary operators with constant argument, * binary operators with constant arguments. Doesn't handle as of yet: * constant inputs, * folding chained, compatible binary operators, e.g. (X-2)+(3-Y)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 193 additions and 56 deletions
@ -35,16 +35,33 @@ struct T_ConstantFolder_
bool operator()( A_Node& node , bool exit ) noexcept;
using F_ExprGet_ = std::function< A_ExpressionNode&( A_Node& ) >;
using F_ExprSet_ = std::function< void( A_Node& , P_ExpressionNode ) >;
void handleParentNode(
typename T
> void handleParentNode(
A_Node& node ,
F_ExprGet_ get ,
F_ExprSet_ set ) noexcept;
std::function< A_ExpressionNode&( T& ) > get ,
std::function< void( T& , P_ExpressionNode ) > set ) noexcept;
P_ExpressionNode checkExpression(
A_ExpressionNode const& node ) noexcept;
A_ExpressionNode& node ) noexcept;
// Handle identifiers. If the size is fixed and the identifier is
// either width or height, replace it with the appropriate value.
P_ExpressionNode doIdExpr(
T_IdentifierExprNode& node ) noexcept;
// Transform an unary operator applied to a constant into a constant.
P_ExpressionNode doUnaryOp(
A_Node& parent ,
T_UnaryOperatorNode::E_Operator op ,
double value ) const noexcept;
// Transform a binary operator applied to a constant into a constant.
P_ExpressionNode doBinaryOp(
A_Node& parent ,
T_BinaryOperatorNode::E_Operator op ,
double left ,
double right ) const noexcept;
@ -60,33 +77,24 @@ bool T_ConstantFolder_::operator()(
switch ( node.type( ) ) {
case A_Node::TN_ARG:
handleParentNode( node ,
[]( A_Node& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& {
return ((T_ArgumentNode&)n).expression( );
} ,
[]( A_Node& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) {
((T_ArgumentNode&)n).expression( std::move( e ) );
} );
handleParentNode< T_ArgumentNode >(
node ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.expression( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.expression( std::move( e ) ); }
return false;
case A_Node::TN_CONDITION:
handleParentNode( node ,
[]( A_Node& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& {
return ((T_CondInstrNode::T_Expression&)n).expression( );
} ,
[]( A_Node& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) {
((T_CondInstrNode::T_Expression&)n).expression( std::move( e ) );
} );
handleParentNode< T_CondInstrNode::T_Expression >( node ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.expression( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.expression( std::move( e ) ); }
return false;
case A_Node::OP_SET:
handleParentNode( node ,
[]( A_Node& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& {
return ((T_SetInstrNode&)n).expression( );
} ,
[]( A_Node& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) {
((T_SetInstrNode&)n).setExpression( std::move( e ) );
} );
handleParentNode< T_SetInstrNode >( node ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.expression( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.setExpression( std::move( e ) ); } );
return false;
@ -94,56 +102,185 @@ bool T_ConstantFolder_::operator()(
void T_ConstantFolder_::handleParentNode(
A_Node& node ,
F_ExprGet_ get ,
F_ExprSet_ set ) noexcept
typename T
> void T_ConstantFolder_::handleParentNode(
A_Node& n ,
std::function< A_ExpressionNode&( T& ) > get ,
std::function< void( T& , P_ExpressionNode ) > set ) noexcept
auto& node{ (T&) n };
auto r{ checkExpression( get( node ) ) };
if ( r ) {
r->location( ) = node.location( );
set( node , std::move( r ) );
didFold = true;
P_ExpressionNode T_ConstantFolder_::checkExpression(
A_ExpressionNode const& node ) noexcept
A_ExpressionNode& node ) noexcept
#warning TODO optimize the fuck
// 1/ Replace inputs with value if no curve/constant curve
// Replace $width/$height with value if fixedSize
// 2/ Replace UnOp( Cnst ) with result
// Replace BinOp( Cnst , Cnst ) with result
// 3/ Try to find other optimisations, e.g. for Add( Cnst , Add( Cnst , Expr ) )
// Already a constant
if ( node.type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_CONST ) {
return {};
// Replace $width/$height with value if fixedSize
if ( node.type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_ID ) {
if ( !fixedSize ) {
return {};
return doIdExpr( (T_IdentifierExprNode&) node );
T_IdentifierExprNode& n{ (T_IdentifierExprNode&) node };
if ( n.id( ) == "width" ) {
auto c{ NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( n.parent( ) ,
double( fixedSize->first ) ) };
c->location( ) = n.location( );
return c;
if ( n.id( ) == "height" ) {
auto c{ NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( n.parent( ) ,
float( fixedSize->second ) ) };
c->location( ) = n.location( );
return c;
// Replace inputs with value if no curve/constant curve
if ( node.type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_INPUT ) {
// TODO: may be replaced with either a constant or a variable.
// * If the curve exists and describes a constant, it's a
// constant
// * If there is no curve and only one default value in the
// whole program then it's also a constant
// * No curve, multiple defaults -> variable
return {};
// Replace UnOp( Cnst ) with result
auto* const asUnary{ dynamic_cast< T_UnaryOperatorNode* >( &node ) };
if ( asUnary ) {
handleParentNode< T_UnaryOperatorNode >( *asUnary ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.argument( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.setArgument( std::move( e ) ); } );
if ( asUnary->argument( ).type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_CONST ) {
auto const& cn{ (T_ConstantExprNode const&) asUnary->argument( ) };
return doUnaryOp( asUnary->parent( ) , asUnary->op( ) ,
cn.floatValue( ) );
return {};
// Replace BinOp( Cnst , Cnst ) with result
auto* const asBinary{ dynamic_cast< T_BinaryOperatorNode* >( &node ) };
assert( asBinary && "Missing support for some expr subtype" );
handleParentNode< T_BinaryOperatorNode >( *asBinary ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.left( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.setLeft( std::move( e ) ); } );
handleParentNode< T_BinaryOperatorNode >( *asBinary ,
[]( auto& n ) -> A_ExpressionNode& { return n.right( ); } ,
[]( auto& n , P_ExpressionNode e ) { n.setRight( std::move( e ) ); } );
if ( asBinary->left( ).type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_CONST
&& asBinary->right( ).type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_CONST ) {
auto const& l{ (T_ConstantExprNode const&) asBinary->left( ) };
auto const& r{ (T_ConstantExprNode const&) asBinary->right( ) };
return doBinaryOp( asBinary->parent( ) , asBinary->op( ),
l.floatValue( ) , r.floatValue( ) );
return {};
P_ExpressionNode T_ConstantFolder_::doIdExpr(
T_IdentifierExprNode& node ) noexcept
if ( !fixedSize ) {
return {};
if ( node.id( ) == "width" ) {
return NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( node.parent( ) ,
double( fixedSize->first ) );
if ( node.id( ) == "height" ) {
return NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( node.parent( ) ,
float( fixedSize->second ) );
return {};
P_ExpressionNode T_ConstantFolder_::doUnaryOp(
A_Node& parent ,
const T_UnaryOperatorNode::E_Operator op ,
const double value ) const noexcept
const double rVal{ []( const auto op , const auto value ) {
switch ( op ) {
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::NEG:
return -value;
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::NOT:
return value ? 0. : 1.;
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::INV:
// TODO check if 0
return 1. / value;
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::COS:
return cos( value );
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::SIN:
return sin( value );
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::TAN:
// TODO check if valid
return tan( value );
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::SQRT:
// TODO check if >= 0
return sqrt( value );
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::LN:
// TODO check if > 0
return log( value );
case T_UnaryOperatorNode::EXP:
return exp( value );
fprintf( stderr , "invalid operator %d\n" , int( op ) );
std::abort( );
}( op , value ) };
return NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( parent , rVal );
P_ExpressionNode T_ConstantFolder_::doBinaryOp(
A_Node& parent ,
const T_BinaryOperatorNode::E_Operator op ,
const double left ,
const double right ) const noexcept
const double rVal{ []( const auto op , const auto l , const auto r ) {
switch ( op ) {
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::ADD:
return l + r;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::SUB:
return l - r;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::MUL:
return l * r;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::DIV:
// TODO: check r != 0
return l / r;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::POW:
// TODO check operands
return pow( l , r );
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_EQ:
return ( l == r ) ? 1. : 0.;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_NE:
return ( l != r ) ? 1. : 0.;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_GT:
return ( l > r ) ? 1. : 0.;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_GE:
return ( l >= r ) ? 1. : 0.;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_LT:
return ( l < r ) ? 1. : 0.;
case T_BinaryOperatorNode::CMP_LE:
return ( l <= r ) ? 1. : 0.;
fprintf( stderr , "invalid operator %d\n" , int( op ) );
std::abort( );
}( op , left , right ) };
return NewOwned< T_ConstantExprNode >( parent , rVal );
} // namespace <anon>
bool opopt::FoldConstants(
T_RootNode& root ,
Add table
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