Overrides - Color grading widget - Component mode
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 191 additions and 0 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#include "externals.hh"
#include "imgui_impl_sdl.h"
#include "demo.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
@ -176,6 +178,184 @@ void T_Main::handleCapture( )
bool CGCModeButton_(
char const* const name ,
const bool disabled )
using namespace ImGui;
if ( disabled ) {
PushItemFlag( ImGuiItemFlags_Disabled , true );
PushStyleVar( ImGuiStyleVar_Alpha , GetStyle( ).Alpha * 0.5f );
const bool rv( Button( name ) );
if ( disabled ) {
PopItemFlag( );
PopStyleVar( );
return rv;
bool CGCComponentBar_(
float* const value ,
const float base ,
const float unit ,
const ImVec4 color ,
char const* const label ) noexcept
using namespace ImGui;
const float BarWidth = 24.f;
const float BarHeight = 180.f;
const float fullWidth = CalcItemWidth( );
const ImVec2 labelSize = CalcTextSize( label );
const ImVec2 maxValueSize = CalcTextSize( "-9.99" );
// Compute bounding boxes
auto* const win( GetCurrentWindow( ) );
const ImVec2 cPos( win->DC.CursorPos );
const ImRect bbBar( cPos + ImVec2( ( fullWidth - BarWidth ) * .5f , 0 ) ,
cPos + ImVec2( ( fullWidth + BarWidth ) * .5f , BarHeight ) );
const ImRect bbLabel( cPos + ImVec2( 0 , BarHeight + 2 ) ,
cPos + ImVec2( fullWidth , BarHeight + labelSize.y + 2 ) );
const ImRect bbValue( ImVec2( cPos.x , bbLabel.Max.y + 2 ) ,
bbLabel.Max + ImVec2( 0 , maxValueSize.y + 2 ) );
const ImRect bbAll( cPos , bbValue.Max );
auto& style( GetStyle( ) );
auto id( win->GetID( label ) );
ItemSize( bbAll , style.FramePadding.y );
if ( !ItemAdd( bbAll , id ) ) {
return false;
const bool tabFocus{ FocusableItemRegister( win , id ) };
const bool hovered{ ItemHoverable( bbBar , id ) };
auto* const ctx( GetCurrentContext( ) );
if ( tabFocus || ( hovered && ctx->IO.MouseClicked[ 0 ] ) ) {
SetActiveID( id , win );
FocusWindow( win );
float nValue{ *value };
const bool active{ ctx->ActiveId == id };
if ( active ) {
if ( ctx->IO.MouseDown[ 0 ] ) {
const float mPos{ ctx->IO.MousePos.y };
const float clickPos{ 1.0f - ImClamp(
( mPos - bbBar.Min.y - 1 ) / ( BarHeight - 2 ) ,
0.0f , 1.0f ) };
nValue = base + unit * 2.f * clickPos;
} else {
ClearActiveID( );
} else if ( hovered && ctx->IO.KeyCtrl && ctx->IO.MouseWheel != 0.f ) {
nValue += unit * .01f * ctx->IO.MouseWheel;
ctx->IO.MouseWheel = 0.f;
//- DRAW ---------------------------------------------------------------
auto* const dl( GetWindowDrawList( ) );
const auto dispColor{ GetColorU32( ImVec4(
color.x * ( ( hovered || active ) ? 1.f : .5f ) ,
color.y * ( ( hovered || active ) ? 1.f : .5f ) ,
color.z * ( ( hovered || active ) ? 1.f : .5f ) ,
1 ) ) };
// Draw bar body
const ImU32 bgCol{ GetColorU32(
( ctx->ActiveId == id || hovered )
? ImVec4( .25f , .25f , .25f , 1.f )
: ImVec4( .1f , .1f , .1f , 1.f ) ) };
const ImU32 fCol{ GetColorU32(
( ctx->ActiveId == id || hovered )
? ImVec4( 1.f , 1.f , 1.f , 1.f )
: ImVec4( 0.f , 0.f , 0.f , 1.f ) ) };
dl->AddRectFilled( bbBar.Min , bbBar.Max , bgCol );
dl->AddRect( bbBar.Min , bbBar.Max , fCol );
// Draw colored area on bar
const float val( std::max( base , std::min( unit * 2 , nValue ) ) );
const float vy2( ( BarHeight - 2 ) * ( 1 - val / ( unit * 2 ) ) );
dl->AddRectFilled( bbBar.Min + ImVec2( 1 , BarHeight * .5 ) ,
bbBar.Min + ImVec2( BarWidth - 1 , 1 + vy2 ) ,
dispColor );
dl->AddLine( bbBar.Min + ImVec2( 1 , BarHeight * .5 ) ,
bbBar.Min + ImVec2( BarWidth - 1 , BarHeight * .5 ) ,
dispColor );
// Draw label & value
const char* tStart = &ctx->TempBuffer[ 0 ];
const char* tEnd = tStart + ImFormatString(
ctx->TempBuffer, IM_ARRAYSIZE( ctx->TempBuffer ),
"%.2f" , *value );
PushStyleColor( ImGuiCol_Text , dispColor );
RenderTextClipped( bbLabel.Min , bbLabel.Max ,
label , nullptr , nullptr ,
ImVec2( .5f , .5f ) );
RenderTextClipped( bbValue.Min , bbValue.Max ,
tStart , tEnd , nullptr ,
ImVec2( .5f , .5f ) );
PopStyleColor( );
if ( nValue != *value ) {
*value = val;
return true;
return false;
bool ColorGradingControls(
char const* const name ,
float* const red ,
float* const green ,
float* const blue ,
const float base = 0.f ,
const float unit = 1.f ) noexcept
using namespace ImGui;
assert( red && green && blue );
assert( unit > 0.f && "invalid unit" );
PushID( name );
BeginGroup( );
ImGuiWindow* const window{ GetCurrentWindow() };
ImGuiStorage* const storage{ window->DC.StateStorage };
const bool wheelMode{ storage->GetBool( window->GetID( name ) ) };
// Mode selection
bool modeChanged{ false };
modeChanged = CGCModeButton_( "Components" , !wheelMode );
SameLine( );
modeChanged = CGCModeButton_( "Color wheel" , wheelMode ) || modeChanged;
if ( modeChanged ) {
storage->SetBool( window->GetID( name ) , !wheelMode );
bool changed;
if ( wheelMode ^ modeChanged ) {
changed = false;
#warning implement the fuck
} else {
PushItemWidth( -1 );
PushMultiItemsWidths( 3 );
changed = CGCComponentBar_( red , base , unit , ImVec4( 1 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) , "R" );
PopItemWidth( );
SameLine( 0 , GetStyle( ).ItemInnerSpacing.x );
changed = CGCComponentBar_( green , base , unit , ImVec4( 0 , 1 , 0 , 0 ) , "G" )
|| changed;
PopItemWidth( );
SameLine( 0 , GetStyle( ).ItemInnerSpacing.x );
changed = CGCComponentBar_( blue , base , unit , ImVec4( .3 , .3 , 1 , 0 ) , "B" )
|| changed;
PopItemWidth( );
PopItemWidth( );
EndGroup( );
PopID( );
return changed;
void T_Main::makeUI( )
using namespace ImGui;
@ -207,6 +387,17 @@ void T_Main::makeUI( )
Globals::Shaders( ).makeUI( );
Globals::Sync( ).makeOverridesWindow( );
Globals::Sync( ).makeSequencerWindow( );
#warning color grading widget test
static float cgRed = 1 , cgGreen = 1 , cgBlue = 1;
static float wtf[ 3 ] = { 0 , 0 , 0 };
auto const& dspSize( GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 300 , 300 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( ( dspSize.x - 300 ) / 2 , (dspSize.y - 300)/2 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
Begin( "Test!" , nullptr , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse );
ColorEdit3( "yo" , wtf );
ColorGradingControls( "lolwut" , &cgRed , &cgGreen , &cgBlue );
End( );
void T_Main::render( )
Add table
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