UI - Window sizes changed

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel BENOîT 2017-11-21 16:30:15 +01:00
parent a61f573d96
commit 608d08d252
5 changed files with 8 additions and 22 deletions

View file

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ void T_OutputDebugger::makeUI( )
using namespace ImGui;
auto const& dspSize( GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 300 , dspSize.y - 170 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x * .25f , dspSize.y * .66f - 20 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , 20 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
Begin( "Output debugger" , &enabled_ , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse );

View file

@ -118,10 +118,8 @@ void T_Profiler::makeUI( )
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , 150 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y - 150 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , dspSize.y * .34f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y * .66f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
ImGui::Begin( "Profiler" , &uiEnabled_ , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse );
ImGui::BeginChild( "left" , ImVec2( 180 , 0 ) , true );

View file

@ -1113,8 +1113,8 @@ void T_ShaderManager::makeUI( )
using namespace ImGui;
auto const& dspSize( GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , 150 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y - 150 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , dspSize.y * .34f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y * .66f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
Begin( "Shaders" , &uiEnabled_ , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse );
const auto n( std::count_if( programs_.begin( ) , programs_.end( ) ,

View file

@ -727,7 +727,7 @@ void T_SyncManager::makeOverridesWindow( )
using namespace ImGui;
auto const& dspSize( GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 300 , dspSize.y - 170 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x * .25f , dspSize.y * .66f - 20 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , 20 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
Begin( "Input overrides" , &ovWindow_ ,
ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse );

View file

@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ bool T_SyncViewImpl_::display( ) noexcept
auto& sync( Globals::Sync( ) );
// Window set-up
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , 150 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y - 150 ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , dspSize.y * .34f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y * .66f ) , ImGuiSetCond_Appearing );
bool displayed{ true };
Begin( "Sequencer" , &displayed , ImGuiWindowFlags_NoCollapse
| ImGuiWindowFlags_NoScrollWithMouse );
@ -92,18 +92,6 @@ bool T_SyncViewImpl_::display( ) noexcept
PopID( );
const float d( sync.duration( ) );
float tm( sync.time( ) );
SameLine( );
PushID( "sequencer" );
PushItemWidth( -1 );
if ( SliderFloat( "" , &tm , 0 , d , "%.1fs" ) ) {
sync.setTime( tm );
sync.playing( ) = sync.playing( ) && !sync.finished( );
PopItemWidth( );
PopID( );
PushItemWidth( -1 );
sequencerWidget( );
PopItemWidth( );