
193 lines
4.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "externals.hh"
#include "control.hh"
#include <ebcl/Algorithms.hh>
using namespace ebcl;
using namespace ops;
using namespace opast;
namespace {
struct T_CompilerImpl_
T_Visitor< A_Node > astVisitor{ ASTVisitorBrowser };
T_Set< uint32_t > constants{ UseTag< IndexBacked< > >( ) };
T_ParserOutput* input;
P_OpProgram output;
uint32_t fiVariables , fiFramebuffers ,
fiPipelines , fiPrograms ,
fiSamplers , fiTextures;
P_OpProgram compile(
T_ParserOutput const& input ) noexcept;
void gatherConstants( ) noexcept;
void countAssets( ) noexcept;
bool compileNode( uint32_t funcIndex ,
A_Node& node ,
bool exit ) noexcept;
P_OpProgram T_CompilerImpl_::compile(
T_ParserOutput const& in ) noexcept
input = const_cast< T_ParserOutput* >( &in );
output = NewOwned< T_OpProgram >( );
// Gather all constants used in expressions, count resources
gatherConstants( );
countAssets( );
// Get function indices
// FIXME ideally we should remap functions so that init is always 0
// and frame is always 1
output->init = input->root.functionIndex( "*init*" );
output->frame = input->root.functionIndex( "*frame*" );
printf( "function indices\n\t%d\tinit\n\t%d\tframe\n" ,
output->init , output->frame );
// Compile each function
uint32_t cfi;
for ( cfi = 0u ; cfi < input->root.nFunctions( ) ; cfi ++ ) {
output-> );
auto& func( input->root.function( cfi ) );
printf( "compiling function %s\n" , ).toOSString( ).data( ) );
astVisitor.visit( func ,
[=]( A_Node& node , const bool exit ) -> bool {
return compileNode( cfi , node , exit );
} );
return std::move( output );
void T_CompilerImpl_::gatherConstants( ) noexcept
constants.clear( );
astVisitor.visit( input->root , [&]( A_Node& node , const bool exit ) {
if ( exit && node.type( ) == A_Node::EXPR_CONST ) {
T_OpValue value;
value.f = dynamic_cast< T_ConstantExprNode& >( node ).floatValue( );
if ( value.f != 0 && value.f != 1 ) {
constants.add( value.u );
return true;
} );
printf( "%d constants\n" , constants.size( ) );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < constants.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
printf( " %08x" , constants[ i ] );
if ( i % 4 == 3 ) {
printf( "\n" );
if ( constants.size( ) % 4 ) {
printf( "\n" );
void T_CompilerImpl_::countAssets( ) noexcept
auto const nt{ input->types.size( ) };
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nt ; i ++ ) {
const auto t{ input->types.values( )[ i ] };
switch ( t ) {
case E_DataType::FRAMEBUFFER:
output->nFramebuffers ++;
case E_DataType::PIPELINE:
output->nPipelines ++;
case E_DataType::PROGRAM:
output->nPrograms ++;
case E_DataType::SAMPLER:
output->nSamplers ++;
case E_DataType::TEXTURE:
output->nTextures ++;
case E_DataType::VARIABLE:
output->nVariables ++;
case E_DataType::INPUT:
assert( !output->inputs.contains(
input->types.keys( )[ i ] ) );
output->inputs.add( input->types.keys( )[ i ] );
case E_DataType::BUILTIN:
case E_DataType::UNKNOWN:
fiVariables = 3 + constants.size( );
fiFramebuffers = fiVariables + output->nVariables;
fiPipelines = fiFramebuffers + output->nFramebuffers;
fiPrograms = fiPipelines + output->nPipelines;
fiSamplers = fiPrograms + output->nPrograms;
fiTextures = fiSamplers + output->nSamplers;
printf( "assets\n\t%d framebuffers\n\t%d pipelines\n"
"\t%d programs\n\t%d samplers\n\t%d textures\n"
"\t%d variables\n\t%d inputs\n" ,
output->nFramebuffers , output->nPipelines ,
output->nPrograms , output->nSamplers ,
output->nTextures , output->nVariables ,
output->inputs.size( ) );
printf( "table ranges\n\t0\t2\tBuilt-ins\n"
"\t%d\t%d\tTextures\n" ,
fiVariables - 1 , fiVariables , fiFramebuffers - 1 , fiFramebuffers ,
fiPipelines - 1 , fiPipelines , fiPrograms - 1 , fiPrograms ,
fiSamplers - 1 , fiSamplers , fiTextures - 1 , fiTextures ,
fiTextures + output->nTextures - 1 );
bool T_CompilerImpl_::compileNode(
const uint32_t funcIndex ,
A_Node& node ,
const bool exit ) noexcept
return false;
/*= T_Compiler =================================================================*/
T_Compiler::T_Compiler( ) noexcept
: A_PrivateImplementation( new T_CompilerImpl_( ) )
{ }
P_OpProgram T_Compiler::compile(
T_ParserOutput const& input ) noexcept
return p< T_CompilerImpl_ >( ).compile( input );