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2017-10-07 16:56:20 +02:00
#include "externals.hh"
#include "sync.hh"
/*= T_SyncTime ===============================================================*/
void T_SyncTime::setDuration(
__rd__ const float uDuration ,
__rd__ const uint32_t iDuration )
this->uDuration = std::max( 1e-3f , uDuration );
this->iDuration = std::max( 1u , iDuration );
time = std::min( time , duration( ) );
2017-10-30 18:29:52 +01:00
/*= T_SyncCurves =============================================================*/
void T_SyncCurves::clear( )
curves.clear( );
positions.clear( );
bool T_SyncCurves::addCurve( __rd__ T_SyncCurve curve )
const auto p( positions.find( ) );
if ( p == positions.end( ) ) {
positions.emplace( , curves.size( ) );
curves.emplace_back( std::move( curve ) );
return true;
return false;
int32_t T_SyncCurves::indexOf( __rd__ std::string const& name )
const auto p( positions.find( name ) );
return p == positions.end( ) ? -1 : p->second;
/*= T_SyncCurveCache =========================================================*/
__rd__ T_SyncTime const& time ,
__rd__ T_SyncCurves const& curves ,
__rd__ const uint32_t curve ) noexcept
: curve( curve ) , curPos( 0 )
auto const& c( curves.curves[ curve ] );
const auto ns( c.segments.size( ) );
assert( ns > 0 );
uint32_t s = 0;
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < ns ; i ++ ) {
auto const& v( c.segments[ i ] );
assert( v.nPoints >= 2 );
assert( v.durations.size( ) == v.nPoints - 1 );
const auto nd( v.nPoints - 1 );
for ( auto j = 0u ; j < nd ; j ++ ) {
const auto sStart( s * time.uDuration );
if ( time.time >= sStart ) {
curPos = segStarts.size( );
segStarts.push_back( sStart );
segRefs.push_back( std::make_pair( i , j ) );
s += v.durations[ j ];
segEnds.push_back( std::min( s , time.iDuration ) * time.uDuration );
if ( s > time.iDuration ) {
uint32_t T_SyncCurveCache::findSegment(
__rd__ const float time ) const noexcept
const auto ns( segStarts.size( ) );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < ns ; i ++ ) {
if ( segStarts[ i ] <= time && segEnds[ i ] > time ) {
return i;
return ns;
float T_SyncCurveCache::valueAt(
__rd__ T_SyncTime const& time ,
__rd__ T_SyncCurves const& curves ,
__rd__ const float position ) const noexcept
return segmentValue( time.time , findSegment( position ) ,
curves.curves[ curve ].segments );
float T_SyncCurveCache::value(
__rd__ T_SyncTime const& time ,
__rd__ T_SyncCurves const& curves ) noexcept
const auto t( time.time );
// Check / update curPos
const float ss0( curPos == segStarts.size( )
? time.duration( )
: segStarts[ curPos ] );
if ( ss0 > t ) {
curPos = findSegment( t );
} else {
while ( curPos < segStarts.size( ) && t >= segEnds[ curPos ] ) {
curPos ++;
// We got the actual index in curPos, now compute the value.
return segmentValue( t , curPos , curves.curves[ curve ].segments );
float T_SyncCurveCache::segmentValue(
__rd__ float time ,
__rd__ uint32_t segIndex ,
__rd__ std::vector< T_SyncSegment > const& segments ) const noexcept
const auto sss( segStarts.size( ) );
if ( segIndex >= sss ) {
assert( sss != 0 );
segIndex = sss - 1;
time = segEnds[ segIndex ];
auto const& idxp( segRefs[ segIndex ] );
auto const& seg( segments[ idxp.second ] );
// Interpolation factor
const float st( segStarts[ segIndex ] );
const float et( segEnds[ segIndex ] );
const float v0 = ( time - st ) / ( et - st );
float v = v0;
if ( seg.type != T_SyncSegment::LINEAR ) {
v *= v0;
if ( seg.type == T_SyncSegment::SMOOTH ) {
v *= 3 - 2 * v0;
const auto pid( idxp.second );
const float sv( seg.values[ pid ] );
const float ev( seg.values[ pid + 1 ] );
return v * ( ev - sv ) + sv;
/*= T_SyncValues =============================================================*/
T_SyncValues::T_SyncValues( )
values.push_back( 0 );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void T_SyncValues::clear( )
identifiers.clear( );
values.clear( );
overriden.clear( );
positions.clear( );
values.push_back( 0 );
bool T_SyncValues::addValue(
__rd__ std::string const& name ,
__rd__ const float initial )
const auto np( positions.find( name ) );
if ( np != positions.end( ) ) {
return false;
const auto li( values.size( ) - 1 );
positions.emplace( name , li );
identifiers.push_back( name );
values.push_back( initial );
std::swap( values[ li ] , values[ li + 1 ] );
overriden.push_back( false );
return true;
uint32_t T_SyncValues::indexOf(
__rd__ std::string const& name ) const
const auto np( positions.find( name ) );
if ( np == positions.end( ) ) {
return values.size( ) - 1;
} else {
return np->second;
/*= T_SyncManager ============================================================*/
void T_SyncManager::setDuration(
__rd__ const float uDuration ,
__rd__ const uint32_t iDuration )
time_.setDuration( uDuration , iDuration );
updateCurveCaches( );
void T_SyncManager::setTime(
__rd__ const float time )
time_.setTime( time );
updateValues( );
void T_SyncManager::updateCurveCaches( )
curveCaches_.clear( );
const uint32_t nv( values_.identifiers.size( ) );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nv ; i ++ ) {
auto const& id( values_.identifiers[ i ] );
const auto cp( curves_.indexOf( id ) );
if ( cp < 0 ) {
curveCaches_.emplace_back( );
} else {
curveCaches_.emplace_back( new T_SyncCurveCache(
time_ , curves_ , cp
) );
updateValues( );
void T_SyncManager::updateValues( )
const auto nv( values_.identifiers.size( ) );
assert( nv == curveCaches_.size( ) );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nv ; i ++ ) {
auto const& cc( curveCaches_[ i ] );
if ( !cc || values_.overriden[ i ] ) {
values_.values[ i ] = cc->value( time_ , curves_ );
#if 0
2017-10-23 11:03:38 +02:00
void T_SyncManager::makeUI( )
auto const& dspSize( ImGui::GetIO( ).DisplaySize );
if ( wOverrides ) {
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( 300 , dspSize.y - 300 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Once );
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , 150 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Once );
ImGui::Begin( "Input overrides" );
displayOvSections( uiRoot , true );
ImGui::End( );
if ( wCurves ) {
ImGui::SetNextWindowSize( ImVec2( dspSize.x , 150 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Once );
ImGui::SetNextWindowPos( ImVec2( 0 , dspSize.y - 150 ) ,
ImGuiSetCond_Once );
ImGui::Begin( "Curve editor" );
// XXX contents
ImGui::End( );
void T_SyncManager::displayOvSections(
__rw__ T_SyncUISections& sections ,
__rd__ const bool topLevel )
for ( auto& s : sections ) {
const bool display( topLevel
? ImGui::CollapsingHeader( s->title.c_str( ) )
: ImGui::TreeNode( s->title.c_str( ) ) );
if ( !display ) {
displayOvSections( s->subsections );
if ( s->subsections.size( ) && s->overrides.size( ) ) {
ImGui::Separator( );
displayOvControls( s->overrides );
if ( !topLevel ) {
ImGui::TreePop( );
void T_SyncManager::displayOvControls(
__rw__ T_SyncUIOverrides& overrides )
for ( auto& o : overrides ) {
// XXX enable override checkbox should be selected and disabled
// if there is no curve
const bool changed( ImGui::Checkbox( "" , &o->enabled ) );
if ( changed ) {
// XXX mark the inputs as coming from the UI / the curves
ImGui::SameLine( );
switch ( o->type ) {
case T_SyncUIOverride::FLOAT:
case T_SyncUIOverride::VEC2:
case T_SyncUIOverride::VEC3:
case T_SyncUIOverride::VEC4:
case T_SyncUIOverride::INT:
case T_SyncUIOverride::COLOR:
case T_SyncUIOverride::COLOR_GRADING:
case T_SyncUIOverride::CAMERA: