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#pragma once
#include "c-sync.hh"
#include "c-undo.hh"
2017-11-22 14:14:49 +01:00
/*= GENERAL STRUCTURE FOR SYNC EDITOR UNDOS ==================================*/
class T_UndoSyncChanges : public A_UndoAction
struct T_CurveChange_
T_String inputId;
T_Optional< T_SyncCurve > before;
T_Optional< T_SyncCurve > after;
explicit T_CurveChange_( T_SyncCurve before ) noexcept
: inputId{ } ,
before{ std::move( before ) } ,
after{ }
T_CurveChange_( const bool ,
T_SyncCurve after ) noexcept
: inputId{ } , before{ } ,
after{ std::move( after ) }
T_CurveChange_( T_SyncCurve before ,
T_SyncCurve after ) noexcept
: inputId{ } ,
before{ std::move( before ) } ,
after{ std::move( after ) }
T_AutoArray< T_CurveChange_ , 4 , 32 > changes_;
T_UndoSyncChanges( ) noexcept = default;
DEF_MOVE( T_UndoSyncChanges );
NO_COPY( T_UndoSyncChanges );
void undo( ) const noexcept override;
void redo( ) const noexcept override;
T_UndoSyncChanges& curveCreation(
T_SyncCurve curve ) noexcept;
T_UndoSyncChanges& curveDeletion(
T_SyncCurve curve ) noexcept;
T_UndoSyncChanges& curveReplacement(
T_SyncCurve before ,
T_SyncCurve after ) noexcept;
2017-11-22 14:14:49 +01:00
/*= DURATION CHANGES =========================================================*/
class T_UndoDurationChanges final : public T_UndoSyncChanges
uint32_t unitsBefore_ , unitsAfter_;
float uSizeBefore_ , uSizeAfter_;
uint32_t units ,
uint32_t oldUnits ,
float unitSize ,
float oldUnitSize ) noexcept;
T_UndoDurationChanges( ) noexcept = delete;
DEF_MOVE( T_UndoDurationChanges );
NO_COPY( T_UndoDurationChanges );
void undo( ) const noexcept override;
void redo( ) const noexcept override;
/*= TRACK IDENTIFIER =========================================================*/
struct T_SyncTrackId
T_String id;
bool isOverride;
bool operator ==( T_SyncTrackId const& other ) const noexcept
return id == && isOverride == other.isOverride;
bool operator !=( T_SyncTrackId const& other ) const noexcept
return id != || isOverride != other.isOverride;
inline uint32_t ComputeHash( T_SyncTrackId const& id ) noexcept
return ComputeHash( ) ^ ( id.isOverride ? 0xffffffff : 0 );
2017-11-22 14:14:49 +01:00
/*= EDITION FUNCTIONS ========================================================*/
struct SyncEditor final
// Change the duration of the demo using the specified unit count and
// size. If scaleCurves is true and the unit size has changed, the
// curves' durations will be scaled so that the timings match as
// closely as possible.
static void SetDuration(
uint32_t units ,
float uSize ,
bool scaleCurves ) noexcept;
2017-11-26 13:46:46 +01:00
// Replaces a curve with a new record
static void ReplaceCurve(
T_SyncCurve replacement ) noexcept;
// Delete a curve's (or an override's) record completely.
static void DeleteCurve(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ) noexcept;
// Append a segment with the specified amount of units at the end of
// the curve. If the curve does not exist it will be created.
static void AppendSegment(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
uint32_t nsDuration ) noexcept;
// Delete a segment from a curve.
static void DeleteSegment(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
uint32_t segmentIndex ) noexcept;
// Change the type of a segment in a curve.
static void SetSegmentType(
T_SyncCurve const& initial ,
uint32_t segmentIndex ,
T_SyncSegment::E_SegmentType newType ) noexcept;
// Change the type of a segment for all inputs covered by an override.
static void SetSegmentTypes(
A_SyncOverride const& ovr ,
uint32_t segmentIndex ,
T_SyncSegment::E_SegmentType newType ) noexcept;
// Insert a point in a segment. The pointIndex parameter indicates the
// index of the new point; it must not be 0 or nbPoints( segment )
static void InsertPoint(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
uint32_t segmentIndex ,
uint32_t pointIndex ) noexcept;
// Delete a point from a segment. The point must not be the first or last
// point in the segment.
static void DeletePoint(
T_SyncTrackId const& id ,
uint32_t segmentIndex ,
uint32_t pointIndex ) noexcept;
// Make an override consistent by aligning all segment boundaries and
// durations on the first longest curve.
static void MakeOverrideConsistent(
T_String const& id ) noexcept;
2017-11-22 14:14:49 +01:00