
158 lines
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/* ABSTRACT SYNTAX TREE *******************************************************/
#include <ebcl/Types.hh>
#include <ebcl/Arrays.hh>
#include <ebcl/Algorithms.hh>
namespace ebcl {
/*= SYNTAX TREE ==============================================================*/
* A syntax tree has typed nodes; each nodes may have 0, 1 or more children
* of various types. In addition, a node may carry additional data. The type
* of the data associated to a given node is not known.
* Nodes are accessed using integer indices. The tree's root node is always at
* index 0.
// Node type (should be an enum)
typename NodeType ,
// Location type
typename LocationType ,
// Data storage size
size_t InPlaceSize = sizeof( void* )
> class T_SyntaxTree
using E_Node = NodeType;
using T_Location = LocationType;
using T_Self = T_SyntaxTree< NodeType , LocationType , InPlaceSize >;
static constexpr size_t StorageSize
= T_VariantExt< InPlaceSize >::StorageSize;
// A node, as seen from a visitor
struct T_Node
T_Self const& tree;
uint32_t node;
T_Node( ) = delete;
T_Node( T_Self const& tree , uint32_t node ) noexcept;
T_Node( T_Node const& other ) noexcept;
T_Node( T_Node&& other ) noexcept;
T_Node& operator =( T_Node const& other ) noexcept;
T_Node& operator =( T_Node&& other ) noexcept;
// Visitor type. "References" are actually values.
using T_Visitor = ::ebcl::T_Visitor< T_Node , T_Node >;
// Internal storage for nodes
struct T_Node_
// Node type
E_Node type;
// Index of the parent node
uint32_t parent;
// Location of the node
T_Location location;
// Indices of the node's children
T_AutoArray< uint32_t , 8 > children;
// Extra data storage
T_VariantExt< StorageSize > data;
explicit T_Node_( E_Node type ,
uint32_t parent ) noexcept;
T_Node_( T_Node_ const& ) = delete;
T_Node_& operator =( T_Node_ const& ) = delete;
T_Node_( T_Node_&& other ) noexcept;
T_Node_& operator =( T_Node_&& other ) noexcept;
T_Array< T_Node_ > nodes_;
// Create the syntax tree, specifying the type of the root node
explicit T_SyntaxTree( E_Node rootType ) noexcept;
// Copy is disabled
T_SyntaxTree( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_Self& operator =( T_Self const& other ) = delete;
// Move construction / assignment
T_SyntaxTree( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator =( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
// Swapping
T_Self& swap( T_Self& other ) noexcept;
// Get the type of a node
E_Node typeOf( uint32_t node ) const noexcept;
// Returns the index of a node's parent. The root node will always
// return its own index.
uint32_t parentOf( uint32_t node ) const noexcept;
// Access the list of children for a node
T_AutoArray< uint32_t , 8 > const& childrenOf(
uint32_t node ) const noexcept;
// Check whether some node contains data
bool hasData( uint32_t node ) const noexcept;
// Access the data stored inside a node
template< typename D >
D const& dataOf( uint32_t node ) const;
// Access a node's location
T_Location const& locationOf( uint32_t node ) const noexcept;
// Add a new child, return its index
uint32_t addChild(
uint32_t parent ,
E_Node type ) noexcept;
// Add data to a node
template< typename D , typename ... Args >
D& newData( uint32_t node , Args&& ... args );
// Access the data stored inside a node
template< typename D >
D& dataOf( uint32_t node );
// Access a node's location
T_Location& locationOf( uint32_t node ) noexcept;
// Return a visitor suitable for this syntax tree
T_Visitor visitor( ) const noexcept;
// Return the root node in a format that can be fed to a visitor
T_Node root( ) const noexcept;
template< typename T , typename L , size_t S >
void swap( T_SyntaxTree< T , L , S >& lhs ,
T_SyntaxTree< T , L , S >& rhs ) noexcept;
#include <ebcl/inline/SyntaxTree.hh>