
187 lines
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/* FILES **********************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_FILES
#define _H_EBCL_FILES
#include <ebcl/Filesystem.hh>
#include <ebcl/Streams.hh>
namespace ebcl {
/*= FILE ACCESS ==============================================================*/
enum class E_FileMode {
class T_File final
T_FSPath path_;
E_FileMode mode_;
FILE* file_;
size_t size_ , pos_;
T_File( );
// Construct from a file path. Does not open the file.
T_File( T_FSPath const& path , E_FileMode mode );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_File( T_File&& other ) noexcept;
T_File& operator= ( T_File&& other ) noexcept;
// Disabled copy constructor / assignment operator
T_File( T_File const& ) = delete;
T_File& operator= ( T_File const& ) = delete;
// Destructor - must close the file if it is open
~T_File( );
// Swapping
friend void swap( T_File& lhs , T_File& rhs ) noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the path
T_FSPath const& path( ) const noexcept;
// Get the mode
E_FileMode mode( ) const noexcept;
// Open the file. Throws an exception if that fails. Will be called
// automatically by most methods.
virtual void open( );
// Close the file. Never throws, even if the file's already closed or
// if closing fails.
void close( ) noexcept;
// Check if the file is open
bool isOpen( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the file's size
size_t size( ) const noexcept;
// Get the current file position
size_t position( ) const noexcept;
// Set the position relative to the start or the end of the file
void position( size_t position , bool fromEnd = false );
// Set the position relative to the current position
void move( ssize_t offset );
// Read/write methods
size_t read( void* data , size_t size );
size_t write( void const* data , size_t size );
// Flushing
void flush( );
/*= FILE STREAMS =============================================================*/
class T_FileInputStream final : public A_InputStream
RP_File fileRaw_;
OP_File fileOwned_;
size_t start_;
T_FileInputStream( ) = delete;
// Construct from a file instance
explicit T_FileInputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset = 0 ,
size_t limit = SIZE_MAX );
// Construct from a file owning pointer
explicit T_FileInputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset = 0 ,
size_t limit = SIZE_MAX );
// Copy constructor and assignment
T_FileInputStream( T_FileInputStream const& );
T_FileInputStream& operator= ( T_FileInputStream const& );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_FileInputStream( T_FileInputStream&& other ) noexcept;
T_FileInputStream& operator= ( T_FileInputStream&& other ) noexcept;
// Swapping
void swap( T_FileInputStream& rhs ) noexcept;
// Get the file
T_File& file( ) const noexcept;
// Get the start offset
size_t offset( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t read( void* data , size_t size ) override;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void init( ssize_t offset , size_t limit );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( FileInputStream );
class T_FileOutputStream final : public A_OutputStream
RP_File fileRaw_;
OP_File fileOwned_;
size_t start_;
T_FileOutputStream( ) = delete;
// Construct from a file.
explicit T_FileOutputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset = 0 );
// Construct from a file owning pointer
explicit T_FileOutputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset = 0 );
// Copy constructor and assignment
T_FileOutputStream( T_FileOutputStream const& );
T_FileOutputStream& operator= ( T_FileOutputStream const& );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_FileOutputStream( T_FileOutputStream&& other ) noexcept;
T_FileOutputStream& operator= ( T_FileOutputStream&& other ) noexcept;
// Swapping
void swap( T_FileOutputStream& rhs ) noexcept;
// Get the file
T_File& file( ) const noexcept;
// Get the start offset
size_t offset( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t write( void const* data , size_t size ) override;
void flush( ) override;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void init( ssize_t offset );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( FileOutputStream );
} // namespace ebcl
#endif // _H_EBCL_FILES
#include <ebcl/inline/Files.hh>