
240 lines
6.5 KiB

/* ALLOCATORS *****************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_ALLOC
#define _H_EBCL_ALLOC
#include <ebcl/Config.hh>
#include <ebcl/Utilities.hh>
#include <atomic>
namespace ebcl {
/* Helpers for pool allocators. */
struct T_PoolHelper
/* Storage type for an object */
size_t ObjectSize ,
size_t ObjectAlign
> using T_Object = std::aligned_storage_t< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign >;
/* List of object storage items. The storage type is assumed to
* have a void* field called list.
typename T_Storage ,
size_t ListSize
> struct T_List final
static constexpr size_t BitmapSize
= ( ListSize / 8 ) + ( ListSize % 8 ? 1 : 0 );
using T_Self = T_List< T_Storage , ListSize >;
T_Storage storage[ ListSize ]; // Stored data
T_Self* next; // Next list in chain
size_t free; // Free objects
uint8_t bitmap[ BitmapSize ]; // Allocation map
T_List( ) = delete;
T_List( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_List( T_Self&& ) = delete;
// Create a new list, replacing the chain's head
explicit T_List( T_Self*& head ) noexcept;
// Find an unused item in the list. The list must have free
// items.
T_Storage* findUnused( ) noexcept;
// Find the index of an item. The item must be part of the list.
size_t indexOf( T_Storage const* item ) noexcept;
// Destroy a complete chain of lists
static void destroy( T_Self*& head ) noexcept;
/* The core of a pool allocator */
typename T_Storage ,
size_t PerList ,
size_t MaxFreeLists
> struct T_Allocator final
static_assert( PerList > 1 , "allocator lists must contain at least 2 items" );
static_assert( MaxFreeLists > 0 , "allocator must have at least 1 free list" );
using T_List_ = T_List< T_Storage , PerList >;
using T_Self = T_Allocator< T_Storage , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// The chains
T_List_* free_;
T_List_* partial_;
T_List_* full_;
size_t nFree_;
T_Allocator( ) noexcept;
~T_Allocator( );
T_Allocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_Allocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
T_Storage* allocate( ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( T_Storage* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
/* Move a list of objects from one of the allocation lists to another. */
static void moveList(
T_List_* list ,
T_List_*& from ,
T_List_*& to ) noexcept;
/* Count the amount of lists in an allocation list */
static size_t countLists(
T_List_ const* head ) noexcept;
/* The pool allocator implements a thread-unsafe pool of objects, similar to a
* slab allocator.
size_t ObjectSize , size_t ObjectAlign ,
size_t PerList = std::max( size_t( 8 ) , 4096u / ObjectSize ) ,
size_t MaxFreeLists = 4
class T_PoolAllocator
using T_Self = T_PoolAllocator< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// Structure that stores a single allocated item
struct T_Storage_ final
T_PoolHelper::T_Object< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign > data;
void* list;
using T_Alloc_ = T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T_Storage_ , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
T_Alloc_ alloc_;
T_PoolAllocator( ) noexcept = default;
T_PoolAllocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_PoolAllocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
void* allocate( size_t requested ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( void* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
/* Pool allocator with multithreading support. Allocation is performed from
* a thread-specific pool allocator; when the memory is freed, the memory is
* either returned directly to the pool if the freeing thread is the same as
* the allocating thread, or queued for the original thread to free later.
size_t ObjectSize , size_t ObjectAlign ,
size_t PerList = std::max( size_t( 8 ) , 4096u / ObjectSize ) ,
size_t MaxFreeLists = 4
class T_ThreadedPoolAllocator
using T_Self = T_ThreadedPoolAllocator<
ObjectSize , ObjectAlign , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// Pointer to either the owning pool or the next object in the
// pending list
struct T_Storage_;
union T_ExtraPointer_
T_Storage_* next;
T_Self* pool;
// Structure that stores a single allocated item
struct T_Storage_ final
T_PoolHelper::T_Object< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign > data;
void* list;
T_ExtraPointer_ extra;
// The head for the "remote" freeing stack
struct T_FreeHead_ final
uintptr_t aba{ 0 };
T_Storage_* head{ nullptr };
// Atomic stack head, plus padding to prevent false sharing between
// the stack head and the actual allocator.
char padding_0_[ 64 ];
std::atomic< T_FreeHead_ > freeHead_;
char padding_1_[ 64 - sizeof( std::atomic< T_FreeHead_ > ) ];
using T_Alloc_ = T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator<
T_Storage_ , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
T_Alloc_ alloc_;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( ) noexcept = default;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
void* allocate( size_t requested ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( void* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
// Try to take an item from the stack.
T_Storage_* takeFromStack( ) noexcept;
// Add an item to the stack
void addToStack( T_Storage_* item ) noexcept;
#endif //_H_EBCL_ALLOC
#include <ebcl/inline/Alloc.hh>