Sets - Imported from prototype

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel BENOîT 2017-11-09 09:40:56 +01:00
parent 0bc11d32d7
commit cdbc81094d
3 changed files with 854 additions and 0 deletions

include/ebcl/Sets.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
/* SETS ***********************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_SETS
#define _H_EBCL_SETS
#include <ebcl/Arrays.hh>
#include <ebcl/HashIndex.hh>
namespace ebcl {
/*= SETS =====================================================================*/
// Implementation of a set of type Type. The actual implementation is
// determined by the ImplTag type
template< typename Type , typename ImplTag >
class T_SetImplementation;
// ArrayBacked implementation tag. InPlace is the amount of items to
// store in-place (0 will cause a fully dynamic array to be used)
uint32_t InPlace ,
uint32_t Growth = 0
// IndexBacked implementation tag - the implementation will use a
// T_HashIndex and an array. InitialSize and HashSize affect the index,
// Growth affects both the index and the array.
uint32_t InitialSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t HashSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t Growth = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_GROWTH );
// Templated horrors used by the main T_Set class.
struct T_SetHelper
// Default implementation to use; also determines the in-place
// storage size
using DefaultImplementation = IndexBacked< >;
// Default implementation class
template< typename Type
> using DefaultType = T_SetImplementation<
Type , DefaultImplementation >;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// In-place storage size
template< typename Type
> static constexpr auto DefaultSize{
sizeof( DefaultType< Type > ) };
// In-place storage alignment
template< typename Type
> static constexpr auto DefaultAlign{
alignof( DefaultType< Type > ) };
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementation handler operations
enum E_Operation
// New instance; output = storage
// Copy instance; output = storage, rArg = source
// Move instance; output = storage, wArg = source
// Destroy instance; wArg = storage
// Get size; rArg = storage, output = result
// Get index of element; wArg = storage, rArg = element, output = result
// Access an element; wArg = index , rArg = storage, output = pointer
// Add copy of element; wArg = storage, rArg = element, output = result
// Move & add element; wArg = storage, rArg = element, output = result
// Delete element; wArg = storage, rArg = element, output = result
// Free memory; wArg = storage
// Clear contents; wArg = storage
// Handler function type
using F_Handler = std::function<
void( E_Operation , void* , void const* , void* ) >;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Handler for in-place implementations
template< typename Type , typename Impl
> struct T_InPlaceHandler
static void shdl( E_Operation operation ,
void* wArg ,
void const* rArg ,
void* output );
// Handler for heap-allocated implementations
template< typename Type , typename Impl
> struct T_HeapHandler
static void shdl( E_Operation operation ,
void* wArg ,
void const* rArg ,
void* output );
// Use the in-place handler if the implementation data can fit into the
// in-place storage; otherwise use the heap-allocated handler.
typename Type , typename ImplTag ,
typename Impl = T_SetImplementation< Type , ImplTag >
> using T_Handler = std::conditional_t<
sizeof( Impl ) <= DefaultSize< Type > ,
T_InPlaceHandler< Type , ImplTag > ,
T_HeapHandler< Type , ImplTag >
// A set of elements of type Type
template< typename Type
> class T_Set
// Storage area for the implementation's data
T_SetHelper::DefaultSize< Type > ,
T_SetHelper::DefaultAlign< Type >
> storage_;
// Handler
T_SetHelper::F_Handler handler_;
// Default constructor, using the default implementation
T_Set( ) noexcept;
// Create a set with a specific implementation
template< typename Tag
> T_Set( UseTag< Tag > impl ) noexcept;
// Copy constructor / assignment
T_Set( T_Set const& other ) noexcept;
T_Set& operator =( T_Set const& other ) noexcept;
// Move constructor / assignment
T_Set( T_Set&& other ) noexcept;
T_Set& operator =( T_Set&& other ) noexcept;
~T_Set( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Returns amount of elements
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
// Checks if item is in the set
bool contains( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
// Returns underlying index of item, or -1 if not in the set
int32_t indexOf( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
// Access an element using its underlying index
Type const& operator[]( uint32_t index ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add copy of item, returns true if added
bool add( Type const& item ) noexcept;
// Add moved item, returns true if added
bool add( Type&& item ) noexcept;
// Remove item, returns true if removed
bool remove( Type const& item ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void clear( ) noexcept;
void free( ) noexcept;
#endif // _H_EBCL_SETS
#include <ebcl/inline/Sets.hh>

View file

@ -210,6 +210,27 @@ template< typename RT , typename... AT >
template< typename T >
using F_CFunc = typename T_CFunc< T >::type;
// Define a structure that can be used as a tag
#define M_DEFINE_TAG( NAME ) \
struct NAME { }
// Define a tag structure that can carry arguments
template< ARGS > \
// A structure that can be used to carry a tag structure instance
template< typename Tag >
struct UseTag
const Tag tag;
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
constexpr UseTag( ArgTypes&&... args ) noexcept
: tag( std::forward< ArgTypes >( args ) ... ) { }
/*= MACRO HORRORS ============================================================*/

include/ebcl/inline/Sets.hh Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,637 @@
/* SETS - INLINE CODE *********************************************************/
#include <ebcl/Sets.hh>
namespace ebcl {
/*= SET IMPLEMENTATION - FULLY DYNAMIC ARRAY =================================*/
template< typename Type , uint32_t Growth >
class T_SetImplementation< Type , ArrayBacked< 0 , Growth > >
T_Array< Type > data_;
template< uint32_t G = Growth , typename std::enable_if_t< G == 0 , int > = 0
> T_SetImplementation( ) noexcept;
template< uint32_t G = Growth , typename std::enable_if_t< G != 0 , int > = 0
> T_SetImplementation( ) noexcept;
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
Type const* access( uint32_t item ) const noexcept;
bool add( Type const& item ) noexcept;
bool add( Type&& item ) noexcept;
bool remove( Type const& item ) noexcept;
void free( ) noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
#define M_TMPL_ template< typename Type , uint32_t Growth >
#define M_TYPE_ T_SetImplementation< Type , ArrayBacked< 0 , Growth > >
template< uint32_t G , typename std::enable_if_t< G == 0 , int > >
M_TYPE_::T_SetImplementation( ) noexcept
: data_( )
{ }
template< uint32_t G , typename std::enable_if_t< G != 0 , int > >
M_TYPE_::T_SetImplementation( ) noexcept
: data_( Growth )
{ }
M_TMPL_ uint32_t M_TYPE_::size( ) const noexcept
return data_.size( );
M_TMPL_ int32_t M_TYPE_::indexOf(
Type const& item ) const noexcept
return data_.indexOf( item );
M_TMPL_ Type const* M_TYPE_::access(
const uint32_t item ) const noexcept
return &data_[ item ];
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto ok( indexOf( item ) == -1 );
if ( ok ) {
data_.add( item );
return ok;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type&& item ) noexcept
const auto ok( indexOf( item ) == -1 );
if ( ok ) {
data_.add( std::move( item ) );
return ok;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::remove(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto index( indexOf( item ) );
if ( index >= 0 ) {
data_.removeSwap( index );
return index >= 0;
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::free( ) noexcept
{ );
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::clear( ) noexcept
data_.clear( );
#undef M_TMPL_
#undef M_TYPE_
/*= SET IMPLEMENTATION - AUTOMATIC ARRAY =====================================*/
template< typename Type , uint32_t InPlace , uint32_t Growth >
class T_SetImplementation< Type , ArrayBacked< InPlace , Growth > >
T_AutoArray< Type , InPlace ,
Growth == 0 ? ( InPlace * 4 ) : Growth
> data_;
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
Type const* access( uint32_t item ) const noexcept;
bool add( Type const& item ) noexcept;
bool add( Type&& item ) noexcept;
bool remove( Type const& item ) noexcept;
void free( ) noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
#define M_TMPL_ template< typename Type , uint32_t ISize , uint32_t Growth >
#define M_TYPE_ T_SetImplementation< Type , ArrayBacked< ISize , Growth > >
M_TMPL_ uint32_t M_TYPE_::size( ) const noexcept
return data_.size( );
M_TMPL_ int32_t M_TYPE_::indexOf(
Type const& item ) const noexcept
return data_.indexOf( item );
M_TMPL_ Type const* M_TYPE_::access(
const uint32_t item ) const noexcept
return &data_[ item ];
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto ok( indexOf( item ) == -1 );
if ( ok ) {
data_.add( item );
return ok;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type&& item ) noexcept
const auto ok( indexOf( item ) == -1 );
if ( ok ) {
data_.add( std::move( item ) );
return ok;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::remove(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto index( indexOf( item ) );
if ( index >= 0 ) {
data_.removeSwap( index );
return index >= 0;
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::free( ) noexcept
{ );
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::clear( ) noexcept
data_.clear( );
#undef M_TMPL_
#undef M_TYPE_
/*= SET IMPLEMENTATION - INDEX ===============================================*/
typename Type ,
uint32_t InitialSize ,
uint32_t HashSize ,
uint32_t Growth
> class T_SetImplementation< Type , IndexBacked< InitialSize , HashSize , Growth > >
static_assert( InitialSize > 0 , "invalid initial size" );
static_assert( HashSize > 0 , "invalid hash array size" );
static_assert( Growth > 0 , "invalid growth" );
T_HashIndex index_{ HashSize , InitialSize , Growth };
T_Array< Type > items_{ Growth };
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
Type const* access( uint32_t item ) const noexcept;
bool add( Type const& item ) noexcept;
bool add( Type&& item ) noexcept;
bool remove( Type const& item ) noexcept;
void free( ) noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
uint32_t find( Type const& k ,
const uint32_t hash ) const noexcept;
#define M_TMPL_ template< typename Type , uint32_t ISize , uint32_t HSize , uint32_t Growth >
#define M_TYPE_ T_SetImplementation< Type , IndexBacked< ISize , HSize , Growth > >
M_TMPL_ uint32_t M_TYPE_::size( ) const noexcept
return items_.size( );
M_TMPL_ int32_t M_TYPE_::indexOf(
Type const& item ) const noexcept
const auto idx{ find( item , ComputeHash( item ) ) };
return idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ? -1 : int32_t( idx );
M_TMPL_ Type const* M_TYPE_::access(
const uint32_t item ) const noexcept
return &items_[ item ];
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto hash{ ComputeHash( item ) };
const auto idx{ find( item , hash ) };
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
index_.add( hash );
items_.add( item );
return idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::add(
Type&& item ) noexcept
const auto hash{ ComputeHash( item ) };
const auto idx{ find( item , hash ) };
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
index_.add( hash );
items_.add( std::move( item ) );
return idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
M_TMPL_ bool M_TYPE_::remove(
Type const& item ) noexcept
const auto hash{ ComputeHash( item ) };
const auto idx{ find( item , hash ) };
if ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
items_.removeSwap( idx );
index_.remove( idx );
return idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::free( ) noexcept
{ ); );
M_TMPL_ void M_TYPE_::clear( ) noexcept
index_.clear( );
items_.clear( );
M_TMPL_ uint32_t M_TYPE_::find(
Type const& k ,
const uint32_t hash ) const noexcept
uint32_t idx = index_.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
// XXX use a match function?
// if ( match_( keys_[ idx ] , k ) ) {
// break;
// }
if ( items_[ idx ] == k ) {
idx = idx );
return idx;
#undef M_TMPL_
#undef M_TYPE_
/*= COMMON HANDLER ===========================================================*/
// In-place version
template< typename Type , typename ImplTag >
void T_SetHelper::T_InPlaceHandler< Type , ImplTag >::shdl(
const E_Operation operation ,
void* const wArg ,
void const* const rArg ,
void* const output )
using T_Impl_ = T_SetImplementation< Type , ImplTag >;
switch ( operation ) {
case INIT:
::new ((char*)output) T_Impl_( );
::new ((char*)output) T_Impl_( *(T_Impl_ const*)rArg );
::new ((char*)output) T_Impl_( std::move( *(T_Impl_*)wArg ) );
((T_Impl_*)wArg)->~T_Impl_( );
case SIZE:
*((uint32_t*) output) = ((T_Impl_ const*)rArg)->size( );
case INDEX_OF:
*((uint32_t*) output) = ((T_Impl_ const*)wArg)->indexOf(
*(Type const*) rArg );
case ACCESS:
*((Type const**) output) = ((T_Impl_ const*)rArg)->access(
*(uint32_t const*) wArg );
case ADD_COPY:
*((bool*)output) = ((T_Impl_*)wArg)->add( *(Type const*) rArg );
case ADD_MOVE:
*((bool*)output) = ((T_Impl_*)wArg)->add(
std::move( *const_cast< Type* >( (Type const*) rArg ) ) );
case REMOVE:
*((bool*)output) = ((T_Impl_*)wArg)->remove( *((Type const*) rArg) );
case FREE:
((T_Impl_*)wArg)->free( );
case CLEAR:
((T_Impl_*)wArg)->clear( );
// Heap-allocated implementation
template< typename Type , typename ImplTag >
void T_SetHelper::T_HeapHandler< Type , ImplTag >::shdl(
E_Operation operation ,
void* wArg ,
void const* rArg ,
void* output )
using T_Impl_ = T_SetImplementation< Type , ImplTag >;
switch ( operation ) {
case INIT:
*(T_Impl_**)output = ::new T_Impl_( );
*(T_Impl_**)output = ::new T_Impl_( *(T_Impl_ const**)rArg );
*(T_Impl_**)output = ::new T_Impl_( std::move( *(T_Impl_**)wArg ) );
delete *(T_Impl_**)wArg;
case SIZE:
*((uint32_t*) output) = (*(T_Impl_ const**)rArg)->size( );
case INDEX_OF:
*((uint32_t*) output) = (*(T_Impl_ const**)wArg)->indexOf(
*(Type const*) rArg );
case ACCESS:
*((Type const**) output) = (*(T_Impl_ const**)rArg)->access(
*(uint32_t const*) wArg );
case ADD_COPY:
*((bool*)output) = (*(T_Impl_**)wArg)->add( *(Type const*) rArg );
case ADD_MOVE:
*((bool*)output) = (*(T_Impl_**)wArg)->add(
std::move( *const_cast< Type* >( (Type const*) rArg ) ) );
case REMOVE:
*((bool*)output) = (*(T_Impl_**)wArg)->remove( *((Type const*) rArg) );
case FREE:
(*(T_Impl_**)wArg)->free( );
case CLEAR:
(*(T_Impl_**)wArg)->clear( );
/*= T_Set ====================================================================*/
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >::T_Set( ) noexcept
: T_Set( UseTag< T_SetHelper::DefaultImplementation >( ) )
{ }
template< typename Type >
template< typename Tag >
T_Set< Type >::T_Set( const UseTag< Tag > ) noexcept
: handler_( T_SetHelper::T_Handler< Type , Tag >::shdl )
handler_( T_SetHelper::INIT , nullptr , nullptr , &storage_ );
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >::T_Set(
T_Set const& other ) noexcept
: handler_( other.handler_ )
handler_( T_SetHelper::INIT_COPY , nullptr , &other.storage_ , &storage_ );
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >& T_Set< Type >::operator =(
T_Set const& other ) noexcept
handler_( T_SetHelper::DESTROY , &storage_ , nullptr , nullptr );
handler_ = other.handler_;
handler_( T_SetHelper::INIT_COPY , nullptr , &other.storage_ , &storage_ );
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >::T_Set(
T_Set&& other ) noexcept
: handler_( other.handler_ )
handler_( T_SetHelper::INIT_MOVE , &other.storage_ , nullptr , &storage_ );
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >& T_Set< Type >::operator =(
T_Set&& other ) noexcept
handler_( T_SetHelper::DESTROY , &storage_ , nullptr , nullptr );
handler_ = other.handler_;
handler_( T_SetHelper::INIT_MOVE , &other.storage_ , nullptr , &storage_ );
template< typename Type >
T_Set< Type >::~T_Set( )
handler_( T_SetHelper::DESTROY , &storage_ , nullptr , nullptr );
template< typename Type >
uint32_t T_Set< Type >::size( ) const noexcept
uint32_t r;
handler_( T_SetHelper::SIZE , nullptr , &storage_ , &r );
return r;
template< typename Type >
bool T_Set< Type >::contains(
Type const& item ) const noexcept
return indexOf( item ) >= 0;
template< typename Type >
int32_t T_Set< Type >::indexOf(
Type const& item ) const noexcept
int32_t r;
handler_( T_SetHelper::INDEX_OF , const_cast< decltype( storage_ )* >( &storage_ ) ,
&item , &r );
return r;
template< typename Type >
Type const& T_Set< Type >::operator[](
uint32_t index ) const noexcept
Type* ptr;
handler_( T_SetHelper::ACCESS , &index , &storage_ , &ptr );
return *ptr;
template< typename Type >
bool T_Set< Type >::add(
Type const& item ) noexcept
bool r;
handler_( T_SetHelper::ADD_COPY , &storage_ , &item , &r );
return r;
template< typename Type >
bool T_Set< Type >::add(
Type&& item ) noexcept
bool r;
handler_( T_SetHelper::ADD_MOVE , &storage_ , &item , &r );
return r;
template< typename Type >
bool T_Set< Type >::remove(
Type const& item ) noexcept
bool r;
handler_( T_SetHelper::REMOVE , &storage_ , &item , &r );
return r;
template< typename Type >
void T_Set< Type >::free( ) noexcept
handler_( T_SetHelper::FREE , &storage_ , nullptr , nullptr );
template< typename Type >
void T_Set< Type >::clear( ) noexcept
handler_( T_SetHelper::CLEAR , &storage_ , nullptr , nullptr );