Repo init with mostly unchanged import of LW code
This commit is contained in:
161 changed files with 61414 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
let g:ycm_global_ycm_extra_conf = g:vim_local_path . "/"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
NeoBundle "Valloric/YouCompleteMe"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
let g:uncrustify_cfg_file_path = g:vim_local_path . "/../coding-style-uncrustify.cfg"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
NeoBundle "cofyc/vim-uncrustify"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
let g:vimmake_path = g:vim_local_path . 'scripts'
let g:vimmake_mode = {}
let g:vimmake_mode['clean'] = 'async'
let g:vimmake_mode['build'] = 'async'
let g:vimmake_mode['rebuild'] = 'async'
let g:vimmake_mode['test'] = 'async'
function! DoBuild(full)
silent call vimmake#toggle_quickfix(12,1)
if a:full == 0
VimTool build
VimTool rebuild
function! KillBuild()
silent call vimmake#toggle_quickfix(0)
function! RunTest()
silent call vimmake#toggle_quickfix(12,1)
VimTool test
augroup QuickfixStatus
au! BufWinEnter quickfix setlocal
\ statusline=%t\ [%{g:vimmake_build_status}]\ %{exists('w:quickfix_title')?\ '\ '.w:quickfix_title\ :\ ''}\ %=%-15(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
augroup END
noremap <F12> :silent call vimmake#toggle_quickfix(12)<cr>
inoremap <F12> <esc>:silent call vimmake#toggle_quickfix(12)<cr>li
noremap <F10> :silent call DoBuild(0)<cr>
inoremap <F10> <esc>:silent call DoBuild(0)<cr>li
noremap <S-F10> :silent call DoBuild(1)<cr>
inoremap <S-F10> <esc>:silent call DoBuild(1)<cr>li
noremap <C-F10> :silent call KillBuild()<cr>
inoremap <C-F10> <esc>:silent call KillBuild()<cr>li
noremap <F11> :silent call RunTest()<cr>
inoremap <F11> <esc>:silent call RunTest()<cr>li
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
NeoBundle 'skywind3000/vimmake'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
setlocal colorcolumn=121
noremap <buffer> <C-f> :call Uncrustify('cpp')<CR>
vnoremap <buffer> <C-f> :call RangeUncrustify('cpp')<CR>
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
make -j 8 all
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
make clean-extra
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
make clean-extra
make -j 8 all
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
if [ "$VIM_RELDIR" = "tests" ] && [ "$VIM_FILEEXT" = ".cc" ]; then
if make -j 8 all; then
if [ -f "output/fast/test-$VIM_FILENOEXT" ]; then
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./output/fast \
./output/fast/test-$VIM_FILENOEXT 2>&1 \
| sed -e s/"$VIM_FILENAME"/'tests\/'"$VIM_FILENAME"/g
LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./output/fast \
./output/fast/run-all-tests 2>&1 \
| sed -e 's/^\([a-z\-]\+\.cc\)/tests\/\1/g'
Symbolic link
Symbolic link
@ -0,0 +1 @@
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
let g:vim_local = {
\ "vardata" : g:vim_local_path . "/data"
\ }
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.srd setf srd
"let &wildignore=&wildignore . ',glef.c,glef.h'
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
# This file is NOT licensed under the GPLv3, which is the license for the rest
# of YouCompleteMe.
# Here's the license text for this file:
# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
# Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
# distribute this software, either in source code form or as a compiled
# binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
# means.
# In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
# of this software dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
# software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
# of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
# successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
# relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
# software under copyright law.
# For more information, please refer to <>
import os
import ycm_core
# These are the compilation flags that will be used in case there's no
# compilation database set (by default, one is not set).
flags = [
'-I' ,
# Set this to the absolute path to the folder (NOT the file!) containing the
# compile_commands.json file to use that instead of 'flags'. See here for
# more details:
# You can get CMake to generate this file for you by adding:
# to your CMakeLists.txt file.
# Most projects will NOT need to set this to anything; you can just change the
# 'flags' list of compilation flags. Notice that YCM itself uses that approach.
compilation_database_folder = ''
if os.path.exists( compilation_database_folder ):
database = ycm_core.CompilationDatabase( compilation_database_folder )
database = None
SOURCE_EXTENSIONS = [ '.cpp', '.cxx', '.cc', '.c', '.m', '.mm' ]
def DirectoryOfThisScript():
return os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.abspath( __file__ ) ) )
def MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, working_directory ):
if not working_directory:
return list( flags )
new_flags = []
make_next_absolute = False
path_flags = [ '-isystem', '-I', '-iquote', '--sysroot=' ]
for flag in flags:
new_flag = flag
if make_next_absolute:
make_next_absolute = False
if not flag.startswith( '/' ):
new_flag = os.path.join( working_directory, flag )
for path_flag in path_flags:
if flag == path_flag:
make_next_absolute = True
if flag.startswith( path_flag ):
path = flag[ len( path_flag ): ]
new_flag = path_flag + os.path.join( working_directory, path )
if new_flag:
new_flags.append( new_flag )
return new_flags
def IsHeaderFile( filename ):
extension = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 1 ]
return extension in [ '.h', '.hxx', '.hpp', '.hh' ]
def GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename ):
# The compilation_commands.json file generated by CMake does not have entries
# for header files. So we do our best by asking the db for flags for a
# corresponding source file, if any. If one exists, the flags for that file
# should be good enough.
if IsHeaderFile( filename ):
basename = os.path.splitext( filename )[ 0 ]
for extension in SOURCE_EXTENSIONS:
replacement_file = basename + extension
if os.path.exists( replacement_file ):
compilation_info = database.GetCompilationInfoForFile(
replacement_file )
if compilation_info.compiler_flags_:
return compilation_info
return None
return database.GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
def FlagsForFile( filename, **kwargs ):
if database:
# Bear in mind that compilation_info.compiler_flags_ does NOT return a
# python list, but a "list-like" StringVec object
compilation_info = GetCompilationInfoForFile( filename )
if not compilation_info:
return None
final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute(
compilation_info.compiler_working_dir_ )
relative_to = DirectoryOfThisScript()
final_flags = MakeRelativePathsInFlagsAbsolute( flags, relative_to )
return { 'flags': final_flags }
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
/* ALLOCATORS *****************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_ALLOC
#define _H_EBCL_ALLOC
#include <lw/lib/Config.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <atomic>
namespace lw {
/* Helpers for pool allocators. */
struct T_PoolHelper
/* Storage type for an object */
size_t ObjectSize ,
size_t ObjectAlign
> using T_Object = std::aligned_storage_t< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign >;
/* List of object storage items. The storage type is assumed to
* have a void* field called list.
typename T_Storage ,
size_t ListSize
> struct T_List final
static constexpr size_t BitmapSize
= ( ListSize / 8 ) + ( ListSize % 8 ? 1 : 0 );
using T_Self = T_List< T_Storage , ListSize >;
T_Storage storage[ ListSize ]; // Stored data
T_Self* next; // Next list in chain
size_t free; // Free objects
uint8_t bitmap[ BitmapSize ]; // Allocation map
T_List( ) = delete;
T_List( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_List( T_Self&& ) = delete;
// Create a new list, replacing the chain's head
explicit T_List( T_Self*& head ) noexcept;
// Find an unused item in the list. The list must have free
// items.
T_Storage* findUnused( ) noexcept;
// Find the index of an item. The item must be part of the list.
size_t indexOf( T_Storage const* item ) noexcept;
// Destroy a complete chain of lists
static void destroy( T_Self*& head ) noexcept;
/* The core of a pool allocator */
typename T_Storage ,
size_t PerList ,
size_t MaxFreeLists
> struct T_Allocator final
static_assert( PerList > 1 , "allocator lists must contain at least 2 items" );
static_assert( MaxFreeLists > 0 , "allocator must have at least 1 free list" );
using T_List_ = T_List< T_Storage , PerList >;
using T_Self = T_Allocator< T_Storage , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// The chains
T_List_* free_;
T_List_* partial_;
T_List_* full_;
size_t nFree_;
T_Allocator( ) noexcept;
~T_Allocator( );
T_Allocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_Allocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
T_Storage* allocate( ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( T_Storage* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
/* Move a list of objects from one of the allocation lists to another. */
static void moveList(
T_List_* list ,
T_List_*& from ,
T_List_*& to ) noexcept;
/* Count the amount of lists in an allocation list */
static size_t countLists(
T_List_ const* head ) noexcept;
/* The pool allocator implements a thread-unsafe pool of objects, similar to a
* slab allocator.
size_t ObjectSize , size_t ObjectAlign ,
size_t PerList = std::max( size_t( 8 ) , 4096u / ObjectSize ) ,
size_t MaxFreeLists = 4
class T_PoolAllocator
using T_Self = T_PoolAllocator< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// Structure that stores a single allocated item
struct T_Storage_ final
T_PoolHelper::T_Object< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign > data;
void* list;
using T_Alloc_ = T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T_Storage_ , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
T_Alloc_ alloc_;
T_PoolAllocator( ) noexcept = default;
T_PoolAllocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_PoolAllocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
void* allocate( size_t requested ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( void* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
/* Pool allocator with multithreading support. Allocation is performed from
* a thread-specific pool allocator; when the memory is freed, the memory is
* either returned directly to the pool if the freeing thread is the same as
* the allocating thread, or queued for the original thread to free later.
size_t ObjectSize , size_t ObjectAlign ,
size_t PerList = std::max( size_t( 8 ) , 4096u / ObjectSize ) ,
size_t MaxFreeLists = 4
class T_ThreadedPoolAllocator
using T_Self = T_ThreadedPoolAllocator<
ObjectSize , ObjectAlign , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
// Pointer to either the owning pool or the next object in the
// pending list
struct T_Storage_;
union T_ExtraPointer_
T_Storage_* next;
T_Self* pool;
// Structure that stores a single allocated item
struct T_Storage_ final
T_PoolHelper::T_Object< ObjectSize , ObjectAlign > data;
void* list;
T_ExtraPointer_ extra;
// The head for the "remote" freeing stack
struct T_FreeHead_ final
uintptr_t aba{ 0 };
T_Storage_* head{ nullptr };
// Atomic stack head, plus padding to prevent false sharing between
// the stack head and the actual allocator.
char padding_0_[ 64 ];
std::atomic< T_FreeHead_ > freeHead_;
char padding_1_[ 64 - sizeof( std::atomic< T_FreeHead_ > ) ];
using T_Alloc_ = T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator<
T_Storage_ , PerList , MaxFreeLists >;
T_Alloc_ alloc_;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( ) noexcept = default;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( T_Self const& ) = delete;
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator( T_Self&& ) = delete;
/* Allocate an object. */
void* allocate( size_t requested ) noexcept;
/* Free an object */
void free( void* item ) noexcept;
/* Get the amount of lists. Mostly used for testing. */
size_t countFreeLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countPartialLists( ) const noexcept;
size_t countFullLists( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the amount of total, free and used objects */
void getUsage( size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept;
// Try to take an item from the stack.
T_Storage_* takeFromStack( ) noexcept;
// Add an item to the stack
void addToStack( T_Storage_* item ) noexcept;
#endif //_H_EBCL_ALLOC
#include <lw/lib/inline/Alloc.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
/* ARRAYS *********************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_ARRAYS
#define _H_EBCL_ARRAYS
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Types.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= DYNAMIC ARRAYS ===========================================================*/
template< class T >
class T_Array final
static constexpr uint32_t DEFAULT_GROWTH( )
return std::max< uint32_t >( 1 , 4096 / sizeof( T ) );
typedef T_Array< T > MyType_;
T* data_;
uint32_t capacity_;
uint32_t size_;
uint32_t growth_;
T_Array( ) noexcept;
explicit T_Array( uint32_t growth ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Array( MyType_ const& source ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_ const& other ) noexcept;
T_Array( MyType_&& source ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_&& other ) noexcept;
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_Array< TP >& lhs ,
T_Array< TP >& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
~T_Array( );
MyType_& clear( ) noexcept;
MyType_& free( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t capacity( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t growth( ) const noexcept;
MyType_& ensureCapacity( uint32_t capacity ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
T const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( T const& item ) const noexcept;
bool contains( T const& item ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t add( T const& item ) noexcept;
uint32_t add( T&& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
T& addNew( Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MyType_& addAll( MyType_ const& other ) noexcept;
MyType_& addAll( MyType_&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MyType_& operator<< ( T const& item ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator<< ( T&& item ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator<< ( MyType_ const& other ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator<< ( MyType_&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insert( uint32_t index ,
T const& item ) noexcept;
void insert( uint32_t index ,
T&& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
T& insertNew( uint32_t index ,
Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void remove( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
void removeSwap( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void sort( F_Comparator< T > cmp = T_Comparator< T >::compare ) noexcept;
void sort( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t items ,
F_Comparator< T > cmp = T_Comparator< T >::compare ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
MyType_ copyRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) const noexcept;
MyType_ moveRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) noexcept;
// Instantiate some common types directly
extern template class T_Array< uint32_t >;
/*= STATICALLY ALLOCATED ARRAYS ==============================================*/
/* These arrays offer the same interface as dynamic arrays, but are in fact
* implemented as in-place storage.
template< typename Type , uint32_t Size >
class T_StaticArray final
static_assert( Size > 0 , "Size must be greater than 0" );
using T_Self = T_StaticArray< Type , Size >;
// Actual storage type
using T_Storage_ = std::aligned_storage_t<
sizeof( Type ) , alignof( Type )
T_Storage_ storage_[ Size ];
uint32_t size_;
T_StaticArray( ) noexcept;
// Copy
T_StaticArray( T_Self const& source ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator= ( T_Self const& other ) noexcept;
// Move
T_StaticArray( T_Self&& source ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator= ( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
~T_StaticArray( ) noexcept;
T_Self& clear( ) noexcept;
template< typename T , uint32_t S >
friend void swap(
T_StaticArray< T , S >& lhs ,
T_StaticArray< T , S >& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
constexpr uint32_t capacity( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Type& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
Type const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
bool contains( Type const& item ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t add( Type&& item ) noexcept;
uint32_t add( Type const& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
Type& addNew( Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self& addAll( T_Self const& other ) noexcept;
T_Self& addAll( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self& operator<< ( Type const& item ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( Type&& item ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( T_Self const& other ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insert( uint32_t index ,
Type&& item ) noexcept;
void insert( uint32_t index ,
Type const& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
Type& insertNew( uint32_t index ,
Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void remove( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
void removeSwap( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void sort( F_Comparator< Type > cmp = T_Comparator< Type >::compare ) noexcept;
void sort( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t items ,
F_Comparator< Type > cmp = T_Comparator< Type >::compare ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self copyRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) const noexcept;
T_Self moveRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) noexcept;
/*= MULTI-ARRAYS ============================================================-*/
* Arrays that allow storing multiple values for one entry. Values must be
* added in order.
template< typename T >
class T_MultiArray
using T_Data = T_Array< T >;
typedef T_MultiArray< T > MyType_;
T_Array< uint32_t > meta_;
T_Data values_;
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_MultiArray< TP >& lhs , T_MultiArray< TP >& rhs );
// Start the next entry
void next( );
// Add a value to the current entry
void add( T value );
// Add a value, calling its constructor
typename Q = T ,
typename... Args ,
typename = std::enable_if_t< std::is_class< Q >::value >
Q& addNew( Args&& ... args );
// Copy an array's contents into the current entry
void copyFrom( T_Data const& source );
// Returns the amount of entries
uint32_t size( ) const;
// Returns the index of the first value for an entry
uint32_t firstOf( uint32_t item ) const;
// Returns the amount of values for an entry
uint32_t sizeOf( uint32_t item ) const;
// Access a value in an entry
T const& get( uint32_t item , uint32_t sub ) const;
T& get( uint32_t item , uint32_t sub );
// Access a value using its index
T const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const;
T& operator[] ( uint32_t index );
// Is a value present in an entry?
bool contains( uint32_t index , T const& value ) const;
// Reset storage, don't free memory
void clear( );
// Reset storage and free memory
void free( );
// Copy values from an entry into the current entry
void copyFrom( uint32_t index );
// Copy another multi-array's entry into the current entry
void copyFrom( MyType_ const& other , uint32_t index );
// Copy values from another entry into the current entry if
// they are not already present. Duplicate entries in the
// source array are still copied, though.
void copyUnique( uint32_t index );
// Copy another multi-array's entry into the current entry,
// ignoring values that are already present. Duplicates in
// the source array are still copied.
void copyUnique( MyType_ const& other , uint32_t index );
// Sort an entry's values
void sort( uint32_t index , F_Comparator< T > cmp = T_Comparator< T >::compare );
// Instantiate some common types directly
extern template class T_MultiArray< uint32_t >;
/*= AUTOMATIC ARRAYS =========================================================*/
/* Arrays that are stored in-place up to some limit, then transform into
* dynamic arrays if necessary.
typename T , uint32_t StaticSize ,
uint32_t DynamicGrowth = StaticSize * 4
> class T_AutoArray
using T_Self = T_AutoArray< T , StaticSize , DynamicGrowth >;
using T_Static_ = T_StaticArray< T , StaticSize >;
using T_Dynamic_ = T_Array< T >;
T_Union< T_Static_ , T_Dynamic_ > array_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_AutoArray( ) noexcept;
T_AutoArray( T_Self const& source ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator =( T_Self const& source ) noexcept;
T_AutoArray( T_Self&& source ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator =( T_Self&& source ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename TP , uint32_t S , uint32_t G >
friend void swap(
T_AutoArray< TP , S , G >& lhs ,
T_AutoArray< TP , S , G >& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self& clear( ) noexcept;
T_Self& free( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t capacity( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
constexpr uint32_t growth( ) const noexcept;
bool isStatic( ) const noexcept;
T_Self& ensureCapacity( uint32_t capacity ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
T const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const noexcept;
int32_t indexOf( T const& item ) const noexcept;
bool contains( T const& item ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t add( T const& item ) noexcept;
uint32_t add( T&& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
T& addNew( Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self& addAll( T_Self const& other ) noexcept;
T_Self& addAll( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self& operator<< ( T const& item ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( T&& item ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( T_Self const& other ) noexcept;
T_Self& operator<< ( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void insert( uint32_t index ,
T const& item ) noexcept;
void insert( uint32_t index ,
T&& item ) noexcept;
template< typename... Args >
T& insertNew( uint32_t index ,
Args&& ... args );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void remove( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
void removeSwap( uint32_t index ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void sort( F_Comparator< T > cmp = T_Comparator< T >::compare ) noexcept;
void sort( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t items ,
F_Comparator< T > cmp = T_Comparator< T >::compare ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Self copyRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) const noexcept;
T_Self moveRange( uint32_t first ,
uint32_t last = UINT32_MAX ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void convertToDynamic_( uint32_t capacity ) noexcept;
T_Static_& static_( ) noexcept;
T_Static_ const& static_( ) const noexcept;
T_Dynamic_& dynamic_( ) noexcept;
T_Dynamic_ const& dynamic_( ) const noexcept;
#endif // _H_EBCL_ARRAYS
#include <lw/lib/inline/Arrays.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
/* BINARY READER/WRITER FOR STREAMS *******************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Streams.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= OBJECT READER/WRITER TEMPLATES ===========================================*/
* This pair of templates must be specialized to handle specific types.
struct T_BinaryReader;
struct T_BinaryWriter;
template< typename T >
struct T_ObjectReader
static T read( T_BinaryReader const& reader );
template< typename T >
struct T_ObjectWriter
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , T const& string );
// Helper macros to declare and define readers and writers
template< > \
struct T_ObjectReader< Type > \
{ \
static Type read( T_BinaryReader const& ); \
#define M_DEFINE_OBJECT_READER( Type ) \
Type T_ObjectReader< Type >::read( T_BinaryReader const & reader )
template< > \
struct T_ObjectWriter< Type > \
{ \
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& , \
Type const& ); \
#define M_DEFINE_OBJECT_WRITER( Type ) \
void T_ObjectWriter< Type >::write( T_BinaryWriter const & writer , \
Type const & item )
/*= READER ===================================================================*/
struct T_BinaryReader
A_InputStream& stream_;
const E_Endian endian_;
T_BinaryReader( ) = delete;
explicit T_BinaryReader( A_InputStream& stream , E_Endian endian = E_Endian::NATIVE ) noexcept;
T_BinaryReader( T_BinaryReader const& other ) noexcept = delete;
T_BinaryReader( T_BinaryReader&& other ) noexcept = delete;
A_InputStream& stream( ) const;
E_Endian endian( ) const;
template< typename T >
T readNumericNative( ) const;
template< typename T >
T readNumericLittleEndian( ) const;
template< typename T >
T readNumericBigEndian( ) const;
template< typename T >
T read( ) const;
typename T ,
bool IsNum = std::is_integral< T >::value
|| std::is_floating_point< T >::value
struct T_Reader_ { };
template< typename T >
struct T_Reader_< T , true >
static T read( T_BinaryReader const& reader );
template< typename T >
struct T_Reader_< T , false >
static T read( T_BinaryReader const& reader );
/*= WRITER ===================================================================*/
struct T_BinaryWriter
A_OutputStream& stream_;
const E_Endian endian_;
T_BinaryWriter( ) noexcept = delete;
explicit T_BinaryWriter( A_OutputStream& stream , E_Endian endian = E_Endian::NATIVE ) noexcept;
T_BinaryWriter( T_BinaryWriter const& other ) noexcept = delete;
T_BinaryWriter( T_BinaryWriter&& other ) noexcept = delete;
A_OutputStream& stream( ) const;
E_Endian endian( ) const;
template< typename T >
void writeNumericNative( T value ) const;
template< typename T >
void writeNumericLittleEndian( T const& value ) const;
template< typename T >
void writeNumericBigEndian( T const& value ) const;
template< typename T >
void write( T const& value ) const;
typename T ,
bool IsNum = std::is_integral< T >::value
|| std::is_floating_point< T >::value
struct T_Writer_ { };
template< typename T >
struct T_Writer_< T , true >
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , T value );
template< typename T >
struct T_Writer_< T , false >
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , T const& value );
#include <lw/lib/inline/BinaryStreams.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
/* BUFFERS ********************************************************************/
/* Buffers can be used to manipulate raw data. No constructors or destructors
* will ever be called.
* Buffers are available in two flavors: fixed size (where the size of the
* buffer is a template argument) and dynamic (where the size can be changed).
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
namespace lw {
class T_BufferBase
uint8_t* data_;
T_BufferBase( ) = delete;
explicit T_BufferBase( uint8_t* buffer ) noexcept;
explicit T_BufferBase( size_t size );
T_BufferBase( T_BufferBase&& source ) noexcept;
~T_BufferBase( );
friend void swap( T_BufferBase& lhs , T_BufferBase& rhs );
uint8_t * data( ) const;
template< size_t SIZE , class T >
class T_FixedBuffer : public T_BufferBase
typedef T_FixedBuffer< SIZE , T > MyType_;
static constexpr size_t BYTES_ = SIZE * sizeof( T );
T_FixedBuffer( );
T_FixedBuffer( MyType_&& source ) noexcept;
T_FixedBuffer( MyType_ const& source );
template< size_t SZ , typename TP >
friend void swap( T_FixedBuffer< SZ , TP >& lhs , T_FixedBuffer< SZ , TP >& rhs ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_ const& other );
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_&& other ) noexcept;
size_t bytes( ) const;
T& operator[] ( size_t index );
T const& operator[] ( size_t index ) const;
MyType_& setAll( T const& value );
template< class T >
class T_Buffer : public T_BufferBase
typedef T_Buffer< T > MyType_;
size_t size_;
T_Buffer( ) noexcept;
T_Buffer( size_t size );
T_Buffer( T const* data , size_t size );
T_Buffer( MyType_ const& other );
T_Buffer( MyType_&& other ) noexcept;
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_ const& other );
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_&& other );
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_Buffer< TP >& lhs , T_Buffer< TP >& rhs ) noexcept;
size_t size( ) const;
size_t bytes( ) const;
T& operator[] ( size_t index );
T const& operator[] ( size_t index ) const;
MyType_& resize( size_t newSize );
MyType_& setAll( T const& value );
MyType_& copyAll( T const* data );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/Buffers.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* CONFIGURATION FOR THE BUILD ************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_CONFIG
#define _H_EBCL_CONFIG
/*= DEBUGGING OPTIONS ========================================================*/
/* Disable memory allocators */
/*= TUNING ===================================================================*/
/* Pool allocator parameters for shared pointer references */
#endif // _H_EBCL_CONFIG
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
/* DYNAMIC LIBRARIES **********************************************************/
#ifndef _H_EBCL_DYNLIB
#define _H_EBCL_DYNLIB
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= DYNAMIC LIBRARY SUPPORT ==================================================*/
class T_DynLib : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_DynLib( ) = delete;
T_DynLib( T_DynLib const& ) = delete;
T_DynLib& operator =( T_DynLib const& ) = delete;
/* Initialise and set the name of the library to load */
explicit T_DynLib( T_String const& name );
explicit T_DynLib( char const* const name );
/* Load/unload the library */
bool load( );
void unload( );
/* Check whether the library has been loaded */
bool isLoaded( ) const noexcept;
/* Obtain the last error that was encoutered */
T_String lastError( ) const noexcept;
/* Symbol access. The library MUST be loaded. */
void* getRawSymbol( char const* name ) const noexcept;
template< typename T >
T* getPointer( char const* name ) const noexcept;
template< typename T >
std::function< T > getFunction(
char const* name ) const noexcept;
} // namespace lw
#endif // _H_EBCL_DYNLIB
#include <lw/lib/inline/DynLib.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* EXTERNAL HEADER FILES ******************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <functional>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <mutex>
#include <new>
#include <shared_mutex>
#include <thread>
#include <utility>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
/* FILES **********************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_LW_LIB_FILES
#define _H_LW_LIB_FILES
#include <lw/lib/Streams.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= FILE ACCESS ==============================================================*/
enum class E_FileMode {
class T_File final
T_String path_;
E_FileMode mode_;
FILE* file_;
size_t size_ , pos_;
T_File( );
// Construct from a file path. Does not open the file.
T_File( T_String const& path , E_FileMode mode );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_File( T_File&& other ) noexcept;
T_File& operator= ( T_File&& other ) noexcept;
// Disabled copy constructor / assignment operator
T_File( T_File const& ) = delete;
T_File& operator= ( T_File const& ) = delete;
// Destructor - must close the file if it is open
~T_File( );
// Swapping
friend void swap( T_File& lhs , T_File& rhs ) noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the path
T_String const& path( ) const noexcept;
// Get the mode
E_FileMode mode( ) const noexcept;
// Open the file. Throws an exception if that fails. Will be called
// automatically by most methods.
virtual void open( );
// Close the file. Never throws, even if the file's already closed or
// if closing fails.
void close( ) noexcept;
// Check if the file is open
bool isOpen( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get the file's size
size_t size( ) const noexcept;
// Get the current file position
size_t position( ) const noexcept;
// Set the position relative to the start or the end of the file
void position( size_t position , bool fromEnd = false );
// Set the position relative to the current position
void move( ssize_t offset );
// Read/write methods
size_t read( void* data , size_t size );
size_t write( void const* data , size_t size );
// Flushing
void flush( );
/*= FILE STREAMS =============================================================*/
class T_FileInputStream final : public A_InputStream
RP_File fileRaw_;
OP_File fileOwned_;
size_t start_;
T_FileInputStream( ) = delete;
// Construct from a file instance
explicit T_FileInputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset = 0 ,
size_t limit = SIZE_MAX );
// Construct from a file owning pointer
explicit T_FileInputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset = 0 ,
size_t limit = SIZE_MAX );
// Copy constructor and assignment
T_FileInputStream( T_FileInputStream const& );
T_FileInputStream& operator= ( T_FileInputStream const& );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_FileInputStream( T_FileInputStream&& other ) noexcept;
T_FileInputStream& operator= ( T_FileInputStream&& other ) noexcept;
// Swapping
void swap( T_FileInputStream& rhs ) noexcept;
// Get the file
T_File& file( ) const noexcept;
// Get the start offset
size_t offset( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t read( void* data , size_t size ) override;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void init( ssize_t offset , size_t limit );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( FileInputStream );
class T_FileOutputStream final : public A_OutputStream
RP_File fileRaw_;
OP_File fileOwned_;
size_t start_;
T_FileOutputStream( ) = delete;
// Construct from a file.
explicit T_FileOutputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset = 0 );
// Construct from a file owning pointer
explicit T_FileOutputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset = 0 );
// Copy constructor and assignment
T_FileOutputStream( T_FileOutputStream const& );
T_FileOutputStream& operator= ( T_FileOutputStream const& );
// Move constructor and assignment
T_FileOutputStream( T_FileOutputStream&& other ) noexcept;
T_FileOutputStream& operator= ( T_FileOutputStream&& other ) noexcept;
// Swapping
void swap( T_FileOutputStream& rhs ) noexcept;
// Get the file
T_File& file( ) const noexcept;
// Get the start offset
size_t offset( ) const noexcept;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
size_t write( void const* data , size_t size ) override;
void flush( ) override;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void init( ssize_t offset );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( FileOutputStream );
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_FILES
#include <lw/lib/inline/Files.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/* GAME'S MAIN LOOP ***********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Messages.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= GAME LOOP ================================================================*/
class T_GameLoop : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_GameLoop( ) noexcept;
T_GameLoop( T_GameLoop const& ) = delete;
T_GameLoop( T_GameLoop&& ) = delete;
bool active( ) const noexcept;
void start( ) noexcept;
void shutdown( ) noexcept;
void putMessage( T_UIMessage&& message ) noexcept;
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_GAMELOOP
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
/* HASH INDEX *****************************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
namespace lw {
* This is based on,
* which explains how the hash tables in idTech4 work. Not looking at the code
* to avoid GPL-related issues, so my implementation will probably suck.
* Unlike the original thing, this version considers that:
* - all additions are made at the end of the array (and therefore at the
* end of the index),
* - erasing is done by swapping the element being erased and the last
* element of the index.
* It also keeps track of the hash key for a given index in order to make
* erasing easier.
class T_HashIndex
static constexpr uint32_t INVALID_INDEX = 0xffffffff;
static constexpr uint32_t DEFAULT_SIZE = 1024;
static constexpr uint32_t DEFAULT_GROWTH = 1024;
static uint32_t invalidIndex_;
uint32_t hashSize_;
uint32_t* hash_;
uint32_t indexSize_;
uint32_t indexGrowth_;
uint32_t indexUsed_;
uint32_t* index_;
uint32_t* indexReverse_;
uint32_t hashMask_;
uint32_t lookupMask_;
void enlargeIndex( uint32_t needed );
void allocateIfNecessary( );
T_HashIndex( ) noexcept;
T_HashIndex( uint32_t hashSize , uint32_t indexSize , uint32_t growth = DEFAULT_GROWTH ) noexcept;
T_HashIndex( T_HashIndex const& source );
T_HashIndex( T_HashIndex&& source ) noexcept;
~T_HashIndex( );
T_HashIndex& operator =( T_HashIndex const& other );
T_HashIndex& operator =( T_HashIndex&& other ) noexcept;
friend void swap( T_HashIndex& lhs , T_HashIndex& rhs ) noexcept;
void free( );
void clear( );
void add( uint32_t key );
void remove( uint32_t index );
uint32_t first( uint32_t key ) const;
uint32_t next( uint32_t index ) const;
void swap( T_HashIndex& lhs , T_HashIndex& rhs ) noexcept;
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/HashIndex.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
/* HASH TABLES ****************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Arrays.hh>
#include <lw/lib/HashIndex.hh>
namespace lw {
// F_KeyMatch< K > - Equality check function for keys
template< typename K >
using F_KeyMatch = std::function< bool( K const& , K const& ) >;
// T_DefaultKeyMatch< K > - Default equality check for keys
template< typename K >
struct T_DefaultKeyMatch
static bool keysMatch( K const& , K const& );
/*= KEY / VALUE TABLE ========================================================*/
* T_KeyValueTable - Hash table with separate key and value storage.
* This class is meant to be used when data with unrelated types need to be
* associated with each other, e.g. string -> int mapping.
typename KeyType ,
typename ValueType
class T_KeyValueTable
typedef F_KeyMatch< KeyType > F_Match;
typedef T_KeyValueTable< KeyType , ValueType > MyType_;
F_Match match_;
T_HashIndex index_;
T_Array< KeyType > keys_;
T_Array< ValueType > values_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_KeyValueTable( uint32_t initialSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t hashSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t growth = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_GROWTH ,
F_Match match = T_DefaultKeyMatch< KeyType >::keysMatch );
template< typename K , typename T >
friend void swap( T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& lhs , T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& rhs );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Add a new value (fails if key already present)
typename A , typename B ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< KeyType , A > = true ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , B > = true
> bool add( A&& k , B&& v );
// Update an existing value (fails if key not present)
typename A ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , A > = true
> bool update( KeyType const& k , A&& v );
// Add or modify a key/value pair
typename A , typename B ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< KeyType , A > = true ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , B > = true
> void set( A&& k , B&& v );
// Remove a key/value pair
bool remove( KeyType const& k );
void clear( );
void free( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t size( ) const;
T_Array< KeyType > const& keys( ) const;
T_Array< ValueType > const& values( ) const;
uint32_t indexOf( KeyType const& k ) const;
bool contains( KeyType const& k ) const;
ValueType const * get( KeyType const& k ) const;
ValueType * get( KeyType const& k );
ValueType& operator[] ( uint32_t index );
ValueType const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t find( KeyType const& k , uint32_t hash ) const;
template< typename K , typename T >
void swap( T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& lhs , T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& rhs );
/*= OBJECT TABLE =============================================================*/
* This class is meant to be used to store objects that somehow contain their
* own keys. Of course, modifying one of these objects' key after it's been
* inserted will cause major SNAFU's.
typename KeyType ,
typename ValueType
class T_ObjectTable
typedef F_KeyMatch< KeyType > F_Match;
typedef std::function< KeyType( ValueType const& ) > F_GetKey;
typedef T_ObjectTable< KeyType , ValueType > MyType_;
F_Match match_;
F_GetKey keyGetter_;
T_HashIndex index_;
T_Array< ValueType > values_;
T_ObjectTable( ) = delete;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_ObjectTable( F_GetKey keyGetter , uint32_t initialSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t hashSize = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_SIZE ,
uint32_t growth = T_HashIndex::DEFAULT_GROWTH ,
F_Match match = T_DefaultKeyMatch< KeyType >::keysMatch );
template< typename K , typename T >
friend void swap( T_ObjectTable< K , T >& lhs , T_ObjectTable< K , T >& rhs );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
typename A ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , A > = true
> bool add( A&& v );
typename A ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , A > = true
> bool update( A&& v );
typename A ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< ValueType , A > = true
> void set( A&& v );
bool remove( KeyType const& k );
void clear( );
void free( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t size( ) const;
uint32_t indexOf( KeyType const& k ) const;
bool contains( KeyType const& k ) const;
T_Array< KeyType > keys( ) const;
T_Array< ValueType > const& values( ) const;
ValueType const * get( KeyType const& k ) const;
ValueType * get( KeyType const& k );
ValueType& operator[] ( uint32_t index );
ValueType const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t find( KeyType const& k , uint32_t hash ) const;
template< typename K , typename T >
void swap( T_ObjectTable< K , T >& lhs , T_ObjectTable< K , T >& rhs );
#include <lw/lib/inline/HashTables.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
/* MEMORY STREAMS *************************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Streams.hh>
namespace lw {
class T_MemoryInputStream final : public A_InputStream
uint8_t const* buffer_;
T_MemoryInputStream( ) = delete;
T_MemoryInputStream( void const* buffer , size_t size );
T_MemoryInputStream( T_MemoryInputStream const& other ) noexcept;
friend void swap( T_MemoryInputStream& lhs , T_MemoryInputStream& rhs ) noexcept;
T_MemoryInputStream& operator= ( T_MemoryInputStream const& other ) noexcept;
template< int S , typename T >
explicit T_MemoryInputStream( T_FixedBuffer< S , T > const& buffer );
template< typename T >
explicit T_MemoryInputStream( T_Buffer< T > const& buffer );
size_t read( void* data , size_t size ) override;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( MemoryInputStream );
class T_MemoryOutputStream final : public A_OutputStream
typedef std::function< uint8_t*( uint8_t* , size_t ) > F_Resizer;
uint8_t* buffer_;
F_Resizer resizer_;
T_MemoryOutputStream( ) = delete;
T_MemoryOutputStream( void* buffer , size_t size , F_Resizer resizer = nullptr );
template< int S , typename T >
explicit T_MemoryOutputStream( T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& buffer );
template< typename T >
explicit T_MemoryOutputStream( T_Buffer< T >& buffer );
size_t write( void const* data , size_t size ) override;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( MemoryOutputStream );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/MemoryStreams.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
/* UI<=>GAME MESSAGES *********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Types.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= VIEWS ====================================================================*/
/* Empty abstract class that serves as a base for game views */
class A_GameView
virtual ~A_GameView( ) = 0;
/* Abstract class for a view builder
* User interfaces need to access the game's data in order to display it. View
* builders provide a way to do that; they are passed to the game's main loop
* by the UI. Once set, they will be used to create and update view data.
class A_ViewBuilder
virtual ~A_ViewBuilder( ) = 0;
/* This method creates a view instance. It is called twice when the
* builder is installed, in order to create a "double buffer" - one
* view can be sent to the UI while the other is being updated.
virtual OP_GameView createView( ) = 0;
/* This method is responsible for updating a view instance. */
virtual void updateView( OP_GameView view ) = 0;
/*= GAME STATE ===============================================================*/
/* State of the main loop */
enum class E_GameState {
NO_GAME , // No game loaded
GAME_PAUSED , // Game is loaded but not running
GAME_SLOW , // Game is running at slow speed
GAME_NORMAL , // Game is running at normal speed
GAME_FAST // Game is running at high speed
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameState );
/*= PROGRESS INFORMATION =====================================================*/
/* Progress information for long operations - part (main or sub) */
class T_ProgressInfoPart
T_String text_;
uint32_t progress_;
uint32_t total_;
T_ProgressInfoPart( ) = delete;
T_ProgressInfoPart( T_String text , uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfoPart( T_ProgressInfoPart&& other ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfoPart( T_ProgressInfoPart const& other );
T_String const& text( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t progress( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t total( ) const noexcept;
/* Progress information for long operations - main */
class T_ProgressInfo
T_ProgressInfoPart main_;
T_Optional< T_ProgressInfoPart > sub_;
T_ProgressInfo( ) = delete;
T_ProgressInfo( T_String text , uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ) noexcept;
explicit T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfoPart main ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfoPart main , T_ProgressInfoPart sub ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfoPart main ,
T_String sText , uint32_t sProgress , uint32_t sTotal ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfo( T_String text , uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ,
T_String sText , uint32_t sProgress , uint32_t sTotal ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfo&& other ) noexcept;
T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfo const& other ) = delete;
T_ProgressInfoPart const& main( ) const noexcept;
bool hasSub( ) const noexcept;
T_ProgressInfoPart const& sub( ) const;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ProgressInfo );
/*= MESSAGES =================================================================*/
/* Types of messages sent by the UI to the game */
enum class E_GameUIMessage {
/* Create a new game
* Data: XXX
/* Load an existing game
* Data: uint32_t - game identifier
/* Save the current game
* Data: none
/* Quit the current game
* Data: none
/* Quit current game (if any) the exit the main loop
* Data: none
/* Abort the current operation
* Data: none
/* Delete a saved game
* Data: uint32_t - game identifier
/* Copy or rename a saved game
* Data: XXX
/* Set the current game's speed
* Data: E_GameState (but NO_GAME will be ignored)
/* Execute computation steps
* Data: XXX
/* Set a view builder
* Data: XXX
/* Indicate that a view has been displayed
* Data: T_String - identifier of the view
/* Send a query to the game
* Data: XXX
/* Send a command to the game
* Data: XXX
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameUIMessage );
/* Types of messages sent by the main loop to the UI */
enum class E_GameLoopMessage {
/* Main loop exiting
* Data: none
/* Progress information
* Data: T_ProgressInfo
/* Operation completed
* Data: none
/* State changed
* Data: E_GameState
/* Indicate that a view is available
* Data: XXX
/* Query response
* Data: XXX
/* Command execution - success
* Data: none
/* Command execution - syntax error
* Data: XXX
/* Command execution - error
* Data: XXX
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameLoopMessage );
/* Types for message data */
using T_GameUIMessageData = T_Union<
uint32_t ,
T_String ,
using T_GameLoopMessageData = T_Union<
T_ProgressInfo ,
/* Message direction */
enum class E_MessageDirection {
/* Message class template, can be used for both directions */
E_MessageDirection Direction ,
typename EType = std::conditional_t<
Direction == E_MessageDirection::FROM_UI_TO_GAME ,
E_GameUIMessage , E_GameLoopMessage > ,
typename DType = std::conditional_t<
Direction == E_MessageDirection::FROM_UI_TO_GAME ,
T_GameUIMessageData , T_GameLoopMessageData >
class T_GameMessage
using T_Type = EType;
using T_Data = DType;
using T_Self_ = T_GameMessage< Direction >;
T_Optional< T_Type > type_;
T_Optional< T_Data > data_;
constexpr T_GameMessage( ) noexcept;
constexpr T_GameMessage( T_Type type ) noexcept;
T_GameMessage( T_Type type , T_Data data ) noexcept;
T_GameMessage( T_Self_ const& ) = delete;
T_GameMessage( T_Self_&& other ) noexcept;
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_ const& ) = delete;
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_&& other ) noexcept;
constexpr bool hasMessage( ) const noexcept;
constexpr T_Type type( ) const noexcept;
template< typename T >
constexpr T const& data( ) const;
using T_UIMessage = T_GameMessage< E_MessageDirection::FROM_UI_TO_GAME >;
using T_LoopMessage = T_GameMessage< E_MessageDirection::FROM_GAME_TO_UI >;
} // namespace lw
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_MESSAGES
#include <lw/lib/inline/Messages.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
/* MODDING SYSTEM *************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_LW_LIB_MODS
#define _H_LW_LIB_MODS
#include <lw/lib/Log.hh>
#include <lw/lib/ModInterface.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= MOD INFORMATION ==========================================================*/
/* Mod identifier (name + version) */
struct T_ModIdentifier {
T_String name;
uint32_t version; // Main version number used for dependencies
bool operator ==( T_ModIdentifier const& other ) const noexcept;
bool operator !=( T_ModIdentifier const& other ) const noexcept;
int compare( T_ModIdentifier const& other ) const noexcept;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ModIdentifier );
M_DECLARE_HASH( T_ModIdentifier );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_ModIdentifier const& );
/* Types of mods */
enum class E_ModType {
DATA , // This mod consists of data only
NATIVE , // This mod consists of native code
UI , // This mod is an user interface
/* Mod information record */
struct T_ModInfo
T_String path;
E_ModType type;
/* Mod name, version and revision (the latter is for changes that don't
* affect the interface).
T_ModIdentifier identifier;
uint32_t revision;
/* Required library version number */
uint32_t libVersion;
/* List of dependencies */
T_Array< T_ModIdentifier > modDeps;
/* Is this mod an user interface mod? */
bool isUserInterface( ) const noexcept;
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_ModInfo const& );
/*= MODS MANAGER CONFIGURATION ===============================================*/
/* Loading mode for a mod */
enum class E_ModMode {
EXCLUDE , // Never load this mod
AUTO , // Load the most appropriate version of the mod
VERSION , // Load a specific version of the mod, fails
// if the mod in the specified version is not
// present
REQUIRE // Require that the specified mod be present
// Note that both VERSION and REQUIRE can apply to an UI-specific mod;
// while the mod will not be loaded if the corresponding UI isn't,
// its presence will still be required.
/* Mods manager configuration */
class T_ModsManagerConfiguration : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_ModsManagerConfiguration( ) noexcept;
T_ModsManagerConfiguration const& ) = delete;
T_ModsManagerConfiguration& operator =(
T_ModsManagerConfiguration const& ) = delete;
T_ModsManagerConfiguration&& ) noexcept;
T_ModsManagerConfiguration& operator =(
T_ModsManagerConfiguration&& other ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Set a mod configuration entry */
void setAuto( T_String const& name ) noexcept;
void setRequired( T_String const& name ) noexcept;
void setExcluded( T_String const& name ) noexcept;
void setVersion( T_String const& name ,
uint32_t version ) noexcept;
void setVersion( T_String const& name ,
uint32_t version ,
uint32_t revision ) noexcept;
/* Query mod configuration */
T_Array< T_String > configured( ) const noexcept;
E_ModMode modeFor( T_String const& name ) const noexcept;
uint32_t requiredVersion( T_String const& name ) const noexcept;
T_Optional< uint32_t > requiredRevision(
T_String const& name ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Set or clear an UI preference */
void setUIPreference(
T_String const& name ,
int32_t weight ) noexcept;
void clearUIPreference(
T_String const& name ) noexcept;
/* List UI preferences */
T_Array< T_String > uiPreferences( ) const noexcept;
/* Get the preference for an UI */
int32_t uiPreference(
T_String const& name ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Filter a list of mods using the configuration's exclusions and
* version limits.
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo > filterMods(
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo > const& mods ) const noexcept;
/* Generate the list of required mods. This includes all mods that
* have been set as required, and all mods that have a version
* requirement.
T_Array< T_String > requiredMods( ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Get a default configuration */
static T_ModsManagerConfiguration DefaultConfiguration( ) noexcept;
/* Get the parser's configuration used to load mods manager configuration */
static T_SRDParserConfig GetParserConfig( );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ModsManagerConfiguration );
/*= MODS DEPENDENCY GRAPH ====================================================*/
class T_ModsDependencies : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_ModsDependencies( ) noexcept;
T_Logger& logger ,
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo > const& mods ,
T_ModsManagerConfiguration const& config ) noexcept;
T_ModsDependencies const& other ) noexcept;
T_ModsDependencies& operator =(
T_ModsDependencies const& other ) noexcept;
T_ModsDependencies&& other ) noexcept;
T_ModsDependencies& operator =(
T_ModsDependencies&& other ) noexcept;
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_ModsDependencies );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool resolved( ) const;
bool ambiguous( ) const;
T_Array< T_String > userInterfaces( ) const;
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo > const& commonMods( ) const;
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo >::RPC forUserInterface(
T_String const& name ) const;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ModsDependencies );
M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_ModsDependencies );
/*= MODS MANAGER =============================================================*/
/* Function type for a function that generates a feedback function used to
* update the initialisation progress when the mods are being initialised.
using F_CreateInitUpdater = std::function< F_UpdateInitProgress( RPC_ModInfo ) >;
class T_ModsManager : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_ModsManager( ) = delete;
T_ModsManager( T_ModsManager const& ) = delete;
T_ModsManager( T_ModsManager&& ) noexcept = delete;
T_ModsManager( T_ModsManagerConfiguration&& config ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Find available mods, load their descriptions */
bool scanForMods( );
/* Get the list of available mods */
T_Array< RPC_ModInfo > availableMods( ) const noexcept;
/* Resolve dependencies between mods using the configuration;
* returns true if there is a valid set of mods.
bool resolveDependencies( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Pre-initialise common mods */
bool preinitCommon( ) noexcept;
/* Pre-initialise UI mods and try to start the user interface. */
OP_UserInterface preinitUIMods(
T_String const& ui ) noexcept;
/* Try to pre-initialise an UI mod. */
OP_UserInterface preinitUIMods( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Get the amount of loaded mods */
uint32_t modsCount( ) const noexcept;
/* Initialise the mods, sending progress updates along the way */
bool initialise(
F_CreateInitUpdater const& fciu ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Shutdown all initialised mods. */
void shutdown( ) noexcept;
/* Unload all mods, calling post-shutdown routines if available */
void unload( ) noexcept;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ModsManager );
} // namespace lw
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_MODS
#include <lw/lib/inline/Mods.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
/* POINTERS *******************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
namespace lw {
template< typename T > class T_OwnPtr;
template< typename T > class T_SharedPtr;
template< typename T > class T_WeakPtr;
/*= OWNING POINTERS ==========================================================*/
template< typename T >
class T_OwnPtr
template< typename RT , typename... AT >
friend T_OwnPtr< RT > NewOwned( AT&& ... arguments );
typename RT
> friend T_OwnPtr< RT > OwnRawPointer( RT*& ) noexcept;
typename RT , typename OT ,
T_EnableForChild< RT , OT >
> friend T_OwnPtr< RT > OwnRawPointer( OT*& ) noexcept;
typename RT , typename OT ,
T_EnableForParent< RT , OT >
> friend T_OwnPtr< RT > OwnRawPointer( OT*& );
template< typename >
friend class T_OwnPtr;
friend T_SharedPtr< T >;
typedef T_OwnPtr< T > MyType_;
T* p_;
T_OwnPtr( T* p ) noexcept;
T_OwnPtr( );
~T_OwnPtr( );
T_OwnPtr( MyType_ const& ) = delete;
MyType_& operator= ( MyType_ const& ) = delete;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_OwnPtr( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source ) noexcept;
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_OwnPtr( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
MyType_& operator= ( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source ) noexcept;
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
MyType_& operator= ( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_OwnPtr< TP >& lhs , T_OwnPtr< TP >& rhs ) noexcept;
void clear( );
bool operator== ( const T* p ) const;
bool operator!= ( const T* p ) const;
operator bool ( ) const;
bool operator! ( ) const;
T * get( ) const;
T* operator-> ( ) const;
T& operator* ( ) const;
T_SharedPtr< T > makeShared( );
// NewOwned< T >( ... ) - New T as an owned pointer
typename Type ,
typename... ArgTypes
T_OwnPtr< Type > NewOwned( ArgTypes&& ... arguments );
// OwnRawPointer< T >( pointer ) - Transfer a raw pointer to an owned pointer.
// The raw pointer will be set to nullptr.
template< typename Type >
T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Type*& pointer ) noexcept;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForChild< Type , Other > = true ,
std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same< Type , Other >::value , bool > = true
> T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Other*& pointer ) noexcept;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForParent< Type , Other > = false
> T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Other*& pointer );
/*= SHARED POINTERS ==========================================================*/
/* WARNING: these pointers are NOT thread-safe! */
class T_Reference_;
// Weak pointer chaining
struct T_WeakChain_
T_Reference_* * const ref;
T_WeakChain_* prev;
T_WeakChain_* next;
explicit T_WeakChain_( T_Reference_*& ref );
void unchain( );
void init( );
// Base class for shared and weak pointers
template< typename T >
class T_BasePtr_
typedef T_BasePtr_< T > T_Base_;
T_Reference_* ref_;
explicit T_BasePtr_( T_Reference_* ref ) noexcept;
T_BasePtr_( ) = delete;
T_BasePtr_( T_Base_ const& ) = delete;
T_BasePtr_( T_Base_&& ) = delete;
operator bool ( ) const;
bool operator! ( ) const;
T* operator-> ( ) const;
explicit operator T* ( ) const;
T& operator* ( ) const;
// Exception thrown when makeOwned( ) is called on a shared pointers that has
// more than one reference.
class X_TooManyReferences : public std::runtime_error
X_TooManyReferences( );
// T_SharedPtr< T > - Shared pointer implementation
template< typename T >
class T_SharedPtr : public T_BasePtr_< T >
typedef T_BasePtr_< T > T_Base_;
typedef T_SharedPtr< T > T_Self_;
typedef T_WeakPtr< T > T_Weak_;
template< typename >
friend class T_SharedPtr;
template< typename >
friend class T_WeakPtr;
typename RT
> friend T_SharedPtr< RT > ShareRawPointer( RT*& ) noexcept;
typename RT , typename OT ,
T_EnableForChild< RT , OT >
> friend T_SharedPtr< RT > ShareRawPointer( OT*& ) noexcept;
typename RT , typename OT ,
T_EnableForParent< RT , OT >
> friend T_SharedPtr< RT > ShareRawPointer( OT*& );
template< typename OT , typename... AT >
friend T_SharedPtr< OT > NewShared( AT&& ... arguments );
friend T_OwnPtr< T >;
using T_Base_::ref_;
T_Reference_ * setRef( T_Reference_* from );
void clearRef( );
explicit T_SharedPtr( T* ptr );
T_SharedPtr( ) noexcept;
~T_SharedPtr( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy constructors
T_SharedPtr( T_Self_ const& source );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& source );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& source );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move constructors
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& source ) noexcept;
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& source );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy assignment operators
T_Self_& operator= ( T_Self_ const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move assignment operators
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other ) noexcept;
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_SharedPtr< TP >& lhs , T_SharedPtr< TP >& rhs ) noexcept;
bool operator== ( T_Self_ const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_Self_ const& other ) const;
bool operator== ( T_Weak_ const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_Weak_ const& other ) const;
void clear( );
T_OwnPtr< T > makeOwned( );
// T_WeakPtr< T > - Weak pointer implementation
template< typename T >
class T_WeakPtr : public T_BasePtr_< T >
typedef T_BasePtr_< T > T_Base_;
typedef T_SharedPtr< T > T_Shared_;
typedef T_WeakPtr< T > T_Self_;
template< typename > friend class T_SharedPtr;
template< typename > friend class T_WeakPtr;
friend T_Reference_;
using T_Base_::ref_;
T_WeakChain_ chain_;
T_WeakPtr( T_Reference_* ref );
T_WeakPtr( );
~T_WeakPtr( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy constructors
T_WeakPtr( T_Self_ const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move constructors
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other ) noexcept;
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Construct from shared pointer
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_Shared_ const& shared );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared );
explicit T_WeakPtr( T_Shared_&& shared ) = delete;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy assignment operators
T_Self_& operator= ( T_Self_ const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_Self_& operator =( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
T_Self_& operator =( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Move assignment operators
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_Self_& operator =( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
T_Self_& operator =( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assign from shared pointer
T_Self_& operator= ( T_Shared_ const& shared );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > = true >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared );
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > = false >
T_Self_& operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared );
T_Self_& operator= ( T_Shared_&& ) = delete;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename TP >
friend void swap( T_WeakPtr< TP >& lhs , T_WeakPtr< TP >& rhs );
bool operator== ( T_Self_ const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_Self_ const& other ) const;
bool operator== ( T_Shared_ const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_Shared_ const& other ) const;
void clear( );
// NewShared< T >( ... ) - New T as shared pointer
typename Type ,
typename... ArgTypes
T_SharedPtr< Type > NewShared( ArgTypes&& ... arguments );
// ShareRawPointer< T >( pointer ) - Transfer a raw pointer to a shared pointer.
// The raw pointer will be set to nullptr.
template< typename Type >
T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer(
Type*& pointer ) noexcept;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForChild< Type , Other > = true ,
std::enable_if_t< !std::is_same< Type , Other >::value , bool > = true
> T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer(
Other*& pointer ) noexcept;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForParent< Type , Other > = false
> T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer( Other*& pointer );
/*= HELPER MACROS ============================================================*/
typedef T_ ## NAME* RP_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_ ## NAME const* RPC_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_OwnPtr< T_ ## NAME > OP_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_SharedPtr< T_ ## NAME > SP_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_WeakPtr< T_ ## NAME > WP_ ## NAME
typedef A_ ## NAME* RP_ ## NAME; \
typedef A_ ## NAME const* RPC_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_OwnPtr< A_ ## NAME > OP_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_SharedPtr< A_ ## NAME > SP_ ## NAME; \
typedef T_WeakPtr< A_ ## NAME > WP_ ## NAME
typedef NAME* RP; \
typedef NAME const* RPC; \
typedef T_OwnPtr< NAME > OP; \
typedef T_SharedPtr< NAME > SP; \
typedef T_WeakPtr< NAME > WP
} // namespace
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_POINTERS
#include <lw/lib/inline/Pointers.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
/* REGISTRATION SUPPORT *******************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= REGISTRATION SUPPORT =====================================================*/
/* This class is meant to be used with any class that supports registration of
* items (for example the VFS to which VFS drivers are added).
* It must be returned from registration methods, and will serve as a way to
* unregister an item, either directly using the unregister() method, or
* automatically when the instance is destroyed (if automatic unregistration
* is active, which is the default).
class T_RegisteredItem
using F_Unregister = std::function< void( void* ) >;
using SP_Unregister = T_SharedPtr< F_Unregister >;
using F_Destructor_ = std::function< void( void* ) >;
using WP_Unregister_ = T_WeakPtr< F_Unregister >;
bool automatic_;
WP_Unregister_ unregisterFunction_;
void* data_;
F_Destructor_ dataDestructor_;
/* Initialise an empty item (indicates registration failure) */
T_RegisteredItem( ) noexcept;
/* Initialise a registered item */
T_RegisteredItem( SP_Unregister& unregisterFunction ,
void* data ,
F_Destructor_ destructor ) noexcept;
template< typename T >
T_RegisteredItem( SP_Unregister& unregisterFunction ,
T* data ) noexcept;
/* Destructor. Will unregister the item if automatic mode is
* enabled */
~T_RegisteredItem( );
/* Copy is disabled */
T_RegisteredItem( T_RegisteredItem const& ) = delete;
T_RegisteredItem& operator =( T_RegisteredItem const& ) = delete;
/* Move and swap */
T_RegisteredItem( T_RegisteredItem&& other ) noexcept;
T_RegisteredItem& operator =( T_RegisteredItem&& other ) noexcept;
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_RegisteredItem );
/* Set whether this registrable will unregister automatically when
* it is deleted. */
void automatic( bool v ) noexcept;
bool automatic( ) const noexcept;
/* Unregister this item. May be called multiple times; the first
* call will unregister the item, other calls will be ignored.
void unregister( ) noexcept;
/* Registration check */
operator bool( ) const noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
void deleteData( ) noexcept;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( RegisteredItem );
M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_RegisteredItem );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/Registration.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
/* SRD - BINARY STORAGE *******************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDIO.hh>
#include <lw/lib/HashIndex.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= WRITER ===================================================================*/
class T_SRDBinaryWriter : public A_SRDWriter
T_BinaryWriter writer_;
T_HashIndex wordsIndex_;
T_Array< T_String > words_;
T_StringBuilder comment_;
uint32_t depth_;
void flushComment( );
void writeWord( T_String const& word );
T_SRDBinaryWriter( ) = delete;
T_SRDBinaryWriter( T_SRDBinaryWriter const& ) = delete;
T_SRDBinaryWriter( T_SRDBinaryWriter&& ) = delete;
explicit T_SRDBinaryWriter( A_OutputStream& output );
T_SRDBinaryWriter& start( ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& startList( ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& endList( ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putText( T_String const& text ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putWord( T_String const& word ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putString( T_String const& string ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putComment( T_String const& comment ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putVariable( T_String const& variable ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putBinary( T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& binary ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putInteger( int64_t value ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putInt32( int32_t value ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putInt64( int64_t value ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& putFloat( double value ) override;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& end( ) override;
void SRDBinaryWriteTo( A_OutputStream& output , T_SRDList const& data );
/*= READER ===================================================================*/
class T_SRDBinaryReader : public A_SRDReader
T_SRDBinaryReader( ) = delete;
T_SRDBinaryReader( T_SRDBinaryReader const& ) = delete;
T_SRDBinaryReader( T_SRDBinaryReader&& ) = delete;
T_SRDBinaryReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target );
void read( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input ) override;
T_SRDList SRDBinaryReadFrom( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input , bool structured = true );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDBinary.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
/* SRD - DATA *****************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Types.hh>
namespace lw {
class T_Logger;
// Forward declarations
struct T_SRDLocationChaining;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( SRDLocationChaining );
class T_SRDLocation;
class T_SRDToken;
/*= SOURCE LOCATIONS =========================================================*/
// E_SRDLocationChaining - Token location chaining circumstances
enum class E_SRDLocationChaining {
// T_SRDLocationChaining - Token location chaining structure
struct T_SRDLocationChaining
E_SRDLocationChaining circumstances;
uint32_t depth;
SP_SRDLocation location;
E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
uint32_t depth ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept;
bool isGenerated( ) const noexcept;
// T_SRDLocation - Token source location information
class T_SRDLocation
T_String source_;
uint32_t line_;
size_t character_;
T_Optional< T_SRDLocationChaining > chaining_;
// SRD locations are pooled
void* operator new( size_t count ) noexcept;
void operator delete( void* object ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Unknown location
T_SRDLocation( ) noexcept;
// Text input location
T_SRDLocation( T_String const& source ,
uint32_t line ,
size_t character ) noexcept;
// Binary input location
T_SRDLocation( T_String const& source ,
size_t byte ) noexcept;
// Location of a token
explicit T_SRDLocation(
T_SRDToken const& token ) noexcept;
T_SRDLocation( T_SRDLocation const& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDLocation& operator= ( T_SRDLocation const& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDLocation( T_SRDLocation&& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDLocation& operator= ( T_SRDLocation&& other ) noexcept;
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_SRDLocation );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void chain( E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept;
void chain( E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
uint32_t depth ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept;
void clearChain( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool unknown( ) const noexcept;
T_String const& source( ) const noexcept;
bool binary( ) const noexcept;
uint32_t line( ) const noexcept;
size_t character( ) const noexcept;
size_t byte( ) const noexcept;
bool isChained( ) const noexcept;
T_SRDLocationChaining const& chaining( ) const noexcept;
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_SRDLocation ) noexcept;
/*= ERRORS ===================================================================*/
// An error that occurred during SRD processing
class T_SRDError
T_String error_;
T_SRDLocation location_;
bool isDetails_;
T_SRDError( ) = delete;
T_SRDError( T_String error ,
T_SRDLocation location ,
bool details = false ) noexcept;
T_SRDError( T_SRDError const& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDError& operator= ( T_SRDError const& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDError( T_SRDError&& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDError& operator= ( T_SRDError&& other ) noexcept;
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_SRDError );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_String const& error( ) const noexcept;
T_SRDLocation const& location( ) const noexcept;
bool isDetails( ) const noexcept;
// List of errors
class T_SRDErrors
enum : uint32_t { MAX_ERRORS = 40 };
T_AutoArray< T_SRDError , MAX_ERRORS / 2 > errors_;
uint32_t errCount_ = 0;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
void add( char const* error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
void add( T_String const& error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
void details( char const* message ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
void details( T_String const& message ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
void add( InPlace , ArgTypes&&... args );
void add( T_SRDError const& error );
void add( T_SRDError&& error );
void addAll( T_SRDErrors const& errors );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t size( ) const noexcept;
T_SRDError const& operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void checkAdded( T_SRDError const& last );
// SRD processing exception
class X_SRDErrors : public std::exception
const T_SRDErrors errors;
X_SRDErrors( T_SRDErrors const& errors );
char const * what( ) const noexcept override;
#ifndef LW_MINLIB
void log( T_Logger& logger ) const;
#endif // LW_MINLIB
/*= TOKENS ===================================================================*/
// E_SRDTokenType - Token types
enum class E_SRDTokenType {
LIST , // Complete list
START , // List start
END , // List end
WORD , // Word
VAR , // Variable
STRING , // Quoted string
BINARY , // Binary data
INT , // Integer (32 bits)
LONG , // Integer (64 bits)
FLOAT , // Floating point value
COMMENT , // Commented text
FLUSH , // Special token that causes a parser to flush
T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , E_SRDTokenType tt );
// T_SRDList - Token lists
using T_SRDList = T_Array< T_SRDToken >;
// T_SRDToken - Token data
class T_SRDToken
using T_BinData_ = T_SharedPtr< T_Buffer< uint8_t > >;
E_SRDTokenType type_; // Token type
T_String text_; // Token's full string
OP_SRDList list_; // List of tokens (type == LIST)
int64_t longValue_; // 64-bit integer value
double floatValue_; // 64-bit floating point value
T_String stringValue_; // String value
T_BinData_ binary_; // Binary data
SP_SRDLocation location_;
T_SRDToken( ) = default;
T_SRDToken( const E_SRDTokenType type ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool IsWord( T_String const& string );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
static T_SRDToken ListStart( );
static T_SRDToken ListEnd( );
static T_SRDToken List( );
static T_SRDToken List( T_SRDList const& list );
static T_SRDToken List( T_SRDList&& list );
// Either a Word or a String, depending on the contents
static T_SRDToken AutoText( T_String text );
static T_SRDToken Word( T_String word );
static T_SRDToken String( T_String string );
static T_SRDToken Variable( T_String variable );
static T_SRDToken Comment( T_String text );
// Binary data
static T_SRDToken Binary(
T_BinData_ const& data ) noexcept;
template< typename T >
static T_SRDToken Binary(
T const* data ,
uint32_t count ) noexcept;
template< typename T >
static T_SRDToken Binary(
T_Buffer< T > const& data ) noexcept;
// A Long or an Int, depending on the value
static T_SRDToken AutoInteger( int64_t value );
static T_SRDToken Integer( int32_t value );
static T_SRDToken Long( int64_t value );
static T_SRDToken Float( double value );
// A special "flush" token
static T_SRDToken Flush( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_SRDToken( T_SRDToken const& other );
T_SRDToken( T_SRDToken&& other ) noexcept;
T_SRDToken& operator= ( T_SRDToken const& other );
T_SRDToken& operator= ( T_SRDToken&& other ) noexcept;
friend void swap( T_SRDToken& lhs , T_SRDToken& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
E_SRDTokenType type( ) const;
bool isText( ) const;
bool isNumeric( ) const;
bool isInteger( ) const;
T_String const& text( ) const;
T_SRDList const& list( ) const;
T_SRDList& list( );
int64_t longValue( ) const;
double floatValue( ) const;
T_String const& stringValue( ) const;
T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& binary( ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
int compare( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator ==( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator !=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator >( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator <( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator >=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
bool operator <=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool hasFullText( ) const;
T_String fullText( ) const;
T_SRDToken& setFullText( T_String text );
T_SRDToken& generateFullText( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool hasLocation( ) const noexcept;
T_SRDLocation const& location( ) const noexcept;
T_SRDLocation& location( ) noexcept;
T_SRDToken& location( T_String const& source , size_t byte );
T_SRDToken& location( T_String const& source , uint32_t line , size_t character );
T_SRDToken& location( T_SRDLocation const& other );
T_SRDToken& location( T_SRDLocation&& other );
T_SRDToken& copyLocationOf( T_SRDToken const& other );
void swap( T_SRDToken& lhs , T_SRDToken& rhs ) noexcept;
extern template class T_Array< T_SRDToken >;
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDData.hh>
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_SRDDATA
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
/* SRD - PARSER DEFINITIONS ***************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDData.hh>
#include <lw/lib/HashTables.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= DEFINITION DATA ==========================================================*/
// Full definition -> {contexts}, default context, {enums}
// Context -> name, {rules}
// Rule -> Accepted input, [context, [init], [exit]], [executor]
// Input def -> Word
// | Enum
// | Token type
// | Alternatives
// | Repetition
// Alternatives -> {input def}
// Repetition -> Input sequence, min count, max count
// Forward declarations
struct T_SRDParserData;
// F_SRDHandler - Parser callbacks
using F_SRDHandler = std::function< bool( T_SRDParserData const& ) >;
// T_SRDEnum - an enumeration
// i.e. set of words with associated sequence of integers, that can be
// recognized as a single input token.
class T_SRDEnum
T_String name_;
T_HashIndex index_;
T_Array< T_String > words_;
T_SRDEnum( ) = delete;
T_SRDEnum( T_String name );
T_SRDEnum( T_SRDEnum const& ) = default;
T_SRDEnum( T_SRDEnum && ) = default;
T_SRDEnum & operator <<( T_String && word );
T_SRDEnum & operator <<( char const* word );
T_String const& name( ) const;
auto size( ) const;
T_String const& operator[]( int index ) const;
T_String const& operator[]( uint32_t index ) const;
uint32_t operator[]( T_String const& word ) const;
uint32_t operator[]( char const* word ) const;
bool contains( T_String const& word ) const;
bool contains( char const* word ) const;
// E_SRDInputItem - Possible types for input definition elements
enum class E_SRDInputItem
WORD , // A specific word
ENUM , // A word from an enumeration
TOKEN , // An arbitrary token
ALTERNATIVE , // A set of alternative rules
REPETITION , // Repetition of a sequence
// T_SRDInputItem - An element from an input definition
class T_SRDInputItem
struct T_ListHelper {
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > items;
T_ListHelper( );
T_ListHelper& operator <<( T_SRDInputItem item );
E_SRDInputItem type_;
T_String word_;
E_SRDTokenType token_;
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > items_;
uint32_t min_ , max_;
// Construct an ALTERNATIVE input element
T_SRDInputItem( );
// Construct either a WORD or an ENUM input element
T_SRDInputItem( T_String wordOrName , bool isWord );
// Construct a WORD from a C string
T_SRDInputItem( char const* cString );
// Construct a TOKEN input element
T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType type );
// Construct a REPETITION input element
T_SRDInputItem( uint32_t min , uint32_t max );
friend void swap( T_SRDInputItem & lhs , T_SRDInputItem & rhs ) noexcept;
T_SRDInputItem( T_SRDInputItem const& ) = default;
T_SRDInputItem( T_SRDInputItem && ) noexcept = default;
T_SRDInputItem & operator=( T_SRDInputItem const& ) = default;
T_SRDInputItem & operator=( T_SRDInputItem && ) = default;
E_SRDInputItem type( ) const;
T_String const& word( ) const;
E_SRDTokenType token( ) const;
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > items( ) const;
uint32_t min( ) const;
uint32_t max( ) const;
T_SRDInputItem & operator <<( T_SRDInputItem item );
T_SRDInputItem& operator <<( T_ListHelper list );
// This operator is not actually used. It's only here to make the template
// instantiation happy. It actually returns false.
bool operator ==( T_SRDInputItem const& other ) const;
void swap( T_SRDInputItem & lhs , T_SRDInputItem & rhs ) noexcept;
T_StringBuilder & operator <<( T_StringBuilder & sb , T_SRDInputItem const& item );
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem >& operator <<( T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > & items ,
T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper& list );
extern template class T_Array< T_SRDInputItem >;
// T_SRDInputRule - A full rule from a context
class T_SRDInputRule
struct T_SetContextExecutor {
const bool exit;
const F_SRDHandler executor;
T_SetContextExecutor( bool exit , F_SRDHandler executor );
struct T_SetContext {
const T_String name;
T_SetContext( T_String string );
F_SRDHandler executor_;
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > items_;
T_String context_;
F_SRDHandler contextEnter_;
F_SRDHandler contextExit_;
T_SRDInputRule & operator <<( T_SRDInputItem item );
T_SRDInputRule & operator <<( F_SRDHandler executor );
T_SRDInputRule & operator <<( T_SetContextExecutor sce );
T_SRDInputRule & operator <<( T_SetContext sc );
T_SRDInputRule & operator <<( T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper sc );
F_SRDHandler const& handler( ) const;
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > const& rule( ) const;
T_String const& context( ) const;
F_SRDHandler const& onEnter( ) const;
F_SRDHandler const& onExit( ) const;
T_StringBuilder & operator <<( T_StringBuilder & sb , T_SRDInputRule const& item );
// T_SRDContext - A set of rules that will share common data
class T_SRDContext
T_String name_;
T_String parent_;
T_Array< T_SRDInputRule > rules_;
T_SRDContext( ) = delete;
explicit T_SRDContext( T_String name , T_String parent = T_String( ) );
T_SRDContext & operator <<( T_SRDInputRule rule );
T_String const& name( ) const;
T_String const& parent( ) const;
T_Array< T_SRDInputRule > const& rules( ) const;
T_StringBuilder & dump( T_StringBuilder & sb , T_String const& separator );
// T_SRDParserDefs - All definitions for a parser
class T_SRDParserDefs
// SetHandler - Used to set start/end handlers
struct SetHandler
const F_SRDHandler handler;
const bool start;
SetHandler( F_SRDHandler const& handler , bool start );
T_String dfCtx_;
T_ObjectTable< T_String , T_SRDContext > ctx_;
T_ObjectTable< T_String , T_SRDEnum > enums_;
F_SRDHandler onStart_;
F_SRDHandler onFinish_;
T_SRDParserDefs( ) = delete;
explicit T_SRDParserDefs( T_String defaultContext );
explicit T_SRDParserDefs( char const* defaultContext );
T_String const& defaultContext( ) const;
void defaultContext( T_String const& name );
void defaultContext( char const* name );
T_SRDParserDefs & operator <<( SetHandler sh );
F_SRDHandler const& onStart( ) const;
F_SRDHandler const& onFinish( ) const;
uint32_t contexts( ) const;
T_SRDContext & operator[]( uint32_t idx );
T_SRDContext const& operator[]( uint32_t idx ) const;
uint32_t contextId( T_String const& name ) const;
T_SRDContext & context( T_String const& name );
T_SRDContext & context( char const* name );
T_SRDContext & context( T_String const& name , T_String const& parent );
T_SRDContext & context( char const* name , char const* parent );
uint32_t enums( ) const;
bool hasEnum( T_String const& name ) const;
T_SRDEnum & enumeration( char const* name );
T_SRDEnum & enumeration( T_String const& name );
T_SRDEnum const& enumeration( T_String const& name ) const;
/*= PARSER DEFINITIONS HELPERS ===============================================*/
namespace SRD {
T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler OnStart( F_SRDHandler const& handler );
T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler OnFinish( F_SRDHandler const& handler );
T_SRDContext Context( T_String name );
T_SRDContext Context( char const* name );
T_SRDContext Context( char const* name , char const* parent );
T_SRDContext Context( T_String name , T_String parent );
T_SRDInputRule Rule( );
T_SRDEnum CreateEnum( T_String name );
T_SRDEnum CreateEnum( char const* name );
T_SRDInputItem Word( T_String const& word );
T_SRDInputItem Word( char const* word );
T_SRDInputItem Word( );
T_SRDInputItem String( );
T_SRDInputItem Binary( );
T_SRDInputItem LStart( );
T_SRDInputItem LEnd( );
T_SRDInputItem Int32( );
T_SRDInputItem Int64( );
T_SRDInputItem Float( );
T_SRDInputItem Enum( T_String name );
T_SRDInputItem Enum( char const* name );
T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper List( );
T_SRDInputItem Alt( );
T_SRDInputItem Sub( );
T_SRDInputItem Opt( );
T_SRDInputItem Opt( T_SRDInputItem item );
T_SRDInputItem AtLeast( uint32_t n );
T_SRDInputItem AtMost( uint32_t n );
T_SRDInputItem Times( uint32_t n );
T_SRDInputItem Between( uint32_t a , uint32_t b );
T_SRDInputItem Integer( );
T_SRDInputItem Numeric( );
T_SRDInputItem Text( );
T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext EnterContext( T_String name );
T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext EnterContext( char const* name );
T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor OnEnter( F_SRDHandler f );
T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor OnExit( F_SRDHandler f );
} // namespace SRD
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDDefinitions.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
/* SRD - INPUT AND OUTPUT *****************************************************/
#ifndef _H_LW_LIB_SRDIO
#define _H_LW_LIB_SRDIO
#include <lw/lib/SRDData.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= INPUT / OUTPUT ABSTRACTIONS ==============================================*/
// A_SRDWriter - Abstract SRD writer
class A_SRDWriter
A_SRDWriter( ) = default;
A_SRDWriter( A_SRDWriter const& ) = delete;
A_SRDWriter( A_SRDWriter&& ) = delete;
virtual ~A_SRDWriter( ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& start( ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& startList( ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& endList( ) = 0;
A_SRDWriter& putList( T_SRDList const& list );
A_SRDWriter& putToken( T_SRDToken const& token );
virtual A_SRDWriter& putText( T_String const& text ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putWord( T_String const& word ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putString( T_String const& string ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putComment( T_String const& comment ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putVariable( T_String const& var ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putBinary( T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& binary ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putInteger( int64_t value ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putInt32( int32_t value ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putInt64( int64_t value ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& putFloat( double value ) = 0;
virtual A_SRDWriter& end( ) = 0;
// A_SRDReaderTarget - Abstract token receiver for SRD readers
class A_SRDReaderTarget
virtual ~A_SRDReaderTarget( ) = 0;
virtual void start( T_SRDErrors& errors ) = 0;
virtual void push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token ) = 0;
virtual void end( T_SRDErrors& errors ) = 0;
// A_SRDReader - Abstract token reader
class A_SRDReader
A_SRDReaderTarget& target_;
A_SRDReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target );
virtual ~A_SRDReader( ) = 0;
virtual void read( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input ) = 0;
// X_SRDWriterError - SRD writer exception
class X_SRDWriterError : public std::exception
char const* msg_;
X_SRDWriterError( char const* msg ) noexcept;
X_SRDWriterError( ) = delete;
X_SRDWriterError( X_SRDWriterError const& ) = default;
X_SRDWriterError( X_SRDWriterError&& ) = default;
char const * what( ) const noexcept override;
/*= HELPERS ==================================================================*/
// T_SRDReaderTargetHelper - Calls start() and end() using RAII
class T_SRDReaderTargetHelper
A_SRDReaderTarget& target_;
T_SRDErrors& errors_;
T_SRDReaderTargetHelper( A_SRDReaderTarget& target , T_SRDErrors& errors );
~T_SRDReaderTargetHelper( );
// T_SRDListFixer - A stage that adds missing EOL's and discards extraneous
// EOL's, emitting errors as it does so.
class T_SRDListFixer final : public A_SRDReaderTarget
A_SRDReaderTarget& output_;
T_AutoArray< T_SRDLocation , 32 > listStarts_;
explicit T_SRDListFixer( A_SRDReaderTarget& output ) noexcept;
void start( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
void push( T_SRDErrors& errors ,
T_SRDToken&& token ) override;
void end( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
// T_SRDMemoryTarget - Stores the reader's output as a T_SRDList
class T_SRDMemoryTarget : public A_SRDReaderTarget
const bool structured_;
bool clearFlushToken_;
T_SRDToken list_;
RP_SRDToken current_;
T_Array< RP_SRDToken > stack_;
// If structured is set, the generated token list will include sub-lists
// as E_SRDTokenType::LIST tokens; if it isn't, the list will feature
// only start and end of list tokens.
explicit T_SRDMemoryTarget( bool structured = true );
// Set/get flush token handling
void clearFlushToken( bool clearIt ) noexcept;
bool clearFlushToken( ) const noexcept;
void start( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
void push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token ) override;
void end( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
// Get the list
T_SRDList const& list( ) const;
// Does the list only contains complete items?
bool complete( ) const;
// T_SRDWriterTarget - Forwards token that are read to a writer
class T_SRDWriterTarget : public A_SRDReaderTarget
A_SRDWriter& writer_;
explicit T_SRDWriterTarget( A_SRDWriter& writer );
void start( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
void push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token ) override;
void end( T_SRDErrors& errors ) override;
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDIO.hh>
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_SRDIO
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
/* SRD - PREPROCESSOR COMMANDS ************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDPreproc.hh>
namespace lw {
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastString ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastString , "to-string" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastWord ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastWord , "to-word" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastInt ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastInt , "to-integer" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastLong ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastLong , "to-long" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastBestInt ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastBestInt , "to-best-integer" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastReal ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastReal , "to-real" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastVar ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastVar , "to-variable" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( CastList ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( CastList , "to-list" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( ClearScope ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_N( ClearScope , "clear-scope" , 0 );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Concat ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Concat , "concat" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( EndsWith ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( EndsWith , "ends-with" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( FromSource ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( FromSource , "from-source" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Ignore ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_N( Ignore , "ignore" , 0 );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( IsBlessed ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( IsBlessed , "is-blessed" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( IsMacro ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( IsMacro , "is-macro" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Length ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Length , "length" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( ListMacros ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_N( ListMacros , "ls-macros" , 0 );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( ListVariables ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_N( ListVariables , "ls-variables" , 0 );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Output ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Output , "output" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Rethrow ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Rethrow , "rethrow" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Scope ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_N( Scope , "scope" , 0 );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( SetMacro ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( SetMacro , "set-macro" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( StartsWith ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( StartsWith , "starts-with" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( StrFind ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( StrFind , "str-find" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( StrSplit ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( StrSplit , "str-split" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Substr ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Substr , "substr" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( ToSource ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( ToSource , "to-source" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( UnsetMacro ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( UnsetMacro , "unset-macro" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_DECL( Unwrap ); M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT( Unwrap , "unwrap" );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_OBJ( VFSList , "vfs-list" , T_VFS& , vfs_ );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_OBJ( VFSLoad , "vfs-load" , T_VFS& , vfs_ );
M_SRDPP_COMMAND_INIT_OBJ( VFSType , "vfs-type" , T_VFS& , vfs_ );
} // namespace lw
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* SRD PARSER AND PREPROCESSOR ************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/SRDIO.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDParserConfig.hh>
namespace lw {
// T_SRDParserData - Run-time data passed to the handlers when parsing
struct T_SRDParserData
// Parser configuration
T_SRDParserConfig const& config;
// Error output
T_SRDErrors & errors;
// Input list (if any) for the current rule
RPC_SRDList input;
// Name of the current context
T_String currentContext;
// Current context's data
RP_Variant currentData;
// Target context when entering or exiting
T_String targetContext;
// Data for the target context; must be initialised at entrance
RP_Variant targetData;
explicit T_SRDParserData(
T_SRDParserConfig const& parser ,
T_SRDErrors & errors );
// E_SRDFlushMode - How the parser flushes its command list
enum class E_SRDFlushMode {
MANUAL , // The parser never flushes the command list, it
// must be done manually by calling flush()
END , // Flush the command list after parsing has been
// completed. This is the default.
SENTENCE // Flush after each sentence (start() and end()
// will also cause flushes)
// T_SRDParser - The parser's main class
class T_SRDParser : public A_SRDReaderTarget , public A_PrivateImplementation
T_SRDParser( ) = delete;
T_SRDParser( T_SRDParserConfig const& cfg );
void start( T_SRDErrors & errors ) override;
void push( T_SRDErrors & errors , T_SRDToken && token ) override;
void end( T_SRDErrors & errors ) override;
// Execute all currently queued commands
void flush( );
// Set/get the flush mode
void flushMode( E_SRDFlushMode mode ) noexcept;
E_SRDFlushMode flushMode( ) const noexcept;
// Set/get flush token handling
void handleFlushToken( bool handleIt ) noexcept;
bool handleFlushToken( ) const noexcept;
template< typename T >
T const& getData( ) const;
T_Variant const& getExecStackTop( ) const;
template< typename T >
inline T const& T_SRDParser::getData( ) const
return getExecStackTop( ).value< T >( );
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
/* SRD - PARSER CONFIGURATION *************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDDefinitions.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Types.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= PROCESSED PARSER CONFIGURATION ===========================================*/
// E_SRDTransitionType - Type of a parser state transition
enum class E_SRDTransitionType {
// T_SRDTransition - A parser transition (condition + next state)
struct T_SRDTransition
// Match type
E_SRDTransitionType type;
// Match value: word or enum index, or token type.
union {
uint32_t index;
E_SRDTokenType tokenType;
// Next state
uint32_t next;
T_SRDTransition( E_SRDTokenType tokenType , uint32_t next );
T_SRDTransition( E_SRDTransitionType type , uint32_t index , uint32_t next );
// T_SRDParserConfig - Parser configuration
struct T_SRDParserConfig
enum : uint32_t { INVALID_END = 0xffffffff };
F_SRDHandler onStart;
F_SRDHandler onFinish;
T_Array< T_SRDContext > contexts;
T_ObjectTable< T_String , T_SRDEnum > enums;
// Index of words used in the rules
T_HashIndex wordsIndex;
T_Array< T_String > words;
// Start indices for the contexts' automatons
T_Array< uint32_t > startStates;
// End states. Either 0xffffffff for states that are not end states,
// or the rule ID for valid end states.
T_Array< uint32_t > endStates;
// State transitions
T_MultiArray< T_SRDTransition > transitions;
// Rule contexts
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > ruleContexts;
T_SRDParserConfig( ) = delete;
T_SRDParserConfig( T_SRDParserDefs const& defs );
// Try to find a transition matching the token
bool transition( uint32_t& state , T_SRDToken const& token ) const;
// Find the value of an enumeration member
T_Optional< uint32_t > enumValue( char const* name , T_String const& member ) const noexcept;
T_Optional< uint32_t > enumValue( T_String const& name , T_String const& member ) const noexcept;
// X_SRDParserConfig - Exception indicating that definitions were incorrect
class X_SRDParserConfig : public std::exception
T_Buffer< char > errorString_;
explicit X_SRDParserConfig( T_StringBuilder const& error );
explicit X_SRDParserConfig( T_String const& error );
char const * what( ) const noexcept override;
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDParserConfig.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* SRD - TEXT STORAGE *********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDIO.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= READER ===================================================================*/
// Streaming lexer for SRD text
class T_SRDLexer : public A_PrivateImplementation
T_SRDLexer( ) = delete;
T_SRDLexer( T_SRDLexer const& ) = delete;
T_SRDLexer( T_SRDLexer&& ) = delete;
T_SRDLexer( T_String const& name , T_SRDErrors& errors , A_SRDReaderTarget& target );
void processCharacter( T_Character c );
void processEnd( );
// Text reader - wraps the lexer inside a SRD reader
class T_SRDTextReader : public A_SRDReader
T_SRDTextReader( ) = delete;
T_SRDTextReader( T_SRDTextReader const& ) = delete;
T_SRDTextReader( T_SRDTextReader&& ) = delete;
T_SRDTextReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target );
void read( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input ) override;
T_SRDList SRDFromText( T_String const& name , T_String const& string , bool structured = true );
T_SRDList SRDFromText( T_String const& name , char const* string , bool structured = true );
/*= WRITER ===================================================================*/
// T_SRDTextWriter - Writer for the text form of SRD
class T_SRDTextWriter : public A_SRDWriter , public A_PrivateImplementation
T_SRDTextWriter( ) = delete;
T_SRDTextWriter( T_SRDTextWriter const& ) = delete;
T_SRDTextWriter( T_SRDTextWriter&& ) = delete;
explicit T_SRDTextWriter( A_OutputStream& output );
T_SRDTextWriter& start( ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& startList( ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& endList( ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putText( T_String const& text ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putWord( T_String const& word ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putString( T_String const& string ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putComment( T_String const& comment ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putVariable( T_String const& variable ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putBinary( T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& binary ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putInteger( int64_t value ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putInt32( int32_t value ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putInt64( int64_t value ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& putFloat( double value ) override;
T_SRDTextWriter& end( ) override;
void SRDWriteAsText( A_OutputStream& output , T_SRDList const& data );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/SRDText.hh>
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_SRDTEXT
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
/* STREAMS ********************************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Buffers.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= STREAM ERRORS ============================================================*/
enum class E_StreamError {
NOT_SUPPORTED , // Operation not supported
END , // End of stream
BAD_DATA , // Invalid data read from the stream
UNAVAILABLE , // Stream is no longer available
class X_StreamError : public std::exception
E_StreamError error_;
int sysError_;
explicit X_StreamError( E_StreamError e );
explicit X_StreamError( int error );
X_StreamError( ) = delete;
X_StreamError( X_StreamError const& ) = default;
X_StreamError( X_StreamError&& ) noexcept = default;
virtual X_StreamError& operator= ( X_StreamError const& ) = default;
virtual X_StreamError& operator= ( X_StreamError&& ) = default;
E_StreamError code( ) const;
int systemError( ) const;
char const * what( ) const noexcept;
/*= BASE ABSTRACT CLASSES FOR STREAMS ========================================*/
class A_Stream
const bool isInput_;
const bool knownSize_;
size_t size_;
size_t position_;
A_Stream( bool isInput , size_t position ) noexcept;
A_Stream( bool isInput , size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept;
A_Stream( ) = delete;
A_Stream( A_Stream const& ) = delete;
A_Stream( A_Stream&& ) = delete;
virtual ~A_Stream( ) = 0;
bool isInput( ) const;
bool isSizeKnown( ) const;
size_t position( ) const;
size_t size( ) const;
class A_InputStream : public A_Stream
explicit A_InputStream( size_t position ) noexcept;
A_InputStream( size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept;
virtual size_t read( void* data , size_t size ) = 0;
class A_OutputStream : public A_Stream
A_OutputStream( size_t position ) noexcept;
A_OutputStream( size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept;
virtual size_t write( void const* data , size_t size ) = 0;
virtual void flush( );
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/Streams.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
/* STRINGS AND RELATED UTILITIES **********************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Arrays.hh>
#include <lw/lib/BinaryStreams.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= UTF-8 UTILITY FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
// Is the specified C string valid UTF-8 ?
bool UTF8IsValid( char const* string );
// Get the length (in characters) of the specified UTF-8 0-terminated string
uint32_t UTF8Length( char const* string );
// Get the size (in bytes) of the specified UTF-8 0-terminated string
uint32_t UTF8Size( char const* string );
// Combined function that does all the above
bool UTF8Info( char const* string , uint32_t& size , uint32_t& length );
// Check if the specified data is a valid UTF-8 string, and compute its length
// (in characters).
bool UTF8BufferInfo( char const* data , uint32_t size , uint32_t& length );
// Get the codepoint from a sequence of UTF-8 bytes. Sets "bytes" to the amount
// of bytes read from the input.
uint32_t UTF8GetCodepoint( char const* data , uint32_t& bytes );
// Similar to the above, without the amount of bytes output.
uint32_t UTF8GetCodepoint( char const* data );
// Write an UTF-8 encoded codepoint to a string, returns the amount of bytes
// that were written, or 0 if there wasn't enough space.
uint32_t UTF8PutCodepoint( char* output , uint32_t available , uint32_t codepoint );
// Get the memory offset of a codepoint in an UTF-8 sequence based on its index.
uint32_t UTF8GetMemoryOffset( char const* input , uint32_t index );
// Convert an UTF-8 sequence into an unsigned integer.
uint64_t UTF8ToUnsignedInteger( char const* input , uint32_t size ,
bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
uint32_t separator = ' ' );
// Convert an UTF-8 sequence into a signed integer.
int64_t UTF8ToInteger( char const* input , uint32_t size ,
bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
uint32_t separator = ' ' );
// Convert an UTF-8 sequence into a double precision floating point number. The
// sequence will be checked, converted into a C string and passed to strtod()
// for actual conversion.
double UTF8ToDouble( char const* input , uint32_t size ,
bool * ok = nullptr , uint32_t decimalPoint = '.' ,
bool useSep = false , uint32_t separator = ' ' );
/*= UNICODE CHARACTERS =======================================================*/
struct T_Character
const uint32_t codepoint;
T_Character( ) noexcept;
T_Character( T_Character const& other ) noexcept;
M_WITH_INT( T ) T_Character( T codepoint ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool isValid( ) const;
bool isAscii( ) const;
bool isControl( ) const;
bool isUppercase( ) const;
bool isLowercase( ) const;
bool isAlpha( ) const;
bool isNumeric( ) const;
bool isAlphanumeric( ) const;
bool isWhitespace( ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool operator== ( T_Character const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_Character const& other ) const;
bool operator< ( T_Character const& other ) const;
bool operator> ( T_Character const& other ) const;
bool operator<= ( T_Character const& other ) const;
bool operator>= ( T_Character const& other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator== ( T other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator!= ( T other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator< ( T other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator<= ( T other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator> ( T other ) const;
M_WITH_INT( T ) bool operator>= ( T other ) const;
operator uint32_t ( ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint32_t writeTo( char* output , uint32_t avail ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_Character toUpper( ) const;
T_Character toLower( ) const;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( Character );
/*= IMMUTABLE UTF8 STRINGS ===================================================*/
* NOTE: the *objects* are NOT immutable. The strings they contain, however,
* are.
class T_StringBuilder;
class T_StringIterator;
// T_StringData - Abstract base for the various types of string storage.
class A_StringData
char* data_;
uint32_t size_;
bool valid_;
uint32_t length_;
A_StringData( ) = default;
A_StringData( A_StringData const& ) = delete;
A_StringData( A_StringData&& ) = delete;
virtual ~A_StringData( ) = 0;
// Is valid UTF-8?
bool valid( ) const;
// Get a pointer to the data
char const * data( ) const;
// Length in characters
uint32_t length( ) const;
// Size in bytes
uint32_t size( ) const;
// T_String - Main UTF-8 string class
class T_String
RP_StringData data_;
// Construct an empty string. No overhead whatsoever, just an assignment
T_String( ) noexcept;
// This constructor will try to:
// - use the empty string if initial is null or ""
// - use a pooled string if one matches initial
// - create a dynamic string otherwise.
// Because of this, it is relatively slow and should be avoided in
// general.
explicit T_String( char const* initial );
T_String( T_StringBuilder&& sb );
T_String( T_StringBuilder const& sb );
// Construct a dynamic string, either using the provided memory
// or duplicating it. Doesn't use the pools at all.
T_String( char const* data , uint32_t size , bool nodup = false );
T_String( T_String const& source );
T_String( T_String&& source ) noexcept;
~T_String( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Get a pooled string. Faster than constructing then calling
// addToPool( ) if the string is already pooled. If it isn't, it will
// be added as a dynamic string.
static T_String Pooled( char const* string );
static T_String Pooled( char const* data , uint32_t size );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_String& operator= ( T_String&& string ) noexcept;
T_String& operator= ( T_String const& string );
T_String& operator= ( T_StringBuilder&& sb );
T_String& operator= ( T_StringBuilder const& sb );
friend void swap( T_String& lhs , T_String& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds the string to the pool if it isn't pooled already. If the pool
// already contains a pooled version of this string, use it instead.
T_String& addToPool( );
// Attempts to use the pooled version of a string if it exists. If it
// doesn't, keep using the current version.
T_String& usePool( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool valid( ) const;
uint32_t size( ) const;
uint32_t length( ) const;
char const * data( ) const;
operator bool ( ) const;
bool operator! ( ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the character at the specified index
T_Character operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const;
// Return a substring from the left side of the string
T_String left( uint32_t count ) const;
// Return a substring from the right side of the string
T_String right( uint32_t count ) const;
// Return a substring from the specified offset
T_String substr( uint32_t offset , uint32_t count = UINT32_MAX ) const;
// Return the substring between the two specified offsets
T_String range( uint32_t start , uint32_t end ) const;
// Remove whitespace from the start and end of the string
T_String trim( ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool equals( T_String const& other ) const;
bool equals( char const* string ) const;
int32_t compare( T_String const& other ) const;
int32_t compareIgnoreCase( T_String const& other ) const;
bool startsWith( T_String const& other ) const;
bool endsWith( T_String const& other ) const;
// Finds a sub-string. Returns -1 if it isn't found.
int32_t find( T_String const& other , uint32_t from = 0 ) const;
// Finds a character. Returns -1 if it isn't found.
int32_t find( T_Character character , uint32_t from = 0 ) const;
bool operator== ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator< ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator> ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator>= ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator<= ( T_String const& other ) const;
bool operator== ( char const* string ) const;
bool operator!= ( char const* string ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_String replace( T_Character initial , T_Character replacement ) const;
T_String replace( T_String const& initial , T_String const& replacement ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint64_t toUnsignedInteger( bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 ,
bool useSep = false , T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
int64_t toInteger( bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
double toDouble( bool * ok = nullptr , T_Character decimalPoint = '.' ,
bool useSep = false , T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_StringIterator getIterator( uint32_t offset ) const;
operator T_StringIterator( ) const;
// Converts the string to an array of bytes suitable for use with the
// operating system's functions (e.g. UTF-8 C string on Linux, or
// UTF-16 strings on Windows)
T_Buffer< char > toOSString( ) const;
void swap( T_String& lhs , T_String& rhs ) noexcept;
extern template class T_Array< T_String >;
extern template class T_MultiArray< T_String >;
/*= STRING ITERATORS =========================================================*/
class T_StringIterator final
friend class T_String;
RP_StringData data_;
uint32_t pos_;
uint32_t index_;
uint32_t codepoint_;
uint32_t bytes_;
T_StringIterator( RP_StringData data , uint32_t index );
T_StringIterator( ) = delete;
T_StringIterator( T_StringIterator const& other );
T_StringIterator( T_StringIterator&& other ) noexcept;
~T_StringIterator( );
T_StringIterator& operator= ( T_StringIterator const& other );
T_StringIterator& operator= ( T_StringIterator&& other ) noexcept;
friend void swap( T_StringIterator& lhs , T_StringIterator& rhs ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool next( );
uint32_t index( ) const;
bool atEnd( ) const;
T_Character character( ) const;
operator T_Character ( ) const;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( StringIterator );
void swap( T_StringIterator& lhs , T_StringIterator& rhs ) noexcept;
/*= STRING BUILDERS ==========================================================*/
class T_StringBuilder
enum : uint32_t { C_GROWTH = 32 };
char* data_;
uint32_t capacity_;
uint32_t size_;
uint32_t length_;
friend class T_String;
T_StringBuilder( ) noexcept;
T_StringBuilder( T_StringBuilder const& other );
T_StringBuilder( T_StringBuilder&& other ) noexcept;
T_StringBuilder( char const* data , uint32_t size );
explicit T_StringBuilder( T_String const& string );
explicit T_StringBuilder( char const* string );
~T_StringBuilder( );
T_StringBuilder& operator =( T_StringBuilder const& other );
T_StringBuilder& operator =( T_StringBuilder&& other ) noexcept;
friend void swap( T_StringBuilder& lhs , T_StringBuilder& rhs );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
char const * data( ) const;
uint32_t capacity( ) const;
uint32_t size( ) const;
uint32_t length( ) const;
operator bool ( ) const;
bool operator! ( ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_StringBuilder& ensureCapacity( uint32_t minCap );
T_StringBuilder& clear( );
T_StringBuilder& free( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_StringBuilder& append( T_StringBuilder const& other );
T_StringBuilder& append( T_StringBuilder&& other );
T_StringBuilder& append( T_String const& string );
T_StringBuilder& append( char const* string , uint32_t size );
T_StringBuilder& append( char character );
T_StringBuilder& append( T_Character character );
T_StringBuilder& appendNumeric( int64_t value , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
T_Character sep = ' ' , int sepEvery = 3 );
T_StringBuilder& appendNumeric( uint64_t value , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
T_Character sep = ' ' , int sepEvery = 3 );
T_StringBuilder& appendDouble( double value , uint32_t precision = 6 , bool trailingZeros = false );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
bool operator== ( T_StringBuilder const& other ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_StringBuilder const& other ) const;
bool operator== ( T_String const& string ) const;
bool operator!= ( T_String const& string ) const;
bool operator== ( char const* string ) const;
bool operator!= ( char const* string ) const;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
uint64_t toUnsignedInteger( bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 ,
bool useSep = false , T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
int64_t toInteger( bool * ok = nullptr , int base = 10 , bool useSep = false ,
T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
double toDouble( bool * ok = nullptr , T_Character decimalPoint = '.' ,
bool useSep = false , T_Character separator = ' ' ) const;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( StringBuilder );
void swap( T_StringBuilder& lhs , T_StringBuilder& rhs );
// Operator <<
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_StringBuilder const& );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_StringBuilder && );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_String const& );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , char const* );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , char );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_Character );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , int16_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , int32_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , int64_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , uint16_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , uint32_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , uint64_t );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , float );
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , double );
} // namespace
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_STRINGS
#include <lw/lib/inline/Strings.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
/* THREADING ******************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Arrays.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= ALIASES ==================================================================*/
using T_Mutex = std::mutex;
using T_ScopeLock = std::lock_guard< std::mutex >;
using T_ExclusiveLock = std::unique_lock< std::mutex >;
using T_Condition = std::condition_variable;
using T_Thread = std::thread;
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ExclusiveLock );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( Condition );
/*= READ/WRITE LOCKING =======================================================*/
// A mutex that supports multiple readers and one writer. Based on the
// implementation from G++ 6's standard library.
class T_ReadWriteMutex
static constexpr uint32_t C_WLOCKED_ = 1 << 31;
static constexpr uint32_t C_READERS_ = ~C_WLOCKED_;
T_Mutex mutex_;
T_Condition readerBlock_;
T_Condition writerBlock_;
uint32_t state_;
T_ReadWriteMutex( );
T_ReadWriteMutex( T_ReadWriteMutex const& ) = delete;
T_ReadWriteMutex( T_ReadWriteMutex&& ) = default;
~T_ReadWriteMutex( );
T_ReadWriteMutex& operator=( T_ReadWriteMutex const& ) = delete;
T_ReadWriteMutex& operator=( T_ReadWriteMutex&& ) = default;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Write lock
void lock( );
bool try_lock( );
void unlock( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Read lock
void lock_shared( );
bool try_lock_shared( );
void unlock_shared( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void upgradeLock( );
M_CLASS_POINTERS( ReadWriteMutex );
// Write lock / scoped write lock aliases
using T_WriteLock = std::unique_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >;
using T_ScopeWriteLock = std::lock_guard< T_ReadWriteMutex >;
// Read lock based on std::shared_lock, but that can be
// upgraded to a write lock without releasing
class T_ReadLock : public std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >
T_ReadLock( ) noexcept;
T_ReadLock( T_ReadLock&& other );
explicit T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m );
T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::defer_lock_t t );
T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::try_to_lock_t t );
T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::adopt_lock_t t );
T_WriteLock upgrade( );
/*= RING BUFFER ==============================================================*/
template< typename ElementType >
class T_RingBuffer
typedef T_RingBuffer< ElementType > T_Self;
uint32_t expand_;
ElementType * data_;
uint32_t allocated_;
uint32_t used_;
uint32_t readPos_;
explicit T_RingBuffer( uint32_t expand = 64 );
T_RingBuffer( T_Self const& other );
T_RingBuffer( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
~T_RingBuffer( );
T_Self& operator=( T_Self const& other );
T_Self& operator=( T_Self&& other ) noexcept;
template< typename T >
friend void swap( T_RingBuffer< T >& lhs , T_RingBuffer< T >& rhs ) noexcept;
void free( );
uint32_t size( ) const;
uint32_t capacity( ) const;
uint32_t growth( ) const;
bool readNext( ElementType& output );
bool readAll( T_Array< ElementType >& output );
void put( ElementType const& input );
void put( ElementType&& input );
template< typename... ArgTypes >
void putNew( ArgTypes&&... arguments );
void expand( );
template< typename T >
void swap( T_RingBuffer< T >& lhs , T_RingBuffer< T >& rhs ) noexcept;
#include <lw/lib/inline/Threading.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,498 @@
/* CONTAINER TYPES ************************************************************/
#ifndef _H_LW_LIB_TYPES
#define _H_LW_LIB_TYPES
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= VARIANT TYPE =============================================================*/
// Forward declaration of the main variant type
template< size_t InPlaceSize = sizeof( void* ) >
class T_VariantExt;
/* Helper class for the variant type. Contains the handlers for both in-place
* and heap-allocated storage.
struct T_VariantHelper
// Copy handler - Can be used to copy objects, will abort if the
// type doesn't support copy construction.
typename Type ,
bool CanCopy = std::is_copy_constructible< Type >::value
> struct T_CopyHandler;
template< typename Type > struct T_CopyHandler< Type , true >
{ static void copy( void* , Type const& ); };
template< typename Type > struct T_CopyHandler< Type , false >
{ static void copy( void* , Type const& ); };
// Move handler - Can be used to move objects, will abort if the
// type doesn't support move construction.
typename Type ,
bool CanMove = std::is_move_constructible< Type >::value
> struct T_MoveHandler;
template< typename Type > struct T_MoveHandler< Type , true >
{ static void move( void* , Type& ); };
template< typename Type > struct T_MoveHandler< Type , false >
{ static void move( void* , Type& ); };
// E_HandlerMode - Whether a handler uses in-place storage or
// heap allocation
enum class E_HandlerMode {
// T_HandlerInfo - Information about the handler, used when assigning
// between variants with different in-place sizes.
struct T_HandlerInfo
size_t size , align;
E_HandlerMode mode;
// E_HandlerOp - An operation that can be executed by the data handler
enum class E_HandlerOp {
ALLOC , // Allocate item storage
// Arg0: N/A
// Arg1: data storage
ACCESS , // Access the item
// Arg0: data storage
// Arg1: pointer to the item
DESTRUCT , // Call the item's destructor
// Arg0: N/A
// Arg1: data storage
TYPEID , // Return type information
// Arg0: N/A
// Arg1: type info
COPY , // Create a copy of the item
// Arg0: source pointer
// Arg1: destination pointer
MOVE , // Move the item
// Arg0: source pointer
// Arg1: destination pointer
HINFO , // Return information about the handler
// Arg0: N/A
// Arg1: handler info
MKHDL , // Initialise another handler for the same type
// Input: E_HandlerMode
// Output: handler pointer
// F_Handler - Handler function pointer
typedef void (*F_Handler)(
E_HandlerOp op ,
void const* source ,
void* argument );
// T_InPlaceHandler - Handler for items that can be stored in-place
template< typename Type >
struct T_InPlaceHandler
template< typename Raw >
static void init( void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Raw const& value );
template< typename Raw >
static void init( void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Raw&& value );
template< typename... Arguments >
static void init( Construct< Type > ,
void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Arguments&&... arguments );
static void action( E_HandlerOp op ,
void const* source ,
void* target );
// T_HeapHandler - Handler for items that require memory allocation
template< typename Type >
struct T_HeapHandler
template< typename Raw >
static void init( void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Raw const& value );
template< typename Raw >
static void init( void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Raw&& value );
template< typename... Arguments >
static void init( Construct< Type > ,
void* storage ,
F_Handler& handler ,
Arguments&&... arguments );
static void action( E_HandlerOp op ,
void const* source ,
void* target );
// T_BestHandlerFor - Handler for some item type, based on whether it
// requires heap allocation or not.
template< typename Type , size_t Size >
using T_BestHandlerFor = std::conditional_t<
std::is_move_constructible< Type >::value
&& sizeof( Type ) <= Size
&& alignof( Type ) <= alignof( void* ) ,
T_InPlaceHandler< Type > ,
T_HeapHandler< Type > >;
// T_IsVariant - Templated horror to check whether something is a
// variant of arbitrary size.
template< typename T >
struct T_IsVariant
static constexpr bool value = false;
template< size_t S >
struct T_IsVariant< T_VariantExt< S > >
static constexpr bool value = true;
// T_CanFit - Templated horror that compares two variant's storage sizes.
size_t A , size_t B
> struct T_CanFit
using T_A = T_VariantExt< A >;
using T_B = T_VariantExt< B >;
static constexpr bool value = T_A::StorageSize <= T_B::StorageSize;
template< size_t InPlaceSize >
class T_VariantExt
template< size_t >
friend class T_VariantExt;
using T_Self = T_VariantExt< InPlaceSize >;
static constexpr size_t StorageSize
= std::max( sizeof( void* ) , InPlaceSize );
// T_RawOther_ - Raw type, provided it's not a T_VariantExt
typename T ,
typename Raw = std::decay_t< T >
> using T_RawOther_ = std::enable_if_t<
!T_VariantHelper::T_IsVariant< Raw >::value , Raw
// T_DataStorage_ - Contains the data or pointer to the data
union T_DataStorage_
void* pointer;
std::aligned_storage_t< StorageSize , alignof( void* ) > inPlace;
T_DataStorage_( ) = default;
T_DataStorage_( T_DataStorage_ const& ) = delete;
T_DataStorage_& operator =( T_DataStorage_ const& ) = delete;
// Handler function and storage area
T_VariantHelper::F_Handler handler_;
T_DataStorage_ storage_;
T_VariantExt( ) noexcept;
~T_VariantExt( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors from other T_VariantExt instances
T_VariantExt( T_Self const& other );
T_VariantExt( T_Self&& other );
template< size_t S >
T_VariantExt( T_VariantExt< S > const& other );
template< size_t S >
T_VariantExt( T_VariantExt< S >&& other );
// Assignment from other T_VariantExt instances
T_Self& operator=( T_Self const& source );
T_Self& operator=( T_Self&& source );
template< size_t S >
T_Self& operator=( T_VariantExt< S > const& source );
template< size_t S >
T_Self& operator=( T_VariantExt< S >&& source );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constructors from other types
typename T ,
typename Raw = T_RawOther_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = true
> T_VariantExt( T&& value );
typename T ,
typename Raw = T_RawOther_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< !std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = false
> T_VariantExt( T&& value );
// Assignment from other types
typename T ,
typename Raw = T_RawOther_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = true
> T_Self& operator= ( T&& value );
typename T ,
typename Raw = T_RawOther_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< !std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = false
> T_Self& operator= ( T&& value );
// In-place construction for another type
template< typename Type , typename... Arguments >
void setNew( Arguments&&... arguments );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
template< size_t A , size_t B >
friend void swap(
T_VariantExt< A >& lhs ,
T_VariantExt< B >& rhs ) noexcept;
void clear( ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
std::type_info const& typeInfo( ) const;
template< typename T >
T const& value( ) const;
template< typename T >
T& value( );
operator bool( ) const noexcept;
bool operator !( ) const noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copy implementation
template< size_t S >
void copyFrom_( T_VariantExt< S > const& other );
// Different move implementations based on source size
size_t S ,
std::enable_if_t< T_VariantHelper::T_CanFit< S , InPlaceSize >::value , bool > = true
> void moveFrom_( T_VariantExt< S >&& source );
size_t S ,
std::enable_if_t< !T_VariantHelper::T_CanFit< S , InPlaceSize >::value , bool > = false
> void moveFrom_( T_VariantExt< S >&& source );
using T_Variant = T_VariantExt< >;
/*= OPTIONAL TYPE ============================================================*/
template< typename Type >
class T_Optional
using T_Self_ = T_Optional< Type >;
bool present_;
std::aligned_storage_t< sizeof( Type ) , alignof( Type ) > storage_;
// Construct as empty
constexpr T_Optional( ) noexcept;
// Copy/move constructors
T_Optional( T_Self_ const& other );
T_Optional( T_Self_&& other ) noexcept;
// Delete the value if necessary
~T_Optional( ) noexcept;
// Copy/move assignment
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_ const& other );
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_ && other ) noexcept;
template< typename T >
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_Optional< T > );
// Initialise or assign from values
T_Optional( Type const& value );
T_Optional( Type&& value ) noexcept;
T_Self_& operator =( Type const& value );
T_Self_& operator =( Type&& value ) noexcept;
// Initialise or set to new value
template< typename... Arguments >
T_Optional( Construct< Type > , Arguments&&... arguments );
template< typename... Arguments >
void setNew( Arguments&&... arguments );
// Clear current value
void clear( ) noexcept;
// Is there a value?
constexpr bool present( ) const noexcept;
// Pointer to value or nullptr if no value
constexpr Type const* target( ) const noexcept;
constexpr Type* target( ) noexcept;
// Reference to value or std::bad_cast if no value
operator Type const&( ) const;
operator Type& ( );
template< typename Type >
M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_Optional< Type > );
/*= UNION TYPE ===============================================================*/
template< typename... Types >
class T_Union
static_assert( MetaAnd< CanCopyOrMove< Types >... >::value ,
"types must be either copiable or movable" );
static_assert( MetaLength< Types... >::value > 0 ,
"empty unions are not allowed" );
using T_Self_ = T_Union< Types... >;
using T_Storage_ = std::aligned_union_t< 0 , Types... >;
// Supported_< T > - Checks whether the type is in the union's type list
template< typename T >
using Supported_ = MetaContains< T , std::decay_t< Types >... >;
// IndexOf_< T > - Finds the type's index in the union's list
template< typename T >
using IndexOf_ = MetaIndexOf< T , std::decay_t< Types >... >;
// GetType_< I > - Finds the type at the specified index in the union's list
template< unsigned I >
using GetType_ = T_MetaGet< I , std::decay_t< Types >... >;
// RawType_< T > - Raw type of one of the union's supported types
template< typename T , typename R = std::decay_t< T > >
using RawType_ = std::enable_if_t< Supported_< R >::value , R >;
uint32_t type_;
T_Storage_ storage_;
// Default constructor - only available if the first type in the union's
// type list is default constructible.
typename T0 = GetType_< 0 > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_default_constructible< T0 >::value , bool > = true
> T_Union( );
// Copy and move constructors - only available if all the types in the
// union are copy- or move-constructible, respectively.
T_Union( T_Self_ const& other );
T_Union( T_Self_&& other ) noexcept;
~T_Union( );
// Swap - only available if all the types in the union are
// move-constructible
template< typename... TL >
friend M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_Union< TL... > );
// Copy and move assignment - only available if all the types in the
// union are copy- or move-constructible, respectively.
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_ const& );
T_Self_& operator =( T_Self_ && ) noexcept;
template< typename T , typename... ArgTypes >
T_Union( Construct< T > , ArgTypes&&... arguments );
// Construct from an instance of one of the union's types. Move and copy
// are both supported.
typename T ,
typename Raw = RawType_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = true
> T_Union( T&& );
typename T ,
typename Raw = RawType_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< !std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = false
> T_Union( T&& );
// Assign from an instance of one of the union's types. Move and copy
// are both supported.
typename T ,
typename Raw = RawType_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = true
> T_Self_& operator =( T&& );
typename T ,
typename Raw = RawType_< T > ,
typename std::enable_if_t< !std::is_constructible< Raw , T&& >::value , bool > = false
> T_Self_& operator =( T&& );
// Checks whether the instance contains an instance of the specified
// type
template< typename T >
constexpr bool hasType( ) const noexcept;
// Returns the type information for the instance's current contents
std::type_info const& typeInfo( ) const noexcept;
// Obtains a pointer to the contents; may be nullptr if the union
// does not contain an instance of that type at the time
template< typename T >
constexpr T const* target( ) const noexcept;
template< typename T >
constexpr T* target( ) noexcept;
// Obtains a reference to the contents. Will throw std::bad_cast
// if the contents' type doesn't match.
template< typename T >
T const& value( ) const;
template< typename T >
T& value( );
// Destroying contents
void destroy( );
template< typename T >
static void destroyImpl( T_Storage_* storage );
// Copying contents
void copy( T_Storage_* to ) const;
template< typename T >
static void copyImpl( T_Storage_ const* from , T_Storage_* to );
// Moving contents
void move( T_Storage_* to );
template< typename T >
static void moveImpl( T_Storage_* from , T_Storage_* to );
template< typename... Types >
M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_Union< Types... > );
} // namespace
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_TYPES
#include <lw/lib/inline/Types.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
/* VARIOUS UTILITIES **********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
namespace lw {
// IsPowerOf2( v ) - Is some integer a power of 2 ?
template< typename T >
static constexpr bool IsPowerOf2( T value );
/*= TEMPLATED HORRORS ========================================================*/
// MetaOr< ... > - Logical OR for templates
template< typename... >
struct MetaOr : std::false_type
{ };
template< typename T >
struct MetaOr< T > : T
{ };
template< typename T , typename... Rest >
struct MetaOr< T , Rest... >
: std::conditional_t< bool( T::value ) , T , MetaOr< Rest... > >
{ };
// MetaAnd< ... > - Logical AND for templates
template< typename... >
struct MetaAnd : std::true_type
{ };
template< typename T >
struct MetaAnd< T > : T
{ };
template< typename T , typename... Rest >
struct MetaAnd< T , Rest... >
: std::conditional_t< bool( T::value ) , MetaAnd< Rest... > , T >
{ };
// MetaNot< ... > - Logical NOT
template< typename T >
struct MetaNot : std::integral_constant< bool , !bool( T::value ) >
{ };
// MetaGet< N , List... > - Get the Nth element in a list
template< unsigned , typename... >
struct MetaGet { };
template< typename T , typename... Rest >
struct MetaGet< 0 , T , Rest... >
{ using type = T; };
template< unsigned N , typename First , typename... Rest >
struct MetaGet< N , First , Rest... >
: MetaGet< N - 1 , Rest... >
{ };
template< unsigned N , typename... List >
using T_MetaGet = typename MetaGet< N , List... >::type;
// MetaLength< List... > - Get the length of a list
template< typename... >
struct MetaLength
: std::integral_constant< unsigned , 0 >
{ };
template< typename T >
struct MetaLength< T >
: std::integral_constant< unsigned , 1 >
{ };
template< typename First , typename... Rest >
struct MetaLength< First , Rest... >
: std::integral_constant< unsigned , MetaLength< Rest... >::value + 1 >
{ };
// MetaContains< Type , List... > - Checks whether Type is in List
template< typename Type , typename... List >
using MetaContains = MetaOr< std::is_same< Type , List >... >;
// MetaIndexOf< Type , List... > - Gets the index of Type in List. If Type is
// not in the list, the length of the list is returned.
template< typename Type , typename... List >
struct MetaIndexOf { };
template< typename Type >
struct MetaIndexOf< Type >
: std::integral_constant< unsigned , 0 >
{ };
template< typename Type , typename First , typename... Rest >
struct MetaIndexOf< Type , First , Rest... >
: std::conditional_t< std::is_same< Type , First >::value ,
std::integral_constant< unsigned , 0 > ,
std::integral_constant< unsigned ,
MetaIndexOf< Type , Rest... >::value + 1 > >
{ };
// CanCopyOrMove< Type > - Check whether a type can be copy- or move-constructed.
template< typename T >
using CanCopyOrMove = MetaOr<
std::is_copy_constructible< T > ,
std::is_move_constructible< T > >;
// CanCopyConsAll< List... > - Checks that all listed types are copy-constructible
template< typename... List >
using CanCopyConsAll = MetaOr< std::is_copy_constructible< List >... >;
// CanMoveConsAll< List... > - Checks that all listed types are move-constructible
template< typename... List >
using CanMoveConsAll = MetaOr< std::is_move_constructible< List >... >;
// CanCopyAssAll< List... > - Checks that all listed types are copy-constructible
template< typename... List >
using CanCopyAssAll = MetaOr< std::is_copy_assignable< List >... >;
// CanMoveAssAll< List... > - Checks that all listed types are move-constructible
template< typename... List >
using CanMoveAssAll = MetaOr< std::is_move_assignable< List >... >;
// EnableForChild< P , C > - Enable if P is a parent class of C, or if P and C
// are the same.
typename Parent ,
typename Child
using EnableForChild =
std::is_base_of< Parent , Child >::value ,
template< typename C , typename P >
using T_EnableForChild = typename EnableForChild<C, P>::type;
// EnableForParent< C , P > - Enable if P is a parent class of C, and if P and
// C are distinct.
typename Child ,
typename Parent
using EnableForParent =
std::is_base_of< Parent , Child >::value
&& !std::is_same< Parent , Child >::value ,
template< typename C , typename P >
using T_EnableForParent = typename EnableForParent<C, P>::type;
// Remove const and topmost reference
template< typename T >
using RemoveConstRef = std::remove_const< std::remove_reference_t< T > >;
template< typename T >
using T_RemoveConstRef = typename RemoveConstRef< T >::type;
// T_EnableIfTypesMatch - Make sure that the A type actually matches the V type.
typename V , typename A ,
typename RA = T_RemoveConstRef< A >
> using EnableIfTypesMatch =
std::enable_if< std::is_same< RA , V >::value , bool >;
typename V , typename A
> using T_EnableIfTypesMatch = typename EnableIfTypesMatch< V , A >::type;
/* In-place construction tag */
template< typename Type >
struct Construct
explicit constexpr Construct( ) = default;
static constexpr Construct< Type > v = Construct< Type >( );
using InPlace = Construct< void >;
template< typename T >
struct T_CFunc { };
template< typename RT , typename... AT >
struct T_CFunc< RT( AT... ) >
typedef RT (* type )( AT... );
template< typename T >
using F_CFunc = typename T_CFunc< T >::type;
/*= MACRO HORRORS ============================================================*/
// M_LSHIFT_OP( Type , Target ) - Declare a left-shift operator using the
// specified types
#define M_LSHIFT_OP( Type , Target ) \
Type & operator<< ( Type& obj , Target value )
// M_WITH_INT( Name ) - Declare a template with a type that needs to be some
// sort of integer.
#define M_WITH_INT( Name ) \
template< \
typename Name , \
typename = std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< Name >::value > \
// M_DECLARE_SWAP( Type ) - Declare the swap function for a given type
#define M_DECLARE_SWAP( Type ) \
void swap( Type& lhs , Type& rhs ) noexcept
// M_DEFINE_SWAP( Type ) - Define the swap function for a given type
#define M_DEFINE_SWAP( Type ) \
void lw::swap( Type& lhs , Type& rhs ) noexcept
/*= ENDIAN DETECTION =========================================================*/
* Unfortunately there's no standard way to do this so we depend on some
* GCC-specific stuff.
#ifndef __BYTE_ORDER__
# error "We need the __BYTE_ORDER__ macro to exist :("
enum class E_Endian {
static constexpr bool IsBigEndian( );
static constexpr bool IsLittleEndian( );
/*= ENDIAN CONVERSION ========================================================*/
typename T ,
E_Endian E = E_Endian::NATIVE ,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_integral< T >::value
|| std::is_floating_point< T >::value
struct T_LittleEndian
static T convert( T value );
typename T ,
E_Endian E = E_Endian::NATIVE ,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_integral< T >::value
|| std::is_floating_point< T >::value
struct T_BigEndian
static T convert( T value );
/*= COMPARATORS AND SORTING ==================================================*/
// F_Comparator< T > - T_Comparator function type
template< typename T >
using F_Comparator = std::function< int( T const& a , T const& b ) >;
// T_Comparator< T > - Default comparison function implementation
template< typename T >
struct T_Comparator
static int compare( T const& a , T const& b );
// Helper macros to declare and define specialised hash functions.
#define M_DECLARE_COMPARATOR( Type ) \
template< > \
struct T_Comparator< Type > \
{ \
static int compare( Type const& , Type const& ); \
#define M_DEFINE_COMPARATOR( Type ) \
int T_Comparator< Type >::compare( Type const & a , Type const & b )
// Instantiate some commonly used comparators
extern template struct T_Comparator< uint32_t >;
// Sort - Sort an array
template< typename T >
void Sort( T* array , uint32_t items , F_Comparator< T > comparator = T_Comparator< T >::compare );
/*= HASHING ==================================================================*/
// HashData( data , size ) - General hash function (Jenkin's one-at-a-time)
uint32_t HashData( uint8_t const* data , uint32_t size );
// Hash function template struct. Meant to be specialized. By default it uses
// the function above.
template< typename T , int S = sizeof( T ) >
struct T_HashFunction
static uint32_t hash( T const& item );
// ComputeHash( T ) - The actual hash function.
template< typename T >
uint32_t ComputeHash( T const& item );
// Helper macros to declare and define specialised hash functions.
#define M_DECLARE_HASH( Type ) \
template< > \
struct T_HashFunction< Type > \
{ \
static uint32_t hash( Type const& ); \
#define M_DEFINE_HASH( Type ) \
uint32_t T_HashFunction< Type >::hash( Type const & item )
/*= PRIVATE IMPLEMENTATION BASE ==============================================*/
/* This class should be used as a base class for any non-performance-critical
* class that contains a lot of private stuff. The idea is to limit the amount
* of stuff exposed through the API, which in turns makes binary compatibility
* somewhat easier.
class A_PrivateImplementation
using T_Destructor_ = std::function< void( void* ) >;
void* p_;
T_Destructor_ piDestructor_;
A_PrivateImplementation( ) = delete;
A_PrivateImplementation( A_PrivateImplementation const& ) = delete;
A_PrivateImplementation& operator=( A_PrivateImplementation const& ) = delete;
A_PrivateImplementation( void* p , T_Destructor_ destructor );
template< typename T >
explicit A_PrivateImplementation( T* p );
A_PrivateImplementation( A_PrivateImplementation&& ) noexcept;
A_PrivateImplementation& operator=( A_PrivateImplementation&& ) noexcept;
virtual ~A_PrivateImplementation( );
template< typename T >
T& p( ) const;
void callPrivateDestructor( ) noexcept;
} // namespace
#include <lw/lib/inline/Utilities.hh>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* VERSION NUMBERS ************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
namespace lw {
static constexpr inline uint32_t LibVersion( )
{ return 0; }
static constexpr inline uint32_t LibRevision( )
{ return 0; }
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_VERSION
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
/* VERSION NUMBERS ************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Externals.hh>
namespace lw {
static constexpr inline uint32_t LibVersion( )
{ return __VERSION__; }
static constexpr inline uint32_t LibRevision( )
{ return __REVISION__; }
#endif // _H_LW_LIB_VERSION
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
/* ALLOCATORS - INLINE CODE ***************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Alloc.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_PoolHelper::T_List =====================================================*/
template< typename T , size_t P >
inline T_PoolHelper::T_List< T , P >::T_List(
T_List< T , P >*& n ) noexcept
: next( n ) , free( P )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < P ; i ++ ) {
storage[ i ].list = this;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < BitmapSize ; i ++ ) {
bitmap[ i ] = 0;
n = this;
template< typename T , size_t P >
inline T* T_PoolHelper::T_List< T , P >::findUnused( ) noexcept
size_t i = 0;
while ( bitmap[ i ] == 255 ) {
assert( i < BitmapSize );
i ++;
size_t j = 0;
while ( ( bitmap[ i ] & ( 1 << j ) ) != 0 ) {
j ++;
assert( i * 8 + j < P );
bitmap[ i ] = bitmap[ i ] | ( 1 << j );
free --;
return &storage[ i * 8 + j ];
template< typename T , size_t P >
inline size_t T_PoolHelper::T_List< T , P >::indexOf(
T const* const item ) noexcept
assert( item >= &storage[ 0 ] );
const size_t offset( ( (char*) item ) - ( (char*) &storage[ 0 ] ) );
assert( offset % sizeof( T ) == 0 );
const size_t index( offset / sizeof( T ) );
assert( index < P );
return index;
template< typename T , size_t P >
inline void T_PoolHelper::T_List< T , P >::destroy(
T_List< T , P >*& head ) noexcept
while ( head != nullptr ) {
T_Self* const n( head->next );
delete head;
head = n;
/*= T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator ================================================*/
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
inline T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::T_Allocator( ) noexcept
: free_( nullptr ) , partial_( nullptr ) , full_( nullptr ) ,
nFree_( 1 )
new T_List_( free_ );
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
inline T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::~T_Allocator( )
T_List_::destroy( free_ );
T_List_::destroy( partial_ );
T_List_::destroy( full_ );
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
inline T* T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::allocate( ) noexcept
if ( partial_ == nullptr ) {
if ( free_ == nullptr ) {
new T_List_( partial_ );
} else {
assert( nFree_ > 0 );
partial_ = free_;
free_ = free_->next;
partial_->next = nullptr;
nFree_ --;
T* const data( partial_->findUnused( ) );
if ( partial_->free == 0 ) {
T_List_* const nf( partial_ );
partial_ = nf->next;
nf->next = full_;
full_ = nf;
return data;
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::free(
T* const item ) noexcept
T_List_* const list( reinterpret_cast< T_List_* >( item->list ) );
const size_t index( list->indexOf( item ) );
list->bitmap[ index / 8 ] = list->bitmap[ index / 8 ] & ~( 1 << ( index & 7 ) );
list->free ++;
if ( list->free == 1 ) {
// Full list is now partial
moveList( list , full_ , partial_ );
} else if ( list->free == P ) {
// Partial list is now free
if ( nFree_ == M ) {
T_List_* p( nullptr );
moveList( list , partial_ , p );
delete list;
} else {
moveList( list , partial_ , free_ );
nFree_ ++;
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::countFreeLists( ) const noexcept
return nFree_;
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::countPartialLists( ) const noexcept
return countLists( partial_ );
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::countFullLists( ) const noexcept
return countLists( full_ );
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::getUsage(
size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept
free = countFreeLists( ) * P;
used = countFullLists( ) * P;
total = free + used;
T_List_ const* p( partial_ );
while ( p != nullptr ) {
free += p->free;
used += P - p->free;
total += P;
p = p->next;
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::moveList(
T_List_* const list ,
T_List_*& from ,
T_List_*& to ) noexcept
T_List_** ptr( &from );
while ( *ptr != list ) {
ptr = &( (*ptr)->next );
assert( *ptr != nullptr );
*ptr = list->next;
list->next = to;
to = list;
template< typename T , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolHelper::T_Allocator< T , P , M >::countLists(
T_List_ const* head ) noexcept
size_t nLists( 0 );
while ( head != nullptr ) {
nLists ++;
head = head->next;
return nLists;
/*= T_PoolAllocator ==========================================================*/
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
inline void* T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::allocate(
const size_t requested ) noexcept
return ::operator new( requested );
assert( requested <= OS );
return reinterpret_cast< char* >( alloc_.allocate( ) );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::free(
void* const item ) noexcept
::operator delete( item );
|||| reinterpret_cast< T_Storage_* >( item ) );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countFreeLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countFreeLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countPartialLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countPartialLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countFullLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countFullLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_PoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::getUsage(
size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept
return alloc_.getUsage( total , free , used );
/*= T_ThreadedPoolAllocator ==================================================*/
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
inline void* T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::allocate(
const size_t requested ) noexcept
return ::operator new( requested );
assert( requested <= OS );
T_Storage_* const alloc( ([this](){
T_Storage_* const fs( takeFromStack( ) );
return fs ? fs : alloc_.allocate( );
})() );
alloc->extra.pool = this;
return reinterpret_cast< char* >( alloc );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::free(
void* const item ) noexcept
::operator delete( item );
T_Storage_* const storage( reinterpret_cast< T_Storage_* >( item ) );
if ( storage->extra.pool == this ) {
|||| storage );
} else {
storage->extra.pool->addToStack( storage );
T_Storage_* const fs( takeFromStack( ) );
if ( fs ) {
|||| fs );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countFreeLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countFreeLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countPartialLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countPartialLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
size_t T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::countFullLists( ) const noexcept
return alloc_.countFullLists( );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::getUsage(
size_t& total ,
size_t& free ,
size_t& used ) const noexcept
return alloc_.getUsage( total , free , used );
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
typename T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::T_Storage_*
T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::takeFromStack( ) noexcept
T_FreeHead_ o( freeHead_.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) );
if ( o.head == nullptr ) {
return nullptr;
T_FreeHead_ next;
do {
next.aba = o.aba + 1;
next.head = o.head->;
} while ( !freeHead_.compare_exchange_weak( o , next ,
std::memory_order_acq_rel ,
std::memory_order_acquire ) );
return o.head;
template< size_t OS , size_t OA , size_t P , size_t M >
void T_ThreadedPoolAllocator< OS , OA , P , M >::addToStack(
T_Storage_* storage ) noexcept
assert( storage->extra.pool == this );
T_FreeHead_ o( freeHead_.load( std::memory_order_relaxed ) );
T_FreeHead_ r;
do {
storage-> = o.head;
r.aba = o.aba + 1;
r.head = storage;
} while ( !freeHead_.compare_exchange_weak( o , r ,
std::memory_order_acq_rel ,
std::memory_order_acquire ) );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
/* BINARY READER/WRITER FOR STREAMS - INLINE CODE *****************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/BinaryStreams.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_BinaryReader ===========================================================*/
inline T_BinaryReader::T_BinaryReader( A_InputStream& stream , E_Endian endian ) noexcept
: stream_( stream ) , endian_( endian )
{ }
inline A_InputStream& T_BinaryReader::stream( ) const
return stream_;
inline E_Endian T_BinaryReader::endian( ) const
return endian_;
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::readNumericNative( ) const
static_assert( std::is_integral< T >( ) || std::is_floating_point< T >( ) ,
"numeric type expected" );
T value = 0;
auto r = &value , sizeof( T ) );
if ( r != sizeof( T ) ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::BAD_DATA );
return value;
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::readNumericLittleEndian( ) const
return T_LittleEndian< T >::convert( readNumericNative< T >( ) );
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::readNumericBigEndian( ) const
return T_BigEndian< T >::convert( readNumericNative< T >( ) );
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::read( ) const
return T_Reader_< T >::read( *this );
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::T_Reader_< T , true >::read( T_BinaryReader const& reader )
if ( reader.endian_ == E_Endian::BIG ) {
return reader.readNumericBigEndian< T >( );
} else {
return reader.readNumericLittleEndian< T >( );
template< typename T >
inline T T_BinaryReader::T_Reader_< T , false >::read( T_BinaryReader const& reader )
typedef T_ObjectReader< T > Reader;
return Reader::read( reader );
/*= T_BinaryWriter ===========================================================*/
inline T_BinaryWriter::T_BinaryWriter( A_OutputStream& stream , E_Endian endian ) noexcept
: stream_( stream ) , endian_( endian )
{ }
inline A_OutputStream& T_BinaryWriter::stream( ) const
return stream_;
inline E_Endian T_BinaryWriter::endian( ) const
return endian_;
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::writeNumericNative( T value ) const
static_assert( std::is_integral< T >( ) || std::is_floating_point< T >( ) ,
"numeric type expected" );
stream_.write( &value , sizeof( T ) );
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::writeNumericLittleEndian( T const& value ) const
writeNumericNative( T_LittleEndian< T >::convert( value ) );
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::writeNumericBigEndian( T const& value ) const
writeNumericNative( T_BigEndian< T >::convert( value ) );
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::write( T const& value ) const
T_Writer_< T >::write( *this , value );
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::T_Writer_< T , true >::write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , T value )
if ( writer.endian_ == E_Endian::BIG ) {
writer.writeNumericBigEndian( value );
} else {
writer.writeNumericLittleEndian( value );
template< typename T >
inline void T_BinaryWriter::T_Writer_< T , false >::write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , T const& value )
typedef T_ObjectWriter< T > Writer;
Writer::write( writer , value );
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
/* BUFFERS - INLINE CODE ******************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Buffers.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_BufferBase =============================================================*/
inline T_BufferBase::T_BufferBase( uint8_t* buffer ) noexcept
: data_( buffer )
{ }
inline T_BufferBase::T_BufferBase( size_t size )
: data_( ( uint8_t* ) malloc( size ) )
if ( size != 0 && data_ == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_alloc( );
inline T_BufferBase::T_BufferBase( T_BufferBase&& source ) noexcept
: T_BufferBase( nullptr )
swap( *this , source );
inline T_BufferBase::~T_BufferBase( )
free( data_ );
inline void swap( T_BufferBase& lhs , T_BufferBase& rhs )
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.data_ , rhs.data_ );
inline uint8_t* T_BufferBase::data( ) const
return data_;
/*= T_FixedBuffer ============================================================*/
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::T_FixedBuffer( )
: T_BufferBase( BYTES_ )
{ }
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::T_FixedBuffer(
T_FixedBuffer< S , T >&& source ) noexcept
: T_BufferBase( std::move( source ) )
{ }
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::T_FixedBuffer(
T_FixedBuffer< S , T > const& source )
: T_BufferBase( BYTES_ )
*this = source;
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::operator= ( T_FixedBuffer< S , T > const& other )
memcpy( data_ , other.data_ , BYTES_ );
return *this;
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::operator= ( T_FixedBuffer< S , T >&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline void swap( T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& lhs , T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& rhs ) noexcept
swap( ( T_BufferBase& ) lhs , ( T_BufferBase& ) rhs );
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline size_t T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::bytes( ) const
return BYTES_;
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T& T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::operator[] ( size_t index )
assert( index < S );
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( data_ + index * sizeof( T ) );
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T const& T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::operator[] ( size_t index ) const
assert( index < S );
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( data_ + index * sizeof( T ) );
template< size_t S , typename T >
inline T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& T_FixedBuffer< S , T >::setAll( T const& value )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < S ; i ++ ) {
memcpy( &(*this)[ i ] , &value , sizeof( T ) );
return *this;
/*= T_Buffer =================================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >::T_Buffer( ) noexcept
: T_BufferBase( nullptr ) , size_( 0 )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >::T_Buffer( size_t size )
: T_BufferBase( size * sizeof( T ) ) , size_( size )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >::T_Buffer( T const* data , size_t size )
: T_BufferBase( size * sizeof( T ) ) , size_( size )
memcpy( data_ , data , bytes( ) );
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >::T_Buffer( T_Buffer< T > const& other )
: T_Buffer( reinterpret_cast< T const* >( other.data_ ) , other.size( ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >::T_Buffer( T_Buffer< T >&& other ) noexcept
: T_Buffer( )
swap( *this , other );
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >& T_Buffer< T >::operator= ( T_Buffer< T > const& other )
if ( size_ != other.size_ ) {
free( data_ );
size_ = other.size_;
if ( size_ == 0 ) {
data_ = nullptr;
} else {
data_ = ( uint8_t* ) malloc( bytes( ) );
if ( data_ == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_alloc( );
memcpy( data_ , other.data_ , bytes( ) );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >& T_Buffer< T >::operator= ( T_Buffer< T >&& other )
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline void swap( T_Buffer< T >& lhs , T_Buffer< T >& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( ( T_BufferBase& ) lhs , ( T_BufferBase& ) rhs );
swap( lhs.size_ , rhs.size_ );
template< typename T >
inline size_t T_Buffer< T >::size( ) const
return size_;
template< typename T >
inline size_t T_Buffer< T >::bytes( ) const
return size_ * sizeof( T );
template< typename T >
inline T& T_Buffer< T >::operator[] ( size_t index )
assert( index < size_ );
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( data_ + index * sizeof( T ) );
template< typename T >
inline T const& T_Buffer< T >::operator[] ( size_t index ) const
assert( index < size_ );
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( data_ + index * sizeof( T ) );
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >& T_Buffer< T >::resize( size_t newSize )
if ( newSize != size_ ) {
size_ = newSize;
data_ = ( uint8_t* ) realloc( data_ , bytes( ) );
if ( bytes( ) != 0 && data_ == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_alloc( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >& T_Buffer< T >::setAll( T const& value )
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < size_ ; i ++ ) {
memcpy( &(*this)[ i ] , &value , sizeof( T ) );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_Buffer< T >& T_Buffer< T >::copyAll( T const* data )
memcpy( data_ , data , bytes( ) );
return *this;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/* DYNAMIC LIBRARIES - INLINE CODE ********************************************/
#include <lw/lib/DynLib.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_DynLib =================================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T* T_DynLib::getPointer(
char const* const name ) const noexcept
return reinterpret_cast< T* >( getRawSymbol( name ) );
template< typename T >
inline std::function< T > T_DynLib::getFunction(
char const* const name ) const noexcept
return std::function< T >{ (F_CFunc< T >) getRawSymbol( name ) };
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
/* FILES - INLINE CODE ********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Files.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_File ===================================================================*/
inline T_File::~T_File( )
close( );
inline void swap( T_File& lhs , T_File& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.path_ , rhs.path_ );
swap( lhs.mode_ , rhs.mode_ );
swap( lhs.file_ , rhs.file_ );
swap( lhs.size_ , rhs.size_ );
swap( lhs.pos_ , rhs.pos_ );
inline T_String const& T_File::path( ) const noexcept
return path_;
inline E_FileMode T_File::mode( ) const noexcept
return mode_;
inline bool T_File::isOpen( ) const noexcept
return file_ != nullptr;
inline size_t T_File::size( ) const noexcept
return isOpen( ) ? size_ : 0;
inline size_t T_File::position( ) const noexcept
return isOpen( ) ? pos_ : 0;
/*= T_FileInputStream ========================================================*/
inline void swap( T_FileInputStream& lhs , T_FileInputStream& rhs ) noexcept
lhs.swap( rhs );
inline T_File& T_FileInputStream::file( ) const noexcept
return fileRaw_ ? *fileRaw_ : *fileOwned_;
inline size_t T_FileInputStream::offset( ) const noexcept
return start_;
/*= T_FileOutputStream =======================================================*/
inline void swap( T_FileOutputStream& lhs , T_FileOutputStream& rhs ) noexcept
lhs.swap( rhs );
inline T_File& T_FileOutputStream::file( ) const noexcept
return fileRaw_ ? *fileRaw_ : *fileOwned_;
inline size_t T_FileOutputStream::offset( ) const noexcept
return start_;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
/* HASH INDEX - INLINE CODE ***************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/HashIndex.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_HashIndex ==============================================================*/
inline T_HashIndex::~T_HashIndex( )
free( );
inline uint32_t T_HashIndex::first( uint32_t key ) const
return hash_[ key & hashMask_ & lookupMask_ ];
inline uint32_t T_HashIndex::next( uint32_t index ) const
assert( index < indexSize_ );
return index_[ index & lookupMask_ ];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
/* HASH TABLES - INLINE CODE **************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/HashTables.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_DefaultKeyMatch ========================================================*/
template< typename K >
inline bool T_DefaultKeyMatch< K >::keysMatch( K const& a , K const& b )
return a == b;
/*= T_KeyValueTable ==========================================================*/
template< typename K , typename V >
inline T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::T_KeyValueTable(
uint32_t initialSize , uint32_t hashSize , uint32_t growth ,
F_KeyMatch< K > match )
: match_( match ) , index_( hashSize , initialSize , growth ) ,
keys_( growth ) , values_( growth )
{ }
template< typename K , typename T >
void swap( T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& lhs , T_KeyValueTable< K , T >& rhs )
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.match_ , rhs.match_ );
swap( lhs.index_ , rhs.index_ );
swap( lhs.keys_ , rhs.keys_ );
swap( lhs.values_ , rhs.values_ );
template< typename K , typename V >
typename A , typename B ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< K , A > ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , B >
> inline bool T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::add(
A&& k ,
B&& v )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
keys_.add( std::forward< A >( k ) );
values_.add( std::forward< B >( v ) );
index_.add( hash );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
template< typename B , T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , B > >
inline bool T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::update(
K const& k ,
B&& v )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
values_[ idx ] = std::forward< B >( v );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
typename A , typename B ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< K , A > ,
T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , B >
> inline void T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::set(
A&& k ,
B&& v )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
keys_.add( std::forward< A >( k ) );
values_.add( std::forward< B >( v ) );
index_.add( hash );
} else {
values_[ idx ] = std::forward< B >( v );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline bool T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::remove( K const& k )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
keys_.removeSwap( idx );
values_.removeSwap( idx );
index_.remove( idx );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline void T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::clear( )
values_.clear( );
keys_.clear( );
index_.clear( );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline void T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::free( )
|||| );
|||| );
|||| );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::size( ) const
return keys_.size( );
template< typename K , typename V >
T_Array< K > const& T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::keys( ) const
return keys_;
template< typename K , typename V >
T_Array< V > const& T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::values( ) const
return values_;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::indexOf( K const& k ) const
return find( k , ComputeHash( k ) );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline bool T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::contains( K const& k ) const
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
return find( k , hash ) != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V const* T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::get( K const& k ) const
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return nullptr;
return &values_[ idx ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V* T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::get( K const& k )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return nullptr;
return &values_[ idx ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V& T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::operator[] ( uint32_t index )
return values_[ index ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V const& T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const
return values_[ index ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_KeyValueTable< K , V >::find( K const& k , uint32_t hash ) const
uint32_t idx = index_.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( match_( keys_[ idx ] , k ) ) {
idx = idx );
return idx;
/*= T_ObjectTable ============================================================*/
template< typename K , typename V >
inline T_ObjectTable< K , V >::T_ObjectTable(
T_ObjectTable< K , V >::F_GetKey keyGetter ,
uint32_t initialSize , uint32_t hashSize , uint32_t growth ,
T_ObjectTable< K , V >::F_Match match )
: match_( match ) , keyGetter_( keyGetter ) ,
index_( hashSize , initialSize , growth ) ,
values_( growth )
{ }
template< typename K , typename T >
void swap( T_ObjectTable< K , T >& lhs , T_ObjectTable< K , T >& rhs )
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.keyGetter_ , rhs.keyGetter_ );
swap( lhs.match_ , rhs.match_ );
swap( lhs.index_ , rhs.index_ );
swap( lhs.values_ , rhs.values_ );
template< typename K , typename V >
template< typename A , T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , A > >
inline bool T_ObjectTable< K , V >::add(
A&& v )
K k = keyGetter_( v );
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
values_.add( std::forward< A >( v ) );
index_.add( hash );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
template< typename A , T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , A > >
inline bool T_ObjectTable< K , V >::update(
A&& v )
K k = keyGetter_( v );
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
values_[ idx ] = std::forward< A >( v );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
template< typename A , T_EnableIfTypesMatch< V , A > >
inline void T_ObjectTable< K , V >::set(
A&& v )
K k = keyGetter_( v );
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
values_.add( std::forward< A >( v ) );
index_.add( hash );
} else {
values_[ idx ] = std::forward< A >( v );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline bool T_ObjectTable< K , V >::remove( K const& k )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return false;
values_.removeSwap( idx );
index_.remove( idx );
return true;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline void T_ObjectTable< K , V >::clear( )
values_.clear( );
index_.clear( );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline void T_ObjectTable< K , V >::free( )
|||| );
|||| );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_ObjectTable< K , V >::size( ) const
return values_.size( );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_ObjectTable< K , V >::indexOf( K const& k ) const
return find( k , ComputeHash( k ) );
template< typename K , typename V >
inline bool T_ObjectTable< K , V >::contains( K const& k ) const
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
return find( k , hash ) != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline T_Array< K > T_ObjectTable< K , V >::keys( ) const
const auto sz( size( ) );
T_Array< K > k( sz ? sz : 1 );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sz ; i ++ ) {
k.add( keyGetter_( values_[ i ] ) );
return k;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline T_Array< V > const& T_ObjectTable< K , V >::values( ) const
return values_;
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V const* T_ObjectTable< K , V >::get( K const& k ) const
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return nullptr;
return &values_[ idx ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V* T_ObjectTable< K , V >::get( K const& k )
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( k );
uint32_t idx = find( k , hash );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
return nullptr;
return &values_[ idx ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V& T_ObjectTable< K , V >::operator[] ( uint32_t index )
return values_[ index ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline V const& T_ObjectTable< K , V >::operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const
return values_[ index ];
template< typename K , typename V >
inline uint32_t T_ObjectTable< K , V >::find( K const& k , uint32_t hash ) const
uint32_t idx = index_.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( match_( keyGetter_( values_[ idx ] ) , k ) ) {
idx = idx );
return idx;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
/* MEMORY STREAMS - INLINE CODE ***********************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/MemoryStreams.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_MemoryInputStream ======================================================*/
template< int S , typename T >
inline T_MemoryInputStream::T_MemoryInputStream( T_FixedBuffer< S , T > const& buffer )
: T_MemoryInputStream( ) , buffer.bytes( ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_MemoryInputStream::T_MemoryInputStream( T_Buffer< T > const& buffer )
: T_MemoryInputStream( ) , buffer.bytes( ) )
{ }
/*= T_MemoryOutputStream =====================================================*/
template< int S , typename T >
inline T_MemoryOutputStream::T_MemoryOutputStream( T_FixedBuffer< S , T >& buffer )
: T_MemoryOutputStream( ) , buffer.bytes( ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_MemoryOutputStream::T_MemoryOutputStream( T_Buffer< T >& buffer )
: T_MemoryOutputStream( ) , buffer.bytes( ) ,
[&buffer] ( uint8_t* , size_t reqSize ) -> uint8_t*
const size_t mod( reqSize % sizeof( T ) );
const size_t nItems( reqSize / sizeof( T ) + ( mod ? 1 : 0 ) );
buffer.resize( nItems );
return );
} )
{ }
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
/* UI<=>GAME MESSAGES - INLINE CODE *******************************************/
#include <lw/lib/GameLoop.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_ProgressInfoPart =======================================================*/
inline T_ProgressInfoPart::T_ProgressInfoPart( T_String text ,
uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ) noexcept
: text_( std::move( text ) ) , progress_( progress ) , total_( total )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfoPart::T_ProgressInfoPart( T_ProgressInfoPart&& other ) noexcept
: text_( std::move( other.text_ ) ) , progress_( other.progress_ ) ,
total_( other.total_ )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfoPart::T_ProgressInfoPart( T_ProgressInfoPart const& other )
: text_( other.text_ ) , progress_( other.progress_ ) , total_( other.total_ )
{ }
inline T_String const& T_ProgressInfoPart::text( ) const noexcept
return text_;
inline uint32_t T_ProgressInfoPart::progress( ) const noexcept
return progress_;
inline uint32_t T_ProgressInfoPart::total( ) const noexcept
return total_;
/*= T_ProgressInfo ===========================================================*/
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo( T_String text , uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( text ) , progress , total ) , sub_( )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfoPart main ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( main ) )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo(
T_ProgressInfoPart main ,
T_ProgressInfoPart sub ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( main ) ) ,
sub_( std::move( sub ) )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfoPart main ,
T_String sText , uint32_t sProgress , uint32_t sTotal ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( main ) ) ,
sub_( T_ProgressInfoPart{ std::move( sText ) , sProgress , sTotal } )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo( T_String text , uint32_t progress , uint32_t total ,
T_String sText , uint32_t sProgress , uint32_t sTotal ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( text ) , progress , total ) ,
sub_( T_ProgressInfoPart{ std::move( sText ) , sProgress , sTotal } )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfo::T_ProgressInfo( T_ProgressInfo&& other ) noexcept
: main_( std::move( other.main_ ) ) , sub_( std::move( other.sub_ ) )
{ }
inline T_ProgressInfoPart const& T_ProgressInfo::main( ) const noexcept
return main_;
inline bool T_ProgressInfo::hasSub( ) const noexcept
return sub_.present( );
inline T_ProgressInfoPart const& T_ProgressInfo::sub( ) const
return (T_ProgressInfoPart const&) sub_;
/*= T_GameMessage ============================================================*/
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline constexpr T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::T_GameMessage( ) noexcept
: type_( ) , data_( )
{ }
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline constexpr T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::T_GameMessage(
T_Type type ) noexcept
: type_( type ) , data_( )
{ }
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::T_GameMessage(
T_Type type ,
T_Data data ) noexcept
: type_( type ) , data_( data )
{ }
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::T_GameMessage(
T_Self_&& other ) noexcept
: type_( other.type_ ) , data_( std::move( other.data_ ) )
{ }
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline T_GameMessage< D >& T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::operator =(
T_Self_&& other ) noexcept
type_ = other.type_;
data_ = std::move( other.data_ );
return *this;
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline constexpr bool T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::hasMessage( ) const noexcept
return type_.present( );
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
inline constexpr MT T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::type( ) const noexcept
return type_;
template< E_MessageDirection D , typename MT , typename MD >
template< typename T >
constexpr T const& T_GameMessage< D , MT , MD >::data( ) const
return (T const&)( (MD const&) data_ );
} // namespace lw
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
/* MODDING SYSTEM - INLINE CODE ***********************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Mods.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_ModIdentifier ==========================================================*/
inline bool T_ModIdentifier::operator ==(
T_ModIdentifier const& other ) const noexcept
return &other == this || ( name ==
&& version == other.version );
inline bool T_ModIdentifier::operator !=(
T_ModIdentifier const& other ) const noexcept
return &other != this && ( name !=
|| version != other.version );
inline M_DEFINE_HASH( T_ModIdentifier )
return ComputeHash( ) * 47 + item.version;
inline M_DEFINE_COMPARATOR( T_ModIdentifier )
return b );
inline M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_ModIdentifier const& )
obj << << ':' << value.version;
return obj;
/*= T_ModInfo ================================================================*/
inline bool T_ModInfo::isUserInterface( ) const noexcept
return type == E_ModType::UI;
inline M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , T_ModInfo const& )
obj << value.identifier << '.' << value.revision;
return obj;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,854 @@
/* POINTERS - INLINE CODE *****************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_OwnPtr =================================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_OwnPtr< T >::T_OwnPtr( T* p ) noexcept
: p_( p )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_OwnPtr< T >::T_OwnPtr( )
: T_OwnPtr( nullptr )
{ }
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_OwnPtr< T >::T_OwnPtr( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source ) noexcept
: p_( nullptr )
T* temp( source.p_ );
source.p_ = nullptr;
p_ = temp;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_OwnPtr< T >::T_OwnPtr( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source )
: p_( nullptr )
T* temp( dynamic_cast< T* >( source.p_ ) );
if ( source.p_ && !temp ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
source.p_ = nullptr;
p_ = temp;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_OwnPtr< T >& T_OwnPtr< T >::operator= ( T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source ) noexcept
T* temp( source.p_ );
clear( );
source.p_ = nullptr;
p_ = temp;
return *this;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_OwnPtr< T >& T_OwnPtr< T >::operator= (
T_OwnPtr< Q >&& source )
T* temp( dynamic_cast< T* >( source.p_ ) );
if ( source.p_ && !temp ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
clear( );
source.p_ = nullptr;
p_ = temp;
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_OwnPtr< T >::~T_OwnPtr( )
clear( );
template< typename T >
inline void swap( T_OwnPtr< T >& lhs , T_OwnPtr< T >& rhs ) noexcept
std::swap( lhs.p_ , rhs.p_ );
template< typename T >
inline void T_OwnPtr< T >::clear( )
T* ptr( nullptr );
std::swap( p_ , ptr );
delete ptr;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_OwnPtr< T >::operator== ( const T* p ) const
return p == p_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_OwnPtr< T >::operator!= ( const T* p ) const
return p != p_;
template< typename T >
inline T_OwnPtr< T >::operator bool ( ) const
return p_ != nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_OwnPtr< T >::operator! ( ) const
return p_ == nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline T* T_OwnPtr< T >::get( ) const
return p_;
template< typename T >
inline T* T_OwnPtr< T >::operator-> ( ) const
assert( p_ != nullptr );
return p_;
template< typename T >
inline T& T_OwnPtr< T >::operator* ( ) const
assert( p_ != nullptr );
return *p_;
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T > T_OwnPtr< T >::makeShared( )
T* temp( nullptr );
std::swap( p_ , temp );
return T_SharedPtr< T >( temp );
/*= NewOwned / OwnRawPointer =================================================*/
typename Type ,
typename... ArgTypes
inline T_OwnPtr< Type > NewOwned( ArgTypes&& ... arguments )
return T_OwnPtr< Type >( new Type( std::forward< ArgTypes >( arguments ) ... ) );
template< typename Type >
inline T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Type*& pointer ) noexcept
assert( pointer != nullptr );
T_OwnPtr< Type > p( pointer );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForChild< Type , Other >
> inline T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Other*& pointer ) noexcept
assert( pointer != nullptr );
T_OwnPtr< Type > p( pointer );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForParent< Type , Other >
> inline T_OwnPtr< Type > OwnRawPointer( Other*& pointer )
assert( pointer != nullptr );
Type* temp( dynamic_cast< Type* >( pointer ) );
if ( temp == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
T_OwnPtr< Type > p( temp );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
/*= T_Reference_ =============================================================*/
// Reference counter for shared pointers
class T_Reference_
typedef std::function< void ( void* ) > F_Destr_;
friend struct T_WeakChain_;
void* pointer_;
F_Destr_ destr_;
uint32_t count_;
T_WeakChain_* weaks_;
/* References are pooled */
void* operator new( size_t count ) noexcept;
void operator delete( void* object ) noexcept;
T_Reference_( ) = delete;
T_Reference_( T_Reference_ const& ) = delete;
T_Reference_( T_Reference_&& ) = delete;
T_Reference_( void* ptr , F_Destr_ destructor );
~T_Reference_( );
void* pointer( ) const;
T_Reference_ * increase( );
void decrease( );
void* extract( );
inline void* T_Reference_::pointer( ) const
return pointer_;
inline T_Reference_* T_Reference_::increase( )
assert( count_ > 0 );
count_ ++;
return this;
inline void T_Reference_::decrease( )
assert( count_ > 0 );
count_ --;
if ( count_ == 0 ) {
delete this;
/*= T_BasePtr_ ===============================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_BasePtr_< T >::T_BasePtr_( T_Reference_* ref ) noexcept
: ref_( ref )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_BasePtr_< T >::operator bool ( ) const
return ref_ != nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_BasePtr_< T >::operator! ( ) const
return ref_ == nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline T* T_BasePtr_< T >::operator-> ( ) const
assert( ref_ != nullptr );
return reinterpret_cast< T* >( ref_->pointer( ) );
template< typename T >
inline T_BasePtr_< T >::operator T* ( ) const
return ref_ == nullptr
? nullptr
: reinterpret_cast< T* >( ref_->pointer( ) );
template< typename T >
inline T& T_BasePtr_< T >::operator* ( ) const
assert( ref_ != nullptr );
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( ref_->pointer( ) );
/*= X_TooManyReferences ======================================================*/
inline X_TooManyReferences::X_TooManyReferences( )
: std::runtime_error( "too many references" )
{ }
/*= T_SharedPtr ==============================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_Reference_* T_SharedPtr< T >::setRef( T_Reference_* from )
if ( from == nullptr ) {
return nullptr;
return from->increase( );
template< typename T >
inline void T_SharedPtr< T >::clearRef( )
if ( ref_ != nullptr ) {
ref_->decrease( );
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T* ptr )
: T_Base_( new T_Reference_( ptr ,
[]( void* p ) {
delete reinterpret_cast< T* >( p );
} ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( ) noexcept
: T_Base_( nullptr )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T >::~T_SharedPtr( )
clearRef( );
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T_Self_ const& source )
: T_Base_( setRef( source.ref_ ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other )
: T_Base_( setRef( other.ref_ ) )
{ }
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other )
: T_Base_( nullptr )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
ref_ = setRef( other.ref_ );
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other ) noexcept
: T_Base_( other.ref_ )
other.ref_ = nullptr;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >::T_SharedPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other )
: T_Base_( nullptr )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
using std::swap;
swap( ref_ , other.ref_ );
template< typename T >
inline T_SharedPtr< T >& T_SharedPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& other )
if ( &other != this && other.ref_ != ref_ ) {
clearRef( );
ref_ = setRef( other.ref_ );
return *this;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >& T_SharedPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other )
if ( other.ref_ != ref_ ) {
clearRef( );
ref_ = setRef( other.ref_ );
return *this;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >& T_SharedPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& other )
if ( other.ref_ != ref_ ) {
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
clearRef( );
ref_ = setRef( other.ref_ );
return *this;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForChild< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >& T_SharedPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other ) noexcept
if ( other.ref_ != ref_ ) {
clearRef( );
ref_ = nullptr;
std::swap( ref_ , other.ref_ );
return *this;
template< typename T >
typename Q ,
T_EnableForParent< T , Q >
> inline T_SharedPtr< T >& T_SharedPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q >&& other )
if ( other.ref_ != ref_ ) {
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
clearRef( );
ref_ = nullptr;
std::swap( ref_ , other.ref_ );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline void swap( T_SharedPtr< T >& lhs , T_SharedPtr< T >& rhs ) noexcept
std::swap( lhs.ref_ , rhs.ref_ );
template< typename T >
inline bool T_SharedPtr< T >::operator== ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ == ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_SharedPtr< T >::operator!= ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ != ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_SharedPtr< T >::operator== ( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ == ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_SharedPtr< T >::operator!= ( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ != ref_;
template< typename T >
inline void T_SharedPtr< T >::clear( )
clearRef( );
ref_ = nullptr;
template< typename T >
T_OwnPtr< T > T_SharedPtr< T >::makeOwned( )
if ( ref_ == nullptr ) {
return T_OwnPtr< T >( );
void* const p( ref_->extract( ) );
ref_ = nullptr;
return T_OwnPtr< T >( reinterpret_cast< T* >( p ) );
/*= T_WeakPtr ================================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_Reference_* ref )
: T_BasePtr_< T >( ref ) , chain_( ref_ )
chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( )
: T_WeakPtr( nullptr )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::~T_WeakPtr( )
chain_.unchain( );
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other )
: T_WeakPtr( other.ref_ )
{ }
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other )
: T_WeakPtr( other.ref_ )
{ }
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other )
: T_WeakPtr( )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other ) noexcept
: T_WeakPtr( nullptr )
other.chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
other.ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other )
: T_WeakPtr( nullptr )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
other.chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
other.ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_SharedPtr< T > const& shared )
: T_WeakPtr( shared.ref_ )
{ }
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared )
: T_WeakPtr( shared.ref_ )
{ }
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >::T_WeakPtr( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared )
: T_WeakPtr( nullptr )
Q* const p( shared );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
ref_ = shared.ref_;
chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
inline void swap( T_WeakPtr< T >& lhs , T_WeakPtr< T >& rhs )
if ( lhs.ref_ != rhs.ref_ ) {
lhs.chain_.unchain( );
rhs.chain_.unchain( );
std::swap( lhs.ref_ , rhs.ref_ );
lhs.chain_.init( );
rhs.chain_.init( );
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other )
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other )
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_WeakPtr< Q > const& other )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other )
ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.unchain( );
if ( other.ref_ ) {
other.chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
other.ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.init( );
other.chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_WeakPtr< Q >&& other )
Q* const p( other );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.unchain( );
if ( other.ref_ ) {
other.chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = other.ref_;
other.ref_ = nullptr;
chain_.init( );
other.chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& shared )
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = shared.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForChild< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared )
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = shared.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
template< typename Q , T_EnableForParent< T , Q > >
inline T_WeakPtr< T >& T_WeakPtr< T >::operator= ( T_SharedPtr< Q > const& shared )
Q* const p( shared );
if ( p != nullptr && dynamic_cast< T* >( p ) == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = shared.ref_;
chain_.init( );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_WeakPtr< T >::operator== ( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ == ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_WeakPtr< T >::operator!= ( T_WeakPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ != ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_WeakPtr< T >::operator== ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ == ref_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_WeakPtr< T >::operator!= ( T_SharedPtr< T > const& other ) const
return other.ref_ != ref_;
template< typename T >
inline void T_WeakPtr< T >::clear( )
chain_.unchain( );
ref_ = nullptr;
/*= NewShared ================================================================*/
typename Type ,
typename... ArgTypes
> inline T_SharedPtr< Type > NewShared( ArgTypes&& ... arguments )
return T_SharedPtr< Type >( new Type( std::forward< ArgTypes >( arguments ) ... ) );
template< typename Type >
T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer(
Type*& pointer ) noexcept
assert( pointer != nullptr );
T_SharedPtr< Type > p( pointer );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForChild< Type , Other >
> inline T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer(
Other*& pointer ) noexcept
assert( pointer != nullptr );
T_SharedPtr< Type > p( pointer );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
typename Type , typename Other ,
T_EnableForParent< Type , Other >
> inline T_SharedPtr< Type > ShareRawPointer(
Other*& pointer )
assert( pointer != nullptr );
Type* temp( dynamic_cast< Type* >( pointer ) );
if ( temp == nullptr ) {
throw std::bad_cast( );
T_SharedPtr< Type > p( temp );
pointer = nullptr;
return p;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
/* REGISTRATION SUPPORT - INLINE CODE *****************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Registration.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_RegisteredItem ============================================================*/
inline T_RegisteredItem::T_RegisteredItem( ) noexcept
: automatic_( false ) , unregisterFunction_( ) ,
data_( nullptr ) , dataDestructor_( )
{ }
inline T_RegisteredItem::T_RegisteredItem(
SP_Unregister& unregisterFunction ,
void* data ,
F_Destructor_ destructor ) noexcept
: automatic_( true ) , unregisterFunction_( unregisterFunction ) ,
data_( data ) , dataDestructor_( destructor )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline T_RegisteredItem::T_RegisteredItem(
SP_Unregister& unregisterFunction ,
T* data ) noexcept
: T_RegisteredItem( unregisterFunction , data ,
[]( void* d ) {
reinterpret_cast< T* >( d )->~T( );
::operator delete( d );
} )
{ }
template< >
inline T_RegisteredItem::T_RegisteredItem(
SP_Unregister& unregisterFunction ,
void* data ) noexcept
: T_RegisteredItem( unregisterFunction , data , [](void*){} )
{ }
inline T_RegisteredItem::~T_RegisteredItem( )
clear( );
inline T_RegisteredItem::T_RegisteredItem(
T_RegisteredItem&& other ) noexcept
: T_RegisteredItem( )
swap( *this , other );
inline T_RegisteredItem& T_RegisteredItem::operator =(
T_RegisteredItem&& other ) noexcept
clear( );
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
inline M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_RegisteredItem )
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.automatic_ , rhs.automatic_ );
swap( lhs.unregisterFunction_ , rhs.unregisterFunction_ );
swap( lhs.data_ , rhs.data_ );
swap( lhs.dataDestructor_ , rhs.dataDestructor_ );
inline void T_RegisteredItem::automatic(
const bool v ) noexcept
automatic_ = v;
inline bool T_RegisteredItem::automatic( ) const noexcept
return automatic_;
inline void T_RegisteredItem::unregister( ) noexcept
if ( data_ && unregisterFunction_ ) {
(*unregisterFunction_)( data_ );
deleteData( );
inline T_RegisteredItem::operator bool( ) const noexcept
return bool( data_ );
inline void T_RegisteredItem::clear( ) noexcept
if ( automatic_ ) {
unregister( );
} else {
deleteData( );
inline void T_RegisteredItem::deleteData( ) noexcept
if ( data_ != nullptr ) {
if ( dataDestructor_ ) {
dataDestructor_( data_ );
data_ = nullptr;
} // namespace lw
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/* SRD - BINARY STORAGE - INLINE CODE *****************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDBinary.hh>
namespace lw {
inline void SRDBinaryWriteTo( A_OutputStream& output , T_SRDList const& data )
T_SRDBinaryWriter( output ).start( ).putList( data ).end( );
/*= T_SRDBinaryReader ========================================================*/
inline T_SRDBinaryReader::T_SRDBinaryReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target )
: A_SRDReader( target )
{ }
inline T_SRDList SRDBinaryReadFrom( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input , bool structured )
T_SRDErrors errors;
T_SRDMemoryTarget mt( structured );
T_SRDBinaryReader( mt ).read( name , input );
return mt.list( );
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
/* SRD - DATA - INLINE CODE ***************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDData.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_SRDLocationChaining ====================================================*/
inline T_SRDLocationChaining::T_SRDLocationChaining(
const E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
const uint32_t depth ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept
: circumstances( how ) , depth( depth ) , location( to )
{ }
inline bool T_SRDLocationChaining::isGenerated( ) const noexcept
return circumstances == E_SRDLocationChaining::GENERATED
|| circumstances == E_SRDLocationChaining::SUBSTITUTED;
/*= T_SRDLocation ============================================================*/
inline T_SRDLocation::T_SRDLocation( ) noexcept
: source_( ) , line_( 0 ) , character_( 0 )
{ }
inline T_SRDLocation& T_SRDLocation::operator= (
T_SRDLocation&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
inline T_SRDLocation::T_SRDLocation(
T_SRDToken const& token ) noexcept
: T_SRDLocation( )
if ( token.hasLocation( ) ) {
*this = token.location( );
inline void T_SRDLocation::chain(
const E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept
chain( how , 0 , to );
inline void T_SRDLocation::chain(
const E_SRDLocationChaining how ,
const uint32_t depth ,
SP_SRDLocation const& to ) noexcept
assert( bool( to ) );
chaining_.setNew( how , depth , to );
inline void T_SRDLocation::clearChain( ) noexcept
chaining_.clear( );
inline bool T_SRDLocation::unknown( ) const noexcept
return source_.size( ) == 0;
inline T_String const& T_SRDLocation::source( ) const noexcept
return source_;
inline bool T_SRDLocation::binary( ) const noexcept
return line_ == 0;
inline uint32_t T_SRDLocation::line( ) const noexcept
return line_;
inline size_t T_SRDLocation::character( ) const noexcept
return character_;
inline size_t T_SRDLocation::byte( ) const noexcept
return character_;
inline bool T_SRDLocation::isChained( ) const noexcept
return chaining_.present( );
inline T_SRDLocationChaining const& T_SRDLocation::chaining( ) const noexcept
return chaining_;
/*= T_SRDError ===============================================================*/
inline T_SRDError::T_SRDError(
T_String error ,
T_SRDLocation location ,
const bool details ) noexcept
: error_( std::move( error ) ) ,
location_( std::move( location ) ) ,
isDetails_( details )
{ }
inline T_SRDError::T_SRDError(
T_SRDError const& other ) noexcept
: error_( other.error_ ) ,
location_( other.location_ ) ,
isDetails_( other.isDetails_ )
{ }
inline T_SRDError& T_SRDError::operator= (
T_SRDError const& other ) noexcept
error_ = other.error_;
location_ = other.location_;
isDetails_ = other.isDetails_;
return *this;
inline T_SRDError::T_SRDError(
T_SRDError&& other ) noexcept
: error_( ) , location_( )
swap( *this , other );
inline T_SRDError& T_SRDError::operator=(
T_SRDError&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
inline M_DECLARE_SWAP( T_SRDError )
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.error_ , rhs.error_ );
swap( lhs.location_ , rhs.location_ );
swap( lhs.isDetails_ , rhs.isDetails_ );
inline T_String const& T_SRDError::error( ) const noexcept
return error_;
inline T_SRDLocation const& T_SRDError::location( ) const noexcept
return location_;
inline bool T_SRDError::isDetails( ) const noexcept
return isDetails_;
/*= T_SRDErrors ==============================================================*/
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
inline void T_SRDErrors::add(
char const* error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs )
add( InPlace::v , T_String::Pooled( error ) ,
T_SRDLocation( std::forward< ArgTypes >( locationArgs ) ... ) );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
inline void T_SRDErrors::add(
T_String const& error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs )
add( InPlace::v , error ,
T_SRDLocation( std::forward< ArgTypes >( locationArgs ) ... ) );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
inline void T_SRDErrors::details(
char const* error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs )
add( InPlace::v , T_String::Pooled( error ) ,
T_SRDLocation( std::forward< ArgTypes >( locationArgs ) ... ) ,
true );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
inline void T_SRDErrors::details(
T_String const& error ,
ArgTypes&&... locationArgs )
add( InPlace::v , error ,
T_SRDLocation( std::forward< ArgTypes >( locationArgs ) ... ) ,
true );
template< typename ... ArgTypes >
inline void T_SRDErrors::add(
InPlace ,
ArgTypes&&... args )
checkAdded( errors_.addNew( std::forward< ArgTypes >( args ) ... ) );
inline void T_SRDErrors::add(
T_SRDError const& error )
checkAdded( errors_.addNew( error ) );
inline void T_SRDErrors::add(
T_SRDError&& error )
checkAdded( errors_.addNew( std::move( error ) ) );
inline uint32_t T_SRDErrors::size( ) const noexcept
return errors_.size( );
inline T_SRDError const& T_SRDErrors::operator[] (
uint32_t index ) const noexcept
return errors_[ index ];
inline void T_SRDErrors::clear( ) noexcept
errors_.clear( );
errCount_ = 0;
/*= X_SRDErrors ==============================================================*/
inline X_SRDErrors::X_SRDErrors( T_SRDErrors const& errors )
: errors( errors )
{ }
/*= T_SRDToken ===============================================================*/
inline T_SRDToken::T_SRDToken(
const E_SRDTokenType type ) noexcept
: type_( type )
{ }
inline T_SRDToken::T_SRDToken( T_SRDToken&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
inline T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::operator= ( T_SRDToken&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Binary(
T const* const data ,
const uint32_t count ) noexcept
return Binary( (uint8_t const*) data , count );
template< >
inline T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Binary< uint8_t >(
uint8_t const* const data ,
const uint32_t count ) noexcept
return Binary( NewShared< T_Buffer< uint8_t > >( data , count ) );
template< typename T >
inline T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Binary(
T_Buffer< T > const& data ) noexcept
if ( data.size( ) == 0 ) {
return Binary( NewShared< T_Buffer< uint8_t > >( ) );
} else {
return Binary( (uint8_t const*) &data[ 0 ] , data.bytes( ) );
inline E_SRDTokenType T_SRDToken::type( ) const
return type_;
inline bool T_SRDToken::isText( ) const
return type_ == E_SRDTokenType::WORD || type_ == E_SRDTokenType::STRING;
inline bool T_SRDToken::isNumeric( ) const
return isInteger( ) || type_ == E_SRDTokenType::FLOAT;
inline bool T_SRDToken::isInteger( ) const
return type_ == E_SRDTokenType::INT || type_ == E_SRDTokenType::LONG;
inline T_String const& T_SRDToken::text( ) const
return text_;
inline T_SRDList const& T_SRDToken::list( ) const
return *list_;
inline T_SRDList& T_SRDToken::list( )
return *list_;
inline int64_t T_SRDToken::longValue( ) const
return longValue_;
inline double T_SRDToken::floatValue( ) const
return floatValue_;
inline T_String const& T_SRDToken::stringValue( ) const
return stringValue_;
inline T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& T_SRDToken::binary( ) const
return *binary_;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator ==( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) == 0;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator !=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) != 0;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator >( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) > 0;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator <( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) < 0;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator >=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) >= 0;
inline bool T_SRDToken::operator <=( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
return compare( other ) <= 0;
return b );
inline bool T_SRDToken::hasLocation( ) const noexcept
return bool( location_ );
inline T_SRDLocation& T_SRDToken::location( ) noexcept
return *location_;
inline T_SRDLocation const& T_SRDToken::location( ) const noexcept
return *location_;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
/* SRD - PARSER DEFINITIONS - INLINE CODE *************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDDefinitions.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_SRDEnum ================================================================*/
inline T_SRDEnum::T_SRDEnum( T_String name )
: name_( std::move( name ) ) , index_( 32 , 32 , 32 ) , words_( 32 )
{ }
inline T_SRDEnum& T_SRDEnum::operator<< ( char const* word )
return operator<< ( T_String::Pooled( word ) );
inline T_String const& T_SRDEnum::name( ) const
return name_;
inline auto T_SRDEnum::size( ) const
return words_.size( );
inline T_String const& T_SRDEnum::operator[] ( int index ) const
return words_[ index ];
inline T_String const& T_SRDEnum::operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const
return words_[ index ];
inline bool T_SRDEnum::contains( T_String const& word ) const
return (*this)[ word ] != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
inline bool T_SRDEnum::contains( char const* word ) const
return (*this)[ word ] != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
/*= T_SRDInputItem ===========================================================*/
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper::T_ListHelper( )
: items( 16 )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper& T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper::operator <<( T_SRDInputItem item )
items.add( std::move( item ) );
return *this;
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_SRDInputItem( )
: type_( E_SRDInputItem::ALTERNATIVE ) , items_( 32 )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_SRDInputItem( T_String wordOrName , bool isWord )
: type_( isWord ? E_SRDInputItem::WORD : E_SRDInputItem::ENUM ) , word_( std::move( wordOrName ) )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_SRDInputItem( char const* cString )
: T_SRDInputItem( T_String::Pooled( cString ) , true )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType type )
: type_( E_SRDInputItem::TOKEN ) , token_( type )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_SRDInputItem( uint32_t min , uint32_t max )
: type_( E_SRDInputItem::REPETITION ) , items_( 32 ) , min_( min ) , max_( max )
if ( min > max ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "min > max" );
} else if ( min == 0 && max == 0 ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "min = max = 0" );
inline E_SRDInputItem T_SRDInputItem::type( ) const
return type_;
inline T_String const& T_SRDInputItem::word( ) const
return word_;
inline E_SRDTokenType T_SRDInputItem::token( ) const
return token_;
inline T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > T_SRDInputItem::items( ) const
return items_;
inline uint32_t T_SRDInputItem::min( ) const
return min_;
inline uint32_t T_SRDInputItem::max( ) const
return max_;
inline bool T_SRDInputItem::operator ==( T_SRDInputItem const& ) const
return false;
inline T_Array< T_SRDInputItem >& operator <<(
T_Array< T_SRDInputItem >& items ,
T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper& list )
items << T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::START );
items.addAll( list.items );
items << T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::END );
return items;
inline T_SRDInputItem& T_SRDInputItem::operator <<( T_ListHelper list )
items_ << list;
return *this;
/*= T_SRDInputRule ===========================================================*/
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor::T_SetContextExecutor( bool exit , F_SRDHandler executor )
: exit( exit ) , executor( executor )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext::T_SetContext( T_String string )
: name( std::move( string ) )
{ }
inline T_SRDInputRule& T_SRDInputRule::operator<< ( F_SRDHandler executor )
executor_ = executor;
return *this;
inline T_SRDInputRule& T_SRDInputRule::operator<< ( T_SetContextExecutor sce )
if ( sce.exit ) {
contextExit_ = sce.executor;
} else {
contextEnter_ = sce.executor;
return *this;
inline T_SRDInputRule& T_SRDInputRule::operator<< ( T_SetContext sc )
context_ =;
return *this;
inline T_SRDInputRule& T_SRDInputRule::operator <<( T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper lh )
items_ << lh;
return *this;
inline F_SRDHandler const& T_SRDInputRule::handler( ) const
return executor_;
inline T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > const& T_SRDInputRule::rule( ) const
return items_;
inline T_String const& T_SRDInputRule::context( ) const
return context_;
inline F_SRDHandler const& T_SRDInputRule::onEnter( ) const
return contextEnter_;
inline F_SRDHandler const& T_SRDInputRule::onExit( ) const
return contextExit_;
/*= T_SRDContext =============================================================*/
inline T_String const& T_SRDContext::name( ) const
return name_;
inline T_String const& T_SRDContext::parent( ) const
return parent_;
inline T_Array< T_SRDInputRule > const& T_SRDContext::rules( ) const
return rules_;
/*= T_SRDParserDefs ==========================================================*/
inline T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler::SetHandler( F_SRDHandler const& handler , bool start )
: handler( handler ) , start( start )
{ }
inline T_SRDParserDefs::T_SRDParserDefs( char const* name )
: T_SRDParserDefs( T_String::Pooled( name ) )
{ }
inline T_String const& T_SRDParserDefs::defaultContext( ) const
return dfCtx_;
inline void T_SRDParserDefs::defaultContext( char const* name )
defaultContext( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
inline F_SRDHandler const& T_SRDParserDefs::onStart( ) const
return onStart_;
inline F_SRDHandler const& T_SRDParserDefs::onFinish( ) const
return onFinish_;
inline uint32_t T_SRDParserDefs::contexts( ) const
return ctx_.size( );
inline T_SRDContext& T_SRDParserDefs::operator[] ( uint32_t idx )
return ctx_[ idx ];
inline T_SRDContext const& T_SRDParserDefs::operator[] ( uint32_t idx ) const
return ctx_[ idx ];
inline T_SRDContext& T_SRDParserDefs::context( char const* name )
return context( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
inline T_SRDContext& T_SRDParserDefs::context( char const* name , char const* parent )
return context( T_String::Pooled( name ) , T_String::Pooled( parent ) );
inline uint32_t T_SRDParserDefs::enums( ) const
return enums_.size( );
inline T_SRDEnum & T_SRDParserDefs::enumeration( char const* name )
return enumeration( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
/*= SRD::* ===================================================================*/
namespace SRD {
inline T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler OnStart( F_SRDHandler const& handler )
return T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler( handler , true );
inline T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler OnFinish( F_SRDHandler const& handler )
return T_SRDParserDefs::SetHandler( handler , false );
inline T_SRDContext Context( T_String name )
return T_SRDContext( std::move( name ) );
inline T_SRDContext Context( char const* name )
return T_SRDContext( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
inline T_SRDContext Context( char const* name , char const* parent )
return T_SRDContext( T_String::Pooled( name ) , T_String::Pooled( parent ) );
inline T_SRDContext Context( T_String name , T_String parent )
return T_SRDContext( std::move( name ) , std::move( parent ) );
inline T_SRDInputRule Rule( )
return T_SRDInputRule( );
inline T_SRDEnum CreateEnum( T_String name )
return T_SRDEnum( std::move( name ) );
inline T_SRDEnum CreateEnum( char const* name )
return T_SRDEnum( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
inline T_SRDInputItem Word( T_String const& word )
return T_SRDInputItem( word , true );
inline T_SRDInputItem Word( char const* word )
return T_SRDInputItem( T_String::Pooled( word ) , true );
inline T_SRDInputItem Word( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::WORD );
inline T_SRDInputItem String( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::STRING );
inline T_SRDInputItem Binary( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::BINARY );
inline T_SRDInputItem LStart( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::START );
inline T_SRDInputItem LEnd( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::END );
inline T_SRDInputItem Int32( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::INT );
inline T_SRDInputItem Int64( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::LONG );
inline T_SRDInputItem Float( )
return T_SRDInputItem( E_SRDTokenType::FLOAT );
inline T_SRDInputItem Enum( T_String name )
return T_SRDInputItem( std::move( name ) , false );
inline T_SRDInputItem Enum( char const* name )
return T_SRDInputItem( T_String::Pooled( name ) , false );
inline T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper List( )
return T_SRDInputItem::T_ListHelper( );
inline T_SRDInputItem Alt( )
return T_SRDInputItem( );
inline T_SRDInputItem Sub( )
return T_SRDInputItem( 1 , 1 );
inline T_SRDInputItem Opt( )
return T_SRDInputItem( 0 , 1 );
inline T_SRDInputItem Opt( T_SRDInputItem item )
return Opt( ) << std::move( item );
inline T_SRDInputItem AtLeast( uint32_t n )
return T_SRDInputItem( n , UINT32_MAX );
inline T_SRDInputItem AtMost( uint32_t n )
return T_SRDInputItem( 0 , n );
inline T_SRDInputItem Times( uint32_t n )
return T_SRDInputItem( n , n );
inline T_SRDInputItem Between( uint32_t a , uint32_t b )
return T_SRDInputItem( a > b ? b : a , a > b ? a : b );
inline T_SRDInputItem Integer( )
return Alt( ) << Int32( ) << Int64( );
inline T_SRDInputItem Numeric( )
return Alt( ) << Integer( ) << Float( );
inline T_SRDInputItem Text( )
return Alt( ) << String( ) << Word( );
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext EnterContext( T_String name )
return T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext( std::move( name ) );
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContext EnterContext( char const* name )
return EnterContext( T_String::Pooled( name ) );
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor OnEnter( F_SRDHandler f )
return T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor( false , f );
inline T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor OnExit( F_SRDHandler f )
return T_SRDInputRule::T_SetContextExecutor( true , f );
} // namespace SRD
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
/* SRD - INPUT AND OUTPUT - INLINE CODE ***************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDIO.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= A_SRDWriter ==============================================================*/
inline A_SRDWriter::~A_SRDWriter( )
{ }
/*= A_SRDReaderTarget ========================================================*/
inline A_SRDReaderTarget::~A_SRDReaderTarget( )
{ }
/*= A_SRDReader ==============================================================*/
inline A_SRDReader::A_SRDReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target )
: target_( target )
{ }
inline A_SRDReader::~A_SRDReader( )
{ }
/*= X_SRDWriterError =========================================================*/
inline X_SRDWriterError::X_SRDWriterError( char const* msg ) noexcept
: std::exception( ) , msg_( msg )
{ }
/*= T_SRDReaderTargetHelper ==================================================*/
inline T_SRDReaderTargetHelper::T_SRDReaderTargetHelper( A_SRDReaderTarget& target , T_SRDErrors& errors )
: target_( target ) , errors_( errors )
target_.start( errors_ );
inline T_SRDReaderTargetHelper::~T_SRDReaderTargetHelper( )
target_.end( errors_ );
/*= T_SRDMemoryTarget ========================================================*/
inline void T_SRDMemoryTarget::clearFlushToken(
bool clearIt ) noexcept
clearFlushToken_ = clearIt;
inline bool T_SRDMemoryTarget::clearFlushToken( ) const noexcept
return clearFlushToken_;
inline T_SRDList const& T_SRDMemoryTarget::list( ) const
return list_.list( );
inline bool T_SRDMemoryTarget::complete( ) const
return current_ != nullptr && stack_.size( ) == 0 && list_.list( ).size( ) != 0;
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
/* SRD - PARSER CONFIGURATION - INLINE CODE ***********************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDParserConfig.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_SRDTransition ==========================================================*/
inline T_SRDTransition::T_SRDTransition( E_SRDTokenType tokenType , uint32_t next )
: type( E_SRDTransitionType::TOKEN ) , tokenType( tokenType ) ,
next( next )
{ }
inline T_SRDTransition::T_SRDTransition( E_SRDTransitionType type , uint32_t index , uint32_t next )
: type( type ) , index( index ) , next( next )
{ }
/*= T_SRDParserConfig ========================================================*/
inline T_Optional< uint32_t > T_SRDParserConfig::enumValue(
char const* name , T_String const& member ) const noexcept
return enumValue( T_String::Pooled( name ) , member );
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
/* SRD - TEXT STORAGE - INLINE CODE *******************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDText.hh>
namespace lw {
inline void SRDWriteAsText( A_OutputStream& output , T_SRDList const& data )
T_SRDTextWriter( output ).start( ).putList( data ).end( );
/*= T_SRDTextReader ==========================================================*/
inline T_SRDTextReader::T_SRDTextReader( A_SRDReaderTarget& target )
: A_SRDReader( target )
{ }
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
/* STREAMS - INLINE CODE ******************************************************/
#pragma once
#include <lw/lib/Streams.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= X_StreamError ============================================================*/
inline X_StreamError::X_StreamError( E_StreamError e )
: std::exception( ) , error_( e ) , sysError_( -1 )
{ }
inline X_StreamError::X_StreamError( int error )
: std::exception( ) , error_( E_StreamError::SYSTEM_ERROR ) , sysError_( error )
{ }
inline E_StreamError X_StreamError::code( ) const
return error_;
inline int X_StreamError::systemError( ) const
return sysError_;
/*= A_Stream =================================================================*/
inline A_Stream::A_Stream( bool isInput , size_t position ) noexcept
: isInput_( isInput ) , knownSize_( false ) , position_( position )
{ }
inline A_Stream::A_Stream( bool isInput , size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept
: isInput_( isInput ) , knownSize_( true ) , size_( size ) ,
position_( position )
{ }
inline A_Stream::~A_Stream( )
{ }
inline bool A_Stream::isInput( ) const
return isInput_;
inline bool A_Stream::isSizeKnown( ) const
return knownSize_;
inline size_t A_Stream::position( ) const
return position_;
inline size_t A_Stream::size( ) const
if ( knownSize_ ) {
return size_;
} else {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::NOT_SUPPORTED );
/*= A_InputStream ============================================================*/
inline A_InputStream::A_InputStream( size_t position ) noexcept
: A_Stream( true , position )
{ }
inline A_InputStream::A_InputStream( size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept
: A_Stream( true , position , size )
{ }
/*= A_OutputStream ===========================================================*/
inline A_OutputStream::A_OutputStream( size_t position ) noexcept
: A_Stream( false , position )
{ }
inline A_OutputStream::A_OutputStream( size_t position , size_t size ) noexcept
: A_Stream( false , position , size )
{ }
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,591 @@
/* STRINGS AND RELATED UTILITIES - INLINE CODE ********************************/
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_Character ==============================================================*/
inline T_Character::T_Character( ) noexcept
: codepoint( 0 )
{ }
inline T_Character::T_Character( const T_Character& other ) noexcept
: codepoint( other.codepoint )
{ }
template< typename T , typename >
inline T_Character::T_Character( T codepoint ) noexcept
: codepoint( uint32_t( codepoint ) )
assert( codepoint >= 0 );
inline bool T_Character::isValid( ) const
return codepoint < 0x110000;
inline bool T_Character::isAscii( ) const
return codepoint < 128;
inline bool T_Character::isControl( ) const
return codepoint < 32;
inline bool T_Character::isUppercase( ) const
return codepoint >= 'A' && codepoint <= 'Z';
inline bool T_Character::isLowercase( ) const
return codepoint >= 'a' && codepoint <= 'z';
inline bool T_Character::isAlpha( ) const
return isUppercase( ) || isLowercase( );
inline bool T_Character::isNumeric( ) const
return codepoint >= '0' && codepoint <= '9';
inline bool T_Character::isAlphanumeric( ) const
return isAlpha( ) || isNumeric( );
inline bool T_Character::isWhitespace( ) const
return codepoint == 32 || codepoint == '\t'
|| codepoint == '\n' || codepoint == '\r';
inline bool T_Character::operator== ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint == other.codepoint;
inline bool T_Character::operator!= ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint != other.codepoint;
inline bool T_Character::operator< ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint < other.codepoint;
inline bool T_Character::operator> ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint > other.codepoint;
inline bool T_Character::operator<= ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint <= other.codepoint;
inline bool T_Character::operator>= ( T_Character const& other ) const
return codepoint >= other.codepoint;
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator== ( T other ) const
return codepoint == uint32_t( other );
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator!= ( T other ) const
return codepoint != uint32_t( other );
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator< ( T other ) const
return codepoint < uint32_t( other );
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator<= ( T other ) const
return codepoint <= uint32_t( other );
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator> ( T other ) const
return codepoint > uint32_t( other );
template< typename T , typename >
inline bool T_Character::operator>= ( T other ) const
return codepoint >= uint32_t( other );
inline T_Character::operator uint32_t ( ) const
return codepoint;
inline uint32_t T_Character::writeTo( char* output , uint32_t avail ) const
return UTF8PutCodepoint( output , avail , codepoint );
inline T_Character T_Character::toUpper( ) const
if ( isLowercase( ) ) {
return *this & (~0x20);
} else {
return *this;
inline T_Character T_Character::toLower( ) const
if ( isUppercase( ) ) {
return *this | 0x20;
} else {
return *this;
/*= A_StringData =============================================================*/
inline bool A_StringData::valid( ) const
return valid_;
inline char const* A_StringData::data( ) const
return data_;
inline uint32_t A_StringData::length( ) const
return length_;
inline uint32_t A_StringData::size( ) const
return size_;
/*= T_String =================================================================*/
inline T_String T_String::Pooled( char const* string )
return Pooled( string , strlen( string ) );
inline bool T_String::valid( ) const
return data_->valid( );
inline uint32_t T_String::size( ) const
return data_->size( );
inline uint32_t T_String::length( ) const
return data_->length( );
inline char const* T_String::data( ) const
return data_->data( );
inline T_String::operator bool ( ) const
return size( ) != 0;
inline bool T_String::operator! ( ) const
return size( ) == 0;
inline T_Character T_String::operator[] ( uint32_t index ) const
assert( index < length( ) );
char const* const d( data( ) );
return UTF8GetCodepoint( d + UTF8GetMemoryOffset( d , index ) );
inline T_String T_String::range( uint32_t start , uint32_t end ) const
if ( start > end ) {
return T_String( );
return substr( start , end == UINT32_MAX ? UINT32_MAX : ( end - start + 1 ) );
inline bool T_String::equals( T_String const& other ) const
return data_ == other.data_ || ( other.size( ) == size( )
&& ( size( ) == 0 || !memcmp( ) , data( ) , size( ) ) ) );
inline bool T_String::equals( char const* string ) const
const auto l( strlen( string ) );
return size( ) == l && ( l == 0 || !memcmp( string , data( ) , l ) );
inline bool T_String::operator== ( T_String const& other ) const
return equals( other );
inline bool T_String::operator!= ( T_String const& other ) const
return !equals( other );
inline bool T_String::operator< ( T_String const& other ) const
return compare( other ) < 0;
inline bool T_String::operator> ( T_String const& other ) const
return compare( other ) > 0;
inline bool T_String::operator>= ( T_String const& other ) const
return compare( other ) >= 0;
inline bool T_String::operator<= ( T_String const& other ) const
return compare( other ) <= 0;
inline bool T_String::operator== ( char const* string ) const
return equals( string );
inline bool T_String::operator!= ( char const* string ) const
return !equals( string );
inline int64_t T_String::toInteger( bool * ok , int base , bool useSep ,
T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToInteger( data( ) , size( ) , ok , base , useSep , separator );
inline uint64_t T_String::toUnsignedInteger( bool * ok , int base , bool useSep ,
T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToUnsignedInteger( data( ) , size( ) , ok , base , useSep , separator );
inline double T_String::toDouble( bool * ok , T_Character decimalPoint ,
bool useSep , T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToDouble( data( ) , size( ) , ok , decimalPoint , useSep , separator );
inline T_StringIterator T_String::getIterator( uint32_t offset ) const
if ( offset >= data_->size( ) ) {
return T_StringIterator( nullptr , 0 );
return T_StringIterator( data_ , offset );
inline T_String::operator T_StringIterator( ) const
return getIterator( 0 );
/*= T_String helpers =========================================================*/
inline M_DEFINE_HASH( T_String )
return HashData(
reinterpret_cast< uint8_t const* >( ) ) ,
item.size( ) );
inline M_DEFINE_COMPARATOR( T_String )
return b );
/*= T_StringIterator =========================================================*/
inline T_StringIterator::T_StringIterator( T_StringIterator&& other ) noexcept
: data_( other.data_ ) , pos_( other.pos_ ) ,
index_( other.index_ ) ,
codepoint_( other.codepoint_ ) ,
bytes_( other.bytes_ )
other.data_ = nullptr;
inline T_StringIterator& T_StringIterator::operator= ( T_StringIterator&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
inline uint32_t T_StringIterator::index( ) const
return index_;
inline bool T_StringIterator::atEnd( ) const
return data_ == nullptr || pos_ == data_->size( );
inline T_Character T_StringIterator::character( ) const
return codepoint_;
inline T_StringIterator::operator T_Character ( ) const
return codepoint_;
/*= T_StringBuilder ==========================================================*/
inline T_StringBuilder::T_StringBuilder( ) noexcept
: data_( nullptr ) , capacity_( 0 ) , size_( 0 ) , length_( 0 )
{ }
inline T_StringBuilder::T_StringBuilder( char const* string )
: T_StringBuilder( string , strlen( string ) )
{ }
inline char const* T_StringBuilder::data( ) const
return data_;
inline uint32_t T_StringBuilder::capacity( ) const
return capacity_;
inline uint32_t T_StringBuilder::size( ) const
return size_;
inline uint32_t T_StringBuilder::length( ) const
return length_;
inline T_StringBuilder::operator bool ( ) const
return size_ != 0;
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator! ( ) const
return size_ == 0;
inline T_StringBuilder& T_StringBuilder::clear( )
size_ = length_ = 0;
return *this;
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator== ( T_StringBuilder const& other ) const
return other.size_ == size_ && ( size_ == 0 || !memcmp( other.data_ , data_ , size_ ) );
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator!= ( T_StringBuilder const& other ) const
return other.size_ != size_ || ( size_ != 0 && memcmp( other.data_ , data_ , size_ ) );
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator== ( T_String const& string ) const
return string.size( ) == size_ && ( size_ == 0 || !memcmp( ) , data_ , size_ ) );
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator!= ( T_String const& string ) const
return string.size( ) != size_ || ( size_ != 0 && memcmp( ) , data_ , size_ ) );
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator== ( char const* string ) const
return strlen( string ) == size_ && ( size_ == 0 || !memcmp( string , data_ , size_ ) );
inline bool T_StringBuilder::operator!= ( char const* string ) const
return strlen( string ) != size_ || ( size_ != 0 && memcmp( string , data_ , size_ ) );
inline int64_t T_StringBuilder::toInteger( bool * ok , int base , bool useSep ,
T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToInteger( data_ , size_ , ok , base , useSep , separator );
inline uint64_t T_StringBuilder::toUnsignedInteger( bool * ok , int base , bool useSep ,
T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToUnsignedInteger( data_ , size_ , ok , base , useSep , separator );
inline double T_StringBuilder::toDouble( bool * ok , T_Character decimalPoint ,
bool useSep , T_Character separator ) const
return UTF8ToDouble( data( ) , size( ) , ok , decimalPoint , useSep , separator );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_StringBuilder const& value )
return sb.append( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_StringBuilder&& value )
return sb.append( std::move( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_String const& value )
return sb.append( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , char const* value )
return sb.append( value , strlen( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , char value )
return sb.append( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_Character value )
return sb.append( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , int16_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( int64_t( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , int32_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( int64_t( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , int64_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , uint16_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( uint64_t( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , uint32_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( uint64_t( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , uint64_t value )
return sb.appendNumeric( value );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , float value )
return sb.appendDouble( double( value ) );
inline T_StringBuilder& operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , double value )
return sb.appendDouble( value );
} // namespace
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
/* THREADING - INLINE CODE ****************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Threading.hh>
namespace lw {
/*= T_ReadWriteMutex =========================================================*/
inline T_ReadWriteMutex::T_ReadWriteMutex( )
: state_( 0 )
{ }
inline T_ReadWriteMutex::~T_ReadWriteMutex( )
assert( state_ == 0 );
inline void T_ReadWriteMutex::lock( )
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex_ );
writerBlock_.wait( lock , [this]( ) {
return ( state_ & C_WLOCKED_ ) == 0;
} );
state_ |= C_WLOCKED_;
readerBlock_.wait( lock , [this]( ) {
return ( state_ & C_READERS_ ) == 0;
} );
inline bool T_ReadWriteMutex::try_lock( )
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex_ , std::try_to_lock );
if ( lock.owns_lock( ) && state_ == 0 ) {
state_ = C_WLOCKED_;
return true;
return false;
inline void T_ReadWriteMutex::unlock( )
T_ScopeLock lock( mutex_ );
assert( ( state_ & C_WLOCKED_ ) != 0 );
state_ = 0;
writerBlock_.notify_all( );
inline void T_ReadWriteMutex::lock_shared( )
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex_ );
writerBlock_.wait( lock , [this]( ) {
return state_ < C_READERS_;
} );
state_ ++;
inline bool T_ReadWriteMutex::try_lock_shared( )
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex_ , std::try_to_lock );
if ( !lock.owns_lock( ) && state_ < C_READERS_ ) {
state_ ++;
return true;
return false;
inline void T_ReadWriteMutex::unlock_shared( )
T_ScopeLock lock( mutex_ );
assert( ( state_ & C_READERS_ ) != 0 );
auto previous( state_ -- );
if ( previous == ( C_WLOCKED_ & 1 ) ) {
readerBlock_.notify_one( );
} else if ( previous == C_READERS_ ) {
writerBlock_.notify_one( );
inline void T_ReadWriteMutex::upgradeLock( )
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex_ );
assert( ( state_ & C_READERS_ ) != 0 );
state_ --;
writerBlock_.wait( lock , [this]( ) {
return ( state_ & C_WLOCKED_ ) == 0;
} );
state_ |= C_WLOCKED_;
readerBlock_.wait( lock , [this]( ) {
return ( state_ & C_READERS_ ) == 0;
} );
/*= T_ReadLock ===============================================================*/
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( ) noexcept
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( )
{ }
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( T_ReadLock&& other )
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( std::move( other ) )
{ }
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m )
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( m )
{ }
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::defer_lock_t t )
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( m , t )
{ }
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::try_to_lock_t t )
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( m , t )
{ }
inline T_ReadLock::T_ReadLock( T_ReadWriteMutex& m , std::adopt_lock_t t )
: std::shared_lock< T_ReadWriteMutex >( m , t )
{ }
inline T_WriteLock T_ReadLock::upgrade( )
assert( owns_lock( ) );
RP_ReadWriteMutex mutex( release( ) );
mutex->upgradeLock( );
return T_WriteLock( *mutex , std::adopt_lock );
/*= T_RingBuffer =============================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >::T_RingBuffer( uint32_t expand )
: expand_( expand ) , data_( nullptr ) , allocated_( 0 ) ,
used_( 0 ) , readPos_( 0 )
assert( expand );
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >::T_RingBuffer( T_RingBuffer< T > const& other )
: expand_( other.expand_ ) , allocated_( other.allocated_ ) ,
used_( other.used_ ) , readPos_( 0 )
if ( allocated_ ) {
data_ = reinterpret_cast< T* >( ::operator new( sizeof( T ) * allocated_ ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < other.used_ ; i ++ ) {
const auto sidx( ( i + other.readPos_ ) % allocated_ );
new ( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &data_[ i ] ) ) T( other.data_[ sidx ] );
} else {
data_ = nullptr;
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >::T_RingBuffer( T_RingBuffer< T >&& other ) noexcept
: T_RingBuffer( other.growth( ) )
swap( *this , other );
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >::~T_RingBuffer( )
free( );
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >& T_RingBuffer< T >::operator =( T_RingBuffer< T > const& other )
free( );
expand_ = other.expand_;
allocated_ = other.allocated_;
used_ = other.used_;
readPos_ = 0;
if ( allocated_ ) {
data_ = reinterpret_cast< T* >( ::operator new( sizeof( T ) * allocated_ ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < other.used_ ; i ++ ) {
const auto sidx( ( i + other.readPos_ ) % allocated_ );
new ( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &data_[ i ] ) ) T( other.data_[ sidx ] );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline T_RingBuffer< T >& T_RingBuffer< T >::operator =( T_RingBuffer< T >&& other ) noexcept
free( );
expand_ = other.expand_;
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
template< typename T >
inline void swap( T_RingBuffer< T >& lhs , T_RingBuffer< T >& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.expand_ , rhs.expand_ );
swap( lhs.data_ , rhs.data_ );
swap( lhs.allocated_ , rhs.allocated_ );
swap( lhs.used_ , rhs.used_ );
swap( lhs.readPos_ , rhs.readPos_ );
template< typename T >
inline void T_RingBuffer< T >::free( )
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < used_ ; i ++ ) {
const auto idx( ( readPos_ + i ) % allocated_ );
data_[ idx ].~T( );
::operator delete( (void*) data_ );
data_ = nullptr;
allocated_ = 0;
used_ = 0;
readPos_ = 0;
template< typename T >
inline uint32_t T_RingBuffer< T >::size( ) const
return used_;
template< typename T >
inline uint32_t T_RingBuffer< T >::capacity( ) const
return allocated_;
template< typename T >
inline uint32_t T_RingBuffer< T >::growth( ) const
return expand_;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_RingBuffer< T >::readNext( T& output )
if ( used_ == 0 ) {
return false;
output = std::move( data_[ readPos_ ] );
data_[ readPos_ ].~T( );
readPos_ = ( readPos_ + 1 ) % allocated_;
used_ --;
return true;
template< typename T >
inline bool T_RingBuffer< T >::readAll( T_Array< T >& output )
if ( used_ == 0 ) {
return false;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < used_ ; i ++ ) {
output.add( std::move( data_[ ( readPos_ + i ) % allocated_ ] ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < used_ ; i ++ ) {
data_[ ( readPos_ + i ) % allocated_ ].~T( );
used_ = 0;
return true;
template< typename T >
inline void T_RingBuffer< T >::put( T const& input )
if ( used_ == allocated_ ) {
expand( );
const auto idx( ( readPos_ + used_ ) % allocated_ );
new ( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &data_[ idx ] ) ) T( input );
used_ ++;
template< typename T >
inline void T_RingBuffer< T >::put( T&& input )
if ( used_ == allocated_ ) {
expand( );
const auto idx( ( readPos_ + used_ ) % allocated_ );
new ( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &data_[ idx ] ) ) T( std::move( input ) );
used_ ++;
template< typename T >
template< typename... ArgTypes >
inline void T_RingBuffer< T >::putNew( ArgTypes&&... arguments )
if ( used_ == allocated_ ) {
expand( );
const auto idx( ( readPos_ + used_ ) % allocated_ );
new ( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &data_[ idx ] ) ) T( std::forward< ArgTypes >( arguments ) ... );
used_ ++;
template< typename T >
inline void T_RingBuffer< T >::expand( )
const auto nsz( allocated_ + expand_ );
T* nData( reinterpret_cast< T* >( ::operator new( sizeof( T ) * nsz ) ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < used_ ; i ++ ) {
const auto idx( ( readPos_ + i ) % allocated_ );
new( reinterpret_cast< char* >( &nData[ i ] ) ) T( std::move( data_[ idx ] ) );
data_[ idx ].~T( );
using std::swap;
swap( data_ , nData );
allocated_ = nsz;
readPos_ = 0;
::operator delete( (void*) nData );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
/* VARIOUS UTILITIES - INLINE CODE ********************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
namespace lw {
template< typename T >
inline constexpr bool IsPowerOf2( T value )
static_assert( std::is_integral< T >( ) , "integer type only" );
return value > 0 && ( value & ( value - 1 ) ) == 0;
/*= ENDIAN DETECTION =========================================================*/
inline static constexpr bool IsBigEndian( )
return E_Endian::NATIVE == E_Endian::BIG;
inline static constexpr bool IsLittleEndian( )
return E_Endian::NATIVE == E_Endian::LITTLE;
static_assert( IsBigEndian( ) || IsLittleEndian( ) ,
"unsupported endianness" );
/*= ENDIAN CONVERSION ========================================================*/
typename T ,
uint32_t S = sizeof( T ) ,
typename = std::enable_if_t<
std::is_integral< T >::value
|| std::is_floating_point< T >::value
struct T_ByteSwapper_ { };
template< typename T >
struct T_ByteSwapper_< T , 1 >
static constexpr T swap( T value )
return value;
template< typename T >
struct T_ByteSwapper_< T , 2 >
static T swap( T value )
union { T v;
uint16_t i;
} u = { value };
u.i = __builtin_bswap16( u.i );
return u.v;
template< typename T >
struct T_ByteSwapper_< T , 4 >
static T swap( T value )
union { T v;
uint32_t i;
} u = { value };
u.i = __builtin_bswap32( u.i );
return u.v;
template< typename T >
struct T_ByteSwapper_< T , 8 >
static T swap( T value );
template< typename T >
inline T T_ByteSwapper_< T , 8 >::swap( T value )
union { T v;
uint64_t i;
} u = { value };
u.i = __builtin_bswap64( u.i );
return u.v;
template< typename T >
struct T_LittleEndian< T , E_Endian::LITTLE >
static T convert( T value )
return value;
template< typename T >
struct T_LittleEndian< T , E_Endian::BIG >
static T convert( T value )
return T_ByteSwapper_< T >::swap( value );
template< typename T >
struct T_BigEndian< T , E_Endian::LITTLE >
static T convert( T value )
return T_ByteSwapper_< T >::swap( value );
template< typename T >
struct T_BigEndian< T , E_Endian::BIG >
static T convert( T value )
return value;
/*= COMPARATORS AND SORTING ==================================================*/
template< typename T >
inline int T_Comparator< T >::compare( T const& a , T const& b )
if ( a < b ) return -1;
if ( a > b ) return 1;
return 0;
// T_Sorter_ - "Plumbing" for Sort
struct T_Sorter_
typedef std::function< void ( uint8_t* a , uint8_t* b ) > F_Swap;
typedef std::function< int ( uint8_t const* a , uint8_t const* b ) > F_Cmp;
static void sort( uint8_t* data , uint32_t itemSize , uint32_t items , F_Swap swap , F_Cmp cmp );
template< typename T >
void Sort( T* array , uint32_t items , F_Comparator< T > comparator )
T_Sorter_::sort( reinterpret_cast< uint8_t* >( array ) ,
sizeof( T ) , items ,
[]( uint8_t* a , uint8_t* b ) {
using std::swap;
swap( *reinterpret_cast< T* >( a ) ,
*reinterpret_cast< T* >( b ) );
} ,
[comparator]( uint8_t const* a , uint8_t const* b ) {
return comparator(
*reinterpret_cast< T const* >( a ) ,
*reinterpret_cast< T const* >( b ) );
} );
/*= HASHING ==================================================================*/
template< typename T , int S >
inline uint32_t T_HashFunction< T , S >::hash( T const& item )
return HashData( reinterpret_cast< uint8_t const* >( &item ) , sizeof( T ) );
template< typename T >
inline uint32_t ComputeHash( T const& item )
return T_HashFunction< T >::hash( item );
// Hash function specializations for data sizes 1, 2, 4 and 8.
template< typename T >
struct T_HashFunction< T , 1 >
static uint32_t hash( T const& item )
return *reinterpret_cast< uint8_t const* >( &item );
template< typename T >
struct T_HashFunction< T , 2 >
static uint32_t hash( T const& item )
return *reinterpret_cast< uint16_t const* >( &item );
template< typename T >
struct T_HashFunction< T , 4 >
static uint32_t hash( T const& item )
return *reinterpret_cast< uint32_t const* >( &item );
template< typename T >
struct T_HashFunction< T , 8 >
static uint32_t hash( T const& item )
uint64_t v = *reinterpret_cast< uint64_t const* >( &item );
return ( v >> 32 ) ^ v;
/*= PRIVATE IMPLEMENTATION BASE ==============================================*/
inline A_PrivateImplementation::A_PrivateImplementation( void* p , T_Destructor_ destructor )
: p_( p ) , piDestructor_( destructor )
{ }
template< typename T >
inline A_PrivateImplementation::A_PrivateImplementation( T* p )
: A_PrivateImplementation( p , []( void* ptr ) {
reinterpret_cast< T* >( ptr )->~T( );
} )
{ }
inline A_PrivateImplementation::A_PrivateImplementation( A_PrivateImplementation&& other ) noexcept
: p_( other.p_ ) , piDestructor_( other.piDestructor_ )
other.p_ = nullptr;
inline A_PrivateImplementation& A_PrivateImplementation::operator=( A_PrivateImplementation&& other ) noexcept
callPrivateDestructor( );
p_ = other.p_;
piDestructor_ = other.piDestructor_;
other.p_ = nullptr;
return *this;
inline A_PrivateImplementation::~A_PrivateImplementation( )
callPrivateDestructor( );
template< typename T >
inline T& A_PrivateImplementation::p( ) const
return *reinterpret_cast< T* >( p_ );
inline void A_PrivateImplementation::callPrivateDestructor( ) noexcept
if ( p_ && piDestructor_ ) {
piDestructor_( p_ );
::operator delete( p_ );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,667 @@
/* CONSOLE SUPPORT - UNIX IMPLEMENTATION **************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Console.hh>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <pty.h>
namespace {
// List of unsupported terminals
char const* const BadTerminals_[] = {
"dumb" , "cons25" , "emacs" ,
// Extended input sequences
char const* const InputSequences_[] = {
"A" , // Up
"B" , // Down
"C" , // Right
"D" , // Left
"H" , // Home
"F" , // End
"3~" , // Delete
"1;5C" , // C-Right
"1;5D" , // C-Left
"15~" , // F5
"17~" , // F6
"18~" , // F7
"19~" , // F8
"20~" , // F9
"21~" , // F10
"23~" , // F11
"24~" , // F12
"1;2P" , // S-F1
"1;2Q" , // S-F2
"1;2R" , // S-F3
"1;2S" , // S-F4
"15;2~" , // S-F5
"17;2~" , // S-F6
"18;2~" , // S-F7
"19;2~" , // S-F8
"20;2~" , // S-F9
"21;2~" , // S-F10
"23;2~" , // S-F11
"24;2~" , // S-F12
"1;5P" , // C-F1
"1;5Q" , // C-F2
"1;5R" , // C-F3
"1;5S" , // C-F4
"15;5~" , // C-F5
"17;5~" , // C-F6
"18;5~" , // C-F7
"19;5~" , // C-F8
"20;5~" , // C-F9
"21;5~" , // C-F10
"23;5~" , // C-F11
"24;5~" , // C-F12
"1;6P" , // C-S-F1
"1;6Q" , // C-S-F2
"1;6R" , // C-S-F3
"1;6S" , // C-S-F4
"15;6~" , // C-S-F5
"17;6~" , // C-S-F6
"18;6~" , // C-S-F7
"19;6~" , // C-S-F8
"20;6~" , // C-S-F9
"21;6~" , // C-S-F10
"23;6~" , // C-S-F11
"24;6~" , // C-S-F12
const lw::E_ConsoleKey InputKeys_[] = {
lw::E_ConsoleKey::UP ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::DOWN ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::RIGHT ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::LEFT ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::HOME ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::END ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::DELETE ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::WNEXT ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::WPREV ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F5 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F6 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F7 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F8 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F9 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F10 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F11 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::F12 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F1 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F2 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F3 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F4 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F5 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F6 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F7 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F8 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F9 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F10 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F11 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::S_F12 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F1 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F2 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F3 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F4 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F5 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F6 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F7 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F8 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F9 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F10 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F11 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::C_F12 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F1 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F2 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F3 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F4 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F5 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F6 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F7 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F8 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F9 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F10 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F11 ,
lw::E_ConsoleKey::CS_F12 ,
// Various control codes
const char CCGetTermSizeStart_[] = "\033[s\033[99999C\033[99999A";
const char CCGetTermSizeEnd_[] = "\033[u";
const char CCGetCursorPos_[] = "\033[6n";
const char CCClearScreen_[] = "\033[H\033[2J";
const char CCNextLine_[] = "\n\033[99999D\033[K";
const char CCClearLine_[] = "\033[99999D\033[K";
const char CCClearLineUp_[] = "\033[99999D\033[K\033[A";
// Are we running in an unsupported terminal?
inline bool IsBadTerminal_( )
char const* const t( getenv( "TERM" ) );
if ( t == nullptr ) {
return true;
for ( auto i = 0 ; BadTerminals_[ i ] ; i ++ ) {
if ( !strcasecmp( t , BadTerminals_[ i ] ) ) {
return true;
return false;
class T_ConsoleImpl_
bool ok_;
termios initialTerm_;
lw::E_ConsoleInteractionMode mode_;
bool failed_;
bool interrupted_;
int sizePolling_;
uint32_t rows_ , cols_;
lw::T_StringBuilder styleSeq_;
uint8_t keyBuf_[ 16 ];
uint32_t kbPos_;
T_ConsoleImpl_( );
~T_ConsoleImpl_( );
bool initConsole( );
void shutdownConsole( );
bool failed( ) const;
bool resized( uint32_t& rows , uint32_t& cols ) const;
bool getTerminalSize( uint32_t& rows , uint32_t& cols );
bool getCursorPosition( uint32_t& column , uint32_t& row );
bool readKey( lw::E_ConsoleKey& key , uint32_t& character );
bool clearScreen( );
void setTextStyle( uint8_t style , lw::T_TextColor color );
void printCharacter( lw::T_Character c );
void nextLine( );
void clearLine( );
void clearLines( uint32_t count );
void moveCursor( int32_t x , int32_t y );
bool initTTY( );
bool checkInput( lw::E_ConsoleKey& key , uint32_t& character );
bool getTerminalSize( );
bool writeSequence( char const* sequence );
bool writeSequence( char const* sequence , uint32_t size );
T_ConsoleImpl_::T_ConsoleImpl_( )
// Buffer size:
// * "ESC[0m" always => 4
// * 2 per enabled style => 6
// * color: "38;2;" + 3 unsigned 8-bit numbers + 2 ";" separators => 16
// That would be 26, but let's go for 32 instead
styleSeq_.ensureCapacity( 32 );
T_ConsoleImpl_::~T_ConsoleImpl_( )
shutdownConsole( );
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::initConsole( )
failed_ = false;
kbPos_ = 0;
ok_ = isatty( STDIN_FILENO ) && !IsBadTerminal_( ) && initTTY( );
if ( ok_ && getTerminalSize( ) ) {
sizePolling_ = 0;
return ok_ && !failed_;
void T_ConsoleImpl_::shutdownConsole( )
if ( ok_ ) {
setTextStyle( 0 , lw::E_TextColor::WHITE );
tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO , TCSAFLUSH , &initialTerm_ );
inline bool T_ConsoleImpl_::failed( ) const
return failed_;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::resized( uint32_t& rows , uint32_t& cols ) const
if ( cols_ != cols || rows_ != rows ) {
cols = cols_;
rows = rows_;
return true;
return false;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::getTerminalSize( uint32_t& rows , uint32_t& cols )
if ( !getTerminalSize( ) ) {
return false;
rows = rows_;
cols = cols_;
return true;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::readKey( lw::E_ConsoleKey& key , uint32_t& character )
if ( failed_ ) {
return false;
do {
assert( kbPos_ < sizeof( keyBuf_ ) );
const auto n( read( STDIN_FILENO , &keyBuf_[ kbPos_ ] , 1 ) );
if ( n != 1 ) {
failed_ = failed_ || ( n == -1 );
if ( n == 0 && kbPos_ == 0 ) {
sizePolling_ = ( sizePolling_ + 1 ) % 20;
if ( sizePolling_ == 0 ) {
getTerminalSize( );
return false;
kbPos_ ++;
} while ( !checkInput( key , character ) );
kbPos_ = 0;
return true;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::checkInput( lw::E_ConsoleKey& key , uint32_t& character )
assert( kbPos_ > 0 );
const uint8_t first( keyBuf_[ 0 ] );
if ( kbPos_ == 1 ) {
// Escape or UTF-8 input
if ( first == 0x1b || first > 0x7f ) {
return false;
switch ( first ) {
case 0x01: // Ctrl+A
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::HOME;
return true;
case 0x02: // Ctrl+B
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::LEFT;
return true;
case 0x03: // Ctrl+C
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::INTERRUPT;
return true;
case 0x04: // Ctrl+D
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::EXIT;
return true;
case 0x05: // Ctrl+E
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::END;
return true;
case 0x06: // Ctrl+F
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::RIGHT;
return true;
case 0x08: // Ctrl+H
case 0x7f:
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::BACKSPACE;
return true;
case 0x09: // Ctrl+I/Tab
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::CHARACTER;
character = ' ';
return true;
case 0x0b: // Ctrl+K
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::KILL_REST;
return true;
case 0x0c: // Ctrl+L
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::CLEAR;
return true;
case 0x0d: // Ctrl+M/Enter
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::ENTER;
return true;
case 0x0e: // Ctrl+N
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::DOWN;
return true;
case 0x10: // Ctrl+P
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::UP;
return true;
case 0x15: // Ctrl+U
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::KILL_LINE;
return true;
case 0x17: // Ctrl+W
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::KILL_WORD;
return true;
case 0x19: // Ctrl+Y
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::PASTE;
return true;
// Skip other control characters
if ( first < 32 ) {
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::CHARACTER;
character = first;
return true;
// Check for UTF-8 input
if ( first != 0x1b ) {
uint32_t l( 0 );
if ( !lw::UTF8BufferInfo( (char const*) keyBuf_ , kbPos_ , l ) ) {
if ( kbPos_ > 4 ) {
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
if ( l != 1 ) {
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
} else {
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::CHARACTER;
character = lw::UTF8GetCodepoint( (char const*) keyBuf_ );
return true;
// Escape sequences
const uint8_t second( keyBuf_[ 1 ] );
if ( kbPos_ == 2 ) {
switch ( second ) {
case 0x7f:
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::KILL_WORD;
return true;
case 'f':
case 'F':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::WNEXT;
return true;
case 'b':
case 'B':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::WPREV;
return true;
kbPos_ = 0;
case 'O':
case '[':
return false;
// ESC-O-x sequences
if ( second == 'O' ) {
switch ( keyBuf_[ 2 ] ) {
case 'F':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::END;
return true;
case 'H':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::HOME;
return true;
case 'P':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::F1;
return true;
case 'Q':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::F2;
return true;
case 'R':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::F3;
return true;
case 'S':
key = lw::E_ConsoleKey::F4;
return true;
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
// Extended sequences - ESC-[, ends with ~ or uppercase letter
const uint8_t last( keyBuf_[ kbPos_ - 1 ] );
if ( last != '~' && ( last < 'A' || last > 'Z' ) ) {
if ( kbPos_ == sizeof( keyBuf_ ) - 1 ) {
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
// Check the list
uint32_t idx( 0 );
keyBuf_[ kbPos_ ] = 0;
while ( InputSequences_[ idx ] != nullptr ) {
if ( !strcmp( (char const*) keyBuf_ + 2 , InputSequences_[ idx ] ) ) {
key = InputKeys_[ idx ];
return true;
idx ++;
kbPos_ = 0;
return false;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::clearScreen( )
return writeSequence( CCClearScreen_ , sizeof( CCClearScreen_ ) - 1 );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::setTextStyle( uint8_t style , lw::T_TextColor color )
styleSeq_.clear( );
styleSeq_ << "\033[0";
if ( ( style & uint8_t( lw::E_TextStyle::BOLD ) ) != 0 ) {
styleSeq_ << ";1";
if ( ( style & uint8_t( lw::E_TextStyle::ITALIC ) ) != 0 ) {
styleSeq_ << ";3";
if ( ( style & uint8_t( lw::E_TextStyle::UNDERLINE ) ) != 0 ) {
styleSeq_ << ";4";
if ( color.type == lw::E_TextColor::CUSTOM ) {
styleSeq_ << ";38;2;" << color.r
<< ';' << color.g
<< ';' << color.b;
} else {
styleSeq_ << ';' << ( 30 + uint8_t( color.type ) );
styleSeq_ << 'm';
writeSequence( ) , styleSeq_.size( ) );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::printCharacter( lw::T_Character c )
char buf[ 8 ];
uint32_t l( UTF8PutCodepoint( buf , 7 , c ) );
if ( l == 0 ) {
writeSequence( buf , l );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::nextLine( )
writeSequence( CCNextLine_ , sizeof( CCNextLine_ ) - 1 );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::clearLine( )
writeSequence( CCClearLine_ , sizeof( CCClearLine_ ) - 1 );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::clearLines( uint32_t count )
assert( count > 0 );
while ( --count ) {
writeSequence( CCClearLineUp_ , sizeof( CCClearLineUp_ ) - 1 );
clearLine( );
void T_ConsoleImpl_::moveCursor( int32_t x , int32_t y )
styleSeq_.clear( );
if ( x ) {
styleSeq_ << "\033["
<< ( x > 0 ? x : -x )
<< ( x > 0 ? 'C' : 'D' );
if ( y ) {
styleSeq_ << "\033["
<< ( y > 0 ? y : -y )
<< ( y > 0 ? 'B' : 'A' );
if ( styleSeq_.size( ) ) {
writeSequence( ) , styleSeq_.size( ) );
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::initTTY( )
if ( tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO , &initialTerm_ ) == -1 ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
termios rawTerm( initialTerm_ );
rawTerm.c_iflag &= ~( BRKINT | ICRNL | INPCK | ISTRIP | IXON );
rawTerm.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
rawTerm.c_cflag |= CS8;
rawTerm.c_lflag &= ~( ECHO | ICANON | IEXTEN | ISIG );
rawTerm.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 0;
rawTerm.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0;
if ( tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO , TCSAFLUSH , &rawTerm ) >= 0 ) {
return getTerminalSize( );
} else {
failed_ = true;
return false;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::getTerminalSize( )
// Try obtaining the size using ioctl
winsize ws;
if ( ioctl( STDIN_FILENO , TIOCGWINSZ , &ws ) != -1 && ws.ws_col != 0 ) {
rows_ = ws.ws_row;
cols_ = ws.ws_col;
return true;
// Otherwise, we need to move the cursor to the bottom/right corner, then
// get its position.
return writeSequence( CCGetTermSizeStart_ , sizeof( CCGetTermSizeStart_ ) - 1 )
&& getCursorPosition( cols_ , rows_ )
&& writeSequence( CCGetTermSizeEnd_ , sizeof( CCGetTermSizeEnd_ ) - 1 );
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::getCursorPosition( uint32_t& column , uint32_t& row )
if ( failed_ || tcflush( STDIN_FILENO , TCIFLUSH ) != 0 ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
if ( !writeSequence( CCGetCursorPos_ , sizeof( CCGetCursorPos_ ) - 1 ) ) {
return false;
char buf[ 32 ];
size_t i( 0 );
while ( i < sizeof( buf ) ) {
if ( read( STDIN_FILENO , buf + i , 1 ) != 1 ) {
i = sizeof( buf );
if ( buf[ i ] == 'R' ) {
i ++;
if ( i == sizeof( buf ) || i < 6 || buf[ 0 ] != 27 || buf[ 1 ] != '[' ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
buf[ i ] = 0;
if ( sscanf( buf + 2 , "%d;%d" , &row , &column ) != 2 ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
return true;
#if 0
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::writeSequence( char const* sequence )
if ( failed_ ) {
return false;
const int n( strlen( sequence ) );
if ( write( STDOUT_FILENO , sequence , n ) != n ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
return true;
bool T_ConsoleImpl_::writeSequence( char const* sequence , uint32_t size )
if ( failed_ ) {
return false;
if ( write( STDOUT_FILENO , sequence , size ) != size ) {
failed_ = true;
return false;
return true;
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include <lw/lib/BuiltinLoggers.hh>
using namespace lw;
namespace {
char const* const V_Name_ = "console";
inline T_String Name_( ) { return T_String::Pooled( V_Name_ ); }
/*= T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory ================================================*/
T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory::T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory( T_Console& console )
: A_LogWriterFactory( Name_( ) ) , console_( console )
{ }
RP_LogWriterConfiguration T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory::createConfiguration( T_String const& name ) const
RP_LogWriterConfiguration p( new T_LogWriterConfiguration( Name_( ) ) );
p->setName( name );
return p;
OP_LogWriter T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory::createLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration ) const
T_ConsoleLogWriter* p( new T_ConsoleLogWriter( std::move( configuration ) , console_ ) );
return OwnRawPointer( p );
/*= T_ConsoleLogWriter =======================================================*/
T_ConsoleLogWriter::T_ConsoleLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration , T_Console& console )
: A_LogWriter( std::move( configuration ) ) , console_( console )
{ }
void T_ConsoleLogWriter::log( T_LogTimestamp const& timestamp ,
E_LogLevel level , T_LogPath const& path ,
T_LogStringData const& data , uint32_t size )
using namespace std::chrono;
char timeBuffer[ 128 ];
std::time_t tst( T_LogTimestamp::clock::to_time_t( timestamp ) );
std::strftime( timeBuffer , 128 , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" , std::gmtime( &tst ) );
const auto ms( ( duration_cast< milliseconds >( timestamp - T_LogTimestamp( ) ) ).count( ) % 1000 );
T_TextBuilder sb;
sb << timeBuffer << '.';
if ( ms < 100 ) {
sb << '0';
if ( ms < 10 ) {
sb << '0';
sb << ms << ' ' << path.toString( ) << " - "
<< E_TextStyle::UNDERLINE;
switch ( level ) {
case E_LogLevel::TRACE:
case E_LogLevel::DEBUG:
case E_LogLevel::INFO:
sb << E_TextColor::CYAN;
case E_LogLevel::NOTICE:
case E_LogLevel::WARNING:
sb << E_TextColor::YELLOW;
case E_LogLevel::CRITICAL:
sb << E_TextStyle::BOLD;
case E_LogLevel::ERROR:
sb << E_TextColor::RED;
sb << level;
sb.reset( );
sb << " - " << T_String( &( (*data) [ 0 ] ) , size );
console_.putLine( std::move( sb ) );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
#include <lw/lib/BuiltinLoggers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDParser.hh>
using namespace lw;
namespace {
char const* const V_Name_ = "preinit-file";
inline T_String Name_( ) { return T_String::Pooled( V_Name_ ); }
bool CFLCPath_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto const& ptok( (*data.input)[ 1 ] );
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setPath( ptok.stringValue( ) );
return true;
bool CFLCAppend_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setAppend( true );
return true;
bool CFLCTruncate_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setAppend( false );
return true;
/*= T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory ==================================================*/
T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory::T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory( )
: A_LogWriterFactory( Name_( ) )
{ }
RP_LogWriterConfiguration T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory::createConfiguration( T_String const& name ) const
RP_LogWriterConfiguration p( new T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg( ) );
p->setName( name );
return p;
OP_LogWriter T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory::createLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration ) const
T_CWDFileLogWriter* p( new T_CWDFileLogWriter( std::move( configuration ) ) );
return OwnRawPointer( p );
void T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory::initializeSyntax( T_SRDParserDefs& , T_SRDContext& main ) const
using namespace lw::SRD;
main << ( Rule( ) << "file" << Text( ) << CFLCPath_ );
main << ( Rule( ) << "append" << CFLCAppend_ );
main << ( Rule( ) << "truncate" << CFLCTruncate_ );
/*= T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg ======================================================*/
T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg::T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg( )
: T_LogWriterConfiguration( Name_( ) )
{ }
T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg::T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg( T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg const& source )
: T_LogWriterConfiguration( source ) , path_( source.path_ ) ,
append_( source.append_ )
{ }
OP_LogWriterConfiguration T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg::clone( )
T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg* ptr( new T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg( *this ) );
return OwnRawPointer( ptr );
void T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg::check( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDList const& input )
T_LogWriterConfiguration::check( errors , input );
if ( !path_ ) {
errors.add( "no file selected" , input[ 0 ] );
/*= T_CWDFileLogWriter =========================================================*/
T_CWDFileLogWriter::T_CWDFileLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration )
: A_LogWriter( std::move( configuration ) )
{ }
void T_CWDFileLogWriter::log( T_LogTimestamp const& timestamp ,
E_LogLevel level , T_LogPath const& path ,
T_LogStringData const& data , uint32_t size )
using namespace std::chrono;
char timeBuffer[ 128 ];
std::time_t tst( T_LogTimestamp::clock::to_time_t( timestamp ) );
std::strftime( timeBuffer , 128 , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" , std::gmtime( &tst ) );
const auto ms( ( duration_cast< milliseconds >( timestamp - T_LogTimestamp( ) ) ).count( ) % 1000 );
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << timeBuffer << '.';
if ( ms < 100 ) {
sb << '0';
if ( ms < 10 ) {
sb << '0';
sb << ms << ' ' << path.toString( ) << " - " << level << ": ";
sb.append( &( (*data) [ 0 ] ) , size );
sb << '\n';
auto const& cfg( configuration< T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg >( ) );
auto const& p( cfg.path( ) );
if ( !file_ ) {
file_ = NewOwned< T_File >( p , cfg.append( ) ? E_FileMode::READ_WRITE : E_FileMode::OVERWRITE );
if ( !file_ ) {
disable( );
try {
file_->open( );
} catch ( X_StreamError const& ) {
disable( );
file_.clear( );
try {
file_->position( 0 , true );
file_->write( ) , sb.size( ) );
file_->flush( );
} catch ( X_StreamError ) {
disable( );
file_.clear( );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
/* DYNAMIC LIBRARIES **********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/DynLib.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Threading.hh>
using namespace lw;
#ifdef _WIN32
# error "Not implemented"
/*= T_DynLibLinux_ ===========================================================*/
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <atomic>
namespace {
struct T_DynLibLinux_
T_Buffer< char > path;
T_String error;
void* lib;
explicit T_DynLibLinux_( T_String const& path ) noexcept;
explicit T_DynLibLinux_( char const* const path ) noexcept;
~T_DynLibLinux_( ) noexcept;
bool load( ) noexcept;
void unload( ) noexcept;
bool isLoaded( ) const noexcept;
void* getSymbol( char const* const symbol ) noexcept;
} // namespace
inline T_DynLibLinux_::T_DynLibLinux_(
T_String const& path ) noexcept
: path( path.toOSString( ) ) , lib( nullptr )
{ }
inline T_DynLibLinux_::T_DynLibLinux_(
char const* const path ) noexcept
: path( path , strlen( path ) ) , lib( nullptr )
{ }
inline T_DynLibLinux_::~T_DynLibLinux_( ) noexcept
unload( );
inline bool T_DynLibLinux_::load( ) noexcept
if ( lib != nullptr ) {
return true;
lib = dlopen( &path[ 0 ] , RTLD_LOCAL | RTLD_NOW );
error = lib ? T_String{} : T_String{ dlerror( ) };
return lib != nullptr;
inline void T_DynLibLinux_::unload( ) noexcept
if ( lib != nullptr ) {
dlclose( lib );
lib = nullptr;
inline bool T_DynLibLinux_::isLoaded( ) const noexcept
return lib != nullptr;
inline void* T_DynLibLinux_::getSymbol(
char const* const symbol ) noexcept
assert( lib != nullptr );
void* const ptr( dlsym( lib , symbol ) );
error = ( ptr == nullptr ) ? T_String{ dlerror( ) } : T_String{};
return ptr;
/*= T_DynLib =================================================================*/
using T_DynLibImpl_ = T_DynLibLinux_; // FIXME
T_String const& name )
: A_PrivateImplementation( new T_DynLibImpl_( name ) )
{ }
char const* const name )
: A_PrivateImplementation( new T_DynLibImpl_( name ) )
{ }
bool T_DynLib::load( )
return p< T_DynLibImpl_ >( ).load( );
void T_DynLib::unload( )
p< T_DynLibImpl_ >( ).unload( );
bool T_DynLib::isLoaded( ) const noexcept
return p< T_DynLibImpl_ >( ).isLoaded( );
T_String T_DynLib::lastError( ) const noexcept
return p< T_DynLibImpl_ >( ).error;
void* T_DynLib::getRawSymbol(
char const* const name ) const noexcept
return p< T_DynLibImpl_ >( ).getSymbol( name );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
/* FILES **********************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Files.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_File ==================================================================*/
T_File::T_File( )
: path_( ) , file_( nullptr )
{ }
T_File::T_File( T_String const& path , E_FileMode mode )
: path_( path ) , mode_( mode ) , file_( nullptr )
{ }
T_File::T_File( T_File&& other ) noexcept
: T_File( )
swap( *this , other );
T_File& T_File::operator= ( T_File&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
return *this;
void T_File::open( )
if ( file_ != nullptr ) {
// Copy file path to C string
const T_Buffer< char > path( path_.toOSString( ) );
// Select the right mode
char const* mode;
switch ( mode_ ) {
case E_FileMode::READ_ONLY:
mode = "rb";
case E_FileMode::READ_WRITE:
mode = "rb+";
case E_FileMode::OVERWRITE:
mode = "wb+";
// Open the file
#ifdef WIN32_
file_ = _wfopen( ( wchar_t const* ) &path[ 0 ] , mode );
file_ = fopen( &path[ 0 ] , mode );
if ( file_ == nullptr ) {
throw X_StreamError( errno );
// Get initial size
if ( fseek( file_ , 0 , SEEK_END ) != 0 ) {
auto err( errno );
close( );
throw X_StreamError( err );
off_t sz( ftell( file_ ) );
if ( sz < 0 || fseek( file_ , 0 , SEEK_SET ) != 0 ) {
auto err( errno );
close( );
throw X_StreamError( err );
pos_ = 0;
size_ = sz;
void T_File::close( ) noexcept
if ( file_ != nullptr ) {
fclose( file_ );
file_ = nullptr;
void T_File::position( size_t position , bool fromEnd )
open( );
const auto rv( fromEnd
? fseek( file_ , -position , SEEK_END )
: fseek( file_ , +position , SEEK_SET ) );
if ( rv < 0 ) {
throw X_StreamError( errno );
pos_ = rv;
void T_File::move( ssize_t offset )
open( );
const auto rv( fseek( file_ , offset , SEEK_CUR ) );
if ( rv < 0 ) {
throw X_StreamError( errno );
pos_ = rv;
size_t T_File::read( void* data , size_t size )
open( );
if ( pos_ >= size_ ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::END );
const auto rv( fread( data , 1 , size , file_ ) );
if ( ferror( file_ ) ) {
throw X_StreamError( errno );
} else {
pos_ += rv;
return rv;
size_t T_File::write( void const* data , size_t size )
if ( mode_ == E_FileMode::READ_ONLY ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::NOT_SUPPORTED );
open( );
auto rv( fwrite( data , 1 , size , file_ ) );
if ( ferror( file_ ) ) {
throw X_StreamError( errno );
} else {
pos_ += rv;
if ( pos_ > size_ ) {
size_ = pos_;
return rv;
void T_File::flush( )
if ( !isOpen( ) || mode_ == E_FileMode::READ_ONLY ) {
fflush( file_ );
/*= T_FileInputStream =======================================================*/
T_FileInputStream::T_FileInputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset , size_t limit )
: A_InputStream( 0 , 0 ) , fileRaw_( &file ) , fileOwned_( )
init( offset , limit );
T_FileInputStream::T_FileInputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset , size_t limit )
: A_InputStream( 0 , 0 ) , fileRaw_( nullptr ) , fileOwned_( std::move( file ) )
file.clear( );
init( offset , limit );
T_FileInputStream::T_FileInputStream( T_FileInputStream const& other )
: A_InputStream( other.position( ) , other.size( ) ) ,
fileRaw_( &( other.file( ) ) ) , fileOwned_( ) ,
start_( other.start_ )
{ }
T_FileInputStream& T_FileInputStream::operator= ( T_FileInputStream const& other )
position_ = other.position_;
size_ = other.size_;
fileRaw_ = &( other.file( ) );
fileOwned_ = OP_File( );
start_ = other.start_;
return *this;
void T_FileInputStream::swap( T_FileInputStream& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( size_ , rhs.size_ );
swap( position_ , rhs.position_ );
swap( fileRaw_ , rhs.fileRaw_ );
swap( fileOwned_ , rhs.fileOwned_ );
swap( start_ , rhs.start_ );
size_t T_FileInputStream::read( void* data , size_t size )
if ( position_ >= size_ ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::END );
auto& f( file( ) );
|||| );
if ( f.position( ) != start_ + position_ ) {
f.position( start_ + position_ );
const size_t rSize( std::min( size , size_ - position_ ) );
const auto r( data , rSize ) );
position_ += r;
return r;
void T_FileInputStream::init( ssize_t offset , size_t limit )
auto& f( file( ) );
|||| );
const ssize_t start( f.position( ) + offset );
if ( start < 0 || start > ssize_t( f.size( ) ) ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::INVALID_POSITION );
start_ = start;
size_ = std::min( f.size( ) - start , limit );
/*= T_FileOutputStream =======================================================*/
T_FileOutputStream::T_FileOutputStream( T_File& file , ssize_t offset )
: A_OutputStream( 0 ) , fileRaw_( &file ) , fileOwned_( )
init( offset );
T_FileOutputStream::T_FileOutputStream( OP_File&& file , ssize_t offset )
: A_OutputStream( 0 ) , fileRaw_( nullptr ) , fileOwned_( std::move( file ) )
init( offset );
T_FileOutputStream::T_FileOutputStream( T_FileOutputStream const& other )
: A_OutputStream( other.position( ) ) , fileRaw_( &other.file( ) ) ,
fileOwned_( ) , start_( other.start_ )
{ }
T_FileOutputStream& T_FileOutputStream::operator= ( T_FileOutputStream const& other )
position_ = other.position_;
fileRaw_ = &other.file( );
fileOwned_ = OP_File( );
start_ = other.start_;
return *this;
inline void T_FileOutputStream::swap( T_FileOutputStream& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( position_ , rhs.position_ );
swap( fileRaw_ , rhs.fileRaw_ );
swap( fileOwned_ , rhs.fileOwned_ );
swap( start_ , rhs.start_ );
size_t T_FileOutputStream::write( void const* data , size_t size )
auto& f( file( ) );
|||| );
if ( f.position( ) != start_ + position_ ) {
f.position( start_ + position_ );
const auto w( f.write( data , size ) );
position_ += w;
return w;
void T_FileOutputStream::flush( )
file( ).flush( );
void T_FileOutputStream::init( ssize_t offset )
auto& f( file( ) );
if ( f.mode( ) == E_FileMode::READ_ONLY ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::NOT_SUPPORTED );
const ssize_t start( f.position( ) + offset );
if ( start < 0 || start > ssize_t( f.size( ) ) ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::INVALID_POSITION );
start_ = start;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
/* GAME'S MAIN LOOP ***********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/GameLoop.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Threading.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Log.hh>
#include <lw/lib/LW.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_GameLoopPrivate_ =======================================================*/
namespace {
struct T_GameLoopPrivate_
T_Logger logger{ "/core/loop" };
OP_Thread thread;
bool active = false;
bool forceShutdown = false;
T_Mutex mutex;
T_Condition cond;
T_RingBuffer< T_UIMessage > messages{ 64 };
/* Game loop */
void run( ) noexcept;
/* Wait for the next message, no timeout */
bool nextMessage(
T_UIMessage& message ) noexcept;
} // namespace
inline void T_GameLoopPrivate_::run( ) noexcept
const bool trace( logger.hasLevel( E_LogLevel::TRACE ) );
logger.debug( ) << "Game loop thread starting";
while ( !forceShutdown ) {
T_UIMessage message;
if ( !nextMessage( message ) ) {
const auto mt( message.type( ) );
if ( trace ) {
logger.trace( ) << "Got message " << mt;
switch ( mt ) {
case lw::E_GameUIMessage::QUIT:
// FIXME quit properly
LW::ui( ).putMessage( E_GameLoopMessage::TERMINATED );
forceShutdown = true;
logger.debug( ) << "Unhandled message " << mt;
active = false;
logger.debug( ) << "Game loop thread exiting";
inline bool T_GameLoopPrivate_::nextMessage(
T_UIMessage& message ) noexcept
T_ExclusiveLock lock( mutex );
cond.wait( lock , [this]() {
return messages.size( ) != 0 || forceShutdown;
} );
return messages.readNext( message )
&& message.hasMessage( );
/*= T_GameLoop ===============================================================*/
#define M_PRIVATE_ \
auto& pi( p< T_GameLoopPrivate_ >( ) );
T_GameLoop::T_GameLoop( ) noexcept
: A_PrivateImplementation( new T_GameLoopPrivate_( ) )
{ }
bool T_GameLoop::active( ) const noexcept
return bool( pi.thread ) && !;
void T_GameLoop::start( ) noexcept
pi.logger.trace( ) << "Starting main loop thread";
if ( pi.thread ) {
pi.logger.warning( )
<< "The main loop thread is already active?!";
|||| = true;
pi.thread = NewOwned< T_Thread >( [&]{
|||| );
} );
void T_GameLoop::shutdown( ) noexcept
if ( !pi.thread ) {
pi.logger.trace( )
<< "The main loop thread is not present";
if ( ) {
pi.logger.notice( ) << "Main loop is still active at shutdown!";
pi.forceShutdown = true;
T_ExclusiveLock lock( pi.mutex );
pi.cond.notify_one( );
pi.thread->join( );
pi.thread.clear( );
void T_GameLoop::putMessage( T_UIMessage&& message ) noexcept
T_ExclusiveLock lock( pi.mutex );
pi.messages.put( std::move( message ) );
pi.cond.notify_one( );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
/* HASH INDEX *****************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/HashIndex.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_HashIndex =============================================================*/
constexpr uint32_t T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
uint32_t T_HashIndex::invalidIndex_ = T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
T_HashIndex::T_HashIndex( ) noexcept
{ }
T_HashIndex::T_HashIndex( uint32_t hashSize , uint32_t indexSize , uint32_t growth ) noexcept
: hashSize_( hashSize ) , hash_( &invalidIndex_ ) ,
indexSize_( indexSize ) , indexGrowth_( growth ) ,
indexUsed_( 0 ) , index_( &invalidIndex_ ) ,
hashMask_( hashSize - 1 ) , lookupMask_( 0 )
assert( IsPowerOf2( hashSize ) && "size must be a power of 2" );
assert( growth > 0 && "growth must be greater than 0" );
T_HashIndex::T_HashIndex( T_HashIndex const& other )
: hashSize_( other.hashSize_ ) , indexSize_( other.indexSize_ ) ,
indexGrowth_( other.indexGrowth_ ) , indexUsed_( other.indexUsed_ ) ,
hashMask_( other.hashMask_ ) , lookupMask_( other.lookupMask_ )
if ( indexUsed_ == 0 ) {
hash_ = &invalidIndex_;
index_ = &invalidIndex_;
} else {
hash_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
index_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexReverse_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( hash_ , other.hash_ , hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( index_ , other.index_ , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( indexReverse_ , other.indexReverse_ , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
T_HashIndex::T_HashIndex( T_HashIndex&& other ) noexcept
: T_HashIndex( )
swap( *this , other );
T_HashIndex& T_HashIndex::operator =( T_HashIndex const& other )
if ( hash_ != &invalidIndex_ ) {
::free( hash_ );
::free( index_ );
::free( indexReverse_ );
hashSize_ = other.hashSize_;
indexSize_ = other.indexSize_;
indexGrowth_ = other.indexGrowth_;
indexUsed_ = other.indexUsed_;
hashMask_ = other.hashMask_;
lookupMask_ = other.lookupMask_;
if ( indexUsed_ == 0 ) {
hash_ = &invalidIndex_;
index_ = &invalidIndex_;
} else {
hash_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
index_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexReverse_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( hash_ , other.hash_ , hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( index_ , other.index_ , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memcpy( indexReverse_ , other.indexReverse_ , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
return *this;
T_HashIndex& T_HashIndex::operator =( T_HashIndex&& other ) noexcept
swap( *this , other );
other.clear( );
return *this;
void lw::swap( T_HashIndex& lhs , T_HashIndex& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.hashSize_ , rhs.hashSize_ );
swap( lhs.hash_ , rhs.hash_ );
swap( lhs.indexSize_ , rhs.indexSize_ );
swap( lhs.indexGrowth_ , rhs.indexGrowth_ );
swap( lhs.indexUsed_ , rhs.indexUsed_ );
swap( lhs.index_ , rhs.index_ );
swap( lhs.indexReverse_ , rhs.indexReverse_ );
swap( lhs.hashMask_ , rhs.hashMask_ );
swap( lhs.lookupMask_ , rhs.lookupMask_ );
void T_HashIndex::free( )
if ( hash_ != &invalidIndex_ ) {
::free( hash_ );
::free( index_ );
::free( indexReverse_ );
hash_ = &invalidIndex_;
index_ = &invalidIndex_;
lookupMask_ = 0;
indexUsed_ = 0;
void T_HashIndex::clear( )
if ( hash_ != &invalidIndex_ ) {
memset( hash_ , 0xff , hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( index_ , 0xff , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexUsed_ = 0;
void T_HashIndex::enlargeIndex( uint32_t needed )
const uint32_t mod = needed % indexGrowth_;
const uint32_t newSize = ( mod == 0 )
? needed
: ( needed + indexGrowth_ - mod );
if ( index_ != &invalidIndex_ ) {
index_ = ( uint32_t* ) realloc( index_ ,
newSize * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexReverse_ = ( uint32_t* ) realloc( indexReverse_ ,
newSize * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( index_ + indexSize_ , 0xff ,
( newSize - indexSize_ ) * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( indexReverse_ + indexSize_ , 0xff ,
( newSize - indexSize_ ) * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexSize_ = newSize;
void T_HashIndex::allocateIfNecessary( )
if ( hash_ == &invalidIndex_ ) {
hash_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
index_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
indexReverse_ = ( uint32_t* ) malloc( indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( hash_ , 0xff , hashSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( index_ , 0xff , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
memset( indexReverse_ , 0xff , indexSize_ * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
lookupMask_ = INVALID_INDEX;
void T_HashIndex::add( uint32_t key )
const uint32_t index = indexUsed_;
if ( index >= indexSize_ ) {
enlargeIndex( index + indexGrowth_ );
allocateIfNecessary( );
assert( index_[ index ] == INVALID_INDEX );
const uint32_t hti = key & hashMask_;
const uint32_t oldIndex = hash_[ hti ];
hash_[ hti ] = index;
index_[ index ] = oldIndex;
indexReverse_[ index ] = hti;
indexUsed_ ++;
void T_HashIndex::remove( uint32_t index )
assert( hash_ != &invalidIndex_ );
assert( index < indexUsed_ );
// Follow the chain until we find the reference to the index.
const auto key( indexReverse_[ index ] );
uint32_t* ptr = &hash_[ key & hashMask_ ];
assert( *ptr != INVALID_INDEX );
while ( *ptr != index ) {
ptr = &index_[ *ptr ];
assert( *ptr != INVALID_INDEX );
// Update the reference so it points to the next item in the chain
*ptr = index_[ index ];
// If the index wasn't the last used index, swap it with the last used
// value
const uint32_t last = indexUsed_ - 1;
if ( index != last ) {
const uint32_t reverse = indexReverse_[ last ];
assert( reverse != INVALID_INDEX );
index_[ index ] = index_[ last ];
indexReverse_[ index ] = reverse;
// Change the reference to the item we moved in its chain
uint32_t* ptr = &hash_[ reverse ];
assert( *ptr != INVALID_INDEX );
while ( *ptr != last ) {
ptr = &index_[ *ptr ];
assert( *ptr != INVALID_INDEX );
*ptr = index;
index_[ last ] = INVALID_INDEX;
indexReverse_[ last ] = INVALID_INDEX;
indexUsed_ = last;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,603 @@
/* MAIN CLASS *****************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/LW.hh>
#include <lw/lib/BuiltinLoggers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDBinary.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDParser.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDText.hh>
#include <lw/lib/MemoryStreams.hh>
#include <lw/lib/VFSDrivers.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= LIBRARY DATA =============================================================*/
namespace {
#ifdef LW_BUILD
# include "lib-rom.hh"
const uint8_t lw_library_rom[] = { 0 };
} // namespace
/*= INTERNALS ================================================================*/
namespace {
/* Command line arguments */
struct T_CommandLine_
T_String homePath;
T_Array< T_String > extraPaths;
T_String ui;
struct T_LWInternals_
T_LWComponents& components;
const T_String executablePath_;
T_CommandLine_ arguments_;
OP_LoggingSystem loggingSystem;
T_Logger lPreinit;
T_Logger logger;
T_Logger lShutdown;
bool uiInitialised;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
T_LWInternals_( T_String const& executablePath ,
T_LWComponents& components ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[[noreturn]] void fatalError( T_Logger& logger , char const* text );
/* Load a logging configuration file */
OP_LoggingConfiguration loadLoggingConfigFile(
T_Logger& logger ,
char const* path ) noexcept;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/* Pre-initialisation - console, logging, VFS, mods manager */
void preInit( T_String const& commandLine );
OP_LoggingConfiguration getInitialLoggingConfig( );
void parseCommandLine(
T_String const& commandLine );
OP_LoggingConfiguration loadPreinitLoggingConfig( );
OP_LoggingConfiguration getDefaultPreinitLoggingConfig( );
T_ModsManagerConfiguration getModsManagerConfiguration( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void init( );
void run( );
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
void shutdown( );
OP_LoggingConfiguration loadShutdownLoggingConfig( );
OP_LoggingConfiguration getDefaultShutdownLoggingConfig( );
} // namespace
inline T_LWInternals_::T_LWInternals_(
T_String const& executablePath ,
T_LWComponents& components ) noexcept
: components( components ) ,
executablePath_( executablePath ) ,
lPreinit( "/core/preinit" ) ,
logger( "/core/init" ) ,
lShutdown( "/core/shutdown" )
{ }
void T_LWInternals_::fatalError( T_Logger& logger , char const* message )
logger.critical( ) << message;
// XXX UI-specific error display if possible
throw X_FatalError( );
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::loadLoggingConfigFile(
T_Logger& logger ,
char const* const path ) noexcept
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << path << ".srd";
const T_String srd( std::move( sb ) );
sb << path << ".srb";
const T_String srb( std::move( sb ) );
auto& vfs( LW::vfs( ) );
const bool useSRD( vfs.typeOf( srd ) == E_VFSEntryType::FILE );
if ( !useSRD && vfs.typeOf( srb ) != E_VFSEntryType::FILE ) {
return {};
T_String const& pstr( useSRD ? srd : srb );
auto cfg( LW::logWriters( ).getParserConfiguration( ) );
T_SRDParser parser( cfg );
OP_SRDReader reader( ([&]() -> OP_SRDReader {
if ( useSRD ) {
return NewOwned< T_SRDTextReader >( parser );
} else {
return NewOwned< T_SRDBinaryReader >( parser );
})( ) );
try {
OP_InputStream input( pstr ) );
if ( !input ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::UNAVAILABLE );
reader->read( pstr , *input );
return NewOwned< T_LoggingConfiguration >(
std::move( *parser.getData< SP_LoggingConfiguration >( ) ) );
} catch ( X_StreamError const& e ) {
logger.warning( ) << "could not load '"
<< pstr << "': " << e.what( );
} catch ( X_SRDErrors const& errors ) {
errors.log( lPreinit );
return {};
/*= PRE-INITIALISATION =======================================================*/
void T_LWInternals_::preInit(
T_String const& commandLine )
// Initialise the console, if we can
components.console = NewOwned< T_Console >( );
components.console->mode( E_ConsoleMode::OPTIONAL );
// Register basic log writers
components.logWriters = NewOwned< T_LogWriterRegistry >( );
LW::logWriters( ).add< T_CWDFileLogWriterFactory >( ).automatic( false );
LW::logWriters( ).add< T_ConsoleLogWriterFactory >( LW::console( ) ).automatic( false );
// Initialise the logging system with a temporary configuration
loggingSystem = NewOwned< T_LoggingSystem >(
LW::logWriters( ) ,
getInitialLoggingConfig( ) );
// Parse command line arguments
if ( commandLine ) {
parseCommandLine( commandLine );
// Initialise the VFS
try {
if ( arguments_.homePath ) {
components.vfs = NewOwned< T_VFS >( arguments_.homePath );
} else {
components.vfs = NewOwned< T_VFS >( );
} catch ( X_VFSInitialisationFailure const& ) {
fatalError( lPreinit , "Could not initialise the VFS." );
// Add the VFS-based log writer, then try reconfiguring
LW::logWriters( ).add< T_TextFileLogWriterFactory >( LW::vfs( ) ).automatic( false );
loggingSystem->reconfigure( loadPreinitLoggingConfig( ) );
// Finish configuring the VFS
lPreinit.debug( ) << "Adding install path '" << executablePath_
<< "' to the VFS";
auto ipvfsd( LW::vfs( ).addDriver< T_VFSFilesystemDriver >(
executablePath_ ) );
if ( !ipvfsd ) {
fatalError( lPreinit , "Could not initialise the VFS." );
} else {
ipvfsd.automatic( false );
const uint32_t nExtraPaths( arguments_.extraPaths.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nExtraPaths ; i ++ ) {
auto const& path( arguments_.extraPaths[ i ] );
lPreinit.trace( ) << "Adding extra path '" << path << "' to the VFS";
auto vfsd( LW::vfs( ).addDriver< T_VFSFilesystemDriver >( path ) );
if ( vfsd ) {
vfsd.automatic( false );
} else {
lPreinit.warning( ) << "unable to add directory '"
<< path << "' to the VFS";
lPreinit.debug( ) << "Adding library data to the VFS";
LW::vfs( ).addDriver( LW::getLibData( ) ).automatic( false );
// Create the global preprocessor configuration
lPreinit.trace( ) << "Creating SRD preprocessor configuration";
components.ppConfig = NewOwned< T_SRDPreprocessorConfig >( );
components.ppConfig->addBuiltinCommands( );
components.ppConfig->addVFSCommands( *components.vfs );
// Initialise the mods manager
lPreinit.trace( ) << "Initialising mods manager";
components.mods = NewOwned< T_ModsManager >(
getModsManagerConfiguration( ) );
auto& mods( LW::mods( ) );
if ( !mods.scanForMods( ) ) {
// TODO later - switch to installer
fatalError( lPreinit , "No mods found" );
if ( !mods.resolveDependencies( ) ) {
// TODO later - switch to installer
fatalError( lPreinit ,
"Could not find a valid set of mods "
"matching the current configuration" );
// Pre-initialise mods
mods.preinitCommon( );
components.ui = arguments_.ui
? mods.preinitUIMods( arguments_.ui )
: mods.preinitUIMods( );
if ( !components.ui ) {
fatalError( lPreinit , "Unable to start the user interface." );
uiInitialised = false;
// Create the main loop object
components.gameLoop = NewOwned< T_GameLoop >( );
lPreinit.trace( ) << "UI & game loop created";
// Load main logging configuration
auto lc( loadLoggingConfigFile( lPreinit , "/logging" ) );
if ( lc ) {
loggingSystem->reconfigure( std::move( lc ) );
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::getInitialLoggingConfig( )
auto logCfg( NewOwned< T_LoggingConfiguration >( ) );
logCfg->setMinLevelFor( T_LogPath( ) , E_LogLevel::NOTICE );
const T_String console( T_String::Pooled( "console" ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , console );
auto writerConfig( LW::logWriters( )
.get( console )
->createConfiguration( console ) );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
const T_String tfw( "preinit-file" );
T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg* writerConfig(
dynamic_cast< T_CWDFileLogWriterCfg *>(
LW::logWriters( )
.get( tfw )
->createConfiguration( tfw ) ) );
writerConfig->setPath( T_String::Pooled( "legacyworlds-preinit.log" ) );
writerConfig->setAppend( false );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , tfw );
return logCfg;
void T_LWInternals_::parseCommandLine(
T_String const& commandLine )
const T_SRDParserConfig clpConfig( ([]( T_CommandLine_* cl ) {
using namespace lw::SRD;
T_SRDParserDefs defs( "default" );
defs << OnStart( [cl]( T_SRDParserData const& d ) -> bool {
*( d.currentData ) = cl;
return true;
} );
defs.context( "default" )
<< ( Rule( ) << "ui" << Text( )
<< []( T_SRDParserData const& d ) -> bool {
auto cl( d.currentData->value< T_CommandLine_* >( ) );
if ( cl->ui ) {
d.errors.add( "duplicate UI identifier" , (*d.input)[ 0 ] );
} else {
cl->ui = (*d.input)[ 1 ].stringValue( );
return true;
} )
<< ( Rule( ) << "home" << Text( )
<< []( T_SRDParserData const& d ) -> bool {
auto cl( d.currentData->value< T_CommandLine_* >( ) );
if ( cl->homePath ) {
d.errors.add( "duplicate home directory" , (*d.input)[ 0 ] );
} else {
cl->homePath = (*d.input)[ 1 ].stringValue( );
return true;
} )
<< ( Rule( ) << "extra-paths" << ( AtLeast( 1 ) << Text( ) )
<< []( T_SRDParserData const& d ) -> bool {
auto cl( d.currentData->value< T_CommandLine_* >( ) );
auto const& input( *d.input );
const auto nPaths( input.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < nPaths ; i ++ ) {
auto const& tok( input[ i ] );
if ( cl->extraPaths.contains( tok.stringValue( ) ) ) {
d.errors.add( "duplicate data path" , tok );
} else {
cl->extraPaths.add( tok.stringValue( ) );
return true;
} );
return T_SRDParserConfig( defs );
})( &arguments_ ) );
T_SRDParser parser( clpConfig );
T_SRDTextReader reader( parser );
T_MemoryInputStream input( ) , commandLine.size( ) );
try {
|||| T_String( "command line" ) , input );
} catch ( X_SRDErrors const& errors ) {
errors.log( lPreinit );
fatalError( lPreinit , "Invalid command line arguments" );
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::loadPreinitLoggingConfig( )
auto rv( loadLoggingConfigFile( lPreinit , "/logging-pre" ) );
if ( !rv ) {
return getDefaultPreinitLoggingConfig( );
return rv;
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::getDefaultPreinitLoggingConfig( )
auto logCfg( NewOwned< T_LoggingConfiguration >( ) );
const T_String console( T_String::Pooled( "console" ) );
auto writerConfig( LW::logWriters( )
.get( console )
->createConfiguration( console ) );
writerConfig->setMinLevel( E_LogLevel::NOTICE );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , console );
const T_String tfw( "text-file" );
T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* writerConfig(
dynamic_cast< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg *>(
LW::logWriters( )
.get( tfw )
->createConfiguration( tfw ) ) );
writerConfig->setMinLevel( E_LogLevel::INFO );
writerConfig->setPath( "/preinit.log" );
writerConfig->setAppend( false );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , tfw );
return logCfg;
T_ModsManagerConfiguration T_LWInternals_::getModsManagerConfiguration( )
using T_MMC = T_ModsManagerConfiguration;
using SP_MMC = SP_ModsManagerConfiguration;
const T_String mmcfgf( "/mods.srd" );
auto& vfs( LW::vfs( ) );
if ( vfs.typeOf( mmcfgf ) == E_VFSEntryType::FILE ) {
auto pconf( T_MMC::GetParserConfig( ) );
T_SRDParser parser( pconf );
T_SRDTextReader reader( parser );
try {
OP_InputStream input( mmcfgf ) );
if ( !input ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::UNAVAILABLE );
|||| mmcfgf , *input );
return std::move( *parser.getData< SP_MMC >( ) );
} catch ( X_StreamError const& e ) {
lPreinit.warning( ) << "could not load '" << mmcfgf << "': "
<< e.what( );
} catch ( X_SRDErrors const& errors ) {
errors.log( lPreinit );
lPreinit.debug( ) << "Using default mods configuration";
return T_MMC::DefaultConfiguration( );
/*= INITIALISATION ===========================================================*/
void T_LWInternals_::init( )
// Initialise all the mods
const uint32_t nLoaded( components.mods->modsCount( ) );
uint32_t initialised = 0;
[&]( RPC_ModInfo mi ) -> F_UpdateInitProgress {
const T_ProgressInfoPart main{
T_StringBuilder sb( "Initializing mod " );
sb << mi->;
return T_String{ std::move( sb ) };
})( ) , initialised + 1 , nLoaded + 2
initialised ++;
T_ProgressInfo{ main } );
return [&]( T_ProgressInfoPart part ) {
T_ProgressInfo{ main , part } );
} );
// Initialise UI
const T_ProgressInfoPart uiInitMain{
T_String( "Initializing user interface" ) ,
initialised + 1 , nLoaded + 2
components.ui->setInitProgress( T_ProgressInfo{ uiInitMain } );
if ( ! components.ui->init( [&]( T_ProgressInfoPart part ) {
T_ProgressInfo{ uiInitMain , part } );
}) ) {
fatalError( logger , "Failed to initialize user interface" );
uiInitialised = true;
// Start game loop
components.gameLoop->start( );
void T_LWInternals_::run( )
components.ui->run( );
/*= SHUTDOWN =================================================================*/
void T_LWInternals_::shutdown( )
lShutdown.trace( ) << "Starting shutdown";
// Shutdown game loop if it's still active
if ( components.gameLoop ) {
components.gameLoop->shutdown( );
// If the UI is present and initialised, shut it down
if ( components.ui && uiInitialised ) {
components.ui->shutdown( );
uiInitialised = false;
// Shut down mods
if ( components.mods ) {
components.mods->shutdown( );
// Reset logging configuration
lShutdown.trace( ) << "Resetting logger configuration";
loggingSystem->reconfigure( loadShutdownLoggingConfig( ) );
// Terminate the UI
if ( components.ui ) {
components.ui->postshutdown( );
components.ui.clear( );
components.gameLoop.clear( );
lShutdown.trace( ) << "UI and game loop terminated";
// Clear mods
if ( components.mods ) {
components.mods->unload( );
components.mods.clear( );
lShutdown.trace( ) << "Mods unloaded";
// Clear remaining components
lShutdown.trace( ) << "Terminating core components";
components.ppConfig.clear( );
loggingSystem.clear( );
components.logWriters.clear( );
components.console.clear( );
components.vfs.clear( );
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::loadShutdownLoggingConfig( )
auto rv( loadLoggingConfigFile( lShutdown , "/logging-post" ) );
if ( !rv ) {
return getDefaultShutdownLoggingConfig( );
return rv;
OP_LoggingConfiguration T_LWInternals_::getDefaultShutdownLoggingConfig( )
auto logCfg( NewOwned< T_LoggingConfiguration >( ) );
const T_String console( T_String::Pooled( "console" ) );
auto writerConfig( LW::logWriters( )
.get( console )
->createConfiguration( console ) );
writerConfig->setMinLevel( E_LogLevel::NOTICE );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , console );
const T_String tfw( "text-file" );
T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* writerConfig(
dynamic_cast< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg *>(
LW::logWriters( )
.get( tfw )
->createConfiguration( tfw ) ) );
writerConfig->setMinLevel( E_LogLevel::INFO );
writerConfig->setPath( "/shutdown.log" );
writerConfig->setAppend( false );
logCfg->putLogWriter( OwnRawPointer( writerConfig ) );
logCfg->addLogWriter( T_LogPath( ) , tfw );
return logCfg;
/*= MAIN CLASS ===============================================================*/
LW* LW::instance_ = nullptr;
LW::LW( T_String const& commandLine , T_String const& executablePath )
assert( instance_ == nullptr );
instance_ = this;
T_LWInternals_ pi( executablePath , components );
try {
pi.preInit( commandLine );
pi.init( );
|||| );
} catch ( X_FatalError const& ) {
pi.shutdown( );
components.~T_LWComponents( );
instance_ = nullptr;
pi.shutdown( );
instance_ = nullptr;
OP_VFSDriver LW::getLibData( ) noexcept
return NewOwned< T_VFSRomDriver >(
lw_library_rom , sizeof( lw_library_rom ) );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
/* MEMORY STREAMS *************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/MemoryStreams.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_MemoryInputStream ======================================================*/
T_MemoryInputStream::T_MemoryInputStream( void const* buffer , size_t size )
: A_InputStream( 0 , size ) ,
buffer_( reinterpret_cast< uint8_t const* >( buffer ) )
{ }
size_t T_MemoryInputStream::read( void* data , size_t size )
if ( position_ == size_ ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::END );
const size_t readCount( position_ + size <= size_ ? size
: ( size_ - position_ ) );
memcpy( data , buffer_ + position_ , readCount );
position_ += readCount;
return readCount;
/*= T_MemoryOutputStream =====================================================*/
T_MemoryOutputStream::T_MemoryOutputStream( void* buffer , size_t size , F_Resizer resizer )
: A_OutputStream( 0 , size ) ,
buffer_( reinterpret_cast< uint8_t* >( buffer ) ) ,
resizer_( resizer )
{ }
size_t T_MemoryOutputStream::write( void const* data , size_t size )
if ( position_ == size_ && !resizer_ ) {
throw X_StreamError( E_StreamError::END );
size_t ok( size_ - position_ );
if ( resizer_ && ok < size ) {
size_ = size_ + size - ok;
buffer_ = resizer_( buffer_ , size_ );
ok = size;
const size_t count( ok > size ? size : ok );
memcpy( buffer_ + position_ , data , count );
position_ += count;
return count;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
/* UI<=>GAME MESSAGES *********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Messages.hh>
using namespace lw;
#define M_ENUM_OUT_( Type , Value ) \
case Type::Value: obj << #Value; break
/*= A_GameView ===============================================================*/
A_GameView::~A_GameView( )
{ }
/*= A_ViewBuilder ============================================================*/
A_ViewBuilder::~A_ViewBuilder( )
{ }
/*= E_GameState ==============================================================*/
namespace lw {
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameState )
switch ( value ) {
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameState , NO_GAME );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameState , GAME_SLOW );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameState , GAME_FAST );
return obj;
} // namespace lw
/*= E_GameUIMessage ==========================================================*/
namespace lw {
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameUIMessage )
switch ( value ) {
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , NEW );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , LOAD );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , SAVE );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , STOP );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , QUIT );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , ABORT );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , DELETE );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , SET_SPEED );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , STEPS );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , SET_VIEW );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , QUERY );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameUIMessage , COMMAND );
return obj;
} // namespace lw
/*= E_GameLoopMessage ========================================================*/
namespace lw {
M_LSHIFT_OP( T_StringBuilder , E_GameLoopMessage )
switch ( value ) {
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , TERMINATED );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , PROGRESS );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , DONE );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , STATE_CHANGED );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , VIEW_AVAILABLE );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , QUERY_RESPONSE );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , COMMAND_OK );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , COMMAND_SYNTAX );
M_ENUM_OUT_( E_GameLoopMessage , COMMAND_ERROR );
return obj;
} // namespace lw
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
/* MODDING SYSTEM INTERFACES **************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/ModInterface.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= A_ModBase ===============================================================*/
A_ModBase::~A_ModBase( ) noexcept
{ }
/*= A_NativeMod ==============================================================*/
OP_UserInterface A_NativeMod::getUserInterface( ) const noexcept
return {};
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
/* POINTERS *******************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Alloc.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Config.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Pointers.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_WeakChain_ =============================================================*/
T_WeakChain_::T_WeakChain_( T_Reference_*& ref )
: ref( &ref ) , prev( nullptr ) , next( nullptr )
{ }
void T_WeakChain_::unchain( )
if ( prev != nullptr ) {
prev->next = next;
prev = nullptr;
} else if ( (*ref) != nullptr ) {
assert( this == (*ref)->weaks_ );
(*ref)->weaks_ = next;
if ( next != nullptr ) {
next->prev = prev;
next = nullptr;
void T_WeakChain_::init( )
if ( (*ref) == nullptr ) {
next = (*ref)->weaks_;
if ( next != nullptr ) {
next->prev = this;
(*ref)->weaks_ = this;
/*= T_Reference_ =============================================================*/
namespace {
static T_ThreadedPoolAllocator<
sizeof( T_Reference_ ) , alignof( T_Reference_ ) ,
> ReferenceAllocator_;
void* T_Reference_::operator new(
const size_t count ) noexcept
return ReferenceAllocator_.allocate( count );
void T_Reference_::operator delete(
void* const object ) noexcept
return object );
void* const ptr ,
F_Destr_ destructor )
: pointer_( ptr ) , destr_( std::move( destructor ) ) ,
count_( 1 ) , weaks_( nullptr )
assert( pointer_ != nullptr );
T_Reference_::~T_Reference_( )
assert( count_ == 0 );
T_WeakChain_* wr = weaks_;
while ( wr != nullptr ) {
T_WeakChain_* const next = wr->next;
wr->unchain( );
*( wr->ref ) = nullptr;
wr = next;
destr_( pointer_ );
void* T_Reference_::extract( )
if ( count_ > 1 ) {
throw X_TooManyReferences( );
void* p( pointer_ );
count_ = 0;
pointer_ = nullptr;
delete this;
return p;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
/* SRD PARSER AND PREPROCESSOR - BINARY FORM **********************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDBinary.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= MAGIC NUMBERS, VERSIONS AND TAGS =========================================*/
namespace {
// Magic number for binary SRD
static constexpr uint32_t C_MAGIC_ = 0xea7ca1ce;
// E_Versions_ - Binary SRD version numbers
enum class E_Version_ : uint32_t {
V1 = 0xc0ffee00 ,
// E_V1Tag_ - Version 1 SRD tags
enum class E_V1Tag_ : uint8_t {
END = 0x00 ,
LIST = 0x01 ,
WORD_NEW = 0x02 ,
WORD_KNOWN = 0x03 ,
VAR_WORD = 0x04 ,
STRING = 0x05 ,
INT = 0x06 ,
LONG = 0x07 ,
FLOAT = 0x08 ,
COMMENT = 0x09 ,
BINARY = 0x0a ,
} // namespace
namespace lw {
// Writer for version numbers
template< >
struct T_ObjectWriter< E_Version_ >
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , E_Version_ const& v )
writer.write( ( uint32_t ) v );
// Writer for version 1 tags
template< >
struct T_ObjectWriter< E_V1Tag_ >
static void write( T_BinaryWriter const& writer , E_V1Tag_ const& v )
writer.write( ( uint8_t ) v );
// Reader for version 1 tags
template< >
struct T_ObjectReader< E_V1Tag_ >
static E_V1Tag_ read( T_BinaryReader const& reader )
return ( E_V1Tag_ )< uint8_t >( );
} // namespace
/*= VERSION 1 BINARY READER ==================================================*/
namespace {
class T_SRDBRVersion1_
T_BinaryReader& reader_;
T_String const& name_;
T_SRDErrors& errors_;
A_SRDReaderTarget& target_;
T_HashIndex wordsIndex_;
T_Array< T_String > words_;
uint32_t lastTagPos_;
typedef std::function< T_SRDToken( T_String const& ) > F_StringTok;
size_t curPos( ) const
return ).position( );
void push( T_SRDToken&& token )
token.location( name_ , lastTagPos_ );
target_.push( errors_ , std::move( token ) );
void readNewWord( F_StringTok mt );
void readKnownWord( F_StringTok mt );
void readString( F_StringTok mt );
void readLoop( );
T_SRDBRVersion1_( T_BinaryReader& reader , T_String const& name , T_SRDErrors& errors ,
A_SRDReaderTarget& target )
: reader_( reader ) , name_( name ) , errors_( errors ) ,
target_( target )
{ }
void read( );
void T_SRDBRVersion1_::readNewWord( F_StringTok mt )
const auto wordPos( curPos( ) );
const T_String word(< T_String >( ).usePool( ) );
if ( word.size( ) == 0 ) {
errors_.add( "empty word" , name_ , uint32_t( wordPos ) );
const bool valid = T_SRDToken::IsWord( word );
if ( !valid ) {
errors_.add( "invalid word" , name_ , wordPos );
const auto hash( ComputeHash( word ) );
uint32_t index( wordsIndex_.first( hash ) );
while ( index != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( words_[ index ] == word ) {
errors_.add( "duplicate word" , name_ , wordPos );
index = index );
wordsIndex_.add( hash );
words_.add( word );
if ( valid ) {
push( mt( word ) );
void T_SRDBRVersion1_::readKnownWord( F_StringTok mt )
const auto pos( curPos( ) );
const auto widx(< uint32_t >( ) );
if ( widx >= words_.size( ) ) {
errors_.add( "unregistered word" , name_ , pos );
T_String const& word( words_[ widx ] );
if ( T_SRDToken::IsWord( word ) ) {
push( mt( word ) );
void T_SRDBRVersion1_::readString( F_StringTok mt )
const auto str(< T_String >( ).usePool( ) );
push( mt( str ) );
void T_SRDBRVersion1_::readLoop( )
bool pendingVariable = false;
uint32_t depth = 1;
while ( depth > 0 ) {
lastTagPos_ = ).position( );
const auto tag(< E_V1Tag_ >( ) );
if ( pendingVariable && tag != E_V1Tag_::WORD_NEW && tag != E_V1Tag_::WORD_KNOWN ) {
pendingVariable = false;
errors_.add( "spurious variable tag" , name_ , lastTagPos_ - 1 );
switch ( tag ) {
case E_V1Tag_::LIST:
depth ++;
push( T_SRDToken::ListStart( ) );
case E_V1Tag_::END:
depth --;
if ( depth > 0 ) {
push( T_SRDToken::ListEnd( ) );
case E_V1Tag_::WORD_NEW:
if ( pendingVariable ) {
lastTagPos_ --;
readNewWord( T_SRDToken::Variable );
pendingVariable = false;
} else {
readNewWord( T_SRDToken::Word );
case E_V1Tag_::WORD_KNOWN:
if ( pendingVariable ) {
lastTagPos_ --;
readKnownWord( T_SRDToken::Variable );
pendingVariable = false;
} else {
readKnownWord( T_SRDToken::Word );
case E_V1Tag_::VAR_WORD:
pendingVariable = true;
case E_V1Tag_::STRING:
readString( T_SRDToken::String );
case E_V1Tag_::COMMENT:
readString( T_SRDToken::Comment );
case E_V1Tag_::INT:
push( T_SRDToken::Integer(< int32_t >( ) ) );
case E_V1Tag_::LONG:
push( T_SRDToken::Long(< int64_t >( ) ) );
case E_V1Tag_::FLOAT:
push( T_SRDToken::Float(< double >( ) ) );
case E_V1Tag_::BINARY:
const uint32_t size(< uint32_t >( ) );
T_SharedPtr< T_Buffer< uint8_t > > buffer(
NewShared< T_Buffer< uint8_t > >( size ) );
if ( size ) {
|||| ).read( buffer->data( ) , size );
push( T_SRDToken::Binary( buffer ) );
void T_SRDBRVersion1_::read( )
T_SRDReaderTargetHelper rth( target_ , errors_ );
try {
readLoop( );
} catch ( X_StreamError const& e ) {
switch ( e.code( ) ) {
case E_StreamError::BAD_DATA:
errors_.add( "invalid data" , name_ , ).position( ) );
case E_StreamError::END:
errors_.add( "unexpected end of file" , name_ , ).position( ) );
errors_.add( "read error" , name_ , ).position( ) );
} // namespace
/*= T_SRDBinaryWriter ========================================================*/
T_SRDBinaryWriter::T_SRDBinaryWriter( A_OutputStream& output )
: writer_( output , E_Endian::LITTLE ) , depth_( 0 )
{ }
void T_SRDBinaryWriter::flushComment( )
if ( comment_.size( ) != 0 ) {
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::COMMENT );
writer_.write( comment_ );
comment_.clear( );
void T_SRDBinaryWriter::writeWord( T_String const& word )
// Try to find the word in the index
const uint32_t hash = ComputeHash( word );
uint32_t index = wordsIndex_.first( hash );
while ( index != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( word == words_[ index ] ) {
index = index );
if ( index == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
// New word
wordsIndex_.add( hash );
words_.add( word );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::WORD_NEW );
writer_.write( word );
} else {
// Known word, use the index
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::WORD_KNOWN );
writer_.write( index );
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::start( )
if ( depth_ != 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "already started" );
writer_.write( C_MAGIC_ );
writer_.write( E_Version_::V1 );
depth_ = 1;
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::end( )
if ( depth_ != 1 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( depth_ == 0 ? "already ended" : "unterminated lists" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::END );
depth_ = 0;
|||| );
|||| );
|||| );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::startList( )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::LIST );
depth_ ++;
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::endList( )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::END );
depth_ --;
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putText( T_String const& text )
if ( T_SRDToken::IsWord( text ) ) {
return putWord( text );
} else {
return putString( text );
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putWord( T_String const& word )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writeWord( word );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putString( T_String const& string )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::STRING );
writer_.write( string );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putComment( T_String const& comment )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
comment_ << comment;
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putVariable( T_String const& variable )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::VAR_WORD );
writeWord( variable );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putBinary(
T_Buffer< uint8_t > const& binary )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::BINARY );
writer_.write( uint32_t( binary.bytes( ) ) );
if ( binary.size( ) != 0 ) {
|||| ).write( ) , binary.bytes( ) );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putInteger( int64_t value )
if ( value >= INT32_MIN && value <= INT32_MAX ) {
return putInt32( int32_t( value ) );
} else {
return putInt64( int64_t( value ) );
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putInt32( int32_t value )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::INT );
writer_.write( value );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putInt64( int64_t value )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::LONG );
writer_.write( value );
return *this;
T_SRDBinaryWriter& T_SRDBinaryWriter::putFloat( double value )
if ( depth_ == 0 ) {
throw X_SRDWriterError( "not started" );
flushComment( );
writer_.write( E_V1Tag_::FLOAT );
writer_.write( value );
return *this;
/*= T_SRDBinaryReader ========================================================*/
void T_SRDBinaryReader::read( T_String const& name , A_InputStream& input )
T_BinaryReader rd( input , E_Endian::LITTLE );
T_SRDErrors errors;
// Read/check magic number
const auto magicPos( input.position( ) );
const uint32_t magic( ([&]( ) {
try {
return< uint32_t >( );
} catch ( X_StreamError& e ) {
switch ( e.code( ) ) {
case E_StreamError::BAD_DATA:
case E_StreamError::END:
errors.add( "missing magic" , name , input.position( ) );
errors.add( "read error" , name , input.position( ) );
throw X_SRDErrors( errors );
})( ) );
if ( magic != C_MAGIC_ ) {
errors.add( "invalid magic number" , name , magicPos );
throw X_SRDErrors( errors );
// Read version number
const uint32_t versionPos( input.position( ) );
const uint32_t version( ([&]( ) {
try {
return< uint32_t >( );
} catch ( X_StreamError& e ) {
switch ( e.code( ) ) {
case E_StreamError::BAD_DATA:
case E_StreamError::END:
errors.add( "missing version ID" , name , input.position( ) );
errors.add( "read error" , name , input.position( ) );
throw X_SRDErrors( errors );
})( ) );
switch ( version ) {
case uint32_t( E_Version_::V1 ):
T_SRDBRVersion1_( rd , name , errors , target_ ).read( );
errors.add( "invalid version ID" , name , versionPos );
if ( errors.size( ) != 0 ) {
throw X_SRDErrors( errors );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
#include <lw/lib/SRDData.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Alloc.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Log.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_SRDLocation ============================================================*/
static thread_local T_ThreadedPoolAllocator<
sizeof( T_SRDLocation ) , alignof( T_SRDLocation ) ,
128 , 2
> LocationPool_;
void* T_SRDLocation::operator new(
const size_t count ) noexcept
return LocationPool_.allocate( count );
void T_SRDLocation::operator delete(
void* const object ) noexcept
|||| object );
T_String const& source ,
const uint32_t line ,
const size_t character ) noexcept
: source_( source ) , line_( line ) , character_( character )
assert( line > 0 );
T_String const& source ,
const size_t byte ) noexcept
: source_( source ) , line_( 0 ) , character_( byte )
{ }
T_SRDLocation const& other ) noexcept
: source_( other.source_ ) , line_( other.line_ ) ,
character_( other.character_ ) ,
chaining_( other.chaining_ )
{ }
T_SRDLocation&& other ) noexcept
: T_SRDLocation( )
swap( *this , other );
namespace lw {
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.source_ , rhs.source_ );
swap( lhs.line_ , rhs.line_ );
swap( lhs.character_ , rhs.character_ );
swap( lhs.chaining_ , rhs.chaining_ );
T_SRDLocation& T_SRDLocation::operator= (
T_SRDLocation const& other ) noexcept
source_ = other.source_;
line_ = other.line_;
character_ = other.character_;
chaining_ = other.chaining_;
return *this;
T_StringBuilder& operator<< (
T_StringBuilder& sb ,
T_SRDLocation const& location ) noexcept
if ( location.unknown( ) ) {
sb << "unknown location";
} else {
sb << location.source( ) << ' ';
if ( location.binary( ) ) {
sb << 'b' << location.character( );
} else {
sb << 'l' << location.line( )
<< ' ' << 'c' << location.character( );
return sb;
/*= T_SRDErrors ============================================================*/
void T_SRDErrors::checkAdded(
T_SRDError const& last )
if ( last.isDetails( ) || errCount_ >= MAX_ERRORS ) {
errCount_ ++;
if ( errCount_ == T_SRDErrors::MAX_ERRORS ) {
errors_.addNew( T_String::Pooled( "too many errors" ) ,
last.location( ) );
throw X_SRDErrors( *this );
void T_SRDErrors::addAll(
T_SRDErrors const& source )
if ( errCount_ >= MAX_ERRORS ) {
const uint32_t nErrors( source.size( ) );
RPC_SRDLocation lastLocation = nullptr;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nErrors ; i ++ ) {
errors_.add( source[ i ] );
if ( !source[ i ].isDetails( ) ) {
lastLocation = &source[ i ].location( );
errCount_ += source.errCount_;
if ( errCount_ >= MAX_ERRORS ) {
errors_.addNew( T_String::Pooled( "too many errors" ) ,
lastLocation ? *lastLocation : T_SRDLocation( ) );
throw X_SRDErrors( *this );
/*= X_SRDErrors ============================================================*/
char const* X_SRDErrors::what( ) const noexcept
return "SRD read/parse errors";
#ifndef LW_MINLIB
void X_SRDErrors::log( T_Logger& logger ) const
const auto nErrors( errors.size( ) );
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < nErrors ; i ++ ) {
auto sb( logger.error( ) );
auto const& e( errors[ i ] );
auto const& l( e.location( ) );
if ( l.unknown( ) ) {
sb << "unknown location";
} else {
sb << l.source( );
if ( l.binary( ) ) {
sb << ", b" << l.byte( );
} else {
sb << ", l" << l.line( ) << ", c" << l.character( );
sb << ": " << e.error( );
#endif // LW_MINLIB
/*= T_SRDToken =============================================================*/
T_StringBuilder& lw::operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , E_SRDTokenType tt )
static char const* const C_TOKEN_TYPES_[] = {
"(...)" ,
"(" , ")" ,
"WORD" ,
"$WORD" ,
"INT" ,
"LONG" ,
return sb << C_TOKEN_TYPES_[ int( tt ) ];
bool T_SRDToken::IsWord( T_String const& text )
enum {
} state = INIT_;
T_StringIterator it( text );
while ( !it.atEnd( ) ) {
T_Character c( it );
|||| );
if ( state == INIT_ ) {
if ( c == '-' ) {
state = AFTER_DASH_;
} else if ( c.isAlpha( ) ) {
state = IN_WORD_;
} else {
return false;
} else if ( state == AFTER_DASH_ ) {
if ( c.isAlpha( ) ) {
state = IN_WORD_;
} else {
return false;
} else if ( !c.isAlphanumeric( ) ) {
if ( c == '-' ) {
state = AFTER_DASH_;
} else {
return false;
return state == IN_WORD_;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::ListStart( )
return T_SRDToken( E_SRDTokenType::START );
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::ListEnd( )
return T_SRDToken( E_SRDTokenType::END );
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::List( )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::LIST );
token.list_ = NewOwned< T_SRDList >( 16 );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::List( T_SRDList const& list )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::LIST );
token.list_ = NewOwned< T_SRDList >( list );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::List( T_SRDList&& list )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::LIST );
token.list_ = NewOwned< T_SRDList >( std::move( list ) );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::AutoText( T_String text )
const bool w = IsWord( text );
T_SRDToken token( w ? E_SRDTokenType::WORD : E_SRDTokenType::STRING );
token.stringValue_ = std::move( text );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Word( T_String word )
assert( IsWord( word ) );
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::WORD );
token.stringValue_ = std::move( word );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::String( T_String string )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::STRING );
token.stringValue_ = std::move( string );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Variable( T_String variable )
assert( IsWord( variable ) );
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::VAR );
token.stringValue_ = std::move( variable );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Comment( T_String text )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::COMMENT );
token.stringValue_ = std::move( text );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Binary(
T_SharedPtr< T_Buffer< uint8_t > > const& data ) noexcept
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::BINARY );
assert( bool( data ) );
token.binary_ = data;
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Flush( ) noexcept
return T_SRDToken( E_SRDTokenType::FLUSH );
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::AutoInteger( int64_t value )
const bool isInt = ( value >= INT32_MIN && value <= INT32_MAX );
const E_SRDTokenType type = ([ = ]( ) {
if ( isInt ) {
return E_SRDTokenType::INT;
} else {
return E_SRDTokenType::LONG;
} )( );
T_SRDToken token( type );
token.longValue_ = value;
token.floatValue_ = value;
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << value;
token.stringValue_ = std::move( sb );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Integer( int32_t value )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::INT );
token.longValue_ = value;
token.floatValue_ = value;
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << value;
token.stringValue_ = std::move( sb );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Long( int64_t value )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::LONG );
token.longValue_ = value;
token.floatValue_ = value;
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << value;
token.stringValue_ = std::move( sb );
return token;
T_SRDToken T_SRDToken::Float( double value )
T_SRDToken token( E_SRDTokenType::FLOAT );
token.longValue_ = value;
token.floatValue_ = value;
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << value;
token.stringValue_ = std::move( sb );
return token;
T_SRDToken::T_SRDToken( T_SRDToken const& other )
: type_( other.type_ ) , text_( other.text_ ) ,
longValue_( other.longValue_ ) ,
floatValue_( other.floatValue_ ) ,
stringValue_( other.stringValue_ ) ,
binary_( other.binary_ ) ,
location_( other.location_ )
if ( other.list_ ) {
list_ = NewOwned< T_SRDList >( *other.list_ );
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::operator= ( T_SRDToken const& other )
type_ = other.type_;
text_ = other.text_;
if ( other.list_ ) {
list_ = NewOwned< T_SRDList >( *other.list_ );
} else {
list_.clear( );
longValue_ = other.longValue_;
floatValue_ = other.floatValue_;
stringValue_ = other.stringValue_;
location_ = other.location_;
binary_ = other.binary_;
return *this;
void lw::swap( T_SRDToken& lhs , T_SRDToken& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.type_ , rhs.type_ );
swap( lhs.text_ , rhs.text_ );
swap( lhs.list_ , rhs.list_ );
swap( lhs.longValue_ , rhs.longValue_ );
swap( lhs.floatValue_ , rhs.floatValue_ );
swap( lhs.stringValue_ , rhs.stringValue_ );
swap( lhs.binary_ , rhs.binary_ );
swap( lhs.location_ , rhs.location_ );
int T_SRDToken::compare( T_SRDToken const& other ) const
// Numeric values can be compared even if they don't have the exact same type
if ( isInteger( ) && other.isInteger( ) ) {
return T_Comparator< int64_t >::compare( longValue_ , other.longValue_ );
if ( isNumeric( ) && other.isNumeric( ) ) {
return T_Comparator< double >::compare( floatValue_ , other.floatValue_ );
// We need to have the same type to keep going
if ( type_ != other.type_ ) {
return T_Comparator< int >::compare( int( type_ ) , int( other.type_ ) );
// List start/end -> nothing else to do
if ( type_ == E_SRDTokenType::START || type_ == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
return 0;
// List -> compare all tokens
if ( type_ == E_SRDTokenType::LIST ) {
auto const& l0( *list_ );
auto const& l1( *( other.list_ ) );
const auto lim( std::min( l0.size( ) , l1.size( ) ) );
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < lim ; i ++ ) {
const auto tcmp( l0[ i ].compare( l1[ i ] ) );
if ( tcmp != 0 ) {
return tcmp;
return T_Comparator< size_t >::compare( l0.size( ) , l1.size( ) );
// Everything else: text compare
return T_Comparator< T_String >::compare( stringValue_ , other.stringValue_ );
bool T_SRDToken::hasFullText( ) const
return text_
|| type_ == E_SRDTokenType::WORD
|| type_ == E_SRDTokenType::START
|| type_ == E_SRDTokenType::END;
T_String T_SRDToken::fullText( ) const
switch ( type_ ) {
case E_SRDTokenType::WORD:
return stringValue_;
case E_SRDTokenType::START:
return T_String::Pooled( "(" );
case E_SRDTokenType::END:
return T_String::Pooled( ")" );
return text_;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::setFullText( T_String text )
if ( type_ != E_SRDTokenType::WORD && type_ != E_SRDTokenType::START
&& type_ != E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
text_ = std::move( text );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::generateFullText( )
if ( hasFullText( ) ) {
return *this;
T_StringBuilder sb;
switch ( type_ ) {
case E_SRDTokenType::LIST:
sb << '(';
if ( list_->size( ) != 0 ) {
sb << ' ';
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < list_->size( ) ; i ++ ) {
sb << (*list_)[ i ].generateFullText( )
.fullText( )
<< ' ';
sb << ')';
case E_SRDTokenType::VAR:
sb << '$' << stringValue_;
case E_SRDTokenType::STRING:
T_StringIterator it( stringValue_ );
sb << '"';
while ( !it.atEnd( ) ) {
T_Character c( it );
if ( c.isControl( ) ) {
if ( c == '\n' ) {
sb << "\\n";
} else if ( c == '\t' ) {
sb << "\\t";
} else {
sb << "\\x";
if ( c < 16 ) {
sb << '0';
sb << c.codepoint;
} else if ( c == '\\' ) {
sb << "\\\\";
} else if ( c == '"' ) {
sb << "\\\"";
} else {
sb << c;
|||| );
sb << '"';
case E_SRDTokenType::COMMENT:
T_StringIterator it( stringValue_ );
bool atStart = true;
while ( !it.atEnd( ) ) {
T_Character c( it );
if ( atStart ) {
sb << '#';
atStart = false;
sb << c;
if ( c == '\n' ) {
atStart = true;
|||| );
case E_SRDTokenType::INT:
case E_SRDTokenType::LONG:
sb << longValue_;
case E_SRDTokenType::FLOAT:
sb << floatValue_;
case E_SRDTokenType::BINARY:
sb << '[';
const uint32_t sz( binary_->size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sz ; i ++ ) {
sb << ' ';
sb.appendNumeric( uint64_t( binary_->operator[]( i ) ) , 16 );
sb << " ]";
assert( 0 && "This shouldn't be happening" );
text_ = std::move( sb );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::location( T_String const& source , size_t byte )
location_ = NewShared< T_SRDLocation >( source , byte );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::location( T_String const& source , uint32_t line , size_t character )
location_ = NewShared< T_SRDLocation >( source , line , character );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::location( T_SRDLocation const& other )
location_ = NewShared< T_SRDLocation >( other );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::location( T_SRDLocation && other )
location_ = NewShared< T_SRDLocation >( std::move( other ) );
return *this;
T_SRDToken& T_SRDToken::copyLocationOf( T_SRDToken const& other )
location_ = other.location_;
return *this;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
/* SRD - PARSER DEFINITIONS ***************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDDefinitions.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_SRDEnum ================================================================*/
T_SRDEnum& T_SRDEnum::operator<< ( T_String&& word )
if ( (*this)[ word ] != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "duplicate enum item" );
const uint32_t hash( ComputeHash( word ) );
index_.add( hash );
words_.add( std::move( word ) );
return *this;
uint32_t T_SRDEnum::operator[] ( T_String const& word ) const
const uint32_t hash( ComputeHash( word ) );
uint32_t idx = index_.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( words_[ idx ] == word ) {
idx = idx );
return idx;
uint32_t T_SRDEnum::operator[] ( char const* word ) const
const auto len = strlen( word );
const uint32_t hash( HashData( (uint8_t const*)word , len ) );
uint32_t idx = index_.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
auto const& w( words_[ idx ] );
if ( w.size( ) == len && !memcmp( ) , word , len ) ) {
idx = idx );
return idx;
/*= T_SRDInputItem ===========================================================*/
void lw::swap( T_SRDInputItem& lhs , T_SRDInputItem& rhs ) noexcept
using std::swap;
swap( lhs.type_ , rhs.type_ );
swap( lhs.word_ , rhs.word_ );
swap( lhs.token_ , rhs.token_ );
swap( lhs.items_ , rhs.items_ );
swap( lhs.min_ , rhs.min_ );
swap( lhs.max_ , rhs.max_ );
T_SRDInputItem& T_SRDInputItem::operator<< ( T_SRDInputItem item )
if ( type_ != E_SRDInputItem::ALTERNATIVE
&& type_ != E_SRDInputItem::REPETITION ) {
throw std::invalid_argument(
if ( item.type( ) == type_ ) {
items_.addAll( item.items( ) );
} else {
items_.add( std::move( item ) );
return *this;
T_StringBuilder& lw::operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_SRDInputItem const& item )
switch ( item.type( ) ) {
case E_SRDInputItem::WORD:
sb << item.word( );
case E_SRDInputItem::ENUM:
sb << '[' << item.word( ) << "::*]";
case E_SRDInputItem::TOKEN:
sb << item.token( );
auto const& alts( item.items( ) );
sb << "[ ";
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < alts.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( i != 0 ) {
sb << " | ";
sb << alts[ i ];
sb << " ]";
case E_SRDInputItem::REPETITION:
auto const& seq( item.items( ) );
const bool listBits( seq.size( ) != 1 && ( item.min( ) != 1 || item.max( ) != 1 ) );
if ( listBits ) {
sb << "[ ";
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < seq.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( i != 0 ) {
sb << ' ';
sb << seq[ i ];
if ( listBits ) {
if ( seq.size( ) ) {
sb << ' ';
sb << ']';
if ( item.min( ) == 0 && item.max( ) == 1 ) {
sb << '?';
} else if ( item.max( ) == UINT32_MAX ) {
if ( item.min( ) == 0 ) {
sb << '*';
} else {
if ( item.min( ) != 1 ) {
sb << '{' << item.min( );
sb << '+';
if ( item.min( ) != 1 ) {
sb << '}';
} else if ( item.min( ) == item.max( ) && item.min( ) != 1 ) {
sb << '{' << item.min( ) << '}';
} else if ( item.min( ) != item.max( ) ) {
sb << '{' << item.min( ) << ','
<< item.max( ) << '}';
return sb;
/*= T_SRDInputRule ===========================================================*/
T_SRDInputRule& T_SRDInputRule::operator<< ( T_SRDInputItem item )
items_.add( std::move( item ) );
return *this;
T_StringBuilder& lw::operator<< ( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_SRDInputRule const& item )
auto const& seq( item.rule( ) );
sb << '(';
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < seq.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
sb << ' ' << seq[ i ];
if ( item.context( ) ) {
sb << " ..." << item.context( ) << "...";
sb << " )";
return sb;
/*= T_SRDContext =============================================================*/
T_SRDContext::T_SRDContext( T_String name , T_String parent )
: name_( std::move( name ) ) , parent_( std::move( parent ) ) ,
rules_( 16 )
{ }
T_SRDContext& T_SRDContext::operator<< ( T_SRDInputRule rule )
rules_.add( std::move( rule ) );
return *this;
T_StringBuilder& T_SRDContext::dump( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_String const& separator )
const auto nr( rules_.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nr ; i ++ ) {
if ( i > 0 ) {
sb << separator;
sb << rules_[ i ];
return sb;
/*= T_SRDParserDefs ==========================================================*/
T_SRDParserDefs::T_SRDParserDefs( T_String defaultContext )
: dfCtx_( std::move( defaultContext ) ) ,
ctx_( []( T_SRDContext const& c ) -> T_String const& {
return );
} , 64 , 64 , 64 ) ,
enums_( []( T_SRDEnum const& e ) -> T_String const& {
return );
} , 64 , 64 , 64 )
ctx_.add( T_SRDContext( dfCtx_ ) );
void T_SRDParserDefs::defaultContext( T_String const& name )
if ( name == dfCtx_ ) {
if ( !ctx_.contains( name ) ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "default context must exist" );
dfCtx_ = name;
uint32_t T_SRDParserDefs::contextId( T_String const& name ) const
return ctx_.indexOf( name );
T_SRDParserDefs& T_SRDParserDefs::operator<< ( SetHandler sh )
if ( sh.start ) {
onStart_ = sh.handler;
} else {
onFinish_ = sh.handler;
return *this;
T_SRDContext& T_SRDParserDefs::context( T_String const& name )
if ( !ctx_.contains( name ) ) {
ctx_.add( T_SRDContext( name ) );
return *( ctx_.get( name ) );
T_SRDContext& T_SRDParserDefs::context( T_String const& name , T_String const& parent )
if ( !ctx_.contains( name ) ) {
ctx_.add( T_SRDContext( name , parent ) );
T_SRDContext& c( *( ctx_.get( name ) ) );
if ( c.parent( ) != parent ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "incorrect parent name" );
return c;
bool T_SRDParserDefs::hasEnum( T_String const& name ) const
return enums_.contains( name );
T_SRDEnum& T_SRDParserDefs::enumeration( T_String const& name )
if ( !enums_.contains( name ) ) {
enums_.add( T_SRDEnum( name ) );
return *( enums_.get( name ) );
T_SRDEnum const& T_SRDParserDefs::enumeration( T_String const& name ) const
auto eptr( enums_.get( name ) );
if ( eptr == nullptr ) {
throw std::invalid_argument( "unknown enum" );
return *eptr;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
#include <lw/lib/SRDIO.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= X_SRDWriterError =========================================================*/
char const* X_SRDWriterError::what( ) const noexcept
return msg_;
/*= A_SRDWriter ==============================================================*/
A_SRDWriter& A_SRDWriter::putList( T_SRDList const& list )
const auto sz = list.size( );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sz ; i ++ ) {
putToken( list[ i ] );
return *this;
A_SRDWriter& A_SRDWriter::putToken( T_SRDToken const& token )
switch ( token.type( ) ) {
case E_SRDTokenType::START:
return startList( );
case E_SRDTokenType::LIST:
startList( );
putList( token.list( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::END:
return endList( );
case E_SRDTokenType::WORD:
return putWord( token.stringValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::VAR:
return putVariable( token.stringValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::STRING:
return putString( token.stringValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::BINARY:
return putBinary( token.binary( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::INT:
return putInt32( int32_t( token.longValue( ) ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::LONG:
return putInt64( token.longValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::FLOAT:
return putFloat( token.floatValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::COMMENT:
return putComment( token.stringValue( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::FLUSH:
return *this;
throw std::range_error( "unknown token type" );
/*= T_SRDListFixer ===========================================================*/
A_SRDReaderTarget& output ) noexcept
: output_( output )
{ }
void T_SRDListFixer::start(
T_SRDErrors& errors )
listStarts_.clear( );
output_.start( errors );
void T_SRDListFixer::push( T_SRDErrors& errors ,
T_SRDToken&& token )
switch ( token.type( ) ) {
case E_SRDTokenType::START:
listStarts_.add( token.location( ) );
case E_SRDTokenType::END:
if ( listStarts_.size( ) == 0 ) {
errors.add( "unexpected end of list" , token.location( ) );
listStarts_.remove( listStarts_.size( ) - 1 );
default: break;
output_.push( errors , std::move( token ) );
void T_SRDListFixer::end(
T_SRDErrors& errors )
const auto nls( listStarts_.size( ) );
const T_String eolLoc( T_String::Pooled( "*unterminated list*" ) );
for ( auto i = 0u ; i < nls ; i ++ ) {
errors.add( "unterminated list" , listStarts_[ i ] );
auto tok( T_SRDToken::ListEnd( ) );
tok.location( eolLoc , nls - i - 1 );
output_.push( errors , std::move( tok ) );
output_.end( errors );
/*= T_SRDMemoryTarget ========================================================*/
T_SRDMemoryTarget::T_SRDMemoryTarget( bool structured )
: structured_( structured ) ,
clearFlushToken_( false ) ,
list_( T_SRDToken::List( T_SRDList( ) ) ) ,
stack_( 128 )
{ }
void T_SRDMemoryTarget::start( T_SRDErrors& )
list_.list( ) = T_SRDList( );
current_ = &list_;
void T_SRDMemoryTarget::push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token )
assert( current_ != nullptr );
const auto tt( token.type( ) );
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
if ( structured_ ) {
auto& c( current_->list( ) );
c.add( T_SRDToken::List( T_SRDList( ) ) );
auto& t( c[ c.size( ) - 1 ] );
t.copyLocationOf( token );
stack_.add( current_ );
current_ = &t;
} else {
auto& l( current_->list( ) );
l.add( std::move( token ) );
stack_.add( &( l[ l.size( ) - 1 ] ) );
} else if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
if ( stack_.size( ) == 0 ) {
errors.add( "unexpected ')'" , token );
} else {
const auto last = stack_.size( ) - 1;
if ( structured_ ) {
current_ = stack_[ last ];
} else {
current_->list( ).add( std::move( token ) );
stack_.remove( last );
} else if ( tt != E_SRDTokenType::FLUSH || !clearFlushToken_ ) {
current_->list( ).add( std::move( token ) );
void T_SRDMemoryTarget::end( T_SRDErrors& errors )
const auto stackSize( stack_.size( ) );
if ( stackSize != 0 ) {
try {
const uint32_t start( structured_ ? 1 : 0 );
for ( uint32_t i = start ; i < stackSize ; i ++ ) {
errors.add( "unterminated list" ,
*stack_[ i ] );
if ( structured_ ) {
errors.add( "unterminated list" , *current_ );
} catch ( ... ) {
|||| );
|||| );
/*= T_SRDWriterTarget ========================================================*/
T_SRDWriterTarget::T_SRDWriterTarget( A_SRDWriter& writer )
: writer_( writer )
{ }
void T_SRDWriterTarget::start( T_SRDErrors& errors )
try {
writer_.start( );
} catch ( X_SRDWriterError const& e ) {
errors.add( e.what( ) , T_SRDLocation( ) );
void T_SRDWriterTarget::push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token )
try {
writer_.putToken( token );
} catch ( X_SRDWriterError const& e ) {
errors.add( e.what( ) , token );
void T_SRDWriterTarget::end( T_SRDErrors& errors )
try {
writer_.end( );
} catch ( X_SRDWriterError const& e ) {
errors.add( e.what( ) , T_SRDLocation( ) );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
/* SRD PARSER AND PREPROCESSOR - PARSER ***************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDParser.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= T_SRDParserData ==========================================================*/
T_SRDParserConfig const& config ,
T_SRDErrors& errors )
: config( config ) , errors( errors )
{ }
/*= T_SRDParserPrivate_ ======================================================*/
namespace {
struct T_SRDParserPrivate_
// T_State_ - Internal state information
struct T_State_
// Current context
uint32_t context;
// Are we parsing a rule ?
bool inRule;
// Rule start location
T_SRDLocation ruleStart;
// Current state
uint32_t state;
// Current depth (in-rule)
uint32_t depth;
// Last rule list output
SP_SRDList list;
// List/context ambiguity resolution - initial state ID
uint32_t lcarState = T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END;
// List/context ambiguity resolution - tokens to replay
SP_SRDList lcarReplay;
// E_ESAction_ - Stack actions for the execution
enum class E_ESAction_
// T_Exec_ - Execution list entry
struct T_Exec_
// Handler to call
F_SRDHandler handler;
// Name of the current context
T_String currentContext;
// Data that matched the rule
SP_SRDList input;
// Name of the target context
T_String targetContext;
// Execution data stack action
E_ESAction_ stackAction;
T_Exec_( F_SRDHandler const& handler , T_String const& currentContext );
T_Exec_( F_SRDHandler const& handler , T_String const& currentContext , SP_SRDList input );
T_Exec_( F_SRDHandler const& handler , T_String const& currentContext , SP_SRDList input ,
T_String const& targetContext , E_ESAction_ stackAction );
// E_Recovery_ - Error recovery mode
enum class E_Recovery_
// Parser configuration data
T_SRDParserConfig const& cfg_;
// Current state
T_State_ current_;
// Memory target for accumulation of input
T_SRDMemoryTarget accum_;
// State stack, changed when entering / exiting contexts
T_Array< T_State_ > stack_;
// Current error recovery mode
E_Recovery_ recovery_;
// Flush mode
E_SRDFlushMode flushMode_;
// Accept flush tokens?
bool handleFlushTokens_;
// Execution list
T_Array< T_Exec_ > exec_;
// Execution stack
T_Array< T_Variant > execStack_;
// Current execution data, if any
OP_SRDParserData execData_;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
explicit T_SRDParserPrivate_( T_SRDParserConfig const& cfg );
// Add a token's description to a string builder
static void addDescription( T_StringBuilder & sb ,
T_SRDToken const& token );
// Flush the list/context ambiguity resolution data to the accumulator
void flushLCARReplay( T_SRDErrors& errors );
// End the current input list
void endList( T_SRDErrors & errors );
// Add a match error caused by a specific token
void addMatchError( T_SRDErrors & errors ,
T_SRDToken const& token ) const;
// Enter a context
void enterContext( T_SRDErrors& errors , uint32_t endId ,
uint32_t ctxId ,
T_SRDLocation const& startLocation );
// Handle error recovery if necessary
bool handleRecovery( T_SRDToken const& token );
// Check for rules starting
void checkRuleStart( T_SRDErrors & errors , T_SRDToken const& token );
// Check for rules ending
bool checkRuleEnd( T_SRDErrors & errors , T_SRDToken const& token ,
uint32_t eid );
// Get the data at the top of the execution stack
T_Variant const& getExecStackTop( ) const;
// Public methods
void start( T_SRDErrors & errors );
void push( T_SRDErrors & errors , T_SRDToken && token );
void end( T_SRDErrors & errors );
void flush( );
} // namespace
F_SRDHandler const& handler ,
T_String const& currentContext )
: handler( handler ) , currentContext( currentContext ) ,
stackAction( E_ESAction_::NONE )
{ }
F_SRDHandler const& handler ,
T_String const& currentContext ,
SP_SRDList input )
: handler( handler ) , currentContext( currentContext ) ,
input( input ) , stackAction( E_ESAction_::NONE )
{ }
F_SRDHandler const& handler ,
T_String const& currentContext ,
SP_SRDList input ,
T_String const& targetContext ,
E_ESAction_ stackAction )
: handler( handler ) , currentContext( currentContext ) ,
input( input ) , targetContext( targetContext ) ,
stackAction( stackAction )
{ }
inline T_SRDParserPrivate_::T_SRDParserPrivate_(
T_SRDParserConfig const& cfg )
: cfg_( cfg ) , stack_( 16 ) , flushMode_( E_SRDFlushMode::END ) ,
handleFlushTokens_( false ) , execStack_( 16 )
{ }
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::flushLCARReplay( T_SRDErrors& errors )
auto& list( *current_.lcarReplay );
const auto size( list.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < size ; i ++ ) {
accum_.push( errors , std::move( list[ i ] ) );
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::endList( T_SRDErrors& errors )
if ( current_.lcarReplay ) {
flushLCARReplay( errors );
current_.lcarReplay = SP_SRDList( );
accum_.end( errors );
current_.list = NewShared< T_SRDList >( accum_.list( ) );
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::addDescription( T_StringBuilder& sb , T_SRDToken const& token )
auto tt( token.type( ) );
switch ( tt ) {
case E_SRDTokenType::WORD:
sb << '\'' << token.stringValue( ) << '\'';
case E_SRDTokenType::START:
sb << "'('";
case E_SRDTokenType::END:
sb << "')'";
sb << token.type( ) << " token";
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::addMatchError( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken const& token ) const
const auto nTrans( cfg_.transitions.sizeOf( current_.state ) );
const auto eid( cfg_.endStates[ current_.state ] );
T_StringBuilder sb;
if ( nTrans == 0 ) {
assert( eid != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END );
const auto nctx( cfg_.ruleContexts[ eid ] );
if ( nctx != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
sb << "'(' or ";
sb << "')'";
} else {
if ( eid != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
const auto nctx( cfg_.ruleContexts[ eid ] );
if ( nctx != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
sb << "'(', ";
sb << "')'";
if ( nTrans > 1 ) {
sb << ", ";
} else {
sb << " or ";
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nTrans ; i ++ ) {
auto const& t( cfg_.transitions.get( current_.state , i ) );
if ( t.type == E_SRDTransitionType::WORD ) {
sb << '\'' << cfg_.words[ t.index ] << '\'';
} else if ( t.type == E_SRDTransitionType::ENUM ) {
sb << '\'' << cfg_.enums[ t.index ].name( )
<< "' enum value";
} else {
sb << t.tokenType << " token";
if ( i + 2 < nTrans ) {
sb << ", ";
} else if ( i + 1 < nTrans ) {
sb << " or ";
sb << " expected, ";
addDescription( sb , token );
sb << " found instead.";
errors.add( sb , token );
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::enterContext( T_SRDErrors& errors , uint32_t endId , uint32_t ctxId ,
T_SRDLocation const& startLocation )
endList( errors );
auto const& cctx( cfg_.contexts[ current_.context ] );
auto const& rule( cctx.rules( )[ endId ] );
auto const& nctx( cfg_.contexts[ ctxId ] );
if ( rule.onEnter( ) ) {
const auto action( rule.onExit( )
? E_ESAction_::PUSH
: E_ESAction_::NONE );
exec_.addNew( rule.onEnter( ) , ) ,
current_.list , ) ,
action );
stack_.add( std::move( current_ ) );
current_.context = ctxId;
current_.inRule = true;
current_.state = cfg_.startStates[ ctxId ];
current_.depth = 0;
current_.ruleStart = startLocation;
accum_.start( errors );
bool T_SRDParserPrivate_::handleRecovery( T_SRDToken const& token )
const auto tt( token.type( ) );
switch ( recovery_ ) {
case E_Recovery_::NONE:
return true;
case E_Recovery_::SOL:
// Wait for '(', process it
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::NONE;
return true;
case E_Recovery_::EOL:
// Wait for the required ')'. Don't process it.
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
current_.depth ++;
} else if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
if ( current_.depth == 0 ) {
current_.inRule = false;
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::NONE;
} else {
current_.depth --;
case E_Recovery_::LIST:
// Process both '(' and ')'
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START || tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::NONE;
return true;
throw std::logic_error( "invalid error recovery state" );
return false;
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::checkRuleStart( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken const& token )
const auto tt( token.type( ) );
const auto ss( stack_.size( ) );
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
// Entering a rule
current_.inRule = true;
current_.state = cfg_.startStates[ current_.context ];
current_.depth = 0;
current_.ruleStart = token.location( );
accum_.start( errors );
} else if ( ss != 0 && tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
// Exiting a context
const auto oldCtx( current_.context );
current_ = std::move( stack_[ ss - 1 ] );
stack_.remove( ss - 1 );
const auto eid( cfg_.endStates[ current_.state ] );
auto const& cctx( cfg_.contexts[ current_.context ] );
auto const& rule( cctx.rules( )[ eid ] );
auto const& octx( cfg_.contexts[ oldCtx ] );
if ( rule.onExit( ) ) {
const auto action( rule.onEnter( )
? E_ESAction_::POP
: E_ESAction_::NONE );
exec_.addNew( rule.onExit( ) , ) ,
current_.list , ) ,
action );
if ( rule.handler( ) ) {
exec_.addNew( rule.handler( ) , ) , current_.list );
if ( flushMode_ == E_SRDFlushMode::SENTENCE
&& stack_.size( ) == 0 ) {
flush( );
current_.inRule = false;
} else {
T_StringBuilder sb( "'(' " );
if ( ss == 0 ) {
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::SOL;
} else {
sb << "or ')' ";
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::LIST;
sb << "expected, ";
addDescription( sb , token );
sb << " found instead.";
errors.add( sb , token );
bool T_SRDParserPrivate_::checkRuleEnd( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken const& token , uint32_t eid )
const auto tt( token.type( ) );
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
endList( errors );
auto const& cctx( cfg_.contexts[ current_.context ] );
auto const& rule( cctx.rules( )[ eid ] );
if ( rule.handler( ) ) {
exec_.addNew( rule.handler( ) , ) , current_.list );
current_.inRule = false;
return true;
if ( tt != E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
return false;
const auto cid( cfg_.ruleContexts.get( current_.context , eid ) );
if ( cid == T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
return false;
enterContext( errors , eid , cid , token.location( ) );
return true;
inline T_Variant const& T_SRDParserPrivate_::getExecStackTop( ) const
assert( execStack_.size( ) != 0 );
const auto stackLast( execStack_.size( ) - 1 );
return execStack_[ stackLast ];
inline void T_SRDParserPrivate_::start( T_SRDErrors& errors )
execData_ = NewOwned< T_SRDParserData >( cfg_ , errors );
execStack_.clear( );
execStack_.addNew( );
exec_.clear( );
if ( cfg_.onStart ) {
auto const& dc( cfg_.contexts[ 0 ] );
exec_.addNew( cfg_.onStart , ) );
if ( flushMode_ == E_SRDFlushMode::SENTENCE ) {
flush( );
stack_.clear( );
current_.context = 0;
current_.inRule = false;
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::NONE;
inline void T_SRDParserPrivate_::push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token )
const auto tt( token.type( ) );
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::FLUSH ) {
if ( handleFlushTokens_ ) {
flush( );
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::COMMENT || !handleRecovery( token ) ) {
if ( !current_.inRule ) {
checkRuleStart( errors , token );
const auto prevState( current_.state );
const auto eid( cfg_.endStates[ prevState ] );
if ( cfg_.transition( current_.state , token ) ) {
// Handling of list/context ambiguities
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START && eid != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
assert( current_.depth == 0 );
const auto cid( cfg_.ruleContexts.get( current_.context , eid ) );
if ( cid != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
current_.lcarState = prevState;
if ( current_.lcarReplay ) {
flushLCARReplay( errors );
current_.lcarReplay->clear( );
} else {
current_.lcarReplay = NewShared< T_SRDList >( 16 );
// Handle depth
if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
current_.depth ++;
} else if ( tt == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
assert( current_.depth != 0 );
current_.depth --;
// Accumulate token
if ( current_.lcarState == T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
accum_.push( errors , std::move( token ) );
} else {
current_.lcarReplay->add( std::move( token ) );
// Check for "normal" end of rule
if ( current_.depth == 0 && eid != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END
&& checkRuleEnd( errors , token , eid ) ) {
// If we had found a list/context ambiguity, enter the context then
// replay what we had.
if ( current_.lcarState != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END ) {
auto lcarState( current_.lcarState );
auto lcarEnd( cfg_.endStates[ lcarState ] );
auto lcarContext( cfg_.ruleContexts.get( current_.context , lcarEnd ) );
SP_SRDList replay( std::move( current_.lcarReplay ) );
current_.lcarState = T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END;
current_.state = lcarState;
const auto nTokens( replay->size( ) );
enterContext( errors , lcarEnd , lcarContext , (*replay)[ 0 ].location( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < nTokens ; i ++ ) {
push( errors , std::move( (*replay)[ i ] ) );
push( errors , std::move( token ) );
addMatchError( errors , token );
if ( token.type( ) == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
if ( current_.depth == 0 ) {
// Don't go into recovery mode
current_.inRule = false;
current_.depth --;
recovery_ = E_Recovery_::EOL;
inline void T_SRDParserPrivate_::end( T_SRDErrors& errors )
const auto ss( stack_.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < ss ; i ++ ) {
auto const& si( stack_[ i ] );
errors.add( "Unterminated list." , si.ruleStart );
if ( current_.inRule ) {
errors.add( "Unterminated list." , current_.ruleStart );
if ( cfg_.onFinish ) {
auto const& dc( cfg_.contexts[ 0 ] );
exec_.addNew( cfg_.onFinish , ) );
void T_SRDParserPrivate_::flush( )
const auto nExec( exec_.size( ) );
if ( !nExec ) {
auto& data( *execData_ );
if ( data.errors.size( ) != 0 ) {
exec_.clear( );
bool enabled = true;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nExec ; i ++ ) {
auto const& step( exec_[ i ] );
if ( step.stackAction == E_ESAction_::PUSH && enabled ) {
execStack_.addNew( );
const auto stackLast( execStack_.size( ) - 1 );
if ( enabled ) {
data.input = RPC_SRDList( step.input );
data.currentContext = step.currentContext;
data.targetContext = step.targetContext;
if ( step.stackAction == E_ESAction_::PUSH ) {
data.currentData = &execStack_[ stackLast - 1 ];
data.targetData = &execStack_[ stackLast ];
} else {
data.currentData = &execStack_[ stackLast ];
if ( step.stackAction == E_ESAction_::POP ) {
data.targetData = &execStack_[ stackLast - 1 ];
enabled = step.handler( data );
enabled = enabled && data.errors.size( ) == 0;
if ( step.stackAction == E_ESAction_::POP
&& ( enabled || stackLast > 0 ) ) {
execStack_.remove( stackLast );
exec_.clear( );
/*= T_SRDParser ==============================================================*/
T_SRDParser::T_SRDParser( T_SRDParserConfig const& cfg )
: A_PrivateImplementation( new T_SRDParserPrivate_( cfg ) )
{ }
void T_SRDParser::start( T_SRDErrors& errors )
p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).start( errors );
void T_SRDParser::push( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDToken&& token )
p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).push( errors , std::move( token ) );
void T_SRDParser::end( T_SRDErrors& errors )
auto& pi( p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ) );
pi.end( errors );
if ( pi.flushMode_ != E_SRDFlushMode::MANUAL ) {
pi.flush( );
void T_SRDParser::flush( )
p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).flush( );
void T_SRDParser::flushMode(
const E_SRDFlushMode mode ) noexcept
p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).flushMode_ = mode;
E_SRDFlushMode T_SRDParser::flushMode( ) const noexcept
return p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).flushMode_;
void T_SRDParser::handleFlushToken( bool handleIt ) noexcept
p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).handleFlushTokens_ = handleIt;
bool T_SRDParser::handleFlushToken( ) const noexcept
return p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).handleFlushTokens_;
T_Variant const& T_SRDParser::getExecStackTop( ) const
return p< T_SRDParserPrivate_ >( ).getExecStackTop( );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,982 @@
/* SRD - PARSER CONFIGURATION *************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/SRDParserConfig.hh>
using namespace lw;
namespace {
/*= TEMPORARY CONVERSION DATA ================================================*/
// E_NodeType_ - Node types for the intermediary RE representation
enum class E_NodeType_
{ CAT , ALT , STAR , SYM , EPS };
// E_SymNodeType_ - Symbol types for the intermediary RE representation
// This includes END symbols, which are not present in the actual
// configuration.
enum class E_SymNodeType_
// T_RuleNode_ - A node in the intermediary RE tree
struct T_RuleNode_
uint32_t index;
E_NodeType_ type;
uint32_t left;
uint32_t right;
uint32_t label = -1;
// T_Symbol_ - Symbol data for the intermediary representation
struct T_Symbol_
E_SymNodeType_ type;
uint32_t idx;
explicit T_Symbol_( T_RuleNode_ const& node )
: type( E_SymNodeType_( node.left ) ) ,
idx( node.right )
{ }
// T_RuleSource_ - Initial context and rule indices
struct T_RuleSource_
uint32_t context;
uint32_t rule;
T_RuleSource_( uint32_t context , uint32_t rule )
: context( context ) , rule( rule )
{ }
// T_ContextConverter_ - Definitions to configuration converter
struct T_ContextConverter_
typedef T_Array< T_SRDInputItem > T_InSeq_;
typedef T_Array< T_RuleNode_ > T_Nodes_;
T_SRDParserConfig& cfg;
T_SRDParserDefs const& defs;
// Data used to transform definition contexts into actual contexts
T_Array< uint32_t > usedContexts;
T_MultiArray< T_RuleSource_ > ruleSources;
// Current context & rule
uint32_t cid;
uint32_t curRule;
// RE representation of a context's rules
T_Nodes_ nodes;
T_Array< uint32_t > symNodes;
uint32_t maxLabel;
// Automaton construction internals
T_Array< bool > cancellable;
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > firstPos;
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > lastPos;
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > nextPos;
T_Array< uint32_t > nameAccum;
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > stateNames;
// "Alphabet" for a set of rules
T_Array< T_Symbol_ > symbols;
T_MultiArray< uint32_t > symLabels;
T_ContextConverter_( T_SRDParserConfig& cfg , T_SRDParserDefs const& defs );
// Go through all rules to check for unbalanced lists
void checkUnbalancedRules( ) const;
// Unbalanced list check - sequence
int checkUBSequence( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule , T_InSeq_ const& sequence ) const;
// Unbalanced list check - alternatives
int checkUBAlternatives( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule , T_InSeq_ const& alternatives ) const;
// Unbalanced list check - single item
int checkUBItem( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule , T_SRDInputItem const& item ) const;
// Unbalanced list check - throw the error
void errorUnbalanced( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule ) const;
// Find all contexts that are used by another; also check inheritance
void findUsedContexts( );
// Build the context for the parser's configuration, including parents
void buildContext( uint32_t context );
// Add a context to the list of contexts to copy
void addUsedContext( T_String const& current , uint32_t cRule , T_String const& next );
// Find all context IDs required to build a context
int findContextsFor( uint32_t sourceContext , uint32_t* output );
// Add a node, set its index and type, then return it
T_RuleNode_& addNode( E_NodeType_ type );
// Add a symbol node
T_RuleNode_& addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_ type , uint32_t idx );
// Add a word node. If the word is not in the words index, add it there.
T_RuleNode_& addWord( T_String const& word );
// Add an enumeration node.
T_RuleNode_& addEnum( T_String const& eName );
// Add a token node.
T_RuleNode_& addToken( E_SRDTokenType token );
// Add a branch that represents alternatives
T_RuleNode_& addAlternatives( T_InSeq_ const& alts );
// Add a branch that represents a sequence of items, using CAT nodes
T_RuleNode_& addSequence( T_InSeq_ const& sequence );
// Generate a branch that represents repetitions of a sequence.
T_RuleNode_& convertRepetitions( T_SRDInputItem const& item );
// Convert a rule item into a tree branch
T_RuleNode_& convertItem( T_SRDInputItem const& item );
// Convert all rules in the current context into a RE tree
void convertRules( );
// Generate the "cancellable" value for all nodes
void computeCancellable( );
// Implementation for compute{First|Last}Pos
void computePos( T_MultiArray< uint32_t >& output , bool first );
// Generate first positions for all nodes
void computeFirstPos( );
// Generate last positions for all nodes
void computeLastPos( );
// Generate next positions for all labels
void computeNextPos( );
// Gather all symbols and their associated labels
void gatherSymbols( );
// Set the rule index for a state
void setEndState( uint32_t state , uint32_t end );
// Add values from a label to the state name accumulator
void addNameParts( uint32_t label );
// Check symbol labels in a state name
void checkStateName( uint32_t state , uint32_t first , uint32_t end , uint32_t si );
// Try to find an existing state matching the accumulated name.
// Returns T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX if not found.
uint32_t findState( uint32_t firstState );
// Add a transition
void addTransition( T_Symbol_ const& sym , uint32_t state );
// Build the automaton for the current context
void buildAutomaton( );
} // namespace
/*= T_ContextConverter_ ======================================================*/
namespace {
T_ContextConverter_::T_ContextConverter_( T_SRDParserConfig& cfg , T_SRDParserDefs const& defs )
: cfg( cfg ) , defs( defs ) , usedContexts( defs.contexts( ) )
{ }
void T_ContextConverter_::checkUnbalancedRules( ) const
const auto nContexts( defs.contexts( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nContexts ; i ++ ) {
auto const& ctx( defs[ i ] );
auto const& cName( ) );
auto const& rules( ctx.rules( ) );
const auto nRules( rules.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < nRules ; j ++ ) {
auto const& rule( rules[ j ] );
if ( checkUBSequence( cName , j + 1 , rule.rule( ) ) != 0 ) {
errorUnbalanced( cName , j + 1 );
int T_ContextConverter_::checkUBSequence( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule ,
T_InSeq_ const& sequence ) const
const auto length( sequence.size( ) );
int sum( 0 );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
sum += checkUBItem( ctx , cRule , sequence[ i ] );
return sum;
int T_ContextConverter_::checkUBAlternatives( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule ,
T_InSeq_ const& alternatives ) const
const auto length( alternatives.size( ) );
int current( 0 );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < length ; i ++ ) {
const int value( checkUBItem( ctx , cRule , alternatives[ i ] ) );
if ( i == 0 ) {
current = value;
} else if ( value != current ) {
errorUnbalanced( ctx , cRule );
return current;
int T_ContextConverter_::checkUBItem( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule ,
T_SRDInputItem const& item ) const
const auto iType( item.type( ) );
switch ( iType ) {
case E_SRDInputItem::TOKEN:
if ( item.token( ) == E_SRDTokenType::START ) {
return 1;
} else if ( item.token( ) == E_SRDTokenType::END ) {
return -1;
return checkUBAlternatives( ctx , cRule , item.items( ) );
case E_SRDInputItem::REPETITION:
const int sv( checkUBSequence( ctx , cRule , item.items( ) ) );
if ( sv != 0 && item.min( ) != item.max( ) ) {
errorUnbalanced( ctx , cRule );
} else {
return sv * item.min( );
case E_SRDInputItem::WORD:
case E_SRDInputItem::ENUM:
return 0;
void T_ContextConverter_::errorUnbalanced( T_String const& ctx , uint32_t cRule ) const
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << ctx << "`: rule #" << cRule << " is unbalanced.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
void T_ContextConverter_::findUsedContexts( )
uint32_t pos = 0;
usedContexts.add( defs.contextId( defs.defaultContext( ) ) );
while ( pos < usedContexts.size( ) ) {
buildContext( usedContexts[ pos ] );
pos ++;
void T_ContextConverter_::buildContext( uint32_t context )
uint32_t list[ defs.contexts( ) ];
const auto nContexts( findContextsFor( context , list ) );
auto const& name( defs[ context ].name( ) );
cfg.contexts.addNew( name );
auto& output( cfg.contexts[ cfg.contexts.size( ) - 1 ] );
|||| );
|||| );
for ( auto c = nContexts - 1 ; c >= 0 ; c -- ) {
auto const& sCtx( defs[ list[ c ] ] );
auto const& src( sCtx.rules( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < src.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
ruleSources.addNew( list[ c ] , i + 1 );
auto const& r( src[ i ] );
output << r;
addUsedContext( ) , i + 1 , r.context( ) );
void T_ContextConverter_::addUsedContext( T_String const& current , uint32_t cRule , T_String const& next )
if ( !next ) {
cfg.ruleContexts.add( T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END );
const auto id( defs.contextId( next ) );
if ( id == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << current << "`: rule #" << cRule
<< " refers to missing context `" << next << "`.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < usedContexts.size( ) ; i ++ ) {
if ( usedContexts[ i ] == id ) {
cfg.ruleContexts.add( i );
cfg.ruleContexts.add( usedContexts.size( ) );
usedContexts.add( id );
int T_ContextConverter_::findContextsFor( uint32_t sourceContext , uint32_t* output )
auto spos = 1;
output[ 0 ] = sourceContext;
do {
auto const& c( defs[ output[ spos - 1 ] ] );
if ( !c.parent( ) ) {
const auto pid( defs.contextId( c.parent( ) ) );
if ( pid == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "Context `" << ) << "`: unknown parent `"
<< c.parent( ) << "`";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
for ( auto i = 0 ; i < spos ; i ++ ) {
if ( output[ i ] == pid ) {
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "Context `" << c.parent( )
<< "`: recursive inheritance";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
output[ spos ++ ] = pid;
} while ( 1 );
return spos;
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addNode( E_NodeType_ type )
const uint32_t index( nodes.size( ) );
auto& node( nodes.addNew( ) );
node.index = index;
node.type = type;
return node;
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_ type , uint32_t idx )
auto& node( addNode( E_NodeType_::SYM ) );
node.left = uint32_t( type );
node.right = uint32_t( idx );
node.label = ++ maxLabel;
symNodes.add( node.index );
return node;
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addWord( T_String const& word )
const auto hash = ComputeHash( word );
uint32_t idx = cfg.wordsIndex.first( hash );
while ( idx != T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
if ( cfg.words[ idx ] == word ) {
idx = idx );
if ( idx == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
idx = cfg.words.size( );
cfg.wordsIndex.add( hash );
cfg.words.add( word );
return addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_::WORD , idx );
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addEnum( T_String const& eName )
if ( !cfg.enums.contains( eName ) ) {
if ( !defs.hasEnum( eName ) ) {
T_RuleSource_ const& src( ruleSources.get( cid , curRule - 1 ) );
T_SRDContext const& sCtx( defs[ src.context ] );
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << ) << "`: rule #"
<< src.rule << " refers to unknown enumeration `" << eName << "`.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
cfg.enums.add( defs.enumeration( eName ) );
return addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_::ENUM ,
cfg.enums.indexOf( eName ) );
inline T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addToken( E_SRDTokenType token )
return addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_::TOKEN , uint32_t( token ) );
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addAlternatives( T_InSeq_ const& alts )
auto n( alts.size( ) );
if ( n == 0 ) {
T_RuleSource_ const& src( ruleSources.get( cid , curRule - 1 ) );
T_SRDContext const& sCtx( defs[ src.context ] );
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << ) << "`: rule #" << src.rule
<< " features an empty alternation.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
uint32_t indices[ n ];
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto& node( convertItem( alts[ i ] ) );
indices[ i ] = node.index;
uint32_t nextLeft = indices[ 0 ];
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto& node( addNode( E_NodeType_::ALT ) );
node.left = nextLeft;
node.right = indices[ i ];
nextLeft = node.index;
return nodes[ nextLeft ];
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::addSequence( T_InSeq_ const& sequence )
auto n( sequence.size( ) );
if ( n == 0 ) {
T_RuleSource_ const& src( ruleSources.get( cid , curRule - 1 ) );
T_SRDContext const& sCtx( defs[ src.context ] );
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << ) << "`: rule #" << src.rule
<< " features an empty sequence.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
uint32_t indices[ n ];
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto& node( convertItem( sequence[ i ] ) );
indices[ i ] = node.index;
uint32_t nextLeft = indices[ 0 ];
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto& node( addNode( E_NodeType_::CAT ) );
node.left = nextLeft;
node.right = indices[ i ];
nextLeft = node.index;
return nodes[ nextLeft ];
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::convertRepetitions( T_SRDInputItem const& item )
const auto min( item.min( ) );
const auto max( item.max( ) );
auto const& seq( item.items( ) );
// Minimum amount of repetitions
uint32_t nextLeft = UINT32_MAX;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < min ; i ++ ) {
auto const& node( addSequence( seq ) );
if ( i > 0 ) {
auto& cat( addNode( E_NodeType_::CAT ) );
cat.left = nextLeft;
cat.right = node.index;
nextLeft = cat.index;
} else {
nextLeft = node.index;
uint32_t nextRight = UINT32_MAX;
if ( max == UINT32_MAX ) {
// Unlimited repetitions
auto const& node( addSequence( seq ) );
auto& star( addNode( E_NodeType_::STAR ) );
star.left = node.index;
nextRight = star.index;
} else if ( max > min ) {
// First item: (alt $seq epsilon)
auto const& seq0( addSequence( seq ) );
auto const& epsilon0( addNode( E_NodeType_::EPS ) );
auto& alt0( addNode( E_NodeType_::ALT ) );
alt0.left = seq0.index;
alt0.right = epsilon0.index;
nextRight = alt0.index;
// Other items: (alt (cat $seq $previous) epsilon)
const uint32_t count( max - min );
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < count ; i ++ ) {
auto const& nseq( addSequence( seq ) );
auto& cat( addNode( E_NodeType_::CAT ) );
cat.left = nseq.index;
cat.right = nextRight;
auto const& eps( addNode( E_NodeType_::EPS ) );
auto& alt( addNode( E_NodeType_::ALT ) );
alt.left = cat.index;
alt.right = eps.index;
nextRight = alt.index;
assert( nextRight != UINT32_MAX || nextLeft != UINT32_MAX );
// Combine fixed part and variable part if both exist
if ( nextRight != UINT32_MAX && nextLeft != UINT32_MAX ) {
auto& cat( addNode( E_NodeType_::CAT ) );
cat.left = nextLeft;
cat.right = nextRight;
return cat;
if ( nextRight == UINT32_MAX ) {
return nodes[ nextLeft ];
} else {
return nodes[ nextRight ];
T_RuleNode_& T_ContextConverter_::convertItem( T_SRDInputItem const& item )
switch ( item.type( ) ) {
case E_SRDInputItem::WORD:
return addWord( item.word( ) );
case E_SRDInputItem::ENUM:
return addEnum( item.word( ) );
case E_SRDInputItem::TOKEN:
return addToken( item.token( ) );
return addAlternatives( item.items( ) );
case E_SRDInputItem::REPETITION:
return convertRepetitions( item );
throw std::domain_error( "unknown item type" );
void T_ContextConverter_::convertRules( )
auto const& ctx( cfg.contexts[ cid ] );
nodes.clear( );
symNodes.clear( );
maxLabel = 0;
// Access all rules
auto const& rules( ctx.rules( ) );
const uint32_t nRules( rules.size( ) );
if ( nRules == 0 ) {
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "Context `" << )
<< "` is empty.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
// Convert each rule
uint32_t ruleRoots[ nRules ];
for ( curRule = 1 ; curRule <= nRules ; curRule ++ ) {
// Convert the rule
auto& rNode( addSequence( rules[ curRule - 1 ].rule( ) ) );
auto const& ruleEnd( addSymbolNode( E_SymNodeType_::END , curRule - 1 ) );
auto& ruleRoot( addNode( E_NodeType_::CAT ) );
ruleRoot.left = rNode.index;
ruleRoot.right = ruleEnd.index;
ruleRoots[ curRule - 1 ] = ruleRoot.index;
// Add alternations between the rules
uint32_t nextLeft = ruleRoots[ 0 ];
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < nRules ; i ++ ) {
auto& alt( addNode( E_NodeType_::ALT ) );
alt.left = nextLeft;
alt.right = ruleRoots[ i ];
nextLeft = alt.index;
void T_ContextConverter_::computeCancellable( )
const uint32_t nNodes( nodes.size( ) );
cancellable.clear( );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nNodes ; i ++ ) {
auto const& node( nodes[ i ] );
switch ( node.type ) {
case E_NodeType_::ALT:
bool l( cancellable[ node.left ] );
bool r( cancellable[ node.right ] );
cancellable.add( l || r );
case E_NodeType_::CAT:
bool l( cancellable[ node.left ] );
bool r( cancellable[ node.right ] );
cancellable.add( l && r );
case E_NodeType_::SYM:
cancellable.add( false );
case E_NodeType_::STAR:
case E_NodeType_::EPS:
cancellable.add( true );
void T_ContextConverter_::computePos( T_MultiArray< uint32_t >& output , const bool first )
const auto n( nodes.size( ) );
output.clear( );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
auto const& node( nodes[ i ] );
|||| );
switch ( node.type ) {
case E_NodeType_::SYM:
output.add( node.label );
case E_NodeType_::STAR:
output.copyFrom( node.left );
case E_NodeType_::ALT:
case E_NodeType_::CAT:
const auto n1( first ? node.left : node.right );
const auto n2( first ? node.right : node.left );
output.copyFrom( n1 );
if ( node.type == E_NodeType_::ALT
|| cancellable[ n1 ] ) {
output.copyUnique( n2 );
case E_NodeType_::EPS:
// Do nothing.
inline void T_ContextConverter_::computeFirstPos( )
computePos( firstPos , true );
inline void T_ContextConverter_::computeLastPos( )
computePos( lastPos , false );
void T_ContextConverter_::computeNextPos( )
const auto lp( maxLabel + 1 );
const auto nn( nodes.size( ) );
nextPos.clear( );
for ( uint32_t pos = 1 ; pos < lp ; pos ++ ) {
|||| );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nn ; i ++ ) {
auto const& node( nodes[ i ] );
if ( node.type == E_NodeType_::CAT ) {
if ( lastPos.contains( node.left , pos ) ) {
nextPos.copyUnique( firstPos , node.right );
} else if ( node.type == E_NodeType_::STAR ) {
if ( lastPos.contains( i , pos ) ) {
nextPos.copyUnique( firstPos , i );
void T_ContextConverter_::gatherSymbols( )
symbols.clear( );
symLabels.clear( );
while ( symNodes.size( ) ) {
auto const& first( nodes[ symNodes[ 0 ] ] );
symNodes.removeSwap( 0 );
symbols.addNew( first );
|||| );
symLabels.add( first.label );
uint32_t i = 0;
while ( i < symNodes.size( ) ) {
auto const& node( nodes[ symNodes[ i ] ] );
if ( first.left == node.left && first.right == node.right ) {
symLabels.add( node.label );
symNodes.removeSwap( i );
} else {
i ++;
void T_ContextConverter_::setEndState( uint32_t state , uint32_t end )
const auto curEnd( cfg.endStates[ state ] );
if ( curEnd != T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END && curEnd != end ) {
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << "In context `" << defs[ cid ].name( ) << "`: rule #"
<< ( curEnd + 1 ) << " and rule #" << ( end + 1 ) << " are ambiguous.";
throw X_SRDParserConfig( sb );
cfg.endStates[ state ] = end;
void T_ContextConverter_::addNameParts( uint32_t label )
const auto npf( nextPos.firstOf( label - 1 ) );
const auto npl( nextPos.sizeOf( label - 1 ) + npf );
for ( uint32_t i = npf ; i < npl ; i ++ ) {
const auto p( nextPos[ i ] );
const auto nas( nameAccum.size( ) );
bool found = false;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < nas && !found ; j ++ ) {
found = nameAccum[ j ] == p;
if ( !found ) {
nameAccum.add( p );
void T_ContextConverter_::checkStateName( uint32_t state , uint32_t first , uint32_t end , uint32_t si )
auto const& sym( symbols[ si ] );
nameAccum.clear( );
for ( uint32_t i = first ; i < end ; i ++ ) {
const auto snVal( stateNames[ i ] );
if ( !symLabels.contains( si , snVal ) ) {
if ( sym.type == E_SymNodeType_::END ) {
setEndState( state , sym.idx );
} else {
addNameParts( snVal );
uint32_t T_ContextConverter_::findState( uint32_t firstState )
const uint32_t nsize( nameAccum.size( ) );
const uint32_t snsize( stateNames.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < snsize ; i ++ ) {
if ( stateNames.sizeOf( i ) != nsize ) {
if ( !memcmp( &stateNames[ stateNames.firstOf( i ) ] , &nameAccum[ 0 ] ,
nsize * sizeof( uint32_t ) ) ) {
return i + firstState;
return T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX;
void T_ContextConverter_::addTransition( T_Symbol_ const& sym , uint32_t state )
if ( sym.type == E_SymNodeType_::TOKEN ) {
cfg.transitions.addNew( E_SRDTokenType( sym.idx ) , state );
} else {
const auto type( sym.type == E_SymNodeType_::WORD
? E_SRDTransitionType::WORD
: E_SRDTransitionType::ENUM );
cfg.transitions.addNew( type , sym.idx , state );
void T_ContextConverter_::buildAutomaton( )
static const F_Comparator< T_SRDTransition > transSorter =
[]( T_SRDTransition const& a , T_SRDTransition const& b ) -> int {
return T_Comparator< decltype( a.type ) >::compare( a.type , b.type );
const auto firstState( cfg.endStates.size( ) );
cfg.endStates.add( T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END );
cfg.startStates.add( firstState );
stateNames.clear( );
stateNames.copyFrom( firstPos , firstPos.size( ) - 1 );
stateNames.sort( 0 );
const auto nsyms( symbols.size( ) );
auto state = firstState;
while ( state < cfg.endStates.size( ) ) {
|||| );
const auto snFirst( stateNames.firstOf( state - firstState ) );
const auto snEnd( snFirst + stateNames.sizeOf( state - firstState ) );
for ( uint32_t si = 0 ; si < nsyms ; si ++ ) {
// Find the next state's name
checkStateName( state , snFirst , snEnd , si );
if ( nameAccum.size( ) == 0 ) {
nameAccum.sort( );
// Check if the state exists
uint32_t found( findState( firstState ) );
// Add new state if needed
if ( found == T_HashIndex::INVALID_INDEX ) {
found = cfg.endStates.size( );
cfg.endStates.add( T_SRDParserConfig::INVALID_END );
|||| );
stateNames.copyFrom( nameAccum );
// Add the transition
addTransition( symbols[ si ] , found );
cfg.transitions.sort( state , transSorter );
state ++;
} // namespace
/*= X_SRDParserConfig ========================================================*/
X_SRDParserConfig::X_SRDParserConfig( T_StringBuilder const& error )
: errorString_( error.size( ) + 1 )
memcpy( &errorString_[ 0 ] , ) , error.size( ) );
errorString_[ error.size( ) ] = 0;
X_SRDParserConfig::X_SRDParserConfig( T_String const& error )
: errorString_( error.size( ) + 1 )
memcpy( &errorString_[ 0 ] , ) , error.size( ) );
errorString_[ error.size( ) ] = 0;
char const* X_SRDParserConfig::what( ) const noexcept
return &errorString_[ 0 ];
/*= T_SRDParserConfig ========================================================*/
T_SRDParserConfig::T_SRDParserConfig( T_SRDParserDefs const& defs )
: onStart( defs.onStart( ) ) , onFinish( defs.onFinish( ) ) , contexts( defs.contexts( ) ) ,
enums( []( T_SRDEnum const& e ) -> T_String const& {
return );
} , 64 , 64 , 64 ) , wordsIndex( 256 , 256 , 256 ) , words( 256 ) , startStates( defs.contexts( ) )
T_ContextConverter_ converter( *this , defs );
converter.checkUnbalancedRules( );
converter.findUsedContexts( );
const auto nc( contexts.size( ) );
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < nc ; i ++ ) {
converter.cid = i;
converter.convertRules( );
converter.computeCancellable( );
converter.computeFirstPos( );
converter.computeLastPos( );
converter.computeNextPos( );
converter.gatherSymbols( );
converter.buildAutomaton( );
bool T_SRDParserConfig::transition( uint32_t& state , T_SRDToken const& token ) const
const auto first( transitions.firstOf( state ) );
const auto end( first + transitions.sizeOf( state ) );
for ( uint32_t i = first ; i < end ; i ++ ) {
auto const& t( transitions[ i ] );
if ( t.type == E_SRDTransitionType::TOKEN ) {
if ( token.type( ) == t.tokenType ) {
state =;
return true;
if ( token.type( ) != E_SRDTokenType::WORD ) {
if ( t.type == E_SRDTransitionType::WORD ) {
if ( token.stringValue( ) == words[ t.index ] ) {
state =;
return true;
assert( t.type == E_SRDTransitionType::ENUM );
if ( enums[ t.index ].contains( token.stringValue( ) ) ) {
state =;
return true;
return false;
T_Optional< uint32_t > T_SRDParserConfig::enumValue(
T_String const& name , T_String const& member ) const noexcept
T_SRDEnum const* const enumData( enums.get( name ) );
if ( enumData && enumData->contains( member ) ) {
return (*enumData)[ member ];
return T_Optional< uint32_t >( );
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
/* STREAMS ********************************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Streams.hh>
using namespace lw;
/*= X_StreamError ============================================================*/
char const* X_StreamError::what( ) const noexcept
switch ( error_ ) {
case E_StreamError::NOT_SUPPORTED:
return "operation not supported";
case E_StreamError::INVALID_POSITION:
return "invalid position";
case E_StreamError::END:
return "stream ended";
case E_StreamError::BAD_DATA:
return "incomplete read/write";
case E_StreamError::SYSTEM_ERROR:
return "system error";
case E_StreamError::UNAVAILABLE:
return "stream no longer available";
return "unknown error";
/*= A_OutputStream ===========================================================*/
void A_OutputStream::flush( )
{ }
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load diff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
/* INSTANTIATION OF VARIOUS TEMPLATE CLASSES **********************************/
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Arrays.hh>
#include <lw/lib/Strings.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDData.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDDefinitions.hh>
namespace lw {
template struct T_Comparator< uint32_t >;
template class T_Array< uint32_t >;
template class T_Array< bool >;
template class T_Array< T_String >;
template class T_Array< T_SRDToken >;
template class T_Array< T_SRDInputItem >;
template class T_MultiArray< uint32_t >;
template class T_MultiArray< T_String >;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
#include <lw/lib/BuiltinLoggers.hh>
#include <lw/lib/SRDParser.hh>
using namespace lw;
namespace {
char const* const V_Name_ = "text-file";
inline T_String Name_( ) { return T_String::Pooled( V_Name_ ); }
bool TFLCPath_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto const& ptok( (*data.input)[ 1 ] );
T_VFSPath path( ptok.stringValue( ) );
path = path.normalize( );
if ( path.type( ) != E_VFSPathType::ABSOLUTE ) {
data.errors.add( "invalid path" , ptok );
} else {
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setPath( std::move( path ) );
return true;
bool TFLCAppend_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setAppend( true );
return true;
bool TFLCTruncate_( T_SRDParserData const& data )
auto lconf( data.targetData->value< RP_LogWriterConfiguration >( ) );
( dynamic_cast< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* >( lconf ) )->setAppend( false );
return true;
/*= T_TextFileLogWriterFactory ==================================================*/
T_TextFileLogWriterFactory::T_TextFileLogWriterFactory( T_VFS& vfs )
: A_LogWriterFactory( Name_( ) ) , vfs_( vfs )
{ }
RP_LogWriterConfiguration T_TextFileLogWriterFactory::createConfiguration( T_String const& name ) const
RP_LogWriterConfiguration p( new T_TextFileLogWriterCfg( ) );
p->setName( name );
return p;
OP_LogWriter T_TextFileLogWriterFactory::createLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration ) const
T_TextFileLogWriter* p( new T_TextFileLogWriter( std::move( configuration ) , vfs_ ) );
return OwnRawPointer( p );
void T_TextFileLogWriterFactory::initializeSyntax( T_SRDParserDefs& , T_SRDContext& main ) const
using namespace lw::SRD;
main << ( Rule( ) << "file" << Text( ) << TFLCPath_ );
main << ( Rule( ) << "append" << TFLCAppend_ );
main << ( Rule( ) << "truncate" << TFLCTruncate_ );
/*= T_TextFileLogWriterCfg ======================================================*/
T_TextFileLogWriterCfg::T_TextFileLogWriterCfg( )
: T_LogWriterConfiguration( Name_( ) )
{ }
T_TextFileLogWriterCfg::T_TextFileLogWriterCfg( T_TextFileLogWriterCfg const& source )
: T_LogWriterConfiguration( source ) , path_( source.path_ ) ,
append_( source.append_ )
{ }
OP_LogWriterConfiguration T_TextFileLogWriterCfg::clone( )
T_TextFileLogWriterCfg* ptr( new T_TextFileLogWriterCfg( *this ) );
return OwnRawPointer( ptr );
void T_TextFileLogWriterCfg::check( T_SRDErrors& errors , T_SRDList const& input )
T_LogWriterConfiguration::check( errors , input );
if ( path_.type( ) == E_VFSPathType::UNKNOWN || path_.elements( ) == 0 ) {
errors.add( "no file selected" , input[ 0 ] );
/*= T_TextFileLogWriter =========================================================*/
T_TextFileLogWriter::T_TextFileLogWriter( OP_LogWriterConfiguration&& configuration , T_VFS& vfs )
: A_LogWriter( std::move( configuration ) ) , vfs_( vfs )
{ }
void T_TextFileLogWriter::log( T_LogTimestamp const& timestamp ,
E_LogLevel level , T_LogPath const& path ,
T_LogStringData const& data , uint32_t size )
using namespace std::chrono;
char timeBuffer[ 128 ];
std::time_t tst( T_LogTimestamp::clock::to_time_t( timestamp ) );
std::strftime( timeBuffer , 128 , "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" , std::gmtime( &tst ) );
const auto ms( ( duration_cast< milliseconds >( timestamp - T_LogTimestamp( ) ) ).count( ) % 1000 );
T_StringBuilder sb;
sb << timeBuffer << '.';
if ( ms < 100 ) {
sb << '0';
if ( ms < 10 ) {
sb << '0';
sb << ms << ' ' << path.toString( ) << " - " << level << ": ";
sb.append( &( (*data) [ 0 ] ) , size );
sb << '\n';
auto const& cfg( configuration< T_TextFileLogWriterCfg >( ) );
auto const& p( cfg.path( ) );
if ( !file_ ) {
vfs_.mkdir( p.parent( ) );
file_ = vfs_.file( p , cfg.append( ) ? E_FileMode::READ_WRITE : E_FileMode::OVERWRITE );
if ( !file_ ) {
disable( );
try {
file_->open( );
} catch ( X_StreamError const& ) {
disable( );
file_.clear( );
try {
file_->position( 0 , true );
file_->write( ) , sb.size( ) );
file_->flush( );
} catch ( X_StreamError ) {
disable( );
file_.clear( );
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
/* VARIOUS UTILITIES **********************************************************/
#include <lw/lib/Utilities.hh>
using namespace lw;
namespace {
/*= SORTING INTERNALS - QUICKSORT ============================================*/
static const int32_t C_MIN_QS_ITEMS_ = 4;
// T_Stack_ - Quicksort stack
struct T_Stack_
uint8_t* low;
uint8_t* high;
inline void QSPush_( T_Stack_*& stack , uint8_t* low , uint8_t* high )
stack->low = low;
stack->high = high;
stack ++;
inline void QSPop_( T_Stack_*& stack , uint8_t*& low , uint8_t*& high )
stack --;
low = stack->low;
high = stack->high;
inline void Quicksort_( uint8_t* data , uint32_t itemSize , uint32_t items , T_Sorter_::F_Swap swap ,
T_Sorter_::F_Cmp cmp )
const int32_t minSize = itemSize * C_MIN_QS_ITEMS_;
uint8_t* low( data );
uint8_t* high( low + itemSize * ( items - 1 ) );
T_Stack_ stackData[ 8 * sizeof( uint32_t ) ];
T_Stack_* stack( &stackData[ 0 ] );
QSPush_( stack , nullptr , nullptr );
while ( stack > &stackData[ 0 ] ) {
// Select pivot, sort low/pivot/high
uint8_t* mid( low + itemSize * ( ( high - low ) / itemSize >> 1 ) );
if ( cmp( mid , low ) < 0 ) {
swap( mid , low );
if ( cmp( high , mid ) < 0 ) {
swap( mid , high );
if ( cmp( mid , low ) < 0 ) {
swap( mid , low );
// Partitioning
uint8_t* left( low + itemSize ) ,
*right( high - itemSize );
do {
while ( cmp( left , mid ) < 0 ) {
left += itemSize;
while ( cmp( mid , right ) < 0 ) {
right -= itemSize;
if ( left < right ) {
swap( left , right );
if ( left == mid ) {
mid = right;
} else if ( right == mid ) {
mid = left;
if ( left <= right ) {
left += itemSize;
right -= itemSize;
} while ( left <= right );
// Setup for next iteration
if ( right - low <= minSize ) {
if ( high - left <= minSize ) {
QSPop_( stack , low , high );
} else {
low = left;
} else if ( high - left <= minSize ) {
high = right;
} else if ( right - low > high - left ) {
QSPush_( stack , low , right );
low = left;
} else {
QSPush_( stack , left , high );
high = right;
/*= SORTING INTERNALS - INSERTION SORT =======================================*/
inline void InsertionSort_( uint8_t* data , uint32_t itemSize , uint32_t items , T_Sorter_::F_Swap swap ,
T_Sorter_::F_Cmp cmp )
uint8_t* const end( data + itemSize* items );
for ( uint8_t* i( data + itemSize ) ; i < end ; i += itemSize ) {
auto j = i;
while ( j != data && cmp( j - itemSize , j ) > 0 ) {
swap( j , j - itemSize );
j -= itemSize;
} // namespace
/*= T_Sorter_ ================================================================*/
void T_Sorter_::sort( uint8_t* data , uint32_t itemSize , uint32_t items , F_Swap swap , F_Cmp cmp )
if ( items != 0 ) {
if ( items > C_MIN_QS_ITEMS_ ) {
Quicksort_( data , itemSize , items , swap , cmp );
InsertionSort_( data , itemSize , items , swap , cmp );
/*= HashData( ) ==============================================================*/
uint32_t lw::HashData( uint8_t const* data , uint32_t size )
uint32_t hash = 111119;
while ( size > 0 ) {
hash += *data;
hash += ( hash << 10 );
hash ^= ( hash >> 6 );
data ++;
size --;
hash += ( hash << 3 );
hash ^= ( hash >> 11 );
hash += ( hash << 15 );
return hash;
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more
Add table
Reference in a new issue