The list of tasks assigned to an user will now appear on the page of the assignee, minus the 'Assigned to' part because that'd be redundant.
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class DAO_Tasks
extends DAO
private static $priorities = array(
'1' => 'Lowest' ,
'2' => 'Low' ,
'3' => 'Normal' ,
'4' => 'High' ,
'5' => 'Very high' ,
public function translatePriority( $value )
return DAO_Tasks::$priorities[ "$value" ];
public function getAllTasks( )
return $this->query(
'SELECT * FROM tasks_list '
. 'WHEN completed_at IS NULL THEN '
. 'priority '
. 'ELSE '
. '-1 '
. 'END ) DESC , total_missing_dependencies ASC NULLS FIRST , added_at DESC' )->execute( );
public function getAllActiveTasks( )
return $this->query(
'SELECT * FROM tasks_list '
. 'WHERE completed_at IS NULL AND missing_dependencies IS NULL '
. 'ORDER BY priority DESC , added_at DESC' )->execute( );
public function getAllBlockedTasks( )
return $this->query(
'SELECT * FROM tasks_list '
. 'WHERE completed_at IS NULL AND missing_dependencies IS NOT NULL '
. 'ORDER BY priority DESC , total_missing_dependencies ASC , added_at DESC' )->execute( );
public function getTasksAt( Data_Item $item )
return $this->query(
'SELECT * FROM tasks_list '
. 'WHERE item = $1 '
. 'WHEN completed_at IS NULL THEN '
. 'priority '
. 'ELSE '
. '-1 '
. 'END ) DESC , missing_dependencies ASC NULLS FIRST , added_at DESC'
)->execute( $item->id );
public function getUserTasks( $user )
return $this->query(
'SELECT * FROM tasks_list '
. 'WHERE assigned_to_id = $1 '
. 'ORDER BY priority DESC , missing_dependencies ASC NULLS FIRST , added_at DESC'
)->execute( $user->user_id );
public function addTask( $item , $title , $priority , $description )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT add_task( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 ) AS error' )
->execute( $item , $title , $description , $priority , $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] );
return $result[0]->error;
public function get( $id )
$result = $this->query(
'SELECT t.task_id AS id, t.task_title AS title, t.item_id AS item ,'
. 't.task_description AS description, t.task_added AS added_at, '
. 'u1.user_view_name AS added_by, ct.completed_task_time AS completed_at, '
. 'u2.user_view_name AS assigned_to , u2.user_id AS assigned_id , '
. 'u3.user_view_name AS completed_by, t.user_id AS uid , '
. 't.task_priority AS priority '
. 'FROM tasks t '
. 'INNER JOIN users_view u1 ON u1.user_id = t.user_id '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks ct ON ct.task_id = t.task_id '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN users_view u2 ON u2.user_id = t.user_id_assigned '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN users_view u3 ON u3.user_id = ct.user_id '
. 'WHERE t.task_id = $1' )->execute( $id );
if ( empty( $result ) ) {
return null;
$task = $result[ 0 ];
$task->notes = $this->query(
'SELECT n.note_id AS id , n.user_id AS uid , u.user_view_name AS author , '
. 'n.note_added AS added_at , n.note_text AS "text" '
. 'FROM notes n '
. 'INNER JOIN users_view u USING (user_id) '
. 'WHERE n.task_id = $1 '
. 'ORDER BY n.note_added DESC' )->execute( $id );
$task->dependencies = $this->query(
'SELECT t.task_id AS id , t.task_title AS title , t.item_id AS item , '
. 'i.item_name AS item_name , '
. '( ct.completed_task_time IS NOT NULL ) AS completed , '
. 'tl.total_missing_dependencies AS missing_dependencies '
. 'FROM task_dependencies td '
. 'INNER JOIN tasks t ON t.task_id = td.task_id_depends '
. 'INNER JOIN items i USING ( item_id ) '
. 'INNER JOIN tasks_list tl ON = t.task_id '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks ct ON ct.task_id = t.task_id '
. 'WHERE td.task_id = $1 '
. 'ORDER BY i.item_name , t.task_priority DESC , t.task_title' )->execute( $id );
$task->reverseDependencies = $this->query(
'SELECT t.task_id AS id , t.task_title AS title , t.item_id AS item , '
. 'i.item_name AS item_name , '
. '( ct.completed_task_time IS NOT NULL ) AS completed '
. 'FROM task_dependencies td '
. 'INNER JOIN tasks t USING( task_id ) '
. 'INNER JOIN items i USING ( item_id ) '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks ct USING ( task_id ) '
. 'WHERE td.task_id_depends = $1 '
. 'ORDER BY i.item_name , t.task_priority DESC , t.task_title' )->execute( $id );
$task->possibleDependencies = $this->query(
'SELECT t.task_id AS id , t.task_title AS title , t.item_id AS item , '
. 'i.item_name AS item_name '
. 'FROM tasks_possible_dependencies( $1 ) t '
. 'INNER JOIN items i USING ( item_id ) '
. 'ORDER BY i.item_name , t.task_priority , t.task_title' )->execute( $id );
return $task;
public function canDelete( $task )
if ( $task->completed_by !== null ) {
$ts = strtotime( $task->completed_at );
return ( time() - $ts > 7 * 3600 * 24 );
$ts = strtotime( $task->added_at );
return ( time() - $ts < 600 ) && ( $task->uid == $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] );
public function canFinish( $task )
assert( $task->completed_at == null );
foreach ( $task->dependencies as $dependency ) {
if ( $dependency->completed != 't' ) {
return false;
return true;
public function canRestart( $task )
assert( $task->completed_at != null );
foreach ( $task->reverseDependencies as $dependency ) {
if ( $dependency->completed == 't' ) {
return false;
return true;
public function delete( $task )
$this->query( 'DELETE FROM tasks WHERE task_id = $1' )->execute( $task );
public function finish( $task , $noteText )
$this->query( 'SELECT finish_task( $1 , $2 , $3 )' )
->execute( $task , $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] , $noteText );
public function restart( $task , $noteText )
$this->query( 'SELECT restart_task( $1 , $2 , $3 )' )
->execute( $task , $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] , $noteText );
public function updateTask( $id , $item , $title , $priority , $description , $assignee )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT update_task( $1 , $2 , $3 , $4 , $5 , $6 ) AS error' )
->execute( $id , $item , $title , $description , $priority , $assignee );
return $result[0]->error;
public function addNote( $task , $note )
$this->query( 'INSERT INTO notes ( task_id , user_id , note_text ) VALUES ( $1 , $2 , $3 )' )
->execute( $task , $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] , $note );
public function getNote( $id )
$query = $this->query(
'SELECT n.note_id AS id , n.note_text AS text , n.note_added AS added_at , '
. 'n.task_id AS task , '
. '( n.user_id = $2 AND t.task_id IS NULL ) AS editable '
. 'FROM notes n '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks t USING (task_id) '
. 'WHERE n.note_id = $1' );
$result = $query->execute( $id , $_SESSION[ 'uid' ] );
if ( empty( $result ) ) {
return null;
$result[ 0 ]->editable = ( $result[ 0 ]->editable == 't' );
return $result[ 0 ];
public function deleteNote( $id )
$this->query( 'DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id = $1' )->execute( $id );
public function updateNote( $id , $text )
$this->query( 'UPDATE notes SET note_text = $2 , note_added = now( ) WHERE note_id = $1' )
->execute( $id , $text );
public function addDependency( $id , $dependency )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT tasks_add_dependency( $1 , $2 ) AS error' )
->execute( $id , $dependency );
return $result[0]->error;
public function deleteDependency( $from , $to )
$this->query( 'DELETE FROM task_dependencies WHERE task_id = $1 AND task_id_depends = $2' )
->execute( $from , $to );
public function assignTaskTo( $task , $user )
'UPDATE tasks _task SET user_id_assigned = $2 '
. 'FROM tasks _task2 '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks _completed '
. 'USING ( task_id ) '
. 'WHERE _task2.task_id = _task.task_id AND _completed.task_id IS NULL AND _task.task_id = $1'
)->execute( $task , $user );