Tasks can be assigned to users. An user may decide to "claim" a task directly, which will assign the task to him. Otherwise, it is possible to set some arbitrary user as the assignee or remove the assignee completely through the edition form. Marking a task as completed will remove the assignee, while re-activating a task will assign it to the user who re-activated it. Also, fixed a bug which allowed a completed task to be edited.
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350 lines
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abstract class View_TasksBase
extends BaseURLAwareView
protected $tasks;
protected $dao;
protected function __construct( )
$this->dao = Loader::DAO( 'tasks' );
public final function render( )
if ( empty( $this->tasks ) ) {
return HTML::make( 'div' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'no-table' )
->appendText( 'No tasks to display.' );
return HTML::make( 'dl' )
->append( $this->generateList( ) )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'tasks' );
private function generateList( )
$result = array( );
$prevPriority = 6;
foreach ( $this->tasks as $task ) {
$priority = ( $task->completed_by === null ) ? $task->priority : -1;
if ( $priority !== $prevPriority ) {
if ( $priority == -1 ) {
$text = 'Completed tasks';
$extraClass = ' completed';
} else {
$text = $this->dao->translatePriority( $priority ) . ' priority';
$extraClass = '';
$prevPriority = $priority;
array_push( $result , HTML::make( 'dt' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'sub-title' . $extraClass )
->appendText( $text ) );
$result = array_merge( $result , $this->generateItem( $task ) );
return $result;
protected function generateItem( $task )
$cell = array( );
array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $task->id )
->appendText( $task->title ) ) );
$cell = array_merge( $cell , $this->generateSpecificLines( $task ) );
$addedAt = strtotime( $task->added_at );
$addedAtDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $addedAt );
$addedAtTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $addedAt );
array_push( $cell ,
HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "Added $addedAtDate at $addedAtTime by {$task->added_by}" ) );
if ( $task->missing_dependencies !== null ) {
if ( $task->missing_dependencies > 1 ) {
$end = 'ies';
} else {
$end = 'y';
array_push( $cell ,
$md = HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "{$task->missing_dependencies} missing dependenc$end" ) );
if ( $task->total_missing_dependencies != $task->missing_dependencies ) {
$md->appendText( " ({$task->total_missing_dependencies} when counting transitive dependencies)" );
foreach ( $cell as $entry ) {
$entry->setAttribute( 'class' , 'missing-deps' );
} elseif ( $task->assigned_to !== null ) {
array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( 'Assigned to ' . $task->assigned_to ) );
foreach ( $cell as $entry ) {
$entry->setAttribute( 'class' , 'assigned' );
} elseif ( $task->completed_by !== null ) {
$completedAt = strtotime( $task->completed_at );
$completedAtDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $completedAt );
$completedAtTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $completedAt );
array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText(
"Completed $completedAtDate at $completedAtTime by {$task->completed_by}" ) );
foreach ( $cell as $entry ) {
$entry->setAttribute( 'class' , 'completed' );
return $cell;
protected abstract function generateSpecificLines( $task );
class View_AllTasks
extends View_TasksBase
public function __construct( $tasks )
parent::__construct( );
$this->tasks = $tasks;
protected function generateSpecificLines( $task )
return array( HTML::make( 'dd' )->append( $this->formatPlaceLineage( $task->item ) ) );
private function formatPlaceLineage( $item )
$item = Loader::DAO( 'items' )->get( $item );
$lineage = $item->lineage;
array_push( $lineage , $item->id );
$contents = array( );
foreach ( Loader::DAO( 'items' )->getAll( $lineage ) as $ancestor ) {
if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) {
array_push( $contents , ' » ' );
array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $ancestor->id )
->appendText( $ancestor->name ) );
array_unshift( $contents, 'On ' );
return $contents;
class View_Tasks
extends View_TasksBase
public function __construct( $tasks )
parent::__construct( );
$this->tasks = $tasks;
protected function generateSpecificLines( $task )
return array( );
class View_TaskDetails
extends BaseURLAwareView
private $task;
public function __construct( $task )
$this->task = $task;
public function render( )
$list = HTML::make( 'dl' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'tasks' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'On item:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->append( $this->formatPlaceLineage( $this->task->item ) ) );
if ( $this->task->description != '' ) {
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'Description:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->appendRaw( $this->formatDescription( ) ) );
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'Added:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->appendText( $this->formatAction( $this->task->added_at , $this->task->added_by ) ) );
if ( $this->task->completed_by === null ) {
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'Priority:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->appendText( Loader::DAO( 'tasks' )
->translatePriority( $this->task->priority ) ) );
if ( $this->task->assigned_to === null ) {
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'unassigned-task' )
->appendText( 'Unassigned!' ) );
} else {
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'Assigned to:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->appendText( $this->task->assigned_to ) );
} else {
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' )
->appendText( 'Completed:' ) )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' )
->appendText( $this->formatAction(
$this->task->completed_at , $this->task->completed_by ) ) );
return $list;
private function formatPlaceLineage( $item )
$lineage = $item->lineage;
array_push( $lineage , $item->id );
$contents = array( );
foreach ( Loader::DAO( 'items' )->getAll( $lineage ) as $ancestor ) {
if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) {
array_push( $contents , ' » ' );
array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $ancestor->id )
->appendText( $ancestor->name ) );
return $contents;
private function formatDescription( )
$description = HTML::from( $this->task->description );
return preg_replace( '/\n/s' , '<br/>' , $description );
private function formatAction( $timestamp , $user )
$ts = strtotime( $timestamp );
$tsDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $ts );
$tsTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $ts );
return "$tsDate at $tsTime by $user";
class View_TaskNote
implements View
private $note;
public function __construct( $note )
$this->note = $note;
public function render( )
$text = HTML::make( 'p' )
->appendRaw( preg_replace( '/\n/s' , '<br/>' , HTML::from( $this->note->text ) ) );
$ts = strtotime( $this->note->added_at );
$tsDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $ts );
$tsTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $ts );
$details = HTML::make( 'div')
->setAttribute( 'style' , 'font-size: 9pt' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'em' )
->appendText( "Note added $tsDate at $tsTime by {$this->note->author}" ) );
return array( $text , $details );
class View_TaskDependencies
extends BaseURLAwareView
private $task;
private $reverse;
public function __construct( $task , $reverse )
$this->task = $task;
$this->reverse = $reverse;
public function render( )
$source = $this->reverse ? 'reverseDependencies' : 'dependencies';
if ( empty( $this->task->$source ) ) {
return HTML::make( 'div' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'no-table' )
->appendText( 'This task has no dependencies.' );
$list = HTML::make( 'ul' )->setAttribute( 'class' , 'dep-list' );
$prevItem = null;
$itemList = null;
foreach ( $this->task->$source as $dependency ) {
if ( $prevItem !== $dependency->item ) {
$itemList = HTML::make( 'ul' );
$list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'li' )
->appendText( 'In ' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $dependency->item )
->appendText( $dependency->item_name ) )
->appendElement( $itemList ) );
$prevItem = $dependency->item;
$entry = HTML::make( 'li' )->appendElement(
$link = HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $dependency->id )
->appendText( $dependency->title ) );
if ( ! $this->reverse ) {
$link->setAttribute( 'class' , ( $dependency->completed == 't' )
? 'satisfied' : 'missing' );
if ( $this->task->completed_at === null ) {
$entry->appendText( ' (' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' )
->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/deps/delete?from='
. $this->task->id . '&to=' . $dependency->id )
->appendText( 'remove') )
->appendText( ')' );
if ( $dependency->missing_dependencies != 0 ) {
$end = $dependency->missing_dependencies > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y';
$entry->appendElement( HTML::make( 'ul' )
->appendElement( $mdeps = HTML::make( 'li' ) ) );
$mdeps->appendText( $dependency->missing_dependencies
. " missing dependenc$end (transitively)" );
$itemList->appendElement( $entry );
return $list;