Emmanuel BENOîT b8db2ae5b6 Fixed a bug where the wrong cached value was being returned
If the item tree had already been read, the items DAO would return the
tree instead of the list when getTreeList() was being called.
2016-01-16 23:13:36 +01:00

340 lines
8.8 KiB

class DAO_Items
extends DAO
private $loaded = array( );
private $tree = null;
private $treeList = null;
private $activeTasksCounted = false;
public function createBefore( $name , $before , $description = '' )
$query = $this->query( 'SELECT insert_item_before( $1 , $2 , $3 ) AS error' );
$result = $query->execute( $name , $before , $description );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function createUnder( $name , $under , $description = '' )
$query = $this->query( 'SELECT insert_item_under( $1 , $2 , $3 ) AS error' );
$result = $query->execute( $name , $under , $description );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function createLast( $name , $description = '' )
$query = $this->query( 'SELECT insert_item_last( $1 , $2 ) AS error' );
$result = $query->execute( $name , $description );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function get( $identifier )
$identifier = (int)$identifier;
if ( array_key_exists( $identifier , $this->loaded ) ) {
return $this->loaded[ $identifier ];
$getNameQuery = $this->query( 'SELECT item_name , item_description FROM items WHERE item_id = $1' , true );
$result = $getNameQuery->execute( $identifier );
if ( empty( $result ) ) {
$rObj = null;
} else {
$rObj = new Data_Item( $identifier , $result[ 0 ]->item_name );
$rObj->description = $result[ 0 ]->item_description;
$this->loaded[ $identifier ] = $rObj;
return $rObj;
public function getLineage( Data_Item $item )
if ( is_array( $item->lineage ) ) {
return $item->lineage;
$query = $this->query(
'SELECT p.item_id , p.item_name , p.item_description FROM items_tree pt '
. 'INNER JOIN items p '
. 'ON p.item_id = pt.item_id_parent '
. 'WHERE pt.item_id_child = $1 AND pt.pt_depth > 0 '
. 'ORDER BY pt.pt_depth DESC' );
$result = $query->execute( $item->id );
$stack = array( );
foreach ( $result as $entry ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $entry->item_id , $this->loaded ) ) {
$object = $this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ];
} else {
$object = new Data_Item( $entry->item_id , $entry->item_name );
$object->description = $entry->item_description;
$this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ] = $object;
$object->lineage = $stack;
array_push( $stack , $entry->item_id );
$item->lineage = $stack;
return $item->lineage;
private function loadTree( )
$query = $this->query(
'SELECT p.item_id , p.item_name , p.item_description , MAX( t.pt_depth ) AS depth '
. 'FROM items p '
. 'INNER JOIN items_tree t ON t.item_id_child = p.item_id '
. 'GROUP BY p.item_id, p.item_name , p.item_ordering '
. 'ORDER BY p.item_ordering' );
$result = $query->execute( );
$prevEntry = null;
$stack = array( );
$stackSize = 0;
$this->tree = array( );
$this->treeList = array( );
foreach ( $result as $entry ) {
if ( $entry->depth > $stackSize ) {
array_push( $stack , $prevEntry );
$stackSize ++;
} elseif ( $entry->depth < $stackSize ) {
while ( $stackSize > $entry->depth ) {
array_pop( $stack );
$stackSize --;
if ( array_key_exists( $entry->item_id , $this->loaded ) ) {
$object = $this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ];
} else {
$object = new Data_Item( $entry->item_id , $entry->item_name );
$object->description = $entry->item_description;
$this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ] = $object;
$object->children = array( );
$object->lineage = $stack;
if ( $object->depth = $entry->depth ) {
$object->hasParent = true;
$object->parent = $stack[ $stackSize - 1 ];
array_push( $this->loaded[ $object->parent ]->children , $object->id );
} else {
$object->hasParent = false;
$this->loaded[ $object->id ] = $object;
if ( $object->depth == 0 ) {
array_push( $this->tree , $object );
array_push( $this->treeList , $object );
$prevEntry = $object->id;
public function getTree( )
if ( $this->tree !== null ) {
return $this->tree;
$this->loadTree( );
return $this->tree;
public function getTreeList( )
if ( $this->tree !== null ) {
return $this->treeList;
$this->loadTree( );
return $this->treeList;
public function getAll( $input )
$output = array( );
foreach ( $input as $id ) {
array_push( $output , $this->get( $id ) );
return $output;
public function countActiveTasks( )
if ( $this->activeTasksCounted ) {
$query = $this->query(
'SELECT p.item_id , p.item_name , p.item_description , COUNT(*) AS t_count_all , '
. 'COUNT( NULLIF( t.task_id_parent IS NULL , FALSE ) ) AS t_count '
. 'FROM items p '
. 'INNER JOIN tasks t USING( item_id ) '
. 'LEFT OUTER JOIN completed_tasks c ON t.task_id = c.task_id '
. 'WHERE c.task_id IS NULL '
. 'GROUP BY item_id, p.item_name' );
$results = $query->execute( );
foreach ( $results as $entry ) {
if ( array_key_exists( $entry->item_id , $this->loaded ) ) {
$object = $this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ];
} else {
$object = new Data_Item( $entry->item_id , $entry->item_name );
$object->description = $entry->item_description;
$this->loaded[ $entry->item_id ] = $object;
$object->activeTasks = $entry->t_count;
$object->activeTasksTotal = $entry->t_count_all;
$this->activeTasksCounted = true;
private function checkActiveTasksIn( Data_Item $item )
if ( (int) $item->activeTasks > 0 ) {
return true;
foreach ( $this->getAll( $item->children ) as $child ) {
if ( $this->checkActiveTasksIn( $child ) ) {
return true;
return false;
public function canDelete( Data_Item $item )
if ( $this->tree === null ) {
$this->loadTree( );
$this->countActiveTasks( );
return ! $this->checkActiveTasksIn( $item );
public function getMoveTargetsIn( $tree , $parent , $item )
$positions = array( );
$count = count( $tree );
$nameProblem = false;
for ( $i = 0 ; $i <= $count ; $i ++ ) {
// Completely skip the selected item and its children
if ( $i != $count && $tree[ $i ]->id == $item->id ) {
// Check for invalid positions (i.e. before/after selected item)
$invalidPos = ( $i > 0 && $tree[ $i - 1 ]->id == $item->id );
// Check for duplicate name
$nameProblem = $nameProblem || ( $i != $count && $tree[ $i ]->name == $item->name );
// Get children positions
if ( $i < $count ) {
$sub = $this->getMoveTargetsIn( $this->getAll( $tree[ $i ]->children ) , $tree[ $i ] , $item );
} else {
$sub = array( );
array_push( $positions , array(
'item' => ( $i < $count ) ? $tree[ $i ]->id : ( is_null( $parent ) ? null : $parent->id ) ,
'end' => ( $i == $count ) ? 1 : 0 ,
'valid' => ! $invalidPos ,
'sub' => $sub
) );
// Add all data to output array
$realPos = array( );
foreach ( $positions as $pos ) {
if ( $pos['valid'] && ! $nameProblem ) {
array_push( $realPos , $pos['end'] . ':' . $pos[ 'item' ] );
$realPos = array_merge( $realPos , $pos[ 'sub' ] );
return $realPos;
public function getMoveTargets( Data_Item $item )
// A destination is a (parent,position) couple, where the
// position corresponds to the item before which the selected
// item is to be moved.
// A destination is valid if:
// - there is no parent or the parent does not have the
// selected item in its lineage;
// - there is no item in the parent (or at the root if
// there is no parent) that uses the same name as the selected
// item, unless that item *is* the selected item;
// - the item at the specified position is not the selected
// item, or there is no item at the specified position;
// - the item before the specified position is not the
// selected item, or the specified position is 0.
$result = $this->getMoveTargetsIn( $this->getTree( ) , null , $item );
return $result;
public function canMove( Data_Item $item )
$result = $this->getMoveTargets( $item );
return ! empty( $result );
public function moveBefore( $item , $before )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT move_item_before( $1 , $2 ) AS error' )
->execute( $item , $before );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function moveUnder( $item , $under )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT move_item_under( $1 , $2 ) AS error' )
->execute( $item , $under );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function moveLast( $item )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT move_item_last( $1 ) AS error' )
->execute( $item );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;
public function destroy( $item )
$this->query( 'SELECT delete_item( $1 )' )->execute( $item );
public function modify( $item , $name , $description = '' )
$result = $this->query( 'SELECT update_item( $1 , $2 , $3 ) AS error' )
->execute( $item , $name , $description );
return $result[ 0 ]->error;