A very basic installer will appear when accessing the home page if there are no users in the database. It allows the initial user to be created.
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class Page_TasksUsers
extends AuthenticatedPage
public function __construct( )
parent::__construct( array(
'' => 'users_list' ,
'add' => 'users_add_form' ,
) );
$this->setTitle( 'Users' );
class Ctrl_UsersList
extends Controller
public function handle( Page $page )
$dao = Loader::DAO( 'users' );
return Loader::View( 'box' , null , Loader::View( 'users_list' , $dao->getUsers( ) ) )
->setClass( 'list' )
->addButton( BoxButton::create( 'Add user' , 'users/add' )
->setClass( 'list-add' ) );
class Ctrl_UsersAddForm
extends Controller
private $initial;
public function __construct( $initial = false )
$this->initial = $initial;
public function handle( Page $page )
$form = Loader::Create( 'Form' , 'Create user' , 'user-add' )
->addField( Loader::Create( 'Field' , 'email' , 'text' )
->setDescription( 'E-mail address:' )
->setValidator( Loader::Create( 'Validator_Email' , 'Invalid address.' ) ) )
->addField( Loader::Create( 'Field' , 'pass' , 'password' )
->setDescription( 'Password:' )
->setValidator( Loader::Create( 'Validator_StringLength' , 'This password' , 8 ) ) )
->addField( Loader::Create( 'Field' , 'pass2' , 'password' )
->setDescription( 'Confirm password:' ) )
->addController( Loader::Ctrl( 'users_add' , $this->initial ) );
if ( $this->initial ) {
$form->setSuccessURL( 'home' );
$page->setTitle( 'Initial user' );
} else {
$form->setURL( 'users' );
return $form->controller( );
class Ctrl_UsersAdd
extends Controller
implements FormAware
private $form;
private $initial;
public function __construct( $initial )
$this->initial = $initial;
public function setForm( Form $form )
$this->form = $form;
public function handle( Page $page )
$p1 = $this->form->field( 'pass' );
$p2 = $this->form->field( 'pass2' );
if ( $p1->value( ) != $p2->value( ) ) {
$p1->putError( 'Passwords did not match.' );
return null;
$email = $this->form->field( 'email' );
$error = Loader::DAO( 'users' )->addUser( $email->value( ) ,
$p1->value( ) );
switch ( $error ) {
case 0:
if ( $this->initial ) {
session_start( );
$_SESSION[ 'uid' ] = Loader::DAO( 'users' )->getUser( $email->value( ) )->user_id;
return true;
case 1:
$email->putError( 'This e-mail address is already in use.' );
$email->putError( 'Some unknown error has occurred (' . $error . ')' );
return null;
class View_UsersList
extends BaseURLAwareView
private $users;
public function __construct( $users )
$this->users = $users;
public function render( )
$table = HTML::make( 'table' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'tr' )
->setAttribute( 'class' , 'header' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'th' )
->appendText( 'E-mail address' ) ) );
foreach ( $this->users as $user ) {
$table->appendElement( HTML::make( 'tr' )
->appendElement( HTML::make( 'td' )
->appendText( $user->user_email ) ) );
return $table;