<?php class View_TasksList extends BaseURLAwareView { protected $tasks; protected $dao; public function __construct( $tasks , $features = array( 'item' , 'assigned' , 'deps' , 'completed' ) ) { $this->tasks = $tasks; $this->features = array_combine( $features , array_fill( 0 , count( $features ) , 1 ) ); $this->dao = Loader::DAO( 'tasks' ); } public final function render( ) { if ( empty( $this->tasks ) ) { return HTML::make( 'div' ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'no-table' ) ->appendText( 'No tasks to display.' ); } return HTML::make( 'dl' ) ->append( $this->generateList( ) ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'tasks' ); } private function generateList( ) { $result = array( ); $prevPriority = 6; foreach ( $this->tasks as $task ) { $priority = ( $task->completed_by === null ) ? $task->priority : -1; if ( $priority !== $prevPriority ) { if ( $priority == -1 ) { $text = 'Completed tasks'; $extraClass = ' completed'; } else { $text = $this->dao->translatePriority( $priority ) . ' priority'; $extraClass = ''; } $prevPriority = $priority; array_push( $result , HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'sub-title' . $extraClass ) ->appendText( $text ) ); } $result = array_merge( $result , $this->generateItem( $task ) ); } return $result; } protected function generateItem( $task ) { $cell = array( ); array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $task->id ) ->appendText( $task->title ) ) ); $this->addParent( $cell , $task ); $classes = array( ); $addedAt = strtotime( $task->added_at ); $addedAtDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $addedAt ); $addedAtTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $addedAt ); array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "Added $addedAtDate at $addedAtTime by {$task->added_by}" ) ); if ( $task->completed_by !== null ) { $this->generateCompletedTask( $cell , $classes , $task ); } else { if ( $task->unsatisfied_direct_dependencies > 0 ) { $this->generateMissingDependencies( $cell , $classes , $task ); } if ( $task->incomplete_subtasks > 0 ) { $this->generateMissingSubtasks( $cell , $classes , $task ); } if ( $task->unsatisfied_inherited_dependencies > 0 ) { $this->generateMissingInherited( $cell , $classes , $task ); } if ( $task->assigned_to !== null ) { $this->generateAssignedTask( $cell , $classes , $task ); } } if ( ! empty( $classes ) ) { foreach ( $cell as $entry ) { $entry->setAttribute( 'class' , join( ' ' , array_unique( $classes ) ) ); } } return $cell; } protected function addParent( &$cell , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'item' , $this->features ) ) { return; } $this->addItem( $cell , $task ); if ( $task->parent_task !== null ) { $this->addParentTask( $cell , $task ); } } protected function addItem( &$cell , $task ) { $itemsDao = Loader::DAO( 'items' ); $item = $itemsDao->get( $task->item ); $lineage = $itemsDao->getLineage( $item ); array_push( $lineage , $item->id ); $contents = array( ); foreach ( Loader::DAO( 'items' )->getAll( $lineage ) as $ancestor ) { if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) { array_push( $contents , ' » ' ); } array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $ancestor->id ) ->appendText( $ancestor->name ) ); } array_unshift( $contents, 'On ' ); array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->append( $contents ) ); } protected function addParentTask( &$cell , $task ) { $parents = $this->dao->getLineage( $task ); $contents = array( ); foreach ( $parents as $parent ) { list( $id , $title ) = $parent; if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) { array_push( $contents , ' » ' ); } array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $id ) ->appendText( $title ) ); } array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendText( 'Sub-task of ' ) ->append( $contents ) ); } protected function generateMissingDependencies( &$cell , &$classes , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'deps' , $this->features ) ) { return; } if ( $task->unsatisfied_direct_dependencies > 1 ) { $end = 'ies'; } else { $end = 'y'; } array_push( $cell , $md = HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "{$task->unsatisfied_direct_dependencies} missing dependenc$end" ) ); if ( $task->unsatisfied_direct_dependencies != $task->unsatisfied_transitive_dependencies ) { $md->appendText( " ({$task->unsatisfied_transitive_dependencies} when counting transitive dependencies)" ); } array_push( $classes , 'missing-deps' ); } protected function generateMissingSubtasks( &$cell , &$classes , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'deps' , $this->features ) ) { return; } if ( $task->incomplete_subtasks > 1 ) { $end = 's'; } else { $end = ''; } array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "{$task->incomplete_subtasks} incomplete sub-task$end (out of {$task->total_subtasks})" ) ); array_push( $classes , 'missing-deps' ); } protected function generateMissingInherited( &$cell , &$classes , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'deps' , $this->features ) ) { return; } if ( $task->unsatisfied_inherited_dependencies > 1 ) { $end = 'ies'; } else { $end = 'y'; } array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "{$task->unsatisfied_inherited_dependencies} unsatisfied dependenc$end in parent task(s)" ) ); array_push( $classes , 'missing-deps' ); } protected function generateAssignedTask( &$cell , &$classes , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'assigned' , $this->features ) ) { return; } array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( 'Assigned to ' . $task->assigned_to ) ); array_push( $classes , 'assigned' ); } protected function generateCompletedTask( &$cell , &$classes , $task ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( 'completed' , $this->features ) ) { return; } $completedAt = strtotime( $task->completed_at ); $completedAtDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $completedAt ); $completedAtTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $completedAt ); array_push( $cell , HTML::make( 'dd' )->appendText( "Completed $completedAtDate at $completedAtTime by {$task->completed_by}" ) ); array_push( $classes , 'completed' ); } } class View_TaskDetails extends BaseURLAwareView { private $task; public function __construct( $task ) { $this->task = $task; } public function render( ) { $list = HTML::make( 'dl' ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'tasks' ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'On item:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->append( $this->formatPlaceLineage( $this->task->item ) ) ); if ( $this->task->parent_task !== null ) { $parents = Loader::DAO( 'tasks' )->getLineage( $this->task ); $contents = array( ); foreach ( $parents as $parent ) { list( $id , $title ) = $parent; if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) { array_push( $contents , ' » ' ); } array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $id ) ->appendText( $title ) ); } $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Sub-task of:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->append( $contents ) ); } if ( $this->task->description != '' ) { $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Description:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendRaw( $this->formatDescription( ) ) ); } $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Added:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendText( $this->formatAction( $this->task->added_at , $this->task->added_by ) ) ); if ( $this->task->completed_by === null ) { $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Priority:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendText( Loader::DAO( 'tasks' ) ->translatePriority( $this->task->priority ) ) ); if ( $this->task->assigned_to === null ) { $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'unassigned-task' ) ->appendText( 'Unassigned!' ) ); } else { $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Assigned to:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendText( $this->task->assigned_to ) ); } } else { $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dt' ) ->appendText( 'Completed:' ) ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'dd' ) ->appendText( $this->formatAction( $this->task->completed_at , $this->task->completed_by ) ) ); } return $list; } private function formatPlaceLineage( $item ) { $lineage = $item->lineage; array_push( $lineage , $item->id ); $contents = array( ); foreach ( Loader::DAO( 'items' )->getAll( $lineage ) as $ancestor ) { if ( ! empty( $contents ) ) { array_push( $contents , ' » ' ); } array_push( $contents , HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $ancestor->id ) ->appendText( $ancestor->name ) ); } return $contents; } private function formatDescription( ) { $description = HTML::from( $this->task->description ); return preg_replace( '/\n/s' , '<br/>' , $description ); } private function formatAction( $timestamp , $user ) { $ts = strtotime( $timestamp ); $tsDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $ts ); $tsTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $ts ); return "$tsDate at $tsTime by $user"; } } class View_TaskNote implements View { private $note; public function __construct( $note ) { $this->note = $note; } public function render( ) { $text = HTML::make( 'p' ) ->appendRaw( preg_replace( '/\n/s' , '<br/>' , HTML::from( $this->note->text ) ) ); $ts = strtotime( $this->note->added_at ); $tsDate = date( 'd/m/o' , $ts ); $tsTime = date( 'H:i:s' , $ts ); $details = HTML::make( 'div') ->setAttribute( 'style' , 'font-size: 9pt' ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'em' ) ->appendText( "Note added $tsDate at $tsTime by {$this->note->author}" ) ); return array( $text , $details ); } } class View_TaskDependencies extends BaseURLAwareView { private $task; private $reverse; public function __construct( $task , $reverse ) { $this->task = $task; $this->reverse = $reverse; } public function render( ) { $source = $this->reverse ? 'reverseDependencies' : 'dependencies'; if ( empty( $this->task->$source ) ) { return HTML::make( 'div' ) ->setAttribute( 'class' , 'no-table' ) ->appendText( 'This task has no dependencies.' ); } $list = HTML::make( 'ul' )->setAttribute( 'class' , 'dep-list' ); $prevItem = null; $itemList = null; foreach ( $this->task->$source as $dependency ) { if ( $prevItem !== $dependency->item ) { $itemList = HTML::make( 'ul' ); $list->appendElement( HTML::make( 'li' ) ->appendText( 'In ' ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/items/view?id=' . $dependency->item ) ->appendText( $dependency->item_name ) ) ->appendElement( $itemList ) ); $prevItem = $dependency->item; } elseif ( $itemList === null ) { $itemList = $list; } $entry = HTML::make( 'li' )->appendElement( $link = HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/view?id=' . $dependency->id ) ->appendText( $dependency->title ) ); if ( ! $this->reverse ) { $link->setAttribute( 'class' , ( $dependency->completed == 't' ) ? 'satisfied' : 'missing' ); if ( $this->task->completed_at === null ) { $entry->appendText( ' (' ) ->appendElement( HTML::make( 'a' ) ->setAttribute( 'href' , $this->base . '/tasks/deps/delete?from=' . $this->task->id . '&to=' . $dependency->id ) ->appendText( 'remove') ) ->appendText( ')' ); if ( $dependency->missing_dependencies != 0 ) { $end = $dependency->missing_dependencies > 1 ? 'ies' : 'y'; $entry->appendElement( HTML::make( 'ul' ) ->appendElement( $mdeps = HTML::make( 'li' ) ) ); $mdeps->appendText( $dependency->missing_dependencies . " missing dependenc$end (transitively)" ); } } } $itemList->appendElement( $entry ); } return $list; } }