Quick and dirty, Linux-only GLSL syntax checker for Syntastic [1]. It uses the local GL driver to check for errors in shaders. It requires OpenGL 4.1 because it uses glCreateShaderProgramv. A shader's source file must contain a line that reads: // type: X where X is one of the following: v Vertex shader f Fragment shader g Geometry shader tc Tessellation control shader te Tessellation evaluation shader c Compute shader Also, you probably need to add let g:syntastic_glsl_checkers = [ 'driver' ] somewhere in your Vim configuration. For NeoBundle, this should work: NeoBundle 'tseeker/syntastic-glsl-drv' , { \ 'build' : { \ 'linux' : 'make' \ }, \ } [1] https://github.com/scrooloose/syntastic