Added table blocks and items

This commit is contained in:
Emmanuel BENOîT 2016-06-13 17:07:42 +02:00
parent b7b0f59c82
commit ab477171b8
59 changed files with 1688 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package mmm; package mmm;
import mmm.deco.DecorativeBlocks;
import mmm.utils.URegistration; import mmm.utils.URegistration;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler;
@ -21,6 +22,7 @@ public class Mmm {
public static abstract class CommonProxy { public static abstract class CommonProxy {
public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) { public void preInit(FMLPreInitializationEvent event) {
URegistration.registerRecipes(); URegistration.registerRecipes();
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
package mmm.deco;
import java.util.List;
import mmm.Mmm;
import mmm.utils.I_URecipeRegistrar;
import mmm.utils.UMaths;
import mmm.utils.URegistration;
import net.minecraft.block.Block;
import net.minecraft.block.BlockPlanks;
import net.minecraft.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.block.material.MapColor;
import net.minecraft.block.material.Material;
import net.minecraft.block.state.BlockStateContainer;
import net.minecraft.block.state.IBlockState;
import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.util.BlockRenderLayer;
import net.minecraft.util.Mirror;
import net.minecraft.util.Rotation;
import net.minecraft.util.math.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.math.BlockPos;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.Side;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.SideOnly;
public class DBlockTable extends Block implements I_URecipeRegistrar {
public final static String ID = "deco_table_";
public final static String NAME = Mmm.PREFIX + ID;
public static enum E_WoodType {
OAK("oak", BlockPlanks.EnumType.OAK), //
BIRCH("birch", BlockPlanks.EnumType.BIRCH), //
SPRUCE("spruce", BlockPlanks.EnumType.SPRUCE), //
JUNGLE("jungle", BlockPlanks.EnumType.JUNGLE), //
DARK_OAK("dark_oak", BlockPlanks.EnumType.DARK_OAK), //
ACACIA("acacia", BlockPlanks.EnumType.ACACIA);
public final String suffix;
public final int metaData;
public final MapColor mapColor;
public final Block block;
private E_WoodType(String suffix, BlockPlanks.EnumType planks) {
this.suffix = suffix;
this.metaData = planks.getMetadata();
this.mapColor = planks.getMapColor();
this.block = Blocks.PLANKS;
protected static final AxisAlignedBB COLLISION_TOP = UMaths.makeBlockAABB(0, 12, 0, 16, 16, 16);
protected static final AxisAlignedBB COLLISION_LEGS[] = { //
UMaths.makeBlockAABB(1, 0, 1, 3, 12, 3), //
UMaths.makeBlockAABB(13, 0, 1, 15, 12, 3), //
UMaths.makeBlockAABB(13, 0, 13, 15, 12, 15), //
UMaths.makeBlockAABB(1, 0, 13, 3, 12, 15), //
public static final PropertyBool NORTH = PropertyBool.create("north");
public static final PropertyBool EAST = PropertyBool.create("east");
public static final PropertyBool SOUTH = PropertyBool.create("south");
public static final PropertyBool WEST = PropertyBool.create("west");
public static final PropertyBool NW = PropertyBool.create("nw");
public static final PropertyBool NE = PropertyBool.create("ne");
public static final PropertyBool SW = PropertyBool.create("sw");
public static final PropertyBool SE = PropertyBool.create("se");
private static final PropertyBool[] DIRECTIONS = { //
public final E_WoodType type;
public DBlockTable(E_WoodType type) {
super(Material.WOOD, type.mapColor);
this.type = type;
.withProperty(NORTH, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(EAST, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(WEST, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(NW, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(NE, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(SW, Boolean.valueOf(false))//
.withProperty(SE, Boolean.valueOf(false)));
this.setRegistryName(ID + type.suffix);
this.setUnlocalizedName(NAME + type.suffix);
this.lightOpacity = 0;
this.translucent = false;
this.fullBlock = false;
this.blockHardness = 2.5f;
this.blockResistance = 12.5f;
this.blockSoundType = SoundType.LADDER;
this.enableStats = false;
this.setHarvestLevel("axe", 0);
public void registerRecipe() {
GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack(this), //
"BBB", //
"S S", //
'B', new ItemStack(this.type.block, 1, this.type.metaData), //
'S', Items.STICK //
public boolean isOpaqueCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
public boolean isFullCube(IBlockState state) {
return false;
public boolean canConnectTo(IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) {
return worldIn.getBlockState(pos).getBlock() == this;
protected BlockStateContainer createBlockState() {
return new BlockStateContainer(this, new IProperty[] { NORTH, EAST, WEST, SOUTH, NE, NW, SE, SW });
public int getMetaFromState(IBlockState state) {
return 0;
public IBlockState getActualState(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess worldIn, BlockPos pos) {
BlockPos n = pos.north();
BlockPos s = pos.south();
BlockPos w = pos.west();
BlockPos e = pos.east();
return state.withProperty(NORTH, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, n)))//
.withProperty(EAST, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, e)))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, s)))//
.withProperty(WEST, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, w)))//
.withProperty(NW, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, n.west())))//
.withProperty(NE, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, n.east())))//
.withProperty(SW, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, s.west())))//
.withProperty(SE, Boolean.valueOf(this.canConnectTo(worldIn, s.east())))//
public IBlockState withRotation(IBlockState state, Rotation rot) {
switch (rot) {
case CLOCKWISE_180:
return state.withProperty(NORTH, state.getValue(SOUTH))//
.withProperty(EAST, state.getValue(WEST))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, state.getValue(NORTH))//
.withProperty(WEST, state.getValue(EAST))//
.withProperty(NW, state.getValue(SE))//
.withProperty(NE, state.getValue(SW))//
.withProperty(SE, state.getValue(NW))//
.withProperty(SW, state.getValue(NE))//
return state.withProperty(NORTH, state.getValue(EAST))//
.withProperty(EAST, state.getValue(SOUTH))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, state.getValue(WEST))//
.withProperty(WEST, state.getValue(NORTH))//
.withProperty(NW, state.getValue(NE))//
.withProperty(NE, state.getValue(SE))//
.withProperty(SE, state.getValue(SW))//
.withProperty(SW, state.getValue(NW))//
case CLOCKWISE_90:
return state.withProperty(NORTH, state.getValue(WEST))//
.withProperty(EAST, state.getValue(NORTH))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, state.getValue(EAST))//
.withProperty(WEST, state.getValue(SOUTH))//
.withProperty(NW, state.getValue(SW))//
.withProperty(NE, state.getValue(NW))//
.withProperty(SE, state.getValue(NE))//
.withProperty(SW, state.getValue(SE))//
return state;
public IBlockState withMirror(IBlockState state, Mirror mirrorIn) {
switch (mirrorIn) {
return state.withProperty(NORTH, state.getValue(SOUTH))//
.withProperty(SOUTH, state.getValue(NORTH))//
.withProperty(NW, state.getValue(SW))//
.withProperty(NE, state.getValue(SE))//
.withProperty(SW, state.getValue(NW))//
.withProperty(SE, state.getValue(NE))//
return state.withProperty(EAST, state.getValue(WEST))//
.withProperty(WEST, state.getValue(EAST))//
.withProperty(NW, state.getValue(NE))//
.withProperty(NE, state.getValue(NW))//
.withProperty(SW, state.getValue(SE))//
.withProperty(SE, state.getValue(SW))//
return state;
public AxisAlignedBB getBoundingBox(IBlockState state, IBlockAccess source, BlockPos pos) {
IBlockState actual = this.getActualState(state, source, pos);
for (int i = 0, dir = 0; i < 4; i++, dir += 2) {
boolean c0 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[dir]);
boolean c1 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[(dir + 6) % 8]);
boolean c10 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[(dir + 7) % 8]);
if (!(c0 || c1) || (c0 && c1 && !c10)) {
public void addCollisionBoxToList(IBlockState state, World worldIn, BlockPos pos, AxisAlignedBB container,
List<AxisAlignedBB> output, Entity entity) {
IBlockState actual = this.getActualState(state, worldIn, pos);
addCollisionBoxToList(pos, container, output, COLLISION_TOP);
for (int i = 0, dir = 0; i < 4; i++, dir += 2) {
boolean c0 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[dir]);
boolean c1 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[(dir + 6) % 8]);
boolean c10 = actual.getValue(DIRECTIONS[(dir + 7) % 8]);
if (!(c0 || c1) || (c0 && c1 && !c10)) {
addCollisionBoxToList(pos, container, output, COLLISION_LEGS[i]);
public BlockRenderLayer getBlockLayer() {
return BlockRenderLayer.CUTOUT;

View file

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package mmm.deco;
public class DecorativeBlocks {
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_OAK;
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_BIRCH;
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_SPRUCE;
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_JUNGLE;
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_DARK_OAK;
public static final DBlockTable TABLE_ACACIA;
static {
TABLE_OAK = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.OAK );
TABLE_BIRCH = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.BIRCH );
TABLE_SPRUCE = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.SPRUCE );
TABLE_JUNGLE = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.JUNGLE );
TABLE_DARK_OAK = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.DARK_OAK );
TABLE_ACACIA = new DBlockTable( DBlockTable.E_WoodType.ACACIA );
public static void preInit() {

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/leg", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/legtop" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_main" }
} ,
"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_main" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_west" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/acacia/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/leg", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/legtop" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_main" }
} ,
"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_main" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_west" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/birch/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/leg", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/legtop" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" } ,
{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_main" }
} ,
"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_main" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_west" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/dark_oak/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/leg", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/legtop" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_main" }
} ,
"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_main" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "west": "true" , "nw": false } ,
{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_west" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/jungle/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/leg", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/legtop" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_main" }
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"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_main" , "y": 180 }
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"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_west" }
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"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/oak/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
"multipart": [
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/top" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "west": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "west": "true", "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/leg" }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "north": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": "true", "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/leg", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
{ "south": "false" , "east": "false" } ,
{ "south": "true" , "east": "true", "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/leg", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "south": "true" , "west": "true", "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/leg", "y": 270 }
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"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "nw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/legtop" }
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"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "ne": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/legtop", "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "east": "false" } ,
{ "se": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/legtop", "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR": [
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{ "west": "false" } ,
{ "sw": "false" }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/legtop", "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "north": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_main" }
} ,
"when": { "east": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_main" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "south": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_main" , "y": 180 }
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"when": { "west": "false" } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_main" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "north": "true" , "west": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_north" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "north": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_north" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "south": "true" , "east": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_north" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "west": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_north" , "y": 270 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
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{ "west": "true" , "north": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_west" }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "north": "true" , "ne": false } ,
{ "north": "true" , "east": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_west" , "y": 90 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "east": "true" , "se": false } ,
{ "east": "true" , "south": false }
] } ,
"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_west" , "y": 180 }
} ,
"when": { "OR" : [
{ "south": "true" , "sw": false } ,
{ "south": "true" , "west": false }
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"apply": { "model": "mmm:deco/table/spruce/support_west" , "y": 270 }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ table table table table wood table oak table

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/leg",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/legtop",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/top",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/leg",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_birch",
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_birch"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_birch",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_birch"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_north",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_birch",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_birch"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_west",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_birch",
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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"textures": {
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"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_birch"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/leg",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/legtop",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_main",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_north",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_west",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/top",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/leg",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/legtop",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_main",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_north",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/support_west",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:block/deco/table/top",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"leg": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

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View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
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View file

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"scale": [ 0.375, 0.375, 0.375 ]
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"scale": [ 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 ]

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_acacia",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_acacia"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_birch",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_birch"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_big_oak",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_big_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_jungle",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_jungle"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_oak",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_oak"

View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"parent": "mmm:item/deco_table",
"textures": {
"body": "minecraft:blocks/planks_spruce",
"legs": "minecraft:blocks/log_spruce"