* A stored procedure which implements technologies has been added. It will mark a pending technology as implemented and remove the corresponding quantity of money from the empire, then add any newly available research items to the empire's research.
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* Unit tests for emp.technology_implement()
\i utils/strings.sql
\i utils/resources.sql
\i utils/accounts.sql
\i utils/naming.sql
\i utils/universe.sql
* Create empires
SELECT _create_emp_names( 4 , 'emp' );
INSERT INTO emp.empires ( name_id , cash )
SELECT id , 200 FROM naming.empire_names;
* We also need 3 technologies (tech1, tech2 and tech3), and some
* dependencies between them: tech3 -> {tech2, tech1}). Disabling
* unused fields in defs.technologies makes things easier.
ALTER TABLE defs.technologies
ALTER technology_category_id DROP NOT NULL ,
ALTER technology_discovery_id DROP NOT NULL ,
ALTER technology_description_id DROP NOT NULL ,
ALTER technology_points DROP NOT NULL;
SELECT _create_test_strings( 3 , 'tech' );
INSERT INTO defs.technologies ( technology_name_id , technology_price )
VALUES ( _get_string( 'tech1' ) , 200 ) ,
( _get_string( 'tech2' ) , 200 ) ,
( _get_string( 'tech3' ) , 300 );
INSERT INTO defs.technology_dependencies(
technology_name_id , technology_name_id_depends
) VALUES ( _get_string( 'tech3' ) , _get_string( 'tech1' ) ) ,
( _get_string( 'tech3' ) , _get_string( 'tech2' ) );
/* Empire "emp1" has only in-progress research. */
INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id )
VALUES( _get_emp_name( 'emp1' ) , _get_string( 'tech1' ) );
/* Empire "emp2" has a pending technology. */
INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id , emptech_state , emptech_points , emptech_priority )
VALUES( _get_emp_name( 'emp2' ) , _get_string( 'tech1' ) , 'PENDING' , NULL , NULL );
/* Empire "emp3" has implemented 'tech1' and has 'tech2' as pending. */
INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id , emptech_state , emptech_points , emptech_priority )
VALUES( _get_emp_name( 'emp3' ) , _get_string( 'tech1' ) , 'KNOWN' , NULL , NULL ) ,
( _get_emp_name( 'emp3' ) , _get_string( 'tech2' ) , 'PENDING' , NULL , NULL );
/* Empire "emp4" has implemented 'tech1' and 'tech2' and has 'tech3' as pending. */
INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id , emptech_state , emptech_points , emptech_priority )
VALUES( _get_emp_name( 'emp4' ) , _get_string( 'tech1' ) , 'KNOWN' , NULL , NULL ) ,
( _get_emp_name( 'emp4' ) , _get_string( 'tech2' ) , 'KNOWN' , NULL , NULL ) ,
( _get_emp_name( 'emp4' ) , _get_string( 'tech3' ) , 'PENDING' , NULL , NULL );
-- ***** TESTS BEGIN HERE *****
SELECT plan( 10 );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on in-progress research' );
SELECT ok( NOT emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp1' ) , 'tech1' ) );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on unknown technology' );
SELECT ok( NOT emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp1' ) , 'tech2' ) );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on implemented technology' );
SELECT ok( NOT emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp3' ) , 'tech1' ) );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - No new research - Return value' );
SELECT ok( emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp2' ) , 'tech1' ) );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - No new research - Table contents' );
SELECT set_eq( $$
SELECT technology_name_id , emptech_state::TEXT
FROM emp.technologies_v2
WHERE empire_id = _get_emp_name( 'emp2' )
$$ , $$ VALUES(
_get_string( 'tech1' ) , 'KNOWN'
) $$ );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - No new research - Empire cash' );
SELECT is( cash , 0.0::REAL ) FROM emp.empires
WHERE name_id = _get_emp_name( 'emp2' );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - New research - Return value' );
SELECT ok( emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp3' ) , 'tech2' ) );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - New research - Table contents' );
SELECT set_eq( $$
SELECT technology_name_id , emptech_state::TEXT
FROM emp.technologies_v2
WHERE empire_id = _get_emp_name( 'emp3' )
$$ , $$ VALUES(
_get_string( 'tech1' ) , 'KNOWN'
) , (
_get_string( 'tech2' ) , 'KNOWN'
) , (
_get_string( 'tech3' ) , 'RESEARCH'
) $$ );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology - New research - Empire cash' );
SELECT is( cash , 0.0::REAL ) FROM emp.empires
WHERE name_id = _get_emp_name( 'emp3' );
SELECT diag_test_name( 'emp.technology_implement() - Call on pending technology when empire cash is too low' );
SELECT ok( NOT emp.technology_implement( _get_emp_name( 'emp4' ) , 'tech3' ) );
SELECT * FROM finish( );