* The main loader script has been updated to generate the list of files it needs to load automatically. As a consequence, files that contained manually-maintained lists of scripts have been removed, and definition directories have been renamed accordingly. * PostgreSQL extension loading and configuration has been moved to a separate script to be loaded automatically in the main transaction. * Data and function definition scripts that had the -data or -functions suffix have been renamed (the suffix is unnecessary). * Unit tests have been reorganised to follow the definition's structure. * Documentation has been improved
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-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6
-- PostgreSQL database scripts
-- Views for empires' planet lists
-- Copyright(C) 2004-2010, DeepClone Development
-- --------------------------------------------------------
-- Basic planet information
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_basic
AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire ,
p.name_id AS id , n.name ,
s.x , s.y , p.orbit ,
p.population , ph.current / p.population::REAL AS happiness ,
floor( pm.income )::BIGINT AS income ,
floor( pm.upkeep )::BIGINT AS upkeep
FROM emp.empires e
INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id
INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ep.planet_id
INNER JOIN naming.map_names n ON n.id = p.name_id
INNER JOIN verse.planet_happiness ph ON ph.planet_id = p.name_id
INNER JOIN verse.planet_money pm ON pm.planet_id = p.name_id
INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id;
-- Production
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_prod
verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( id , 'WORK') , happiness ) AS military_production ,
verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( id , 'CASH') , happiness ) AS industrial_production ,
verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( id , 'POP') , happiness ) AS growth_production ,
verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( id , 'DEF') , happiness ) AS static_defence
FROM emp.planets_list_basic;
-- Civilian investment
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_civ_invest
AS SELECT q.planet_id AS id , sum( CASE WHEN qi.destroy THEN 0 ELSE qi.amount * qb.cost END ) - q.money AS civ_investment
FROM verse.bld_queues q
INNER JOIN verse.bld_items qi ON qi.queue_id = q.planet_id
INNER JOIN tech.buildables qb ON qb.name_id = qi.building_id
GROUP BY q.planet_id , q.money;
-- Military investment
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_mil_invest
AS SELECT q.planet_id AS id , sum( qi.amount * qb.cost ) - q.money AS mil_investment
FROM verse.mil_queues q
INNER JOIN verse.mil_items qi ON qi.queue_id = q.planet_id
INNER JOIN tech.buildables qb ON qb.name_id = qi.ship_id
GROUP BY q.planet_id , q.money;
-- First item on civilian queues
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_civ_top
AS SELECT qi.queue_id AS id , qi.amount AS civ_amount , qi.destroy AS civ_destroy , t.translated_string AS civ_name
FROM verse.bld_items qi
INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = qi.queue_id
INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = ep.empire_id
INNER JOIN users.credentials cred ON cred.address_id = en.owner_id
INNER JOIN defs.translations t ON t.lang_id = cred.language_id AND t.string_id = qi.building_id
WHERE qi.queue_order = 0;
-- First item on military queues
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_mil_top
AS SELECT qi.queue_id AS id , qi.amount AS mil_amount , t.translated_string AS mil_name
FROM verse.mil_items qi
INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = qi.queue_id
INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = ep.empire_id
INNER JOIN users.credentials cred ON cred.address_id = en.owner_id
INNER JOIN defs.translations t ON t.lang_id = cred.language_id AND t.string_id = qi.ship_id
WHERE qi.queue_order = 0;
-- Fleets
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list_fleets
AS SELECT f.location_id AS id , ( CASE
WHEN f.owner_id = ep.empire_id THEN 0
WHEN f.attacking THEN 2
END ) AS rel_type , sum( fs.power )::BIGINT AS power
FROM fleets.fleets f
INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON f.location_id = ep.planet_id
INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id
LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements fm ON fm.fleet_id = f.id
GROUP BY f.location_id , ( CASE
WHEN f.owner_id = ep.empire_id THEN 0
WHEN f.attacking THEN 2
END );
-- Actual planet list
CREATE VIEW emp.planets_list
AS SELECT e.empire , e.id , e.name , e.x , e.y , e.orbit ,
floor( e.population )::BIGINT AS population ,
floor( 100 * e.happiness )::INT AS happiness ,
e.income , e.upkeep ,
floor( p.military_production )::BIGINT AS military_production ,
floor( p.industrial_production )::BIGINT AS industrial_production ,
floor( p.growth_production )::BIGINT AS growth_production ,
( CASE WHEN ci IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE floor( ci.civ_investment ) END )::BIGINT AS civ_investment ,
ct.civ_amount , ct.civ_destroy , ct.civ_name ,
( CASE WHEN mi IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE floor( mi.mil_investment ) END )::BIGINT AS mil_investment ,
mt.mil_amount , mt.mil_name ,
floor( p.static_defence )::BIGINT AS static_defence ,
( CASE WHEN of IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE of.power END ) AS own_fleet ,
( CASE WHEN ff IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ff.power END ) AS friendly_fleet ,
( CASE WHEN hf IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE hf.power END ) AS hostile_fleet ,
b.id AS battle
FROM emp.planets_list_basic e
INNER JOIN emp.planets_list_prod p USING ( id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_civ_invest ci USING ( id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_civ_top ct USING ( id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_mil_invest mi USING ( id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_mil_top mt USING ( id )
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_fleets of ON of.id = e.id AND of.rel_type = 0
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_fleets ff ON ff.id = e.id AND ff.rel_type = 1
LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets_list_fleets hf ON hf.id = e.id AND hf.rel_type = 2
LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = e.id AND b.last_tick IS NULL
ORDER BY e.x , e.y , e.orbit;
GRANT SELECT ON emp.planets_list TO :dbuser;