* Added session records to carry resource information over to the clients * Added SQL support code for the various views * Added interface and implementation of the resource information access component * Hooked resources information queries into both the empire and planet management component * Added resources display to planet and overview pages
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<#macro game_time record>
<#if record.years == 1>
1 an,
<#elseif record.years gt 1 >
${record.years?string(",##0")} ans,
<#if record.weeks == 1>
1 semaine,
<#elseif record.weeks gt 1 >
${record.weeks?string} semaines,
<#if record.days == 1>
1 jour
<#elseif record.days gt 1 >
${record.days?string} jours,
premier jour,
<#macro game_duration record>
<#if record.years == 1>
1 an
<#elseif record.years gt 1 >
${record.years?string(",##0")} ans
<#if record.weeks == 1>
1 semaine
<#elseif record.weeks gt 1 >
${record.weeks?string} semaines
<#if record.days == 1>
1 jour
<#elseif record.days gt 1 >
${record.days?string} jours
<#if record.hours == 1>
1 heure
<#elseif record.hours gt 1 >
${record.hours?string} heures
<#macro rl_duration rTime>
<#local rlDays = (rTime / 1440)?floor>
<#local rlHours = ((rTime - rlDays * 1440) / 60)?floor>
<#local rlMinutes = (rTime - rlDays * 1440 - rlHours * 60)>
<#if rlDays gt 0>
<#if rlDays = 1>1 jour<#else>${rlDays} jours</#if>
<#if rlHours gt 0>
<#if rlHours = 1>1 heure<#else>${rlHours} heures</#if>
<#if rlMinutes gt 0>
<#if rlMinutes = 1>1 minute<#else>${rlMinutes} minutes</#if>
<#macro duration rTime gTime>
<#if data.page.useRLTime>
<@rl_duration rTime=rTime />
<span title="<@rl_duration rTime=rTime />"><@game_duration record=gTime /></span>
<#macro abbr_bgc><abbr title="milliards de crédits galactiques">mcg</abbr></#macro>
<#macro abbr_st><abbr title="Temps Serveur">TS </abbr></#macro>
<#macro abbr_gt><abbr title="Temps dans l'univers du jeu">TJ </abbr></#macro>
<#macro over_time title feminin=false pluriel=false>
<#if data.page.useRLTime>
${title?xhtml} (pour 12h)
${title?xhtml} mensuel<#if feminin>le</#if><#if pluriel>s</#if>
</#macro> |