-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Functions for the resource provider generator -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2012, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- /* * Resource provider generator data * * This data type is used to store statistics about the existing resource * providers. A single item of the type represents both statistics and * parameters for a given resource type. */ DROP TYPE IF EXISTS verse.resprov_generator_type CASCADE; CREATE TYPE verse.resprov_generator_type AS ( /* Type of natural resource */ resource_name_id INT , /* Planets in the universe */ planets DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Providers of this type in the universe */ providers DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Presence probability (from the resource's definition) */ presence DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Total maximal quantity of this type of resource in the whole * universe. */ quantity DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Average quantity (from the resource's definition) */ quantity_avg DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Maximal deviation from the average quantity (from the resource's * definition) */ quantity_dev DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Total extraction difficulty for this type of resource in the whole * universe. */ difficulty DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Average difficulty (from the resource's definition) */ difficulty_avg DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Maximal deviation from the average difficulty (from the resource's * definition) */ difficulty_dev DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Total recovery rate for this type of resource in the whole * universe. */ recovery DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Average recovery rate (from the resource's definition) */ recovery_avg DOUBLE PRECISION , /* Maximal deviation from the average recovery rate (from the */ recovery_dev DOUBLE PRECISION ); /* * Collect resource provider statistics * * This procedure collects statistics about resource providers into a * temporary table named resource_statistics, using the resprov_generator_type * as the table's structure. The table will be dropped on commit. * * This function is necessary because the statistics must be collected before * new planets are generated. */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS verse.collect_resprov_statistics( ); CREATE FUNCTION verse.collect_resprov_statistics( ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $collect_resprov_statistics$ BEGIN CREATE TEMP TABLE rp_stats OF verse.resprov_generator_type ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO rp_stats SELECT resource_name_id , _pcount.planets AS planets , ( CASE WHEN _rp_stats.providers IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE _rp_stats.providers END ) AS providers , natres_p_presence AS presence , ( CASE WHEN _rp_stats.tot_quantity IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE _rp_stats.tot_quantity END ) AS quantity , natres_quantity_avg AS quantity_avg , natres_quantity_dev AS quantity_dev , ( CASE WHEN _rp_stats.tot_difficulty IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE _rp_stats.tot_difficulty END ) AS difficulty , natres_difficulty_avg AS difficulty_avg , natres_difficulty_dev AS difficulty_dev , ( CASE WHEN _rp_stats.tot_recovery IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE _rp_stats.tot_recovery END ) AS recovery , natres_recovery_avg AS recovery_avg , natres_recovery_dev AS recovery_dev FROM defs.natural_resources LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT resource_name_id , COUNT(*) AS providers , SUM( resprov_quantity_max ) AS tot_quantity , SUM( resprov_difficulty ) AS tot_difficulty , SUM( resprov_recovery ) AS tot_recovery FROM verse.resource_providers GROUP BY resource_name_id ) AS _rp_stats USING ( resource_name_id ) CROSS JOIN ( SELECT COUNT(*) AS planets FROM verse.planets ) AS _pcount; END; $collect_resprov_statistics$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION verse.collect_resprov_statistics( ) FROM PUBLIC; /* Compute a random delta for one of the resource provider parameters * * This function computes the total change on one of the resource provider * parameters. The resulting value can then be split amongst resource * providers as they are created. * * Parameters: * _existing Amount of existing resource providers * _new Amount of resource providers being created * _total Current total value for the parameter * _p_average Average parameter value (from the definition) * _p_deviation Parameter value deviation (from the definition) * * Returns: * ? The total value to distribute amongst new resource * providers */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS verse.compute_rpp_delta( DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION ); CREATE FUNCTION verse.compute_rpp_delta( _existing DOUBLE PRECISION , _new DOUBLE PRECISION , _total DOUBLE PRECISION , _p_average DOUBLE PRECISION , _p_deviation DOUBLE PRECISION ) RETURNS DOUBLE PRECISION STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $compute_rpp_delta$ DECLARE _result DOUBLE PRECISION; BEGIN _result := verse.random_deviation( _p_average , _p_deviation ) * ( _existing + _new ) - _total; IF _result < ( _p_average - _p_deviation ) * _new THEN _result := ( _p_average - _p_deviation ) * _new; ELSIF _result > ( _p_average + _p_deviation ) * _new THEN _result := ( _p_average + _p_deviation ) * _new; END IF; RETURN _result; END; $compute_rpp_delta$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION verse.compute_rpp_delta( DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION ) FROM PUBLIC; /* * Create a single resource provider * * This function creates a single resource provider on some planet. It will * return the updated values for the amount of providers left to handle and * the totals. * * Parameters: * _planet The identifier of the planet to create a provider on * _data The statistics and parameters for the type of resource * _providers_left The amount of resource providers that still need to be * generated (including the current provider) * _tot_quantity The total value left to distribute for the providers' * maximal quantity * _tot_difficulty The total value left to distribute for the providers' * extraction difficulty * _tot_recovery The total value left to distribute for the providers' * recovery rate * * Returns: * _providers_left The updated value for the amount of providers left * _tot_quantity The updated value for the total maximal quantity to * distribute * _tot_difficulty The updated value for the total extraction difficulty * to distribute * _tot_recovery The updated value for the total recovery rate to * distribute */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS verse.create_resource_provider( INT , verse.resprov_generator_type , INT , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION ); CREATE FUNCTION verse.create_resource_provider( _planet INT , _data verse.resprov_generator_type , INOUT _providers_left INT , INOUT _tot_quantity DOUBLE PRECISION , INOUT _tot_difficulty DOUBLE PRECISION , INOUT _tot_recovery DOUBLE PRECISION ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $create_resource_provider$ DECLARE _quantity DOUBLE PRECISION; _difficulty DOUBLE PRECISION; _recovery DOUBLE PRECISION; BEGIN _quantity := verse.get_random_part( _tot_quantity , _providers_left , _data.quantity_avg , _data.quantity_dev ); _difficulty := verse.get_random_part( _tot_difficulty , _providers_left , _data.difficulty_avg , _data.difficulty_dev ); _recovery := verse.get_random_part( _tot_recovery , _providers_left , _data.recovery_avg , _data.recovery_dev ); RAISE NOTICE 'Resource #% planet #%: quantity: % difficulty: % recovery: %', _data.resource_name_id , _planet , _quantity , _difficulty , _recovery; INSERT INTO verse.resource_providers ( planet_id , resource_name_id , resprov_quantity_max , resprov_quantity , resprov_difficulty , resprov_recovery ) VALUES ( _planet , _data.resource_name_id , _quantity , _quantity , _difficulty , _recovery ); _tot_quantity := _tot_quantity - _quantity; _tot_difficulty := _tot_difficulty - _difficulty; _tot_recovery := _tot_recovery - _recovery; _providers_left := _providers_left - 1; END; $create_resource_provider$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION verse.create_resource_provider( INT , verse.resprov_generator_type , INT , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION , DOUBLE PRECISION ) FROM PUBLIC; /* * Create resource providers for a given type of resource * * This function will create resource providers for some specified type of * resource in an area of the universe. It tries to balance the generated * values according to the resource's definition. * * Parameters: * _area The area to generate resource providers in * _data The identifier, definition and statistics for the type of * resource */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS verse.create_resource_providers( verse.generator_area_type , verse.resprov_generator_type ); CREATE FUNCTION verse.create_resource_providers( _area verse.generator_area_type , _data verse.resprov_generator_type ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $create_resource_providers$ DECLARE _ncount INT; _create INT; _tot_quantity DOUBLE PRECISION; _tot_difficulty DOUBLE PRECISION; _tot_recovery DOUBLE PRECISION; _planet INT; BEGIN _ncount := ( _area.x1 - _area.x0 + 1 ) * ( _area.y1 - _area.y0 + 1 ) * 5; -- Determine the amount of providers to create _create := FLOOR( ( _data.planets + _ncount ) * _data.presence - _data.providers )::INT; IF _create <= 0 THEN RETURN; ELSIF _create > _ncount THEN _create := _ncount; END IF; -- Compute the total delta for quantity, difficulty and recovery rate _tot_quantity := verse.compute_rpp_delta( _data.providers , _create , _data.quantity , _data.quantity_avg , _data.quantity_dev ); _tot_difficulty := verse.compute_rpp_delta( _data.providers , _create , _data.difficulty , _data.difficulty_avg , _data.difficulty_dev ); _tot_recovery := verse.compute_rpp_delta( _data.providers , _create , _data.recovery , _data.recovery_avg , _data.recovery_dev ); RAISE NOTICE 'Resource #%: % new provider(s), quantity: % (avg. %) , difficulty: % (avg. %), recovery: % (avg. %)', _data.resource_name_id , _create , _tot_quantity , _tot_quantity / _create , _tot_difficulty , _tot_difficulty / _create , _tot_recovery , _tot_recovery / _create; -- Select random planets to add resource providers to FOR _planet IN SELECT * FROM verse.list_random_planets_in( _area , _create ) LOOP SELECT INTO _create , _tot_quantity , _tot_difficulty , _tot_recovery * FROM verse.create_resource_provider( _planet , _data , _create , _tot_quantity , _tot_difficulty , _tot_recovery ); END LOOP; END; $create_resource_providers$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION verse.create_resource_providers( verse.generator_area_type , verse.resprov_generator_type ) FROM PUBLIC; /* * Create resource providers in some area of the universe * * This function creates resource providers in the specified area using the * statistics collected before the area was created to balance the resource * providers' parameters. * * Parameters: * _area The area to generate resource providers in */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS verse.create_resource_providers( verse.generator_area_type ); CREATE FUNCTION verse.create_resource_providers( _area verse.generator_area_type ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $create_resource_providers$ DECLARE _rp_data verse.resprov_generator_type; BEGIN FOR _rp_data IN SELECT * FROM rp_stats LOOP PERFORM verse.create_resource_providers( _area , _rp_data ); END LOOP; END; $create_resource_providers$ LANGUAGE PLPGSQL; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION verse.create_resource_providers( verse.generator_area_type ) FROM PUBLIC;