-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Storage of events -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2012, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- /* * Event type definitions * ----------------------- * * This table stores the "root" of event type definitions. Each definition is * uniquely identifier by a short string. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events.event_definitions CASCADE; CREATE TABLE events.event_definitions( /* The event definition identifier */ evdef_id VARCHAR( 48 ) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , /* The default priority of the events of this type */ evdef_priority INT NOT NULL CHECK( evdef_priority BETWEEN 0 AND 4 ) , /* Whether the priority for this type of event may be adjusted */ evdef_adjustable BOOLEAN NOT NULL , /* Internationalised string that contains the name of the event type; * used when displaying priority settings. */ evdef_name_id INT NOT NULL , /* Internationalised string that contains the template to use when * generating the output for a single event. */ evdef_template_id INT NOT NULL ); /* Unique index allowing the custom priorities table to reference only * adjustable event types. */ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_evdef_adjustables ON events.event_definitions( evdef_id , evdef_adjustable ); /* Foreign key indexes */ CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_evdef_name ON events.event_definitions( evdef_name_id ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_evdef_template ON events.event_definitions( evdef_template_id ); ALTER TABLE events.event_definitions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_evdef_name FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_name_id ) REFERENCES defs.strings , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_evdef_template FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_template_id ) REFERENCES defs.strings; GRANT SELECT ON events.event_definitions TO :dbuser; /* * General event field types * -------------------------- */ DROP TYPE IF EXISTS events.field_type CASCADE; CREATE TYPE events.field_type AS ENUM( /* A numeric event field */ 'NUMERIC' , /* A raw text event field */ 'TEXT' , /* A boolean event field */ 'BOOL' , /* An internationalised text field */ 'I18N' , /* A field which links to another game entity */ 'ENTITY' ); /* * Entity field sub-types * ----------------------- * * FIXME: no message sub-type for now */ DROP TYPE IF EXISTS events.entity_field_type CASCADE; CREATE TYPE events.entity_field_type AS ENUM( /* An empire */ 'EMP' , /* A planet */ 'PLN' , /* A fleet */ 'FLT' , /* An alliance */ 'ALL' , /* A battle */ 'BAT' , /* An administrator */ 'ADM' , /* A bug report */ 'BUG' ); /* * Event field definition * ----------------------- * * An event field definition can be associated with an event definition to * specify which fields an event will possess. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events.field_definitions CASCADE; CREATE TABLE events.field_definitions ( /* Identifier of the event type definition */ evdef_id VARCHAR( 48 ) NOT NULL , /* Identifier of the field itself */ efdef_id VARCHAR( 48 ) NOT NULL , /* Whether the field is optional or mandatory */ efdef_optional BOOLEAN NOT NULL , /* General type of the event field */ efdef_type events.field_type NOT NULL , /* Entity type if the field is an entity */ efdef_entity events.entity_field_type , /* Whether the field should contain an integer or a real number, if the * field is numeric. */ efdef_integer BOOLEAN , /* Minimal value or length of the field if it is either a numeric field or * a text field. */ efdef_min NUMERIC , /* Maximal value or length of the field if it is either a numeric field or * a text field. */ efdef_max NUMERIC , /* Use both the event type identifier and the field identifier as * the primary key */ PRIMARY KEY( evdef_id , efdef_id ) , /* Entity type is NULL unless the field is an entity field */ CONSTRAINT ck_efdef_entity CHECK( CASE WHEN efdef_type = 'ENTITY' THEN efdef_entity IS NOT NULL ELSE efdef_entity IS NULL END ) , /* Make sure the integer flag is set only when the field is numeric */ CONSTRAINT ck_efdef_numtype CHECK( CASE WHEN efdef_type = 'NUMERIC' THEN efdef_integer IS NOT NULL ELSE efdef_integer IS NULL END ) , /* Minimal / maximal values only allowed for numerics and raw strings */ CONSTRAINT ck_efdef_hasminmax CHECK( CASE WHEN efdef_type IN ( 'NUMERIC' , 'TEXT' ) THEN TRUE ELSE efdef_min IS NULL AND efdef_max IS NULL END ) , /* If both a minimal and maximal values are present, minimal must be lower * than maximal. */ CONSTRAINT ck_efdef_minmaxvalues CHECK( CASE WHEN efdef_min IS NULL OR efdef_max IS NULL THEN TRUE ELSE efdef_min < efdef_max END ) ); ALTER TABLE events.field_definitions ADD CONSTRAINT fk_efdef_evdef FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_id ) REFERENCES events.event_definitions ON DELETE CASCADE; GRANT SELECT ON events.field_definitions TO :dbuser; /* * Custom event priorities * ----------------------- * * This table stores player-defined event priority overrides. Only events * with custom priorities may be present in this table. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events.custom_priorities CASCADE; CREATE TABLE events.custom_priorities( /* Identifier of the event type */ evdef_id VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL , /* Used in reference to the event types - forces this table to * reference only events that *can* be customised. */ evdef_adjustable BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT TRUE CHECK( evdef_adjustable ) , /* Account identifier */ address_id INT NOT NULL , /* Custom priority */ evcp_priority INT NOT NULL CHECK( evcp_priority BETWEEN 0 AND 4 ) , /* Use the event identifier and "adjustable" set value as the primary * key. The advantage is that we get an index on both fields. */ PRIMARY KEY( evdef_id , evdef_adjustable ) ); ALTER TABLE events.custom_priorities ADD CONSTRAINT fk_evcp_evdef FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_id , evdef_adjustable ) REFERENCES events.event_definitions ( evdef_id , evdef_adjustable ); GRANT SELECT ON events.custom_priorities TO :dbuser; /* * Event identifier sequence * ------------------------- * * This sequence is used by the various type-specific event queues to * generate the events' identifiers. */ DROP SEQUENCE IF EXISTS events.event_id_sequence CASCADE; CREATE SEQUENCE events.event_id_sequence; GRANT SELECT,UPDATE ON events.event_id_sequence TO :dbuser; /* * Event storage table * ------------------- * * This table stores the main entries for actual events. It is fed using the * various type-specific event queues. * * FIXME: this table should be renamed once the old internal messages are * gone. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events.events_v2 CASCADE; CREATE TABLE events.events_v2( /* Numeric identifier of the event */ event_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , /* Type of the event */ evdef_id VARCHAR( 48 ) NOT NULL , /* Real time at which the event occurred */ event_rtime TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL , /* Game time (tick identifier) at which the event occurred */ event_gtime BIGINT NOT NULL , /* Identifier of the empire to which the event applies */ empire_id INT NOT NULL ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_events_iddef ON events.events_v2 ( event_id , evdef_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_events_selector ON events.events_v2 ( empire_id , event_rtime ); ALTER TABLE events.events_v2 ADD CONSTRAINT fk_events_evdef FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_id ) REFERENCES events.event_definitions ( evdef_id ) , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_events_empire FOREIGN KEY ( empire_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ( name_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE; GRANT SELECT ON events.events_v2 TO :dbuser; /* * Event field values storage table * -------------------------------- * * This table stores the values of the events' fields. */ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS events.field_values CASCADE; CREATE TABLE events.field_values( /* The event's identifier */ event_id BIGINT NOT NULL , /* The event's type */ evdef_id VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL , /* The field's identifier */ efdef_id VARCHAR(48) NOT NULL , /* Literal field value */ efval_litteral TEXT NOT NULL , /* I18N string reference */ string_id INT , /* Empire reference */ empire_id INT , /* Planet reference */ planet_id INT , /* Fleet reference */ fleet_id BIGINT , /* Alliance reference */ alliance_id INT , /* Battle reference */ battle_id BIGINT , /* Administrator reference */ admin_id INT , /* Bug report reference */ bug_report_id BIGINT , PRIMARY KEY( event_id , evdef_id , efdef_id ) ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_string ON events.field_values ( string_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_empire ON events.field_values ( empire_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_planet ON events.field_values ( planet_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_fleet ON events.field_values ( fleet_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_alliance ON events.field_values ( alliance_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_battle ON events.field_values ( battle_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_admin ON events.field_values ( admin_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_fvalues_bugreport ON events.field_values ( bug_report_id ); ALTER TABLE events.field_values ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id , evdef_id ) REFERENCES events.events_v2 ( event_id , evdef_id ) ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_field FOREIGN KEY ( evdef_id , efdef_id ) REFERENCES events.field_definitions , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_string FOREIGN KEY ( string_id ) REFERENCES defs.strings , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_empire FOREIGN KEY ( empire_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_planet FOREIGN KEY ( planet_id ) REFERENCES verse.planets ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_fleet FOREIGN KEY ( fleet_id ) REFERENCES fleets.fleets ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_alliance FOREIGN KEY ( alliance_id ) REFERENCES emp.alliances ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_battle FOREIGN KEY ( battle_id ) REFERENCES battles.battles ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_admin FOREIGN KEY ( admin_id ) REFERENCES admin.administrators ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_fvalues_bugreport FOREIGN KEY ( bug_report_id ) REFERENCES bugs.initial_report_events ON DELETE CASCADE; GRANT SELECT ON events.field_values TO :dbuser; /* * OLD B6M1 CODE BELOW! */ CREATE TYPE event_type AS ENUM ( 'QUEUE' , 'EMPIRE' , 'FLEETS' , 'PLANET', 'ALLIANCE', 'ADMIN' , 'BUGS' ); CREATE TYPE event_status AS ENUM( 'TICK' , 'ACTION' , 'READY' , 'SENT' ); -- -- Events table -- CREATE TABLE events.events( event_id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY , empire_id INT NOT NULL , tick BIGINT NOT NULL , real_time TIMESTAMP WITHOUT TIME ZONE NOT NULL DEFAULT now() , evt_type event_type NOT NULL , evt_subtype INT NOT NULL , status event_status NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_events_empire ON events.events (empire_id); CREATE INDEX idx_events_time ON events.events (real_time); CREATE INDEX idx_events_lookup ON events.events( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) WHERE status IN ( 'TICK' , 'ACTION' ); ALTER TABLE events.events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_events_empire FOREIGN KEY ( empire_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ON DELETE CASCADE; GRANT SELECT ON events.events TO :dbuser; -- -- Build queue events -- CREATE TABLE events.queue_events ( event_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ); ALTER TABLE events.queue_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bqevents_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE; -- -- Build queue event locations -- CREATE TABLE events.bqe_locations( event_id BIGINT NOT NULL , location_id INT NOT NULL , location_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY( event_id , location_id ) ); ALTER TABLE events.bqe_locations ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bqelocations_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events.queue_events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_bqelocations_location FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES verse.planets; -- -- Fleet events -- CREATE TABLE events.fleets_events( event_id BIGINT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY , location_id INT NOT NULL , location_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_flevents_location ON events.fleets_events( location_id ); ALTER TABLE events.fleets_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_flevents_event FOREIGN KEY (event_id) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_flevents_location FOREIGN KEY (location_id) REFERENCES verse.planets; -- -- Fleets for fleet events -- CREATE TABLE events.fleet_lists( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY , event_id BIGINT NOT NULL , owner_id INT , owner_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , fleet_name VARCHAR(64) , fleet_power BIGINT NOT NULL CHECK( fleet_power > 0 ) , status BOOLEAN , source_id INT , source_name VARCHAR(20) , CHECK( source_id IS NULL AND source_name IS NULL OR source_id IS NOT NULL AND source_name IS NOT NULL ) ); CREATE INDEX idx_flelists_event ON events.fleet_lists( event_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_flelists_owner ON events.fleet_lists( owner_id ) WHERE owner_id IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_flelists_source ON events.fleet_lists( source_id ) WHERE source_id IS NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE events.fleet_lists ADD CONSTRAINT fk_flelist_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id ) REFERENCES events.fleets_events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_flelist_owner FOREIGN KEY ( owner_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ON DELETE SET NULL , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_flelist_source FOREIGN KEY ( source_id ) REFERENCES verse.planets; GRANT SELECT ON events.fleet_lists TO :dbuser; -- -- Planet events -- CREATE TABLE events.planet_events( event_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, location_id INT NOT NULL , location_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL , empire_id INT , empire_name VARCHAR(20) , battle_id BIGINT , CHECK( battle_id IS NULL AND empire_id IS NULL AND empire_name IS NULL OR battle_id IS NOT NULL AND empire_id IS NULL AND empire_name IS NULL OR battle_id IS NULL AND empire_name IS NOT NULL ) ); CREATE INDEX idx_pevents_event ON events.planet_events ( event_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_pevents_location ON events.planet_events ( location_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_pevents_empire ON events.planet_events ( empire_id ) WHERE empire_id IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_pevents_battle ON events.planet_events ( battle_id ) WHERE battle_id IS NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE events.planet_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pevents_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id ) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pevents_location FOREIGN KEY ( location_id ) REFERENCES verse.planets , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pevents_empire FOREIGN KEY ( empire_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ON DELETE SET NULL , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_pevents_battle FOREIGN KEY ( battle_id ) REFERENCES battles.battles; -- -- Alliance events -- CREATE TABLE events.alliance_events( event_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , alliance_id INT , alliance_tag VARCHAR( 5 ) NOT NULL , empire_id INT , empire_name VARCHAR( 20 ) , req_result BOOLEAN , CHECK( req_result IS NULL AND empire_id IS NULL AND empire_name IS NULL OR req_result IS NOT NULL AND empire_id IS NULL AND empire_name IS NULL OR req_result IS NULL AND empire_name IS NOT NULL ) ); CREATE INDEX idx_aevents_event ON events.alliance_events ( event_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_aevents_alliance ON events.alliance_events ( alliance_id ) WHERE alliance_id IS NOT NULL; CREATE INDEX idx_aevents_empire ON events.alliance_events ( empire_id ) WHERE empire_id IS NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE events.alliance_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_aevents_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id ) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_aevents_allliance FOREIGN KEY ( alliance_id ) REFERENCES emp.alliances ON DELETE SET NULL , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_aevents_empire FOREIGN KEY ( empire_id ) REFERENCES emp.empires ON DELETE SET NULL; -- -- Admin events -- CREATE TABLE events.admin_events( event_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , n_warnings INT , location_id INT , old_name VARCHAR( 20 ) NOT NULL , new_name VARCHAR( 20 ) ); CREATE INDEX idx_adevents_event ON events.admin_events ( event_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_adevents_location ON events.admin_events ( location_id ) WHERE location_id IS NOT NULL; ALTER TABLE events.admin_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_adevents_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id ) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_adevents_location FOREIGN KEY ( location_id ) REFERENCES verse.planets; -- -- Bug tracking events -- CREATE TABLE events.bug_events( event_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY , bug_id BIGINT NOT NULL , submitter_id BIGINT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX idx_btevents_event ON events.bug_events ( event_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_btevents_bug ON events.bug_events ( bug_id ); CREATE INDEX idx_btevents_submitter ON events.bug_events ( submitter_id ); ALTER TABLE events.bug_events ADD CONSTRAINT fk_btevents_event FOREIGN KEY ( event_id ) REFERENCES events.events ON DELETE CASCADE , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_btevents_bug FOREIGN KEY ( bug_id ) REFERENCES bugs.initial_report_events , ADD CONSTRAINT fk_btevents_submitter FOREIGN KEY ( submitter_id ) REFERENCES bugs.submitters;