-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Functions and views to create and manipulate events -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2010, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- EVENT CREATION FUNCTIONS -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Creates a battle start event -- -- Parameters: -- b_id Battle identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.battle_start_event( b_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE l_id INT; l_name TEXT; pe_id INT; c_tick BIGINT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get location name and identifier SELECT INTO l_id , l_name b.location_id , n.name FROM battles.battles b INNER JOIN naming.map_names n ON n.id = b.location_id WHERE b.id = b_id; -- Create message for all protagonists c_tick := sys.get_tick( ) - 1; FOR pe_id IN SELECT be.empire_id FROM battles.battles b INNER JOIN battles.protagonists bp ON bp.battle_id = b.id INNER JOIN battles.empires be ON be.id = bp.empire_id WHERE b.id = b_id LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( pe_id , c_tick , 'PLANET' , 0 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name , battle_id) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name , b_id ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates a battle end event -- -- Parameters: -- b_id Battle identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.battle_end_event( b_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE l_id INT; l_name TEXT; pe_id INT; c_tick BIGINT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get location name and identifier SELECT INTO l_id , l_name b.location_id , n.name FROM battles.battles b INNER JOIN naming.map_names n ON n.id = b.location_id WHERE b.id = b_id; -- Create message for all protagonists c_tick := sys.get_tick( ) - 1; FOR pe_id IN SELECT empire FROM battles.battles_list WHERE battle = b_id AND last_update = last_tick LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( pe_id , c_tick , 'PLANET' , 1 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name , battle_id) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name , b_id ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates a strike start / end event -- -- Parameters: -- p_id Planet identifier -- sevt Whether to create a strike start or a strike end event -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.strike_event( p_id INT , sevt BOOLEAN ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE p_name TEXT; po_id INT; c_tick BIGINT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get location name and owner identifier SELECT INTO p_name , po_id n.name , ep.empire_id FROM naming.map_names n INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = n.id WHERE n.id = p_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Create message c_tick := sys.get_tick( ) - 1; INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( po_id , c_tick , 'PLANET' , ( CASE WHEN sevt THEN 2 ELSE 3 END ) , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , p_id , p_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates events for a planet's ownership change -- -- Parameters: -- p_id Planet identifier -- no_id New owner's identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.planet_ochange_events( p_id INT , no_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE p_name VARCHAR(20); no_name VARCHAR(20); oo_id INT; oo_name VARCHAR(20); evt_id BIGINT; c_tick BIGINT; BEGIN c_tick := sys.get_tick( ) - 1; -- Get new owner's name and the planet's name SELECT INTO p_name name FROM naming.map_names WHERE id = p_id; SELECT INTO no_name name FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = no_id; -- Get previous owner's name and identifier SELECT INTO oo_id , oo_name ep.empire_id , n.name FROM emp.planets ep INNER JOIN naming.empire_names n ON n.id = ep.empire_id WHERE ep.planet_id = p_id; -- If there is a previous owner, add planet loss event IF FOUND THEN INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( oo_id , c_tick , 'PLANET' , 4 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , p_id , p_name , no_id , no_name ); END IF; -- Add planet taking event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( no_id , c_tick , 'PLANET' , 6 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , p_id , p_name , oo_id , oo_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an event for planet abandon -- -- Parameters: -- p_id Planet identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.planet_abandon_event( p_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE p_name VARCHAR(20); po_id INT; oo_name VARCHAR(20); evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get owner's ID and planet's name SELECT INTO p_name , po_id n.name , ep.empire_id FROM naming.map_names n INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = n.id WHERE n.id = p_id; -- Add abandon event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( po_id , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'PLANET' , 5 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.planet_events ( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , p_id , p_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an event for start/end of debt -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- sevt Whether this is the start or the end -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.debt_event( e_id INT , sevt BOOLEAN ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( $1 , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'EMPIRE' , ( CASE WHEN $2 THEN 1 ELSE 2 END ) , 'READY' ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- Creates a "pending request" event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- e_id Empire identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_request_event( a_id INT , e_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; al_id INT; e_name TEXT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get the alliance's name and leader ID SELECT INTO a_tag , al_id tag , leader_id FROM emp.alliances WHERE id = a_id; -- Get the joining player's name SELECT INTO e_name name FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = e_id; -- Create the event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( al_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 0 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag , e_id , e_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates a request validation/rejection event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- e_id Empire identifier -- acc Whether the request was accepted or rejected -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_response_event( a_id INT , e_id INT , acc BOOLEAN ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; e_name TEXT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get the alliance's name and leader ID SELECT INTO a_tag tag FROM emp.alliances WHERE id = a_id; -- Get the requesting player's name SELECT INTO e_name name FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = e_id; -- Create the event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( e_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 1 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag , req_result ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag , acc ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates a leadership change event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- ol_id Previous leader's identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_lchange_event( a_id INT , ol_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; al_id INT; al_name TEXT; am_id INT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get alliance tag, leader ID and leader name SELECT INTO a_tag , al_id , al_name a.tag , a.leader_id , n.name FROM emp.alliances a INNER JOIN naming.empire_names n ON n.id = a.leader_id WHERE a.id = a_id; -- Notify both members and pending members FOR am_id IN SELECT empire_id FROM emp.alliance_members WHERE alliance_id = a_id AND empire_id <> ol_id LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( am_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 2 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag , al_id , al_name ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an alliance kick event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- ol_id Member being kicked -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_kick_event( a_id INT , k_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; al_id INT; k_name TEXT; am_id INT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get alliance tag and leader ID SELECT INTO a_tag , al_id a.tag , a.leader_id FROM emp.alliances a INNER JOIN naming.empire_names n ON n.id = a.leader_id WHERE a.id = a_id; SELECT INTO k_name name FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = k_id; -- Notify members FOR am_id IN SELECT empire_id FROM emp.alliance_members WHERE alliance_id = a_id AND empire_id <> al_id AND NOT is_pending LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( am_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 3 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag , k_id , k_name ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an alliance quit event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- q_id Member quitting the alliance -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_quit_event( a_id INT , q_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; q_name TEXT; am_id INT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get alliance tag and quitter name SELECT INTO a_tag a.tag FROM emp.alliances a WHERE a.id = a_id; SELECT INTO q_name name FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = q_id; -- Notify members FOR am_id IN SELECT empire_id FROM emp.alliance_members WHERE alliance_id = a_id AND NOT is_pending LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( am_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 4 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag , empire_id , empire_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag , q_id , q_name ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an alliance disband event -- -- Parameters: -- a_id Alliance identifier -- q_id Member quitting the alliance -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_disband_event( a_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE a_tag TEXT; al_id INT; am_id INT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get alliance tag and quitter name SELECT INTO a_tag , al_id a.tag , leader_id FROM emp.alliances a WHERE a.id = a_id; -- Notify members FOR am_id IN SELECT empire_id FROM emp.alliance_members WHERE alliance_id = a_id AND empire_id <> al_id LOOP INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( am_id , sys.get_tick( ) , 'ALLIANCE' , 5 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.alliance_events ( event_id , alliance_id , alliance_tag ) VALUES ( evt_id , a_id , a_tag ); END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates empty build queue events or updates existing ones -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- p_id Planet identifier -- mqueue Whether the empty queue is the military or civilian queue -- c_tick Current tick -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.empty_queue_events( e_id INT , p_id INT , mqueue BOOLEAN , c_tick BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE evt_st INT; evt_id BIGINT; p_name TEXT; BEGIN evt_st := ( CASE WHEN mqueue THEN 1 ELSE 0 END ); SELECT INTO evt_id event_id FROM events.events WHERE evt_type = 'QUEUE' AND evt_subtype = evt_st AND empire_id = e_id AND tick = c_tick; IF NOT FOUND THEN INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( e_id , c_tick , 'QUEUE' , evt_st , 'TICK' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.queue_events VALUES ( evt_id ); END IF; SELECT INTO p_name name FROM naming.map_names WHERE id = p_id; INSERT INTO events.bqe_locations VALUES ( evt_id , p_id , p_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Commits fleet arrival events from the "fleet_arrivals" temporary table -- -- Parameters: -- c_tick Current tick identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.commit_fleet_arrivals( c_tick BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE l_id INT; l_name TEXT; tg_id INT; tg_mode BOOLEAN; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN FOR l_id , l_name , tg_id , tg_mode IN SELECT DISTINCT a.loc_id , a.loc_name , l.empire , l.attacking FROM fleet_arrivals a INNER JOIN fleets.locations_list_view l ON l.location = a.loc_id LOOP -- Create event record INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( tg_id , c_tick , 'FLEETS' , 0 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.fleets_events( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name ); -- List fleets INSERT INTO events.fleet_lists ( event_id , owner_id , owner_name , fleet_name , fleet_power , status , source_id , source_name ) SELECT evt_id , a.own_id , a.own_name , a.name , a.power , ( CASE WHEN tg_id = a.own_id THEN tg_mode ELSE ( tg_mode <> a.mode ) END ) , a.src_id , a.src_name FROM fleet_arrivals a WHERE loc_id = l_id ORDER BY ( a.own_id = tg_id ) DESC , a.mode , own_name , name NULLS LAST; END LOOP; DROP TABLE fleet_arrivals; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Commits fleet departure events from the "fleet_departures" temporary table -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.commit_fleet_departures( ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE l_id INT; l_name TEXT; tg_id INT; tg_mode BOOLEAN; evt_id BIGINT; c_tick BIGINT; BEGIN c_tick := sys.get_tick( ); FOR l_id , l_name , tg_id , tg_mode IN SELECT DISTINCT a.loc_id , a.loc_name , l.empire , l.attacking FROM fleet_departures a INNER JOIN fleets.locations_list_view l ON l.location = a.loc_id AND l.empire <> a.own_id LOOP -- Create event record INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( tg_id , c_tick , 'FLEETS' , 1 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.fleets_events( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name ); -- List fleets INSERT INTO events.fleet_lists ( event_id , owner_id , owner_name , fleet_name , fleet_power , status ) SELECT evt_id , a.own_id , a.own_name , a.name , a.power , ( tg_mode <> a.mode ) FROM fleet_departures a WHERE loc_id = l_id AND own_id <> tg_id ORDER BY a.mode , own_name , name NULLS LAST; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Commits fleet mode change events from the "fleet_switches" temporary table -- -- Parameters: -- els Whether the switch was caused through the enemy list -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.commit_fleet_switches( els BOOLEAN ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE l_id INT; l_name TEXT; tg_id INT; tg_mode BOOLEAN; evt_id BIGINT; c_tick BIGINT; own_c BIGINT; other_c BIGINT; BEGIN c_tick := sys.get_tick( ); FOR l_id , l_name , tg_id , tg_mode IN SELECT DISTINCT a.loc_id , a.loc_name , l.empire , l.attacking FROM fleet_switches a INNER JOIN fleets.locations_list_view l ON l.location = a.loc_id LOOP -- Handle other fleets SELECT INTO other_c count(*) FROM fleet_switches WHERE loc_id = l_id AND own_id <> tg_id; IF other_c > 0 THEN -- Create event record INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( tg_id , c_tick , 'FLEETS' , 2 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.fleets_events( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name ); -- List fleets INSERT INTO events.fleet_lists ( event_id , owner_id , owner_name , fleet_name , fleet_power , status ) SELECT evt_id , a.own_id , a.own_name , a.name , a.power , a.mode FROM fleet_switches a WHERE loc_id = l_id AND own_id <> tg_id ORDER BY a.mode , own_name , name NULLS LAST; END IF; -- Handle own fleets CONTINUE WHEN NOT els; SELECT INTO own_c count(*) FROM fleet_switches WHERE loc_id = l_id AND own_id = tg_id; CONTINUE WHEN own_c = 0; -- Create event record INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( tg_id , c_tick , 'FLEETS' , 3 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.fleets_events( event_id , location_id , location_name ) VALUES ( evt_id , l_id , l_name ); -- List fleets INSERT INTO events.fleet_lists ( event_id , owner_id , owner_name , fleet_name , fleet_power , status ) SELECT evt_id , a.own_id , a.own_name , a.name , a.power , a.mode FROM fleet_switches a WHERE loc_id = l_id AND own_id = tg_id ORDER BY a.mode , own_name , name NULLS LAST; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates a map name rejection event -- -- Parameters: -- u_id Account identifier -- n_id Name identifier -- o_name Old name -- n_name New name -- w_sent Whether a warning was sent -- w_count Current warnings -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.map_name_rejected_event( u_id INT , n_id INT , o_name TEXT , n_name TEXT , w_sent BOOLEAN , w_count INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE e_id INT; evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Get empire identifier SELECT INTO e_id e.name_id FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = e.name_id WHERE en.owner_id = u_id; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Add event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( e_id , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'ADMIN' , 0 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.admin_events( event_id , n_warnings , location_id , old_name , new_name ) VALUES( evt_id , ( CASE WHEN w_sent THEN w_count ELSE NULL END ) , n_id , o_name , n_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an empire name rejection event -- -- Parameters: -- n_id Name identifier -- o_name Old name -- n_name New name -- w_sent Whether a warning was sent -- w_count Current warnings -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.empire_name_rejected_event( n_id INT , o_name TEXT , n_name TEXT , w_sent BOOLEAN , w_count INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Add event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( n_id , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'ADMIN' , 1 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.admin_events( event_id , n_warnings ,old_name , new_name ) VALUES( evt_id , ( CASE WHEN w_sent THEN w_count ELSE NULL END ) , o_name , n_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates an alliance name rejection event -- -- Parameters: -- n_id Empire identifier -- o_name Alliance name -- w_sent Whether a warning was sent -- w_count Current warnings -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.alliance_name_rejected_event( n_id INT , o_name TEXT , w_sent BOOLEAN , w_count INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Add event INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( n_id , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'ADMIN' , 2 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.admin_events( event_id , n_warnings , old_name ) VALUES( evt_id , ( CASE WHEN w_sent THEN w_count ELSE NULL END ) , o_name ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Creates events for updated bug reports -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- br_id Bug report identifier -- s_id Submitter identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION events.bug_report_updated_event( e_id INT , br_id BIGINT , s_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE evt_id BIGINT; BEGIN INSERT INTO events.events ( empire_id , tick , evt_type , evt_subtype , status ) VALUES ( e_id , sys.get_tick( ) - 1 , 'BUGS' , 0 , 'READY' ) RETURNING event_id INTO evt_id; INSERT INTO events.bug_events( event_id , bug_id , submitter_id ) VALUES ( evt_id , br_id , s_id ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- EVENTS VIEWS, USED BY THE MESSAGE SYSTEM -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- -- Main events lists -- CREATE VIEW events.queue_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.* FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.queue_events ed USING (event_id); GRANT SELECT ON events.queue_events_view TO :dbuser; CREATE VIEW events.fleets_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.* , s.x , s.y , p.orbit FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.fleets_events ed USING (event_id) INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ed.location_id INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id; GRANT SELECT ON events.fleets_events_view TO :dbuser; CREATE VIEW events.planet_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.* , s.x , s.y , p.orbit FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.planet_events ed USING (event_id) INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ed.location_id INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id; GRANT SELECT ON events.planet_events_view TO :dbuser; CREATE VIEW events.alliance_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.* FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.alliance_events ed USING (event_id); GRANT SELECT ON events.alliance_events_view TO :dbuser; CREATE VIEW events.admin_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.* FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.admin_events ed USING ( event_id ); GRANT SELECT ON events.admin_events_view TO :dbuser; CREATE VIEW events.bugs_events_view AS SELECT e.event_id AS id , e.evt_type , e.evt_subtype , e.tick , e.real_time , ed.bug_id , bs.is_admin AS submitter_admin , bs.name AS submitter_name FROM events.events e INNER JOIN events.bug_events ed USING ( event_id ) INNER JOIN bugs.submitters bs USING ( submitter_id ); GRANT SELECT ON events.bugs_events_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Queue event locations -- CREATE VIEW events.queue_locations_view AS SELECT bqe.* , s.x , s.y , p.orbit FROM events.bqe_locations bqe INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = bqe.location_id INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id; GRANT SELECT ON events.queue_locations_view TO :dbuser;