Legacy Worlds (B6M1) - Account reactivation

Thank you for revisiting at Legacy Worlds!
Please note that you reactivated your account for "Beta 6 Milestone 1", a highly experimental, in-progress rewrite of the game. As this game does not include forums at this stage, you might want to register to Legacy Worlds Beta 5 to keep up with the game's news.

Before we reactivate your account, there's just one more step to complete your request.
You have to connect to the site using your e-mail address and password, then validate your account reactivation using the confirmation code below.
Please note that this confirmation code is NOT your password, and you will only need to use it once.

Your registration address is: ${address}
Your confirmation code is:    ${token}

If you are having problems reactivating your account, please contact a member of our support staff at staff@legacyworlds.com

The Legacy Worlds staff