-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Game updates - ship construction -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2010, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sys.process_planet_military_updates( c_tick BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; cur_empire INT; cur_cash REAL; cur_planet INT; p_finished BOOLEAN; cur_wus REAL; cur_acc_c REAL; n_found INT; n_removed INT; can_do REAL; must_do INT; fl_id BIGINT; BEGIN -- Create temporary table for built ships CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE blt_ships( location INT , owner INT , ship INT , amount INT ); -- Enter update loop cur_empire := NULL; cur_planet := NULL; FOR rec IN SELECT p.name_id AS id , ( ph.current / p.population )::REAL AS happiness , e.name_id AS owner , e.cash AS cash , q.money AS acc_cash , q.work AS acc_work , qi.queue_order AS qorder , qi.amount AS amount , qi.ship_id AS ship , s.work AS req_work , s.cost AS req_cost FROM sys.updates su INNER JOIN verse.planets_updates vu USING ( update_id , updtype_id , updtgt_id ) INNER JOIN verse.planets p USING ( name_id ) INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = p.name_id INNER JOIN emp.empires e ON e.name_id = ep.empire_id INNER JOIN verse.planet_happiness ph ON ph.planet_id = p.name_id INNER JOIN verse.mil_queues q ON q.planet_id = p.name_id INNER JOIN verse.mil_items qi ON qi.queue_id = q.planet_id INNER JOIN tech.buildables s ON s.name_id = qi.ship_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN users.vacations v ON v.account_id = en.owner_id WHERE su.update_last = c_tick AND su.update_state = 'PROCESSING' AND ( v.account_id IS NULL OR v.status <> 'PROCESSED' ) ORDER BY e.name_id , p.name_id , qi.queue_order FOR UPDATE OF p , e , q , qi LOOP -- Update accumulated work and money for the previous planet IF cur_planet IS NOT NULL AND cur_planet <> rec.id THEN IF n_found = n_removed THEN cur_wus := 0; cur_acc_c := 0; PERFORM events.empty_queue_events( cur_empire , cur_planet , TRUE , c_tick ); END IF; UPDATE verse.mil_queues SET money = cur_acc_c , work = cur_wus WHERE planet_id = cur_planet; cur_cash := cur_cash - cur_acc_c; IF cur_cash < 0 THEN cur_cash := 0; END IF; cur_planet := NULL; END IF; -- Update cash of the previous empire IF cur_empire IS NOT NULL AND cur_empire <> rec.owner THEN UPDATE emp.empires SET cash = cur_cash WHERE name_id = cur_empire; cur_empire := NULL; END IF; -- If this is the first record or if the empire changed... IF cur_empire IS NULL THEN cur_empire := rec.owner; cur_cash := rec.cash; END IF; -- If this is the first record or if the planet changed... IF cur_planet IS NULL THEN cur_planet := rec.id; cur_cash := cur_cash + rec.acc_cash; cur_wus := rec.acc_work + verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( rec.id , 'WORK' ) , rec.happiness ); n_found := 1; n_removed := 0; cur_acc_c := 0; p_finished := FALSE; ELSE n_found := n_found + 1; END IF; -- If we're done updating this planet but there were more items... IF p_finished THEN IF n_removed > 0 THEN UPDATE verse.mil_items SET queue_order = rec.qorder - n_removed WHERE queue_order = rec.qorder AND queue_id = rec.id; END IF; CONTINUE; END IF; -- Compute how many items can be completed can_do := cur_wus / rec.req_work; IF cur_cash / rec.req_cost < can_do THEN can_do := cur_cash / rec.req_cost; cur_wus := rec.req_work * can_do; END IF; -- If we can't build anything at this point... IF can_do < 1 THEN -- Set accumulated cash cur_acc_c := can_do * rec.req_cost; -- Still update queue item if some items were removed IF n_removed > 0 THEN UPDATE verse.mil_items SET queue_order = rec.qorder - n_removed WHERE queue_order = rec.qorder AND queue_id = rec.id; END IF; -- Done with this planet p_finished := TRUE; CONTINUE; END IF; -- Compute how many actual items can be built must_do := floor( can_do ); IF must_do >= rec.amount THEN must_do := rec.amount; can_do := 0; n_removed := n_removed + 1; END IF; -- Handle construction INSERT INTO blt_ships( location , owner , ship , amount) VALUES ( rec.id , rec.owner , rec.ship , must_do ); cur_cash := cur_cash - must_do * rec.req_cost; cur_wus := cur_wus - must_do * rec.req_work; -- Check whether we're done with this queue IF rec.qorder < n_removed THEN -- Delete queue item DELETE FROM verse.mil_items WHERE queue_order = rec.qorder AND queue_id = rec.id; ELSE -- Update queue item UPDATE verse.mil_items SET queue_order = queue_order - n_removed , amount = amount - must_do WHERE queue_order = rec.qorder AND queue_id = rec.id; -- Set accumulated cash cur_acc_c := ( can_do - floor( can_do ) ) * rec.req_cost; p_finished := TRUE; END IF; END LOOP; -- If a planet was being procesed, update it and the empire IF cur_planet IS NOT NULL THEN IF n_found = n_removed THEN cur_wus := 0; cur_acc_c := 0; PERFORM events.empty_queue_events( cur_empire , cur_planet , TRUE , c_tick ); END IF; UPDATE verse.mil_queues SET money = cur_acc_c , work = cur_wus WHERE planet_id = cur_planet; cur_cash := cur_cash - cur_acc_c; IF cur_cash < 0 THEN cur_cash := 0; END IF; UPDATE emp.empires SET cash = cur_cash WHERE name_id = cur_empire; cur_empire := NULL; END IF; -- Spawn fleets FOR cur_planet , cur_empire IN SELECT DISTINCT location , owner FROM blt_ships LOOP -- Get fleet's flight time SELECT INTO must_do MAX( s.flight_time ) FROM blt_ships b INNER JOIN tech.ships s ON s.buildable_id = b.ship WHERE b.location = cur_planet AND b.owner = cur_empire; -- Insert the fleet INSERT INTO fleets.fleets (owner_id, location_id , attacking , status , penalty ) VALUES ( cur_empire , cur_planet , FALSE , 'DEPLOYING' , must_do * 2 ) RETURNING id INTO fl_id; -- Insert ships INSERT INTO fleets.ships ( fleet_id , ship_id , amount , damage ) SELECT fl_id , b.ship , sum( b.amount ) , 0 FROM blt_ships b WHERE b.location = cur_planet AND b.owner = cur_empire GROUP BY b.ship; END LOOP; -- Destroy temporary table DROP TABLE blt_ships; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT sys.register_update_type( 'Planets' , 'MilitaryConstruction' , 'Military build queues are being processed.' , 'process_planet_military_updates' );