-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Fleets views and management functions -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2010, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Merges two fleets' ships into the first fleet -- /!\ The second fleet is *not* deleted. /!\ -- -- Parameters: -- mt_id Merge target identifier -- ms_id Merge source identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.merge_ships( mt_id BIGINT , ms_id BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE flt_merge( LIKE fleets.ships ); INSERT INTO flt_merge (fleet_id , ship_id , amount , damage ) SELECT mt_id , s.ship_id , sum( s.amount ) , sum( s.damage ) FROM fleets.ships s WHERE s.fleet_id IN ( mt_id , ms_id ) GROUP BY s.ship_id; DELETE FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = mt_id; INSERT INTO fleets.ships SELECT * FROM flt_merge; DROP TABLE flt_merge; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute duration of in-system movement -- -- Source and destination "orbits" are actually real numbers, which indicate a fleet's -- current location. Orbit 5.5 is the system's outer limit, therefore the range for -- these numbers is [1;5.5]. -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_orbit Source orbit -- d_orbit Destination orbit -- -- Returns: -- the in-system movement's duration -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time INT , s_orbit REAL , d_orbit REAL ) RETURNS INT STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE tm INT; BEGIN tm := round( abs( s_orbit - d_orbit ) * 2.0 * f_time ); RETURN ( CASE WHEN tm = 0 THEN 1 ELSE tm END ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute duration of outer space movement -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_x Source X coordinate -- s_y Source Y coordinate -- d_x Destination X coordinate -- d_y Destination Y coordinate -- -- Returns: -- the outer space movement's duration -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( f_time INT , s_x REAL , s_y REAL , d_x REAL , d_y REAL ) RETURNS INT STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE tm INT; BEGIN tm := round( sqrt( ( s_x - d_x ) ^ 2 + ( s_y - d_y ) ^ 2 ) * f_time * 15.0 ); RETURN ( CASE WHEN tm = 0 THEN 1 ELSE tm END ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute the current orbit of a fleet flying in a system -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- rp_orbit Orbit of the reference point -- outwards Whether the fleet is moving outwards or inwards -- past_rp Whether the fleet has passed the reference point or not -- ft_left Remaining flight time -- -- Returns; -- The real number indicating the fleet's position -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_current_orbit( f_time INT , rp_orbit INT , outwards BOOLEAN , past_rp BOOLEAN , ft_left INT ) RETURNS REAL STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE dist REAL; dir REAL; rloc REAL; BEGIN dist := 1.0 - ft_left::REAL / f_time::REAL; dir := ( CASE WHEN outwards THEN 0.5 ELSE -0.5 END ); IF past_rp THEN rloc := rp_orbit; ELSEIF outwards THEN rloc := rp_orbit - 0.5; ELSE rloc := rp_orbit + 0.5; END IF; RETURN rloc + dir * dist; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute the current coordinates of a fleet flying in outer space -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_x Source X coordinate -- s_y Source Y coordinate -- d_x Destination X coordinate -- d_y Destination Y coordinate -- r_time Remaining flight time -- -- Returns: -- c_x Current X coordinate -- c_y Current Y coordinate -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_current_location( f_time INT , s_x REAL , s_y REAL , d_x REAL , d_y REAL , r_time INT , OUT c_x REAL , OUT c_y REAL ) STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE tot_time REAL; BEGIN tot_time := fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( f_time , s_x , s_y , d_x , d_y ); c_x := s_x + ( d_x - s_x ) * ( 1 - r_time / tot_time ); c_y := s_y + ( d_y - s_y ) * ( 1 - r_time / tot_time ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute the duration and direction for a planet-to-planet flight -- -- /!\ Marked as immutable, but does in fact query the DB. Planets don't move around. -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_id Source planet identifier -- d_id Destination planet identifier -- -- Returns: -- duration Flight duration -- direction Whether the fleet is moving inwards (FALSE) or outwards (TRUE) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_flight_init( f_time INT , s_id INT , d_id INT , OUT duration INT , OUT direction BOOLEAN ) STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE s_rec RECORD; d_rec RECORD; BEGIN IF s_id = d_id THEN RETURN; END IF; -- Get source planet coordinates, orbit and system ID SELECT INTO s_rec s.x AS x , s.y AS y , p.orbit AS orbit , s.id AS sid FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = s_id; -- Get destination planet coordinates, orbit and system ID SELECT INTO d_rec s.x AS x , s.y AS y , p.orbit AS orbit , s.id AS sid FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = d_id; IF s_rec.sid = d_rec.sid THEN -- Movement in the same system duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , s_rec.orbit , d_rec.orbit ); direction := ( d_rec.orbit > s_rec.orbit ); ELSE -- Movement to another system duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , s_rec.orbit , 5.5 ) + fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , d_rec.orbit , 5.5 ) + fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( f_time , s_rec.x , s_rec.y , d_rec.x , d_rec.y ); direction := TRUE; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute a flight's duration from an in-system redirection -- -- /!\ Marked as immutable, but does in fact query the DB. Planets don't move around. -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_sys Source system -- s_orbit Source "orbit" as a real number -- d_id Destination planet -- -- Returns: -- duration Flight duration -- direction Whether the fleet is moving inwards (FALSE) or outwards (TRUE) -- s_duration State duration -- ref_point Reference point -- past_rp Whether the fleet has passed the reference point or is moving -- towards it -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_insystem_redirect( f_time INT , s_sys INT , s_orbit REAL , d_id INT , OUT duration INT , OUT direction BOOLEAN , OUT s_duration INT , OUT ref_point INT , OUT past_rp BOOLEAN ) STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE s_rec RECORD; d_rec RECORD; torb REAL; rporb INT; BEGIN -- Get destination planet coordinates, orbit and system ID SELECT INTO d_rec s.x AS x , s.y AS y , p.orbit AS orbit , s.id AS sid FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = d_id; IF d_rec.sid = s_sys THEN -- Movement in the same system duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , s_orbit , d_rec.orbit ); direction := ( d_rec.orbit > s_orbit ); ELSE -- Movement to another system SELECT INTO s_rec x , y FROM verse.systems WHERE id = s_sys; duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , s_orbit , 5.5 ) + fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , d_rec.orbit , 5.5 ) + fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( f_time , s_rec.x , s_rec.y , d_rec.x , d_rec.y ); direction := TRUE; END IF; -- Compute state duration and reference point IF s_orbit::NUMERIC % 0.5 = 0 THEN s_duration := f_time; past_rp := ( s_orbit::NUMERIC % 1 = 0); rporb := ( CASE WHEN direction THEN ceil( s_orbit ) ELSE floor( s_orbit ) END ); ELSE torb := s_orbit * 2; IF direction THEN torb := ceil( torb ); ELSE torb := floor( torb ); END IF; s_duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , s_orbit , ( torb / 2 )::REAL ); rporb := round( s_orbit ); past_rp := ( CASE WHEN direction THEN ( rporb::REAL <= s_orbit ) ELSE ( rporb::REAL >= s_orbit ) END ); END IF; SELECT INTO ref_point name_id FROM verse.planets p WHERE p.system_id = s_sys AND orbit = rporb; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Compute a flight's duration from an outer space redirection -- -- /!\ Marked as immutable, but does in fact query the DB. Planets don't move around. -- -- Parameters: -- f_time Fleet flight time -- s_x Source X coordinate -- s_y Source Y coordinate -- d_id Destination planet -- -- Returns: -- duration Flight duration -- s_duration State duration -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.compute_outerspace_redirect( f_time INT , s_x REAL , s_y REAL , d_id INT , OUT duration INT , OUT s_duration INT ) STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE s_rec RECORD; d_rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Get destination planet coordinates, orbit and system ID SELECT INTO d_rec s.x AS x , s.y AS y , p.orbit AS orbit , s.id AS sid FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = d_id; s_duration := fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( f_time , s_x , s_y , d_rec.x , d_rec.y ); duration := fleets.compute_insystem_duration( f_time , d_rec.orbit , 5.5 ) + s_duration; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Give movement orders to a set of fleets -- -- Parameters: -- emp_id Expected owner identifier -- fleet_ids Array of fleet identifiers -- dest_id Destination planet -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.set_movement_orders( emp_id INT , fleet_ids BIGINT[] , dest_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; dur INT; s_dur INT; dir BOOLEAN; rpid INT; prp BOOLEAN; cx REAL; cy REAL; BEGIN -- Lock fleets and planets PERFORM * FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.empires e ON e.name_id = f.owner_id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON f.location_id = p.name_id WHERE f.id = ANY( fleet_ids ) AND f.status = 'AVAILABLE' AND e.name_id = emp_id AND f.location_id <> dest_id FOR UPDATE OF p , f; FOR rec IN SELECT f.id AS id , f.location_id AS location , fs.flight_time AS flight_time , b.id AS battle , p.orbit AS orbit , s.x AS x , s.y AS y , m.time_left AS mv_time , m.state_time_left AS mv_state_time , osms.start_x AS os_start_x , osms.start_y AS os_start_y , isms.ref_point_id AS is_ref_point , isms.outwards AS is_outwards , isms.past_ref_point AS is_past_ref_point , rp.system_id AS is_ref_point_system , rp.orbit AS is_ref_point_orbit FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.empires e ON e.name_id = f.owner_id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON f.location_id = p.name_id INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = f.location_id AND b.last_tick IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.ms_space osms ON osms.movement_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.ms_system isms ON isms.movement_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.planets rp ON isms.ref_point_id = rp.name_id WHERE f.id = ANY( fleet_ids ) AND f.status = 'AVAILABLE' AND e.name_id = emp_id AND f.location_id <> dest_id LOOP IF rec.mv_time IS NULL THEN -- New fleet movement SELECT INTO dur, dir duration , direction FROM fleets.compute_flight_init( rec.flight_time , rec.location , dest_id ); INSERT INTO fleets.movements ( fleet_id , source_id, time_left , state_time_left ) VALUES ( rec.id , rec.location , dur , rec.flight_time ); INSERT INTO fleets.ms_system( movement_id , ref_point_id , outwards , past_ref_point ) VALUES ( rec.id , rec.location , dir , TRUE ); UPDATE fleets.fleets SET location_id = dest_id WHERE id = rec.id; -- Remove fleet from battle (if there is one) PERFORM battles.remove_fleet( rec.battle , rec.id , 'DEPART'::battle_fleet_change , sys.get_tick() ); ELSE -- Fleet redirection IF rec.is_ref_point IS NULL THEN -- Fleet moving in outer space PERFORM sys.write_sql_log( 'Fleets' , 'TRACE'::log_level , 'About to perform outer space redirect; ' || 'OOFT/2 = ' || rec.flight_time || '; start(x;y)= (' || rec.os_start_x || ';' || rec.os_start_y || '); dest(x;y)= (' || rec.x || ';' || rec.y || '); time left: ' || rec.mv_state_time ); SELECT INTO cx , cy c_x , c_y FROM fleets.compute_current_location( rec.flight_time , rec.os_start_x , rec.os_start_y , rec.x , rec.y , rec.mv_state_time ); PERFORM sys.write_sql_log( 'Fleets' , 'TRACE'::log_level , 'Computed current coordinates: (' || cx || ';' || cy || ')' ); SELECT INTO dur , s_dur duration , s_duration FROM fleets.compute_outerspace_redirect( rec.flight_time , cx , cy , dest_id ); PERFORM sys.write_sql_log( 'Fleets' , 'TRACE'::log_level , 'Computed new total/state duration: ' || dur || ' / ' || s_dur ); UPDATE fleets.ms_space SET start_x = cx , start_y = cy WHERE movement_id = rec.id; ELSE -- Fleet moving in a system cx := fleets.compute_current_orbit( rec.flight_time , rec.is_ref_point_orbit , rec.is_outwards , rec.is_past_ref_point , rec.mv_state_time ); SELECT INTO dur, dir , s_dur , rpid , prp duration , direction , s_duration , ref_point , past_rp FROM fleets.compute_insystem_redirect( rec.flight_time , rec.is_ref_point_system , cx , dest_id ); UPDATE fleets.ms_system SET ref_point_id = rpid , outwards = dir , past_ref_point = prp WHERE movement_id = rec.id; END IF; UPDATE fleets.movements SET time_left = dur , state_time_left = s_dur WHERE fleet_id = rec.id; UPDATE fleets.fleets SET status = 'REDIRECTING' , penalty = rec.flight_time * 2 , location_id = dest_id WHERE id = rec.id; END IF; END LOOP; -- Prepare fleet departure events CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fleet_departures( loc_id INT , loc_name VARCHAR(20) , own_id INT , own_name VARCHAR(20) , name VARCHAR(64) , power BIGINT , mode BOOLEAN ) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO fleet_departures SELECT fm.source_id , sn.name , f.owner_id , fon.name , f.name , fs.power , f.attacking FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id INNER JOIN fleets.movements fm ON fm.fleet_id = f.id INNER JOIN naming.map_names sn ON sn.id = fm.source_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names fon ON fon.id = f.owner_id WHERE f.id = ANY( fleet_ids ) AND f.owner_id = emp_id AND f.status = 'AVAILABLE'; PERFORM events.commit_fleet_departures( ); PERFORM msgs.deliver_internal( ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Fleet movement command -- -- Parameters: -- emp_id Identifier of the empire who supposedly owns the fleets -- fleet_ids List of fleets to order around -- dest Name of the destination -- -- Returns: -- success Whether the destination was found or not. -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.move_fleets( emp_id INT , fleet_ids BIGINT[] , dest TEXT , OUT success BOOLEAN ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE dest_id INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO dest_id id FROM naming.map_names WHERE lower( name ) = lower(dest); success := FOUND; IF success THEN PERFORM fleets.set_movement_orders( emp_id , fleet_ids , dest_id ); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.move_fleets( INT , BIGINT[] , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Renames a set of fleets -- -- Parameters: -- emp_id Identifier of the empire who supposedly owns the fleets -- fleet_ids List of fleets to rename -- n_name New name -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.rename_fleets( emp_id INT , fleet_ids BIGINT[] , n_name TEXT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ UPDATE fleets.fleets SET name = ( CASE WHEN $3 = '' THEN NULL ELSE $3 END ) WHERE owner_id = $1 AND id IN ( SELECT unnest AS id FROM unnest( $2 ) ); $$ LANGUAGE SQL; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.rename_fleets( INT , BIGINT[] , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Prepares a fleet splitting command -- -- Parameters: -- f_id Fleet identifier -- n_fleets Amount of fleets to create -- nnm New name for the fleets -- -- Returns: -- success Whether the operation was successful -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.init_split( f_id BIGINT , n_fleets INT , nnm TEXT , OUT success BOOLEAN ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE o_name TEXT; ifm BOOLEAN; att BOOLEAN; loc INT; own INT; BEGIN IF n_fleets < 1 THEN success := FALSE; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO o_name , ifm , loc , att , own f.name , ( m.fleet_id IS NOT NULL ) , f.location_id , f.attacking , f.owner_id FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.empires e ON e.name_id = f.owner_id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = f.location_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE f.id = f_id FOR UPDATE OF f , e , p; success := FOUND; IF NOT success THEN RETURN; END IF; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fleet_split_main ( fleet_id BIGINT , fleets INT , location INT , owner INT , attacking BOOLEAN , new_name VARCHAR(40) , moving BOOLEAN ) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO fleet_split_main VALUES ( f_id , n_fleets , loc , own , att , (CASE WHEN nnm = '' THEN o_name ELSE nnm END ) , ifm ); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fleet_split_ships ( ship_type INT , initial_amount INT , split_amount INT ) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO fleet_split_ships SELECT ship_id , amount , 0::INT FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = f_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.init_split( BIGINT , INT , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Sets the amount of ships of a given type to split off. -- -- Parameters: -- st_id Ship type identifier -- n_ships Amount -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.set_split_ships( st_id INT , n_ships INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN UPDATE fleet_split_ships SET split_amount = n_ships WHERE ship_type = st_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.set_split_ships( INT , INT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Verifies a fleet split command information -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.check_split() RETURNS BOOLEAN STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE n_fleets INT; ssum INT; nsum INT; rec RECORD; BEGIN SELECT INTO n_fleets fleets FROM fleet_split_main; ssum := 0; nsum := 0; FOR rec IN SELECT initial_amount , split_amount FROM fleet_split_ships LOOP IF rec.split_amount < 0 OR rec.split_amount * n_fleets > rec.initial_amount THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; ssum := ssum + rec.initial_amount - rec.split_amount * n_fleets; nsum := nsum + rec.split_amount; END LOOP; RETURN ( ssum > 0 AND nsum > 0 ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Executes a fleet split command information -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.split_fleet( ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE main RECORD; i INT; nf_id BIGINT; mv_rec fleets.movements%ROWTYPE; ism_rec fleets.ms_system%ROWTYPE; osm_rec fleets.ms_space%ROWTYPE; old_ft INT; new_ft INT; sp_ft INT; x REAL; y REAL; cx REAL; cy REAL; sid INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO main * FROM fleet_split_main; -- Cache trajectory IF main.moving THEN SELECT INTO mv_rec * FROM fleets.movements WHERE fleet_id = main.fleet_id; SELECT INTO ism_rec * FROM fleets.ms_system WHERE movement_id = main.fleet_id; SELECT INTO osm_rec * FROM fleets.ms_space WHERE movement_id = main.fleet_id; SELECT INTO old_ft flight_time FROM fleets.stats_view WHERE id = main.fleet_id; END IF; -- Update existing fleet UPDATE fleets.ships s SET amount = amount - fss.split_amount * main.fleets FROM fleet_split_ships fss WHERE fleet_id = main.fleet_id AND s.ship_id = fss.ship_type; DELETE FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = main.fleet_id AND amount = 0; -- Did the speed change? IF main.moving THEN SELECT INTO new_ft flight_time FROM fleets.stats_view WHERE id = main.fleet_id; IF new_ft <> old_ft THEN IF ism_rec IS NULL THEN -- Outer space movement SELECT INTO x , y s.x::REAL , s.y::REAL FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = main.location; SELECT INTO cx , cy c_x , c_y FROM fleets.compute_current_location( old_ft , osm_rec.start_x , osm_rec.start_y , x , y , mv_rec.state_time_left ); UPDATE fleets.ms_space SET start_x = cx , start_y = cy WHERE movement_id = main.fleet_id; UPDATE fleets.movements m SET time_left = r.duration , state_time_left = r.s_duration FROM fleets.compute_outerspace_redirect( new_ft , cx , cy , main.location ) r WHERE m.fleet_id = main.fleet_id; ELSE -- System movement SELECT INTO y , sid orbit , system_id FROM verse.planets WHERE name_id = ism_rec.ref_point_id; x := fleets.compute_current_orbit( old_ft , y::INT , ism_rec.outwards , ism_rec.past_ref_point , mv_rec.state_time_left ); UPDATE fleets.movements m SET time_left = r.duration , state_time_left = r.s_duration FROM fleets.compute_insystem_redirect( new_ft , sid , x , main.location ) r WHERE m.fleet_id = main.fleet_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; sp_ft := NULL; FOR i IN 1 .. main.fleets LOOP -- Main fleet record INSERT INTO fleets.fleets ( owner_id , location_id , name , attacking , status , penalty ) VALUES ( main.owner , main.location , main.new_name , main.attacking , 'AVAILABLE' , 0 ) RETURNING id INTO nf_id; -- Fleet ships INSERT INTO fleets.ships ( fleet_id , ship_id , amount , damage ) SELECT nf_id , s.ship_type , s.split_amount , 0 FROM fleet_split_ships s WHERE s.split_amount > 0; IF main.moving THEN IF sp_ft IS NULL THEN SELECT INTO sp_ft flight_time FROM fleets.stats_view WHERE id = nf_id; IF sp_ft <> old_ft THEN IF ism_rec IS NULL THEN -- Outer space movement SELECT INTO x , y s.x::REAL , s.y::REAL FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = main.location; SELECT INTO cx , cy c_x , c_y FROM fleets.compute_current_location( old_ft , osm_rec.start_x , osm_rec.start_y , x , y , mv_rec.state_time_left ); osm_rec.start_x := cx; osm_rec.start_y := cy; SELECT INTO mv_rec.time_left , mv_rec.state_time_left duration , s_duration FROM fleets.compute_outerspace_redirect( sp_ft , cx , cy , main.location ); ELSE -- System movement SELECT INTO y , sid orbit , system_id FROM verse.planets WHERE name_id = ism_rec.ref_point_id; x := fleets.compute_current_orbit( old_ft , y::INT , ism_rec.outwards , ism_rec.past_ref_point , mv_rec.state_time_left ); SELECT INTO mv_rec.time_left , mv_rec.state_time_left duration , s_duration FROM fleets.compute_insystem_redirect( sp_ft , sid , x , main.location ); END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Insert fleet movement records INSERT INTO fleets.movements ( fleet_id , source_id , time_left , state_time_left ) VALUES ( nf_id , mv_rec.source_id , mv_rec.time_left , mv_rec.state_time_left ); IF ism_rec IS NULL THEN INSERT INTO fleets.ms_space ( movement_id , start_x , start_y ) VALUES ( nf_id , osm_rec.start_x , osm_rec.start_y ); ELSE INSERT INTO fleets.ms_system ( movement_id , ref_point_id , outwards , past_ref_point ) VALUES ( nf_id , ism_rec.ref_point_id , ism_rec.outwards , ism_rec.past_ref_point ); END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Finalises a fleet split command -- -- Parameters: -- simulate Whether the split command was only being simulated -- -- Returns: -- success Whether the operation was / would have been successful -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.execute_split( simulate BOOLEAN , OUT success BOOLEAN ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN success := fleets.check_split(); IF success AND NOT simulate THEN PERFORM fleets.split_fleet(); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.execute_split( BOOLEAN ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Set fleet mode -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire who supposedly owns the fleets -- f_ids Fleet identifiers -- att Whether the fleets are to be set to attack -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.set_mode( e_id INT , f_ids BIGINT[] , att BOOLEAN ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Prepare events table CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fleet_switches( loc_id INT , loc_name VARCHAR(20) , own_id INT , own_name VARCHAR(20) , name VARCHAR(64) , power BIGINT , mode BOOLEAN ) ON COMMIT DROP; -- Lock records PERFORM f.id FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = f.location_id INNER JOIN unnest( f_ids ) fid ON f.id = fid WHERE f.owner_id = e_id AND f.attacking <> att FOR UPDATE OF f , p; -- Handle moving fleets UPDATE fleets.fleets f SET attacking = att FROM fleets.movements m WHERE f.owner_id = e_id AND f.id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( f_ids ) ) AND m.fleet_id = f.id AND f.attacking <> att; -- Handle fleets on planets FOR rec IN SELECT DISTINCT f.location_id AS location , ep.empire_id AS planet_owner , b.id AS battle , ( el.enemy IS NOT NULL ) AS enemy , ( v.status = 'PROCESSED' AND b.id IS NULL ) AS on_vacation FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN unnest( f_ids ) fid ON f.id = fid LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = f.location_id AND b.last_tick IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = f.location_id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.enemies el ON el.empire = ep.empire_id AND el.enemy = e_id LEFT OUTER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = ep.empire_id LEFT OUTER JOIN users.vacations v ON v.account_id = en.owner_id WHERE f.owner_id = e_id AND m.fleet_id IS NULL AND f.attacking <> att LOOP -- Can't switch on own planets, on planets whose owner have the fleets' owner in their EL -- or on planets which have entered vacation mode CONTINUE WHEN e_id = rec.planet_owner OR rec.enemy OR rec.on_vacation; -- Prepare events INSERT INTO fleet_switches SELECT f.location_id , ln.name , f.owner_id , fon.name , f.name , fs.power , att FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON f.location_id = ep.planet_id INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id INNER JOIN naming.map_names ln ON ln.id = f.location_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names fon ON fon.id = f.owner_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE f.owner_id = e_id AND f.location_id = rec.location AND m.fleet_id IS NULL; -- Set fleets mode UPDATE fleets.fleets f SET attacking = att , status = 'REDEPLOYING' , penalty = ( CASE WHEN f2.penalty > ( 1 + fs.flight_time * ( CASE WHEN att THEN 40 ELSE 10 END ) ) THEN f2.penalty ELSE ( 1 + fs.flight_time * ( CASE WHEN att THEN 40 ELSE 10 END ) ) END ) FROM fleets.fleets f2 INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f2.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f2.id WHERE f2.owner_id = e_id AND f2.location_id = rec.location AND m.fleet_id IS NULL AND f2.id = f.id; -- Update battle PERFORM battles.set_mode( rec.battle , e_id , att ); END LOOP; PERFORM events.commit_fleet_switches( FALSE ); PERFORM msgs.deliver_internal( ); DROP TABLE fleet_switches; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.set_mode( INT , BIGINT[] , BOOLEAN ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Disband fleets -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire who supposedly owns the fleets -- f_ids Fleet identifiers -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.disband( e_id INT , f_ids BIGINT[] ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Lock all fleets and, if necessary, remove them from battles FOR rec IN SELECT f.id AS fleet , ( CASE WHEN m.fleet_id IS NULL AND f.status <> 'DEPLOYING' THEN b.id ELSE NULL END ) AS battle FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN unnest( f_ids ) fid ON f.id = fid INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = f.location_id LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = f.location_id AND b.last_tick IS NULL LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE f.owner_id = e_id FOR UPDATE OF p , f LOOP PERFORM battles.remove_fleet( rec.battle , rec.fleet , 'DISBAND'::battle_fleet_change , sys.get_tick( ) ); END LOOP; -- Delete fleets DELETE FROM fleets.fleets WHERE id IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest( f_ids ) ) AND owner_id = e_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.disband( INT , BIGINT[] ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Inflicts battle damage to a fleet -- -- Parameters: -- f_id Fleet identifier -- dmg Damage to inflict -- b_id Battle identifier -- tick Current tick -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.inflict_battle_damage( f_id BIGINT , dmg REAL , b_id BIGINT , tick BIGINT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE f_power BIGINT; f_att BOOLEAN; e_id INT; bp_id BIGINT; bf_id BIGINT; rec RECORD; st_dmg REAL; n_dest INT; found INT; deleted INT; BEGIN PERFORM sys.write_sql_log( 'BattleUpdate' , 'TRACE'::log_level , 'Inflicting ' || dmg || ' damage to fleet #' || f_id ); -- Get total fleet power and battle protagonist SELECT INTO f_power , e_id , f_att fs.power , f.owner_id , f.attacking FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs USING( id ) WHERE id = f_id; bp_id := battles.goc_protagonist( b_id , e_id , f_att , tick ); bf_id := NULL; found := 0; deleted := 0; FOR rec IN SELECT s.ship_id , ( s.amount * sd.power ) AS t_power , sd.power AS s_power , s.damage AS damage , s.amount AS amount FROM fleets.ships s INNER JOIN tech.ships sd ON sd.buildable_id = s.ship_id WHERE s.fleet_id = f_id LOOP -- Compute ships to destroy found := found + 1; st_dmg := rec.damage + ( dmg * rec.t_power / f_power ) / rec.s_power; n_dest := floor( st_dmg ); IF n_dest >= rec.amount THEN -- All ships destroyed deleted := deleted + 1; DELETE FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = f_id AND ship_id = rec.ship_id; n_dest := rec.amount; ELSE -- Inflict damage UPDATE fleets.ships SET amount = amount - n_dest , damage = st_dmg - n_dest WHERE fleet_id = f_id AND ship_id = rec.ship_id; END IF; IF n_dest > 0 THEN -- Update fleet change record IF bf_id IS NULL THEN bf_id := battles.goc_fleet_change( bp_id , tick , 'BATTLE'::battle_fleet_change ); END IF; PERFORM battles.add_fleet_change( bf_id , rec.ship_id , - n_dest ); END IF; END LOOP; -- If all ships were destroyed, delete the fleet IF found = deleted THEN DELETE FROM fleets.fleets WHERE id = f_id; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Inflicts debt-related damage to all fleets of an empire -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifer -- t_upkeep Total fleet upkeep -- debt Daily debt -- d_ratio Debt damage ratio -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.handle_debt( e_id INT , t_upkeep REAL , debt REAL , d_ratio REAL ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE tot_damage REAL; f_rec RECORD; s_rec RECORD; n_found INT; n_killed INT; s_killed INT; s_damage REAL; n_ships INT; tick BIGINT; bp_id BIGINT; bf_id BIGINT; mv_rec fleets.movements%ROWTYPE; ism_rec fleets.ms_system%ROWTYPE; osm_rec fleets.ms_space%ROWTYPE; x REAL; y REAL; cx REAL; cy REAL; sid INT; BEGIN tick := sys.get_tick( ) - 1; tot_damage := t_upkeep * d_ratio / debt; PERFORM sys.write_sql_log( 'EmpireDebt' , 'DEBUG'::log_level , 'Inflicting debt damage to fleets; total upkeep: ' || t_upkeep || ', damage ratio: ' || d_ratio || ', total damage: ' || tot_damage ); FOR f_rec IN SELECT f.id AS fleet , f.status , f.location_id AS location , ( m.fleet_id IS NOT NULL ) AS moving , b.id AS battle , fs.flight_time , f.attacking FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = f.location_id AND b.last_tick IS NULL WHERE f.owner_id = e_id FOR UPDATE OF f LOOP -- Get battle information IF f_rec.battle IS NOT NULL AND NOT f_rec.moving AND f_rec.status <> 'DEPLOYING' THEN bp_id := battles.goc_protagonist( f_rec.battle , e_id , f_rec.attacking , tick ); bf_id := NULL; END IF; -- Damage ships n_found := 0; n_killed := 0; s_killed := 0; FOR s_rec IN SELECT s.ship_id AS ship , s.amount AS amount , s.damage AS damage , ( d.upkeep * s.amount )::REAL AS upkeep FROM fleets.ships s INNER JOIN tech.buildables d ON d.name_id = s.ship_id WHERE s.fleet_id = f_rec.fleet LOOP n_found := n_found + 1; s_damage := s_rec.damage + tot_damage * s_rec.upkeep / t_upkeep; n_ships := floor( s_damage ); IF n_ships >= s_rec.amount THEN -- All ships destroyed DELETE FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = f_rec.fleet AND ship_id = s_rec.ship; n_killed := n_killed + 1; s_killed := s_killed + s_rec.amount; n_ships := s_rec.amount; ELSE -- Simple damage UPDATE fleets.ships SET amount = s_rec.amount - n_ships , damage = s_damage - n_ships WHERE fleet_id = f_rec.fleet AND ship_id = s_rec.ship; s_killed := s_killed + n_ships; END IF; IF n_ships > 0 AND f_rec.battle IS NOT NULL AND NOT f_rec.moving AND f_rec.status <> 'DEPLOYING' THEN -- Update battle IF bf_id IS NULL THEN bf_id := battles.goc_fleet_change( bp_id , tick , 'DISBAND'::battle_fleet_change ); END IF; PERFORM battles.add_fleet_change( bf_id , s_rec.ship , - n_ships ); END IF; END LOOP; -- No ships destroyed CONTINUE WHEN s_killed = 0; IF n_killed = n_found THEN -- Destroy fleet DELETE FROM fleets.fleets WHERE id = f_rec.fleet; ELSEIF f_rec.moving AND n_killed > 0 THEN -- Flight time may have changed, update fleet accordingly SELECT INTO n_found flight_time FROM fleets.stats_view WHERE id = f_rec.fleet; CONTINUE WHEN n_found = f_rec.flight_time; -- Get movement records SELECT INTO mv_rec * FROM fleets.movements WHERE fleet_id = f_rec.fleet; SELECT INTO ism_rec * FROM fleets.ms_system WHERE movement_id = f_rec.fleet; SELECT INTO osm_rec * FROM fleets.ms_space WHERE movement_id = f_rec.fleet; IF ism_rec IS NULL THEN -- Outer space movement SELECT INTO x , y s.x::REAL , s.y::REAL FROM verse.planets p INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id WHERE p.name_id = f_rec.location; SELECT INTO cx , cy c_x , c_y FROM fleets.compute_current_location( f_rec.flight_time , osm_rec.start_x , osm_rec.start_y , x , y , mv_rec.state_time_left ); UPDATE fleets.ms_space SET start_x = cx , start_y = cy WHERE movement_id = f_rec.fleet; UPDATE fleets.movements m SET time_left = r.duration , state_time_left = r.s_duration FROM fleets.compute_outerspace_redirect( n_found , cx , cy , f_rec.location ) r WHERE m.fleet_id = f_rec.fleet; ELSE -- System movement SELECT INTO y , sid orbit , system_id FROM verse.planets WHERE name_id = ism_rec.ref_point_id; x := fleets.compute_current_orbit( f_rec.flight_time , y::INT , ism_rec.outwards , ism_rec.past_ref_point , mv_rec.state_time_left ); UPDATE fleets.movements m SET time_left = r.duration , state_time_left = r.s_duration FROM fleets.compute_insystem_redirect( n_found , sid , x , f_rec.location ) r WHERE m.fleet_id = f_rec.fleet; END IF; END IF; END LOOP; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Merge fleets -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire who supposedly owns the fleets -- f_ids Fleet identifiers -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION fleets.merge( e_id INT , f_ids BIGINT[] ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN -- Create temporary tables CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE merged_fleets( location INT , fleet BIGINT , n_merged INT DEFAULT 1 ) ON COMMIT DROP; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE merged_ships( LIKE fleets.ships ) ON COMMIT DROP; -- Find all fleets FOR rec IN SELECT f.id AS fleet , f.location_id AS location FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN unnest( f_ids ) fid ON f.id = fid LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE f.status = 'AVAILABLE' AND f.owner_id = e_id AND m.fleet_id IS NULL FOR UPDATE OF f LOOP UPDATE merged_fleets SET n_merged = n_merged + 1 WHERE location = rec.location; IF FOUND THEN -- Update existing record UPDATE merged_ships ms SET amount = ms.amount + s.amount , damage = ms.damage + s.damage FROM merged_fleets f , fleets.ships s WHERE f.location = rec.location AND ms.fleet_id = f.fleet AND s.fleet_id = rec.fleet AND ms.ship_id = s.ship_id; DELETE FROM fleets.fleets WHERE id = rec.fleet; ELSE -- Create new record INSERT INTO merged_fleets ( location , fleet ) VALUES ( rec.location , rec.fleet ); INSERT INTO merged_ships (fleet_id , ship_id , amount , damage ) SELECT rec.fleet , s.buildable_id , 0 , 0 FROM tech.ships s; UPDATE merged_ships ms SET amount = ms.amount + s.amount , damage = ms.damage + s.damage FROM merged_fleets f , fleets.ships s WHERE f.location = rec.location AND ms.fleet_id = f.fleet AND s.fleet_id = rec.fleet AND ms.ship_id = s.ship_id; DELETE FROM fleets.ships WHERE fleet_id = rec.fleet; END IF; END LOOP; INSERT INTO fleets.ships SELECT * FROM merged_ships WHERE amount > 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION fleets.merge( INT , BIGINT[] ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Fleet locations list -- CREATE VIEW fleets.locations_list_view AS SELECT ep.empire_id AS empire , ep.planet_id AS location , FALSE AS attacking FROM emp.planets ep UNION SELECT f.owner_id AS empire , f.location_id AS location , f.attacking AS attacking FROM fleets.fleets f LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE m.fleet_id IS NULL; -- -- Fleet stats -- CREATE VIEW fleets.stats_view AS SELECT f.id , sum( fs.amount * fsd.power ) AS power , max( fsd.flight_time ) AS flight_time FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN fleets.ships fs ON fs.fleet_id = f.id INNER JOIN tech.ships fsd ON fsd.buildable_id = fs.ship_id GROUP BY f.id; -- -- Fleet locations view -- CREATE VIEW fleets.locations_view AS SELECT llv.* , mv.name , mv.x , mv.y , mv.orbit , mv.picture , mv.tag , floor( p.population )::BIGINT AS population , floor( verse.adjust_production( verse.get_raw_production( p.name_id , 'DEF' ) , ph.current / p.population ) )::BIGINT AS defence , bcs.id AS battle , ( CASE WHEN llv.attacking THEN bcs.attack ELSE bcs.defence END ) AS friendly_power , ( CASE WHEN llv.attacking THEN bcs.defence ELSE bcs.attack END ) AS hostile_power , ( ep.empire_id = llv.empire ) AS is_own , ( v.account_id IS NOT NULL AND bcs.id IS NULL ) AS on_vacation FROM fleets.locations_list_view llv INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = llv.location INNER JOIN verse.planet_happiness ph ON ph.planet_id = p.name_id INNER JOIN verse.map_view mv ON mv.id = p.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.current_status bcs ON bcs.location = llv.location LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.planet_id = p.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = ep.empire_id LEFT OUTER JOIN users.vacations v ON v.account_id = en.owner_id AND v.status = 'PROCESSED' ORDER BY mv.x , mv.y , mv.orbit; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.locations_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Fleet owners view -- CREATE VIEW fleets.owners_view AS SELECT DISTINCT llv.empire , llv.location , f.owner_id AS id , n.name AS name , ( CASE WHEN f.owner_id = llv.empire THEN 'OWN' WHEN f.attacking = llv.attacking THEN 'ALLIED' ELSE 'ENEMY' END )::empire_relation_type AS relation FROM fleets.locations_list_view llv INNER JOIN fleets.fleets f ON f.location_id = llv.location INNER JOIN naming.empire_names n ON n.id = f.owner_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE m.fleet_id IS NULL; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.owners_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Static fleets view -- CREATE VIEW fleets.static_fleets AS SELECT ov.empire , ov.location , ov.id AS owner , f.id , f.name , f.status , f.penalty , fs.power , fs.flight_time * 2 AS flight_time FROM fleets.owners_view ov INNER JOIN fleets.fleets f ON f.location_id = ov.location AND f.owner_id = ov.id INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE m.fleet_id IS NULL; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.static_fleets TO :dbuser; -- -- Location of fleets moving in outer space -- CREATE VIEW fleets.outer_space_fleets AS SELECT s.movement_id AS id , m.state_time_left AS time_left , s.start_x AS x0 , s.start_y AS y0 , ts.x::REAL AS x1 , ts.y::REAL AS y1 FROM fleets.ms_space s INNER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = s.movement_id INNER JOIN fleets.fleets f ON m.fleet_id = f.id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = f.location_id INNER JOIN verse.systems ts ON ts.id = p.system_id; -- -- Location of fleets moving inside systems -- CREATE VIEW fleets.system_fleets AS SELECT s.movement_id AS id , iss.x AS x , iss.y AS y , n.id AS planet , n.name AS name FROM fleets.ms_system s INNER JOIN verse.planets isp ON isp.name_id = s.ref_point_id INNER JOIN verse.systems iss ON iss.id = isp.system_id INNER JOIN naming.map_names n ON n.id = isp.name_id; -- -- Moving fleets view -- CREATE VIEW fleets.moving_fleets AS SELECT f.owner_id AS empire , f.id , f.name , f.status , f.penalty , f.attacking , fs.power , fs.flight_time * 2 AS flight_time , m.time_left , m.source_id AS from_id , sn.name AS from_name , f.location_id AS to_id , dn.name AS to_name , ( CASE WHEN osf.id IS NULL THEN isf.x ELSE ( osf.x1 - osf.time_left::REAL * ( osf.x1 - osf.x0 ) / fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( fs.flight_time , osf.x0 , osf.y0 , osf.x1 , osf.y1 ) ) END )::REAL AS cx , ( CASE WHEN osf.id IS NULL THEN isf.y ELSE ( osf.y1 - osf.time_left::REAL * ( osf.y1 - osf.y0 ) / fleets.compute_outerspace_duration( fs.flight_time , osf.x0 , osf.y0 , osf.x1 , osf.y1 ) ) END )::REAL AS cy , ( CASE WHEN osf.id IS NULL THEN isf.planet ELSE NULL END )::INT AS nearest_id , ( CASE WHEN osf.id IS NULL THEN isf.name ELSE NULL END )::TEXT AS nearest_name FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id INNER JOIN naming.map_names sn ON sn.id = m.source_id INNER JOIN naming.map_names dn ON dn.id = f.location_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.system_fleets isf ON isf.id = m.fleet_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.outer_space_fleets osf ON osf.id = f.id; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.moving_fleets TO :dbuser; -- -- List of fleets visible to an empire -- CREATE VIEW fleets.visible_fleets_list AS SELECT empire , id FROM fleets.static_fleets UNION SELECT empire , id FROM fleets.moving_fleets; -- -- List of fleets ships -- CREATE VIEW fleets.ships_view AS SELECT vfl.empire , vfl.id , fs.ship_id , fs.amount , ( fs.amount * fsd.power ) AS power , t.translated_string AS name FROM fleets.visible_fleets_list vfl INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON vfl.empire = en.id INNER JOIN users.credentials c ON c.address_id = en.owner_id INNER JOIN fleets.ships fs ON fs.fleet_id = vfl.id INNER JOIN tech.ships fsd ON fsd.buildable_id = fs.ship_id INNER JOIN defs.translations t ON t.lang_id = c.language_id AND t.string_id = fsd.buildable_id ORDER BY fsd.power; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.ships_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Short view for static fleets -- CREATE VIEW fleets.short_static_fleets AS SELECT sf.empire , sf.location AS location_id , fl.name AS location_name , fl.x::REAL AS x , fl.y::REAL AS y , sf.id , sf.name , sf.status , sf.penalty , fl.attacking , sf.power , sf.flight_time FROM fleets.static_fleets sf INNER JOIN fleets.locations_view fl USING( location , empire ) WHERE sf.empire = sf.owner; GRANT SELECT ON fleets.short_static_fleets TO :dbuser;