Deploying a local Legacy Worlds server

1) Before the server can be deployed, it is necessary to build the whole thing.
Enter the legacyworlds/ directory, and run:

	mvn package

The server's distribution will be prepared in the
legacyworlds-server-DIST/target/legacyworlds-server-1.0.0-0/ directory. It
includes the server's main archive and libraries, the SQL scripts that
initialise the database and the initial game data.

2) The database needs to be created. In order to do that, you need to have a
PostgreSQL instance onto which you can connect locally, without password, as an
administrative user.

In the server distribution's sql/ directory, copy the db-config.sample.txt file
to db-config.txt, and edit it. The "admin" field should be the name of the
administrative user, the "db" field the name of the database, the "user" field
the name of the Legacy Worlds user, and the "password" field the Legacy Worlds
user's password.

Once this is done, connect to PostgreSQL and run:

	\i database.sql

3) Configure the server's data source by copying the data-source.sample.xml file
to data-source.xml, and modifying the JDBC URL, user name and password to match
the values used at step 2.  

4) Load the game's base data. In order to do that, run the following commands
from the root of the server's distribution: 

	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar \
		--run-tool ImportText data/i18n-text.xml
	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar \
		--run-tool ImportTechs data/techs.xml
	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar \
		--run-tool ImportBuildables data/buildables.xml 

5) Run the server for a few seconds by typing:

	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar

Stop it by running

	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar  --run-tool Stop

in another terminal.

6) Create the server's super user. First, create an inactive user account:

	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar --run-tool CreateUser
The tool will prompt for an email address, password (which /will/ appear on the
console) and language identifier ('en' or 'fr' are supported). Please note that
the usual password strength restrictions apply.

Once this has been completed, make this user a superuser by running:

	java -jar legacyworlds-server-main-1.0.0-0.jar \
		--run-tool CreateSuperuser ' VisibleName'

Replace '' with the user's actual email address, and
'VisibleName' with the name of the administrator as seen by the users.

7) Web sites:
	* Set up a local Tomcat instance.
	* Make sure its manager application is enabled.
	* Make sure there is a local, XML-based user database configured.
	* Create an "admin" user with an empty password and the "manager" role.
	* From the legacyworlds/ directory, run:
		mvn package tomcat:deploy
	This will deploy the main and administrative sites to /lwmain and /lwadmin,
	* If you need to redeploy the sites later, you need to run
		mvn package tomcat:redeploy