-- LegacyWorlds Beta 6 -- PostgreSQL database scripts -- -- Empire management functions and views -- -- Copyright(C) 2004-2012, DeepClone Development -- -------------------------------------------------------- /* * Empire creation * ---------------- * * This function inserts the rows that represent an empire and its settings. * It also initialises the empire's updates. * * Parameters: * _name_id Empire name identifier * _planet_id Planet identifier * _initial_cash Initial cash */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emp.create_empire( INT , INT , REAL ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.create_empire( _name_id INT , _planet_id INT , _initial_cash REAL ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ BEGIN -- Add empire and give initial planet INSERT INTO emp.empires ( name_id , cash ) VALUES ( _name_id , _initial_cash ); INSERT INTO emp.planets ( planet_id , empire_id ) VALUES ( _planet_id , _name_id ); -- Add mining settings INSERT INTO emp.mining_settings ( empire_id , resource_name_id ) SELECT _name_id , _resource.resource_name_id FROM defs.natural_resources _resource; -- Add empire resources INSERT INTO emp.resources ( empire_id , resource_name_id ) SELECT _name_id , resource_name_id FROM defs.resources; -- Insert technologies that have no dependencies as research in progress INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id ) SELECT _name_id , technology_name_id FROM defs.technologies LEFT OUTER JOIN defs.technology_dependencies USING ( technology_name_id ) WHERE techdep_id IS NULL; -- Update resource mining quantities UPDATE verse.planet_resources SET pres_income = emp.mining_compute_extraction( _update_row ) FROM emp.mining_get_input( _name_id ) _update_row WHERE planet_id = _update_row.planet AND resource_name_id = _update_row.resource; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.create_empire( INT , INT , REAL ) FROM PUBLIC; /* * Implements a technology * ------------------------ * * This stored procedure is called when an empire attempts to implement a * technology. It will check the empire's resources and the technology itself, * then mark it as implemented if necessary. It will also add new research * entries if necessary. * * Parameters: * _empire The empire's identifier * _technology The string identifier for the technology to implement */ DROP FUNCTION emp.technology_implement( INT , TEXT ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.technology_implement( _empire INT , _technology TEXT ) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $technology_implement$ DECLARE _impl_data RECORD; BEGIN -- Access and lock the records SELECT INTO _impl_data technology_name_id , technology_price FROM emp.empires _emp INNER JOIN emp.technologies_v2 _tech ON _tech.empire_id = _emp.name_id INNER JOIN defs.technologies _def USING ( technology_name_id ) INNER JOIN defs.strings _name ON _def.technology_name_id = _name.id WHERE _emp.name_id = _empire AND _name.name = _technology AND _tech.emptech_state = 'PENDING' AND _emp.cash >= _def.technology_price FOR UPDATE OF _emp , _tech FOR SHARE OF _def; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN FALSE; END IF; -- Implement the technology UPDATE emp.empires SET cash = cash - _impl_data.technology_price WHERE name_id = _empire; UPDATE emp.technologies_v2 SET emptech_state = 'KNOWN' WHERE empire_id = _empire AND technology_name_id = _impl_data.technology_name_id; -- Insert new research INSERT INTO emp.technologies_v2 ( empire_id , technology_name_id ) SELECT _empire , _valid.technology_name_id FROM ( SELECT _tech.technology_name_id , ( COUNT(*) = COUNT(_emptech.emptech_state) ) AS emptech_has_dependencies FROM defs.technologies _tech INNER JOIN defs.technology_dependencies _deps USING ( technology_name_id ) LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.technologies_v2 _emptech ON _emptech.technology_name_id = _deps.technology_name_id_depends AND _emptech.emptech_state = 'KNOWN' AND _emptech.empire_id = _empire GROUP BY _tech.technology_name_id ) _valid LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.technologies_v2 _emptech ON _emptech.empire_id = _empire AND _emptech.technology_name_id = _valid.technology_name_id WHERE _emptech.empire_id IS NULL AND _valid.emptech_has_dependencies; RETURN TRUE; END; $technology_implement$; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.technology_implement( INT , TEXT ) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.technology_implement( INT , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; /* * Compute a technology identifier * -------------------------------- * * This function returns the identifier of a technology as seen from the * player's side. The identifier is either the string identifier for the * technology's name, or a MD5 hash including both the empire's identifier * and the string identifier for "unknown" technologies. * * Parameters: * _empire The empire's identifier * _technology The technology's string identifier * _visible TRUE if the technology is supposed to be visible, FALSE * otherwise * * Returns: * ? The technology's client-side identifier */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emp.technology_make_identifier( INT , TEXT , BOOLEAN ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.technology_make_identifier( _empire INT , _technology TEXT , _visible BOOLEAN ) RETURNS TEXT LANGUAGE SQL STRICT IMMUTABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $technology_make_identifier$ SELECT ( CASE WHEN $3 THEN $2 ELSE md5( $1::TEXT || ' (making hash less obvious) ' || $2 ) END ); $technology_make_identifier$; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.technology_make_identifier( INT , TEXT , BOOLEAN ) FROM PUBLIC; /* * Initialise a research priorities update * ---------------------------------------- * * This stored procedure prepares a temporary table which is used to update * an empire's research priorities. * * Parameters: * _empire The empire's identifier * * Returns: * ? TRUE if the empire exists, is not on vacation mode and has * in-progress research, FALSE otherwise. */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emp.resprio_update_start( INT ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_start( _empire INT ) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $resprio_update_start$ BEGIN -- Create temporary table CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE rprio_update( _empire_id INT , _technology_name_id INT , _emptech_id TEXT , _emptech_priority INT ) ON COMMIT DROP; -- Lock records and fill table INSERT INTO rprio_update ( _empire_id , _technology_name_id , _emptech_id , _emptech_priority ) SELECT _emp.name_id , _tech.technology_name_id , emp.technology_make_identifier( empire_id , _str.name , emptech_visible ) , _etech.emptech_priority FROM emp.empires _emp INNER JOIN emp.technologies_v2 _etech ON _etech.empire_id = _emp.name_id AND _etech.emptech_state = 'RESEARCH' INNER JOIN defs.technologies _tech USING ( technology_name_id ) INNER JOIN emp.technology_visibility_view _vis USING ( empire_id , technology_name_id ) INNER JOIN defs.strings _str ON _str.id = _tech.technology_name_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names _ename ON _ename.id = _emp.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN users.vacations _vac ON _vac.account_id = _ename.owner_id AND _vac.status = 'PROCESSED' WHERE _emp.name_id = _empire AND _vac.account_id IS NULL FOR UPDATE OF _emp , _etech FOR SHARE OF _tech , _str , _ename; RETURN FOUND; END; $resprio_update_start$; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_start( INT ) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_start( INT ) TO :dbuser; /* * Set the priority of some research * ---------------------------------- * * This stored procedure updates the priority of some in-progress empire * research. It will only function correctly if emp.resprio_update_start() was * already executed. * * Parameters: * _technology The client-side identifier of the technology, as * returned by emp.technology_make_identifier() * _priority The priority to assign to the technology * * Returns: * ? TRUE if the technology was found, FALSE if it wasn't. */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emp.resprio_update_set( TEXT , INT ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_set( _technology TEXT , _priority INT ) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $resprio_update_set$ BEGIN UPDATE rprio_update SET _emptech_priority = _priority WHERE _emptech_id = _technology; RETURN FOUND; END; $resprio_update_set$; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_set( TEXT , INT ) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_set( TEXT , INT ) TO :dbuser; /* * Apply an update to research priorities * --------------------------------------- * * This stored procedure applies changes listed in the temporary research * priority table by updating the actual table with the new values. * * Returns: * ? TRUE if the update was valid, FALSE if one of the updated * values was incorrect */ DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS emp.resprio_update_apply( ); CREATE FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_apply( ) RETURNS BOOLEAN LANGUAGE PLPGSQL STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $resprio_update_apply$ BEGIN UPDATE emp.technologies_v2 SET emptech_priority = _emptech_priority FROM rprio_update WHERE _empire_id = empire_id AND _technology_name_id = technology_name_id; RETURN TRUE; EXCEPTION WHEN check_violation THEN RETURN FALSE; END; $resprio_update_apply$; REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_apply( ) FROM PUBLIC; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.resprio_update_apply( ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Returns a planet owner's empire size -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.get_size( pid INT ) RETURNS INT STRICT STABLE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ SELECT count( aep.* )::INT FROM emp.planets ep INNER JOIN emp.planets aep ON ep.empire_id = aep.empire_id WHERE ep.planet_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; -- -- Returns the empire associated with an account -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.get_current( a_id INT , OUT empire_id INT ) STRICT STABLE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ SELECT e.name_id AS empire_id FROM users.credentials c INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.owner_id = c.address_id INNER JOIN emp.empires e ON e.name_id = en.id WHERE c.address_id = $1; $$ LANGUAGE SQL; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.get_current( INT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Implements a technology (OLD VERSION) -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.implement_tech( e_id INT , l_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE e_cash REAL; lev INT; cost REAL; BEGIN SELECT INTO e_cash , lev , cost e.cash , et.level , tl.cost FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN emp.technologies et ON et.line_id = l_id AND et.empire_id = e.name_id INNER JOIN tech.levels tl ON tl.line_id = l_id AND tl.level = et.level AND tl.points = floor( et.accumulated ) AND tl.cost <= e.cash WHERE e.name_id = e_id FOR UPDATE OF e , et; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; UPDATE emp.empires SET cash = e_cash - cost WHERE name_id = e_id; UPDATE emp.technologies SET level = lev + 1 , accumulated = 0 WHERE empire_id = e_id AND line_id = l_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.implement_tech( INT , INT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Add an enemy empire -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- e_name New enemy name -- -- Returns: -- err_code Error code: -- 0 on success -- 1 if the specified empire does not exist -- 2 if the player is being schizophrenic -- 3 if the enemy list already contains the specified empire -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.add_enemy_empire( e_id INT , e_name TEXT , OUT err_code INT ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE en_id INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO en_id e.name_id FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON e.name_id = en.id WHERE lower( en.name ) = lower( e_name ); IF NOT FOUND THEN err_code := 1; ELSEIF en_id = e_id THEN err_code := 2; ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO emp.enemy_empires (empire_id , enemy_id) VALUES (e_id , en_id); err_code := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN err_code := 3; END; END IF; IF err_code = 0 THEN PERFORM emp.switch_enemies( e_id ); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.add_enemy_empire( INT , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Add an enemy alliance -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- e_name Alliance tag -- -- Returns: -- err_code Error code: -- 0 on success -- 1 if the specified alliance does not exist -- 2 if the player is adding his/her own alliance -- 3 if the enemy list already contains the specified alliance -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.add_enemy_alliance( e_id INT , e_name TEXT , OUT err_code INT ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE en_id INT; e_ca_id INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO en_id a.id FROM emp.alliances a WHERE lower( a.tag ) = lower( e_name ); IF NOT FOUND THEN err_code := 1; ELSE SELECT INTO e_ca_id ea.alliance_id FROM emp.alliance_members ea WHERE ea.empire_id = e_id; IF FOUND AND en_id = e_ca_id THEN err_code := 2; ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTO emp.enemy_alliances (empire_id , alliance_id) VALUES (e_id , en_id); err_code := 0; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN err_code := 3; END; END IF; END IF; IF err_code = 0 THEN PERFORM emp.switch_enemies( e_id ); END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.add_enemy_alliance( INT , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Remove enemy empires -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- rem_ids Identifiers of enemy empires to remove -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.remove_enemy_empires( e_id INT , rem_ids INT[]) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM emp.enemy_empires WHERE empire_id = e_id AND enemy_id IN ( SELECT unnest( rem_ids ) AS id ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.remove_enemy_empires( INT , INT[] ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Remove enemy alliances -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- rem_ids Identifiers of enemy alliances to remove -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.remove_enemy_alliances( e_id INT , rem_ids INT[]) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ BEGIN DELETE FROM emp.enemy_alliances WHERE empire_id = e_id AND alliance_id IN ( SELECT unnest( rem_ids ) AS id ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.remove_enemy_alliances( INT , INT[] ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Switch enemies to attack -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.switch_enemies( e_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE rec RECORD; BEGIN CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE fleet_switches( loc_id INT , loc_name VARCHAR(20) , own_id INT , own_name VARCHAR(20) , name VARCHAR(64) , power BIGINT , mode BOOLEAN ) ON COMMIT DROP; INSERT INTO fleet_switches SELECT f.location_id , ln.name , f.owner_id , fon.name , f.name , fs.power , TRUE FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON f.location_id = ep.planet_id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ep.planet_id INNER JOIN emp.enemies el ON el.enemy = f.owner_id INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f.id INNER JOIN naming.map_names ln ON ln.id = f.location_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names fon ON fon.id = f.owner_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id WHERE ep.empire_id = e_id AND el.empire = e_id AND m.fleet_id IS NULL AND NOT f.attacking; PERFORM events.commit_fleet_switches( TRUE ); FOR rec IN SELECT DISTINCT f.location_id AS location , f.owner_id AS owner , b.id AS battle FROM fleets.fleets f INNER JOIN emp.planets ep ON f.location_id = ep.planet_id INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ep.planet_id INNER JOIN emp.enemies el ON el.enemy = f.owner_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN battles.battles b ON b.location_id = ep.planet_id AND b.last_tick IS NULL WHERE ep.empire_id = e_id AND el.empire = e_id AND m.fleet_id IS NULL AND NOT f.attacking LOOP -- Set fleets mode UPDATE fleets.fleets f SET attacking = TRUE , status = 'REDEPLOYING' , penalty = ( CASE WHEN f2.penalty > ( 1 + fs.flight_time * 40 ) THEN f2.penalty ELSE ( 1 + fs.flight_time * 40 ) END ) FROM fleets.fleets f2 INNER JOIN fleets.stats_view fs ON fs.id = f2.id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.movements m ON m.fleet_id = f2.id WHERE f2.owner_id = rec.owner AND f2.location_id = rec.location AND m.fleet_id IS NULL AND f2.id = f.id; -- Update battle PERFORM battles.set_mode( rec.battle , rec.owner , TRUE ); END LOOP; PERFORM msgs.deliver_internal( ); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Deletes an empire -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.delete_empire( e_id INT ) RETURNS VOID STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY INVOKER AS $$ DECLARE p_id INT; f_id BIGINT; fleets BIGINT[]; BEGIN -- Lock empire PERFORM * FROM emp.empires WHERE name_id = e_id FOR UPDATE; -- Disband fleets fleets := '{}'::BIGINT[]; FOR f_id IN SELECT id FROM fleets.fleets WHERE owner_id = e_id FOR UPDATE LOOP fleets := array_append( fleets , f_id ); END LOOP; PERFORM fleets.disband( e_id , fleets ); -- Abandon planets FOR p_id IN SELECT planet_id FROM emp.planets WHERE empire_id = e_id LOOP PERFORM emp.leave_planet( p_id ); END LOOP; -- Leave alliance PERFORM emp.leave_alliance( e_id ); -- Delete empire DELETE FROM emp.empires WHERE name_id = e_id; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- -- Obtains a new planet -- -- Parameters: -- e_id Empire identifier -- p_name Planet name -- -- Returns: -- err_code Error code: -- 0 success -- 1 banned name -- 2 name unavailable -- 3 empire has planets -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION emp.get_new_planet( e_id INT , p_name TEXT , OUT err_code INT ) STRICT VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER AS $$ DECLARE plid INT; accid INT; ccash REAL; f_id BIGINT; fleets BIGINT[]; BEGIN -- Lock empire and check for existing planets SELECT INTO ccash cash FROM emp.empires WHERE name_id = e_id FOR UPDATE; PERFORM * FROM emp.planets WHERE empire_id = e_id LIMIT 1; IF FOUND THEN err_code := 3; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO accid owner_id FROM naming.empire_names WHERE id = e_id; -- Get random planet and rename it plid := verse.get_random_planet( ); IF plid IS NULL THEN err_code := 2; ELSE err_code := - naming.change_map_name( plid , accid , p_name ); END IF; IF err_code <> 0 THEN RETURN; END IF; INSERT INTO emp.planets ( planet_id , empire_id ) VALUES ( plid , e_id ); -- Disband fleets fleets := '{}'::BIGINT[]; FOR f_id IN SELECT id FROM fleets.fleets WHERE owner_id = e_id FOR UPDATE LOOP fleets := array_append( fleets , f_id ); END LOOP; PERFORM fleets.disband( e_id , fleets ); -- Reset to initial cash if below IF ccash < sys.get_constant( 'game.initialCash' ) THEN UPDATE emp.empires SET cash = sys.get_constant( 'game.initialCash' ) WHERE name_id = e_id; END IF; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; GRANT EXECUTE ON FUNCTION emp.get_new_planet( INT , TEXT ) TO :dbuser; -- -- Enemies view -- CREATE VIEW emp.enemies AS SELECT iq.empire AS empire , iq.enemy AS enemy FROM ( SELECT ee.empire_id AS empire , ee.enemy_id AS enemy FROM emp.enemy_empires ee UNION SELECT ea.empire_id AS empire , am.empire_id AS enemy FROM emp.enemy_alliances ea INNER JOIN emp.alliance_members am ON am.alliance_id = ea.alliance_id AND NOT am.is_pending ) AS iq ORDER BY iq.empire , iq.enemy; -- -- General information view -- CREATE VIEW emp.general_information AS SELECT e.name_id AS id , en.name AS name , ( CASE WHEN av.status = 'QUITTING' THEN 'q' WHEN av.status = 'VACATION' THEN 'v' WHEN av.status = 'START_VACATION' THEN 's' ELSE NULL END ) AS status , e.cash AS cash , a.tag AS alliance , st.next_tick AS game_time , av.id AS account_id FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = e.name_id INNER JOIN users.accounts_view av ON av.id = en.owner_id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.alliance_members am ON am.empire_id = e.name_id AND NOT am.is_pending LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.alliances a ON a.id = am.alliance_id CROSS JOIN sys.status st; GRANT SELECT ON emp.general_information TO :dbuser; -- -- Empire planets view -- CREATE VIEW emp.planets_view AS SELECT e.empire_id AS empire , n.id AS id , n.name AS name FROM emp.planets e INNER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = e.planet_id INNER JOIN verse.systems s ON s.id = p.system_id INNER JOIN naming.map_names n ON n.id = e.planet_id ORDER BY e.empire_id , s.x , s.y , p.orbit; GRANT SELECT ON emp.planets_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Empire overviews -- CREATE VIEW emp.planets_overview AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , count( p.* ) AS planets , sum( floor( p.population) ) AS population , floor( avg( 100.0 * ph.current / p.population ) ) AS avg_happiness , floor( sum( pm.income ) ) AS planet_income , floor( sum( pm.upkeep ) ) AS planet_upkeep FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.planets p ON p.name_id = ep.planet_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.planet_happiness ph ON ph.planet_id = p.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.planet_money pm ON pm.planet_id = p.name_id GROUP BY e.name_id; CREATE VIEW emp.civ_invest_acc_totals AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , sum( cq.money ) AS acc_total FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.bld_queues cq ON cq.planet_id = ep.planet_id GROUP BY e.name_id; CREATE VIEW emp.civ_investment_view AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , ( sum( bqi.amount * bqid.cost ) - ( CASE WHEN ciat.acc_total IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE ciat.acc_total END ) )::BIGINT AS civ_investment FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.civ_invest_acc_totals ciat ON ciat.empire = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.bld_items bqi ON bqi.queue_id = ep.planet_id AND NOT bqi.destroy LEFT OUTER JOIN tech.buildables bqid ON bqid.name_id = bqi.building_id GROUP BY e.name_id, ciat.acc_total; CREATE VIEW emp.mil_invest_acc_totals AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , sum( mq.money ) AS acc_total FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.mil_queues mq ON mq.planet_id = ep.planet_id GROUP BY e.name_id; CREATE VIEW emp.mil_investment_view AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , ( sum( mqi.amount * mqid.cost ) - ( CASE WHEN miat.acc_total IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE miat.acc_total END ) )::BIGINT AS mil_investment FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planets ep ON ep.empire_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.mil_invest_acc_totals miat ON miat.empire = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.mil_items mqi ON mqi.queue_id = ep.planet_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tech.buildables mqid ON mqid.name_id = mqi.ship_id GROUP BY e.name_id, miat.acc_total; CREATE VIEW emp.fleets_overview AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , sum( sd.power * s.amount ) AS fleet_power , sum( sbd.upkeep * s.amount ) AS fleet_upkeep FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.fleets f ON f.owner_id = e.name_id LEFT OUTER JOIN fleets.ships s ON s.fleet_id = f.id LEFT OUTER JOIN tech.ships sd ON sd.buildable_id = s.ship_id LEFT OUTER JOIN tech.buildables sbd ON sbd.name_id = sd.buildable_id GROUP BY e.name_id; CREATE VIEW emp.new_messages AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , count( m.* ) AS new_messages FROM emp.empires e LEFT OUTER JOIN msgs.empire_delivery m ON m.empire_id = e.name_id AND m.in_inbox AND m.status = 'UNREAD' GROUP BY e.name_id; CREATE VIEW emp.overview AS SELECT * FROM emp.planets_overview INNER JOIN emp.fleets_overview USING (empire) INNER JOIN emp.civ_investment_view USING (empire) INNER JOIN emp.mil_investment_view USING (empire) INNER JOIN emp.new_messages USING (empire); GRANT SELECT ON emp.overview TO :dbuser; -- -- Empire tech lines -- CREATE VIEW emp.tech_lines_view AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , tl.name_id AS tech_line , t1.translated_string AS name , t2.translated_string AS description FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN emp.technologies et ON et.empire_id = e.name_id INNER JOIN tech.lines tl ON tl.name_id = et.line_id INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = e.name_id INNER JOIN users.credentials c ON c.address_id = en.owner_id INNER JOIN defs.translations t1 ON t1.string_id = tl.name_id AND t1.lang_id = c.language_id INNER JOIN defs.translations t2 ON t2.string_id = tl.description_id AND t2.lang_id = c.language_id ORDER BY t1.translated_string; GRANT SELECT ON emp.tech_lines_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Empire technologies -- CREATE VIEW emp.technologies_view AS SELECT e.name_id AS empire , tl.name_id AS tech_line , t1.translated_string AS name , t2.translated_string AS description , ( et.level > tlv.level ) AS implemented , floor( 100 * et.accumulated / tlv.points ) AS progress , tlv.cost AS cost FROM emp.empires e INNER JOIN emp.technologies et ON et.empire_id = e.name_id INNER JOIN tech.lines tl ON tl.name_id = et.line_id INNER JOIN tech.levels tlv ON tlv.line_id = tl.name_id AND tlv.level <= et.level INNER JOIN naming.empire_names en ON en.id = e.name_id INNER JOIN users.credentials c ON c.address_id = en.owner_id INNER JOIN defs.translations t1 ON t1.string_id = tlv.name_id AND t1.lang_id = c.language_id INNER JOIN defs.translations t2 ON t2.string_id = tlv.description_id AND t2.lang_id = c.language_id ORDER BY tl.name_id , tlv.level; GRANT SELECT ON emp.technologies_view TO :dbuser; -- -- Enemy lists -- CREATE VIEW emp.enemy_lists AS SELECT x.empire AS empire , x.id AS id , x.name AS name , x.alliance AS alliance FROM ( SELECT el.empire_id AS empire , el.enemy_id AS id , n.name AS name , FALSE AS alliance FROM emp.enemy_empires el INNER JOIN naming.empire_names n ON n.id = el.enemy_id UNION SELECT el.empire_id AS empire , el.alliance_id AS id , a.tag AS name , TRUE AS alliance FROM emp.enemy_alliances el INNER JOIN emp.alliances a ON a.id = el.alliance_id ) AS x; GRANT SELECT ON emp.enemy_lists TO :dbuser; /* * Planets income and upkeep totals * * This view computes the totals of planets' incomes and upkeeps for each * empire and resource type. * * FIXME: time-related factor is hardcoded * * Fields: * empire_id The empire's identifier * resource_name_id The identifier of the resource type * planets_income The planets' income over 12h RT / 1 month GT, * rounded down * planets_upkeep The planets' upkeep over 12h RT / 1 month GT, * rounded up */ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS emp.planet_resources_view CASCADE; CREATE VIEW emp.planet_resources_view AS SELECT empire_id , resource_name_id , FLOOR( SUM( pres_income ) * 720.0 )::BIGINT AS planets_income , CEIL( SUM( pres_upkeep ) * 720.0 )::BIGINT AS planets_upkeep FROM emp.planets LEFT OUTER JOIN verse.planet_resources USING ( planet_id ) GROUP BY empire_id , resource_name_id; /* * Empire resources view * * This view contains all resource-related information for each empire and * resource type. * * FIXME: fleets upkeep is set to 0 at the moment. * * Fields: * empire_id The empire's identifier * resource_identifier The text identifier of the resource * resource_name The internationalised name of the resource * resource_description The internationalised description of the * resource * resource_category The internationalised category of the resource, * or NULL if the resource is not in a * category. * empres_possessed The empire's stockpile of this type of * resource, rounded down * empmset_weight The empire-wide mining setting for the * resource type, or NULL if this is a basic * resource * planets_income The planets' total income * planets_upkeep The planets' total upkeep * fleets_upkeep The fleets' total upkeep */ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS emp.resources_view CASCADE; CREATE VIEW emp.resources_view AS SELECT empire_id , _r_name_str.name AS resource_identifier , _r_name.translated_string AS resource_name , _r_desc.translated_string AS resource_description , _r_cat.translated_string AS resource_category , FLOOR( empres_possessed )::BIGINT AS empres_possessed , empmset_weight , ( CASE WHEN planets_income IS NULL THEN 0::BIGINT ELSE planets_income END ) AS planets_income , ( CASE WHEN planets_upkeep IS NULL THEN 0::BIGINT ELSE planets_upkeep END ) AS planets_upkeep , 0::BIGINT AS fleets_upkeep FROM defs.ordered_resources_view INNER JOIN emp.resources USING ( resource_name_id ) INNER JOIN naming.empire_names _name ON _name.id = empire_id INNER JOIN users.credentials _creds ON _creds.address_id = _name.owner_id INNER JOIN defs.strings _r_name_str ON _r_name_str.id = resource_name_id INNER JOIN defs.translations _r_name ON _r_name.string_id = resource_name_id AND _r_name.lang_id = _creds.language_id INNER JOIN defs.translations _r_desc ON _r_desc.string_id = resource_description_id AND _r_desc.lang_id = _creds.language_id LEFT OUTER JOIN defs.translations _r_cat ON _r_cat.string_id = resource_category_id AND _r_cat.lang_id = _creds.language_id LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.mining_settings USING ( empire_id , resource_name_id ) LEFT OUTER JOIN emp.planet_resources_view USING ( empire_id , resource_name_id ) ORDER BY resource_ordering; GRANT SELECT ON emp.resources_view TO :dbuser; /* * Technology visibility view * --------------------------- * * This view can be used to determine whether entries from empires' research * and technologies table are fully visible or only displayed as "unknown * technologies". * * Columns: * empire_id The empire's identifier * technology_name_id The technology's identifier * emptech_visible TRUE if the technology's details are visible, * FALSE if they should be hidden */ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS emp.technology_visibility_view CASCADE; CREATE VIEW emp.technology_visibility_view AS SELECT empire_id , technology_name_id , ( emptech_state <> 'RESEARCH' OR emptech_points >= sys.get_constant( 'game.research.visibility.points' ) OR emptech_points / technology_points::DOUBLE PRECISION >= sys.get_constant( 'game.research.visibility.ratio' ) ) AS emptech_visible FROM emp.technologies_v2 INNER JOIN defs.technologies USING ( technology_name_id ); /* * Empire research and technologies * --------------------------------- * * This view lists empires' research and technologies, along with their * current state. * * Columns: * empire_id The empire's identifier * emptech_id An identifier for the technology, which is either * the string identifier of the technology's name * or a MD5 hash if the technology is not * supposed to be visible * emptech_state The state of the technology, straight from the * empire technology table * emptech_visible Whether the technology is supposed to be visible * or not * technology_category The string identifier of the technology's category * technology_name The string identifier of the technology's name, * or NULL if the technology is not supposed to * be visible * technology_description The string identifier of the technology's name, * or NULL if the technology is not supposed * to be visible * emptech_points The amount of points accumulated while researching * the technology, or NULL if the technology is * not supposed to be visible * emptech_priority The current research priority, or NULL if the * technology is no longer being researched * emptech_ratio The percentage of points accumulated while * researching the technology, or NULL if the * technology is no longer being researched * technology_price The monetary price of the technology, or NULL if * the technology is not supposed to be visible * technology_dependencies The technology's dependencies from the * dependencies view */ DROP VIEW IF EXISTS emp.technologies_v2_view CASCADE; CREATE VIEW emp.technologies_v2_view AS SELECT empire_id , emp.technology_make_identifier( empire_id , _name_str.name , emptech_visible ) AS emptech_id , emptech_state , emptech_visible , _cat_str.name AS technology_category , ( CASE WHEN emptech_visible THEN _name_str.name ELSE NULL::TEXT END ) AS technology_name , ( CASE WHEN emptech_visible THEN _descr_str.name ELSE NULL::TEXT END ) AS technology_description , ( CASE WHEN emptech_state <> 'RESEARCH' then technology_points WHEN emptech_visible THEN FLOOR( emptech_points )::BIGINT ELSE NULL::BIGINT END ) AS emptech_points , emptech_priority , ( CASE WHEN emptech_state = 'RESEARCH' THEN FLOOR( 100.0 * emptech_points / technology_points::DOUBLE PRECISION )::INT ELSE NULL::INT END ) AS emptech_ratio , ( CASE WHEN emptech_visible THEN technology_price ELSE NULL::INT END ) AS technology_price , technology_dependencies FROM emp.technologies_v2 INNER JOIN emp.technology_visibility_view USING ( technology_name_id , empire_id ) INNER JOIN defs.technologies _tech USING ( technology_name_id ) INNER JOIN defs.technology_dependencies_view USING ( technology_name_id ) INNER JOIN defs.strings _name_str ON _name_str.id = _tech.technology_name_id INNER JOIN defs.strings _cat_str ON _cat_str.id = _tech.technology_category_id INNER JOIN defs.strings _descr_str ON _descr_str.id = _tech.technology_description_id; GRANT SELECT ON emp.technologies_v2_view TO :dbuser;