<@page title="Legacy Worlds Beta 6 - Milestone 1">

Welcome to the first milestone release for Legacy Worlds' Beta 6.


This is not a complete game. In fact, most of Beta 5's advanced features have been left out. However, it is a good starting point for the development of Beta 6. The complete list of features included in this release can be found on the Scope page.


You will find more information about the game itself on the Rules page. It's basically the same old thing: build stuff, kill people using the aforementioned stuff. Only the details have changed.


Now - this is a bit unusual, but because the real goal of this release is to test the system itself, you are encouraged to create multiple accounts.


While this version may be played independently from Beta 5, it doesn't feature forums (although a bug reporting system has been included); it is therefore recommended that you join Beta 5 anyway.