* Empire mining settings have been included in the empire's resource
information records
* Planet-specific mining settings have been included in the resource
provider information records
* Added dump view for empire resources
* Added empire resource information storage class and associated row
* Integrated empire resource information into the summary generator
* Dump version bumped up to 2
* Added SQL view that shows resource delta and provider information for
all empire-owned planets
* Added new storage classes for resource providers and resource deltas
* Added row mapper which extracts all planet resources information
(providers and deltas)
* Modified dump generator to include planet resources / resource
* Moved empire summary generator to a separate package, moved all empire
summary data classes to a sub-package of the former
* All row mappers for empire summary contents have been moved to
separate classes with default access
* Added comments to the component and to the mapper classes
* Spring upgraded from 3.0.3 to 3.1.0 - As a consequence, all code that
used SimpleJdbcTemplate has been modified to use JdbcTemplate, as the
former has been deprecated.
* SLF4J upgraded from 1.5.11 to 1.6.4
* Apache Commons: DBCP upgraded from 1.2.2 to 1.4, Codec upgraded from
1.4 to 1.6
* CGLib upgraded from 2.2 to 2.2.2
* javax.mail upgraded from 1.4.1 to 1.4.4
* XStream upgraded from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2
* JUnit upgraded from 4.7 to 4.10
* FreeMarker upgraded from 2.3.16 to 2.3.18
* PostgreSQL JDBC glue upgraded from 8.4-701 to 9.1-901
* legacyworlds-server-tests no longer considered a dummy package