* Added a few that can be used to retrieve mining settings for resource
providers from empire-owned planets from either the empire-wide or
planet-specific settings
* Added missing table that should store a planet's resources data
(income and upkeep for each type of resource).
* Modified resource definition functions and universe generator to
initialise planet resource records as well
* Heavy clean-up in resource definition function unit tests
* Empire resources will be initialised when an empire is created
* When a new resource is created through the appropriate defs.uoc_...
function, it will be added to all empires as well.
* Changed the way mining settings work: use a priority value (between 0
and 4) as the weight. Leaving them as they were before would have caused
numerous problems (and a lot of unnecessary code to work around them)
* Empire mining settings will be created along with the empire's own
record. By default all natural resources will have weight = 2.
* Added a set of four stored procedures which can be used to update an
empire's mining settings, including planet-specific settings. The
emp.mset_update_start() function can be used to start an update (on an
empire's settings if there is only one parameter, or on a planet's
settings if there are two parameters); the emp.mset_update_set() and
emp.mset_update_apply() functions are then used to modify the settings
and apply the changes, respectively.
* Added user mapping on the "remote" logging database for the
administrative user. This allows calls to sys.write_sql_log() to succeed
when they are executed by code with administrative privileges.
* Added test suites for both the link to the database and the function
* Replaced RAISE NOTICE with actual logging in the universe generator
* The main loader script has been updated to generate the list of files
it needs to load automatically. As a consequence, files that contained
manually-maintained lists of scripts have been removed, and definition
directories have been renamed accordingly.
* PostgreSQL extension loading and configuration has been moved to a
separate script to be loaded automatically in the main transaction.
* Data and function definition scripts that had the -data or -functions
suffix have been renamed (the suffix is unnecessary).
* Unit tests have been reorganised to follow the definition's structure.
* Documentation has been improved