* Added legacyworlds-server-beans-technologies Maven module, including
the player-level DAO and controller.
* Added session classes to carry technology information, modified web
client session façade accordingly
* Various changes to common UI elements (forms, lists, etc...) so the
start and end of some element can be drawn separately
* Added controller, templates and JavaScript for research page
* Modified mining settings stored procedures to use text identifiers
instead of numeric identifiers
* Added DAO for mining settings and controller for resource operations
* Added UpdateEmpireMiningSettingsCommand and associated command
delegate. The command always returns NullResponse.
* Overview page templates split into multiple files for clarity, added
priority update form to the empire economy view and associated web
server handler
* Added session records to carry resource information over to the
* Added SQL support code for the various views
* Added interface and implementation of the resource information access
* Hooked resources information queries into both the empire and planet
management component
* Added resources display to planet and overview pages