var pages = ['Summary','General','Details','Alliance','Round','Damage']; var comps = ['summary','genListing','detListing','allListing','rndListing','idrListing']; var rkPage = null; var summary, genListing, detListing, allListing, rndListing, idrListing; var currentPage = null; var rantt; Rankings = {}; Rankings.Headers = {}; Rankings.makeListing = function(rpc, dataType, nfText, ppText, sText, sMode) { var ls = new Component.Listing(rpc, 3600, dataType, 'list', 'row', 'hdr'); ls.notFoundText = nfText; ls.getDocID = function() { return 'rkpage'; } ls.getElement = function() { return document.getElementById('rkpage'); }; ls.setPageController(new Component.Listing.PageController(Rankings.pageText), true); var c = new Component.Listing.PageSizeController(ppText, 5, 25, 5);'15'); ls.setPageSizeController(c, true); c = new Component.Listing.SearchController(sText); c.addMode(0, sMode); c.textField.setMaxLength(15); c.textField.setSize(16); ls.setSearchController(c, true); return ls; } Rankings.setPage = function (page) {; } Rankings.setPage.ajax = new Component.Ajax('setPage'); Rankings.GeneralRankings = function (cache) { Component.Listing.Data.apply(this, [cache]); } Rankings.GeneralRankings.prototype = new Component.Listing.Data; Rankings.GeneralRankings.prototype.parse = function (data) { var a = data.shift().split('#'); var isMe = (a.shift() == '1'); var bb = isMe ? "" : ""; var be = isMe ? "" : ""; this.rank = bb + '#' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + ' / ' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + " " + Rankings.pointsText + be; this.player = bb + a.join('#') + be; } Rankings.DetailedRankings = function (cache) { Component.Listing.Data.apply(this, [cache]); } Rankings.DetailedRankings.prototype = new Component.Listing.Data; Rankings.DetailedRankings.prototype.parse = function (data) { var a = data.shift().split('#'); var isMe = (a.shift() == '1'); var bb = isMe ? "" : ""; var be = isMe ? "" : ""; this.civRank = bb + '#' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + ' / ' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + " " + Rankings.pointsText + be; this.milRank = bb + '#' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + ' / ' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + " " + Rankings.pointsText + be; this.finRank = bb + '#' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + ' / ' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + " " + Rankings.pointsText + be; this.player = bb + a.join('#') + be; } Rankings.AllianceRankings = function (cache) { Component.Listing.Data.apply(this, [cache]); } Rankings.AllianceRankings.prototype = new Component.Listing.Data; Rankings.AllianceRankings.prototype.parse = function (data) { var a = data.shift().split('#'); this.rank = '#' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + ' / ' + formatNumber(a.shift()) + " " + Rankings.pointsText; this.alliance = a.join('#'); } Rankings.Summary = function () { Component.apply(this, [false]); this.newSlot('dataReceived'); this.newSlot('startUpdate'); this.newSlot('stopUpdate'); this.newSlot('updateData'); this.timer = new Component.Timer(3600*1000, true); this.ajax = new Component.Ajax('getPlayerData'); this.md5 = ''; this.loading = true; this.bindEvent('Hide', 'stopUpdate'); this.ajax.bindEvent('Returned', 'dataReceived', this); this.bindEvent('Show', 'startUpdate'); this.timer.bindEvent('Tick', 'updateData', this); } Rankings.Summary.prototype = new Component; Rankings.Summary.prototype.getDocID = function() { return 'rkpage'; } Rankings.Summary.prototype.getElement = function() { return document.getElementById('rkpage'); }; Rankings.Summary.prototype.dataReceived = function (data) { this.loading = false; if (data != 'KEEP') { var a = data.split('#'); this.md5 = a.shift(); this.ptGen = a.shift(); this.rkGen = a.shift(); this.ptCiv = a.shift(); this.rkCiv = a.shift(); this.ptMil = a.shift(); this.rkMil = a.shift(); this.ptFin = a.shift(); this.rkFin = a.shift(); this.ptRnd = a.shift(); this.rkRnd = a.shift(); this.ptDam = a.shift(); this.rkDam = a.shift(); } this.drawAll(); } Rankings.Summary.prototype.startUpdate = function () { this.loading = true; this.timer.start(); this.drawAll();; } Rankings.Summary.prototype.stopUpdate = function () { this.timer.stop(); } Rankings.Summary.prototype.updateData = function () {; } Rankings.Summary.prototype.draw = function () { var e = this.getElement(); if (!e) return; var str; if (this.loading) str = '