function makePlanetsTooltips() { plstt = new Array(); if (ttDelay == 0) { var i; for (i=0;i<40;i++) plstt[i] = ""; return; } plstt[0] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to swtich between individual and cumulative build times for the planets' build queues"); plstt[1] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to switch between list and quick builder modes"); plstt[2] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to get a new planet if you have lost all those you had"); plstt[10] = tt_Dynamic("Check this checkbox to select this planet and build what you'll define in the quick builder on it"); plstt[11] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to this planet's individual page"); plstt[12] = tt_Dynamic("Check this checkbox to select this item in this planet's build queue and perform some queue operation on it with the quick builder"); plstt[20] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button to perform operations on factories on the selected planets"); plstt[21] = tt_Dynamic("Use drop down list to select what operation to perform with factories on the selected planets"); plstt[22] = tt_Dynamic("Use this text field to type in the number of factories to build or destroy on the selected planets"); plstt[23] = tt_Dynamic("Use this drop down list to select the type of factories with which to perform the defined operation on the selected planets"); plstt[24] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button to add items to the build queues on the selected planets"); plstt[25] = tt_Dynamic("Use this text field to type in the number of items to add to the build queue on the selected planets"); plstt[26] = tt_Dynamic("Use this drop down list to select the kind of items to add to the build queue on the selected planets"); plstt[27] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button to flush the build queue on the selected planets"); plstt[28] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button to delete the selected itesm from the build queues"); plstt[29] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button move the selected items in the build queues"); plstt[30] = tt_Dynamic("Use this drop down list to select in what direction to move the selected items in the build queues"); plstt[31] = tt_Dynamic("Use this radio button to replace the selected items in the build queues with the defined new items"); plstt[32] = tt_Dynamic("Use this text field to type in the number of items to build to replace the selected items"); plstt[33] = tt_Dynamic("Use this drop down list to select the type of items to build to replace the selected items"); plstt[34] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to execute the action you've defined with the quick builder and keep the quick builder open"); plstt[35] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to execute the action you've defined with the quick builder and go back to list mode"); plstt[36] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to select all planets for quick builder operations"); plstt[37] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to unselect all planets for quick builder operations"); plstt[38] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to invert the planets selection for quick builder operations"); } function drawMainDisplay() { var str, i; var cs = ';text-align:center;vertical-align:bottom'; var csb = ';border-color:white;border-style:solid;border-width: 0px 0px 1px 0px'; str = '' + '' + '

Controlled planets

' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' if (planets.length > 0) { for (i = 0; i < planets.length; i ++) { str += buildPlanetLine(i); } } else { str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; } str += '
You do not control any planet.
Get a new planet
'; return str; } function drawBQSummary(bq) { var i, str; var types = new Array('Turret', 'GA Ship', 'Fighter', 'Cruiser', 'Battle Cruiser'); var csb = ';padding: 4px 0px 0px 0px;border-style:solid;border-color:white;border-width: 1px 0px 0px 0px'; if (bq.length == 0) { return ' '; } return 'Build queue loaded for ' + bq[bq.length - 1].cttb + 'h'; } function buildBuilderLine(ipl) { var str, j; var types = new Array('Turret', 'GA Ship', 'Fighter', 'Cruiser', 'Battle Cruiser'); str = ''; str += '
'; str += ''; if (planets[ipl].bq.length > 0) { var as = ' href="#" style="color: white;text-decoration:underline;font-weight:normal" '; str += ' (select items: ' + 'all - ' + 'none - ' + 'invert)'; } str += '' + formatNumber(planets[ipl].pop) + '' + drawHappiness(planets[ipl].hap) + '' + formatNumber(planets[ipl].ind) + '' + formatNumber(planets[ipl].tur) + '
'; if (planets[ipl].bq.length == 0) { str += 'Build Queue is empty'; } else { for (j=0;j' + formatNumber(planets[ipl].bq[j].qt) + ' ' + types[planets[ipl].bq[j].type]; if (planets[ipl].bq[j].qt > 1) { str += 's'; } var v = (useCTTB ? planets[ipl].bq[j].cttb : planets[ipl].bq[j].ttb); str += ' (' + v + 'h) '; } } str += '' + drawCorruption(planets[ipl].corruption) + '' + formatNumber(planets[ipl].mil) + '
'; return str; } function drawQuickBuilder() { var str; // Header str = '
'; str += ''; str += ''; // Planet operations header str += ''; // Buttons str += ''; // Planet list header str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += '

Quick builder

'; str += ''; // Factories str += ''; // Add to queue(s) str += ''; // Flush queue(s) str += ''; // Replace items str += ''; str += '

Planet operations

'; str += ''; str += ' factories
'; str += ' to the queues
'; str += ' in the queue
'; str += '
'; str += ''; str += '

Controlled planets

'; // End str += '
'; return str; } function drawQBList() { var str, i; str = ''; // Planet list if (planets.length > 0) { for (i=0;iGet a new planet'; str += ''; } str += '
'; str += '' + '' + '' + '
Build queueCorruptionMilitary
'; return str; } function bqItems() { var i,str; var types = new Array('turret', 'GA ship', 'fighter', 'cruiser', 'battle cruiser'); str = ''; for (i=0;i' + types[i] + ''; return str; } function qbError(en) { var str; switch (en) { case 0: str = 'You must select an action.'; break; case 1: str = 'You must select at least one planet.'; break; case 2: str = 'Please specify the quantity of items to add to the build queues.'; break; case 3: str = 'Please specify the quantity of factories to build or destroy.'; break; case 14: case 4: str = 'You don\'t have enough money for this operation.'; break; case 5: str = 'The number of factories to destroy exceed one of the planet\'s\nquantity of factories.'; break; case 6: str = 'Your planets must keep a minimum of 1 military factory.'; break; case 7: str = 'You can\'t destroy more than 10% of a planet\'s factories in 24h.'; break; case 8: str = 'At least one of the selected planets is under siege.'; break; case 9: str = 'You must select at least one item in the queue.'; break; case 10: str = 'Please specify the quantity of replacement items.'; break; case 11: str = 'You can\'t move up the first item of a build queue.'; break; case 12: str = 'You can\'t move down the last item of a build queue.'; break; case 13: str = 'You can\'t use the quick builder while in vacation mode.'; break; case 15: str = 'You can\'t build factories while the planet is being transferred\nto another player.'; break; case 16: str = 'Your population is too low, you can\'t build that many factories.'; break; case 34: str = 'You can\'t destroy factories so soon after building them.\nYou have to wait for two hours after you last built factories.'; break; default: str = 'An unkown error has occured: ' + en; break; } alert('Quick Builder: error\n\n' + str); }