function makeMoneyTooltips() { montt = new Array(); if (ttDelay == 0) { var i; for (i=0;i<5;i++) montt[i] = ""; return; } montt[0] = tt_Dynamic("Use this text field to type in the amount of cash you want to transfer"); montt[1] = tt_Dynamic("Use this text field to type in the name of the player you want to transfer cash to"); montt[2] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to perform the cash tranfer"); montt[3] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to this planet's individual page"); montt[4] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to this fleet's individual page"); } function drawTransferVacation() { return '

It is impossible to transfer funds while on vacation mode.

'; } function drawTransferWait(days) { return '

You need to wait another ' + days + ' day' + (days > 1 ? 's' : '') + ' before being able to transfer funds.

'; } function drawTransferForm() { var str = '

'; str += 'Transfer € '; str += 'to player '; str += ' '; str += '

'; return str; } function drawPlanetTableHdr() { var str = ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; return str; } function drawPlanetTableFtr(n) { var str = ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += '
PlanetBase incomeIndustrial FactoriesFactory IncomeFactory UpkeepTurret UpkeepExpenseCorruption CostProfit
Total Daily Income:€' + formatNumber(n) + '
'; return str; } function drawFleetTableHdr() { var str = ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += ''; return str; } function drawFleetTableFtr(n) { var str = ''; str += ''; str += ''; str += '
Total Fleet Upkeep:€' + formatNumber(n) + '
'; return str; } function drawNoPlanets() { return "

You do not own any planet.

"; } function drawNoFleets() { return "

You do not own any fleet.

"; } function tfError(en) { var str; switch (en) { case 1: str = 'You must indicate the amount to transfer.'; break; case 2: str = 'You must indicate a player to transfer funds to.'; break; case 3: str = 'The target player wasn\'t found. Please check the name.'; break; case 4: str = 'You cannot transfer funds to yourself.'; break; case 5: str = 'The target player cannot receive money yet.'; break; case 6: str = 'You cheat! We already told you you can\'t transfer funds!'; break; case 7: str = 'You can\'t transfer funds while under Peacekeeper protection.'; break; case 8: str = 'This player is under Peacekeeper protection.'; break; case 9: str = 'You don\'t have that much money.'; break; case 10: str = 'This player is on vacation.'; break; default: str = 'An unkown error has occured: ' + en; break; } alert('Funds Transfer: error\n\n' + str); } function confirmTransfer(am, pl) { return confirm('Funds Transfer: please confirm\n\nYou are about to transfer '+formatNumber(am.toString())+' euro'+(am>1?'s':'')+'\nto player ' + pl); } function showTransferOk() { alert('Funds have been transfered.'); }