function makeDiplomacyTooltips() { diptt = new Array(); if (ttDelay == 0) { var i; for (i=0;i<5;i++) diptt[i] = ""; return; } diptt[0] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the alliance page and create or join one"); diptt[1] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the alliance page and manage your joining request"); diptt[2] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to alliance page and access your alliance specific information"); diptt[3] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the main page of this specific alliance forum"); diptt[4] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the scientific assistance page and manage scientific diplomatic exchange"); } function drawNoRelations() { document.getElementById('allies').innerHTML = 'You do not have enemies nor allies.'; } function drawRelations(nenp, nena, nall, nrall) { var str = ""; if (nall == 0) str += "You have no allies."; else str += "You have " + nall + " trusted all" + (nall > 1 ? "ies" : "y") + "."; str += '
'; if (nrall == 0) str += "Noone trusts you."; else str += "" + nrall + " player"+(nrall>1?"s trust":" trusts")+" you."; str += '
'; if (nenp + nena == 0) str += "You have no enemies."; else if (nenp == 0) str += "Enemies: " + nena + " alliance" + (nena>1?"s":""); else if (nena == 0) str += "Enemies: " + nenp + " player" + (nenp>1?"s":""); else str += "Enemies: " + nenp + " player" + (nenp>1?"s":"") + " and " + nena + " alliance" + (nena>1?"s":"") str += "
"; document.getElementById('allies').innerHTML = str; } function drawNoAlliance() { document.getElementById('alliance').innerHTML = '

You are not a member of any alliance.
Alliance page

'; } function drawPending(npl,ax,ay,rk,pts,tag,name,ln) { var str = '

You are requesting to join this alliance:
'; str += 'Alliance tag: ['+tag+']
Alliance name: ' + name + '
'; str += 'Leader: ' + ln + '
'; if (npl == 0) str += 'No controlled planets.'; else if (npl == 1) str += '1 planet at coordinates ('+ax+','+ay+')'; else str += ''+npl+' planets at average coordinates ('+ax+','+ay+')'; str += '
'; if (rk != "") str += 'The alliance is ranked #'+rk+' with ' + formatNumber(pts) + ' points.
'; str += '
Alliance page

'; document.getElementById('alliance').innerHTML = str; } function drawAlliance(npl,ax,ay,rk,pts,il,tag,name,ln,prk,fl) { var str = '


'; str += '

Alliance tag: ['+tag+']
Alliance name: ' + name + '
'; if (il != 1) str += 'Leader: ' + ln + '
'; if (npl == 0) str += 'No controlled planets.'; else if (npl == 1) str += '1 planet at coordinates ('+ax+','+ay+')'; else str += ''+npl+' planets at average coordinates ('+ax+','+ay+')'; str += '
'; if (rk != "") str += 'The alliance is ranked #'+rk+' with ' + formatNumber(pts) + ' points.
'; str += 'You are '; if (il == 1) str += 'the leader'; else str += 'a member'; str += ' of this alliance'; if (il == 0 && prk != "-") str += ' with the rank of ' + prk + ''; str += '.
Alliance page

'; if (fl.length > 0) { str += '


'; var i; for (i=0;i' + a.join('#') + ': '; if (ntot>0) { str += '' + ntot + ' topic' + (ntot>1?"s":""); if (nunr > 0) str += ', ' + nunr + ' unread'; } else str += 'empty forum'; str += '
'; } str += '

'; } document.getElementById('alliance').innerHTML = str; } function drawNoAssistance() { document.getElementById('rsass').innerHTML = 'You cannot yet give or receive scientific assistance.'; } function drawAssistance(pend,sto) { var str = 'You have '; if (pend == 0) str += 'no pending assistance offers.'; else if (pend == 1) str += '1 pending offer.'; else str += ''+pend+' pending offers.'; str += '
'; if (sto == "") str += 'You haven\'t sent any offer in the last 24 hours.'; else str += 'You have sent an offer to '+sto+' in the last 24 hours.'; str += '
Scientific Assistance page'; document.getElementById('rsass').innerHTML = str; }