var noCustomFolders = 'You do not have custom folders.'; var allianceForums = 'Alliance Forums'; function makeCommsTooltips() { comtt = new Array(); if (ttDelay == 0) { var i; for (i=0;i<5;i++) comtt[i] = ""; return; } comtt[0] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the page of this custom folder"); comtt[1] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the page of this general forums category"); comtt[2] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the page of this general forum"); comtt[3] = tt_Dynamic("Click here to go to the page of this alliance forum"); } function makeMessagesText(tot, n) { if (tot == 0) return "no messages"; var str = '' + formatNumber(tot) + ' message' + (tot > 1 ? 's' : ''); if (n == 0) return str; str += ' (' + formatNumber(n) + ' unread message'+(n>1?'s':'')+')'; return str; } function makeTopicsText(tot, n) { if (tot == 0) return "empty forum"; var str = '' + formatNumber(tot) + ' topic' + (tot > 1 ? 's' : ''); if (n == 0) return str; str += ' (' + formatNumber(n) + ' unread)'; return str; }