game = $game; $this->lib = $game->getLib(); $this->alliance = $game->getLib('beta5/alliance'); $this->bq = $game->getLib('beta5/bq'); $this->fleets = $game->getLib('beta5/fleet'); $this->forums = $game->getLib('beta5/forums'); $this->map = $game->getLib('beta5/map'); $this->move = $game->getLib('beta5/moving'); $this->msgs = $game->getLib('beta5/msg'); $this->planets = $game->getLib('beta5/planet'); $this->players = $game->getLib('beta5/player'); $this->rules = $game->getLib('beta5/rules'); $this->sales = $game->getLib('beta5/sale'); $this->standby = $game->getLib('beta5/standby'); $this->tech = $game->getLib('beta5/tech'); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // GENERIC FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** Checks whether a user plays this version; returns null if he * doesn't or his player ID otherwise. */ function doesUserPlay($u) { return $this->lib->call('doesUserPlay', $u); } /** Checks whether a user has played this version. */ function hasPlayed($u) { return $this->lib->call('hasPlayed', $u); } /** Get player count. */ function getPlayerCount() { return $this->lib->call('getPlayerCount'); } /** Register to this game */ function register($uid, $planet, $nick) { return $this->lib->call('register', $uid, $planet, $nick); } function leaveGame($id, $reason) { return $this->lib->call('leaveGame', $id, $reason); } // Called when a player enters vacation mode function startVacation($player) { return $this->lib->call('startVacation', $player); } // Called when a player leaves vacation mode function leaveVacation($player) { return $this->lib->call('leaveVacation', $player); } // Is the game finished? function isFinished() { return $this->lib->call('isFinished'); } // Generate a listing for the generic Listing JS component function generateListing($data, $conf, $param, $md5) { return $this->lib->call('listing', $data, $conf, $param, $md5); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLAYER-RELATED FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns a player's ID using his name to locate him function getPlayer($name) { return $this->players->call('getPlayerId', $name); } // Returns player information for the user identified by $uid function getPlayerInfo($id, $quitOk = false) { return $this->players->call('get', $id, $quitOk); } // Returns the name of a player's first planet function getFirstPlanet($id) { return $this->players->call('getFirstPlanet', $id); } // Returns the name of a player function getPlayerName($id) { return $this->players->call('getName', $id); } // Returns the list of a player's planets function getPlayerPlanets($pid) { return $this->players->call('getPlanets', $pid); } // Returns the list of a player's fleets function getPlayerFleets($pid) { return $this->players->call('getFleets', $pid); } // Returns a player's total fleet power function getPlayerFleetPower($pid) { return $this->players->call('getPower', $pid); } // Loads rules for a player function loadPlayerRules($pid) { return $this->rules->call('get', $pid); } // Checks whether a player is restrained or not function isPlayerRestrained($pid) { return $this->players->call('isRestrained', $pid); } // Transfers cash from an account to another function transferFunds($s, $d, $a) { return $this->players->call('transferFunds', $s, $d, $a); } // Checks whether a player is in another's enemy list function isPlayerEnemy($pid, $aid) { return $this->players->call('isEnemy', $pid, $aid); } // Checks whether an alliance is in a player's enemy list function isAllianceEnemy($pid, $aid) { return $this->players->call('isAllianceEnemy', $pid, $aid); } // Get the list of enemy players function getEnemyPlayers($pid) { return $this->players->call('getEnemies', $pid); } // Get the list of enemy alliances function getEnemyAlliances($pid) { return $this->players->call('getEnemyAlliances', $pid); } // Remove enemy players from a player's enemy list function removeEnemyPlayer($pid, $eid) { return $this->players->call('removeEnemy', $pid, $eid); } // Remove enemy alliances from a player's enemy list function removeEnemyAlliance($pid, $eid) { return $this->players->call('removeEnemyAlliance', $pid, $eid); } // Adds a player to the enemy list function addEnemyPlayer($pid, $eid) { return $this->players->call('addEnemy', $pid, $eid); } // Adds an alliance to the enemy list function addEnemyAlliance($pid, $eid) { return $this->players->call('addEnemyAlliance', $pid, $eid); } // Sets players' fleets to attack mode when they're added to an enemy list function makeEnemies($pid, $elist) { return $this->players->call('makeEnemies', $pid, $elist); } // Checks whether a player is in another's ally list function isPlayerAlly($pid, $aid) { return $this->players->call('isAlly', $pid, $aid); } // Get the list of a player's trusted allies function getPlayerAllies($pid) { return $this->players->call('getAllies', $pid); } // Get the list of players who have a player as a trusted ally function getPlayerIsAlly($pid) { return $this->players->call('isAllyOf', $pid); } // Reorders the list of allies after it's been modified function reorderPlayerAllies($pid) { return $this->players->call('reorderAllies', $pid); } // Move an ally down the list function moveAllyDown($pid, $it) { return $this->players->call('moveAllyDown', $pid, $it); } // Move an ally up the list function moveAllyUp($pid, $it) { return $this->players->call('moveAllyUp', $pid, $it); } // Removes an ally from the list function removeAlly($pid, $it) { return $this->players->call('removeAlly', $pid, $it); } // Adds an ally to the list function addAlly($pid, $aid) { return $this->players->call('addAlly', $pid, $aid); } // Get the list of players in a player's T.A. blacklist function getTAListBans($pid) { return $this->players->call('getTAListBans', $pid); } // Adds a player to another's T.A. blacklist function addTAListBan($pid, $bpid) { return $this->players->call('addTAListBan', $pid, $bpid); } // Checks a player's T.A. blacklist for another player function checkTAListBan($pid, $bpid) { return $this->players->call('checkTAListBan', $pid, $bpid); } // Removes a player from another's T.A. blacklist function delTAListBan($pid, $bpid) { return $this->players->call('delTAListBan', $pid, $bpid); } // Returns a summary of the player's diplomatic relations function getDiploSummary($pid) { return $this->players->call('getDiploSummary', $pid); } // Returns a player's protection level function getProtectionLevel($pid) { return $this->players->call('getProtectionLevel', $pid); } // Marks a player as quitting function setPlayerQuit($pid) { return $this->players->call('setQuit', $pid); } // Marks a player as no longer quitting function cancelPlayerQuit($pid) { return $this->players->call('cancelQuit', $pid); } // Checks whether a player is currently online function isPlayerOnline($pid) { return $this->players->call('isOnline', $pid); } // Checks whether a player is on vacation function isOnVacation($pid) { return $this->players->call('isOnVacation', $pid); } // Checks players that have set a player as trusted allies in order to know whether the player can control their fleets function checkPlayerAllies($pid) { return $this->players->call('checkAllies', $pid); } // Assign a planet to a player function assignPlanet($pid, $p) { return $this->player->call('assign', $pid, $p); } // Assigns the player a new planet after he loses all of his function reassignPlanet($player, $name) { return $this->players->call('reassign', $player, $name); } // Returns the amount of planets a player controls function getPlanetCount($pl) { return $this->players->call('getPlanetCount', $pl); } // Returns the real number of planets a player owns, not counting planets being sold, // abandonned or destroyed function getRealPlanetCount($pl) { return $this->players->call('getRealPlanetCount', $pl); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // RESEARCH AND LAWS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the amount of research points a player gains daily function getResearchPoints($pid) { return $this->tech->call('getPoints', $pid); } // Returns an array containing research budget allocations function getResearchBudget($pid) { return $this->tech->call('getBudget', $pid); } // Modifies the research budget function setResearchBudget($pid, $ba) { return $this->tech->call('setBudget', $pid, $ba); } // Checks whether a player has researched a technology function checkPlayerResearch($pid, $rid, $bt = false) { return $this->tech->call('has', $pid, $rid, $bt); } // Checks whether a player has already researched a technology's dependencies function checkResearchDependencies($pid, $rid) { return $this->tech->call('checkDependencies', $pid, $rid); } // Get a list of scientific assistance offers sent and received by a player function getResearchOffers($pid) { return $this->tech->call('getOffers', $pid); } // Checks whether a player can make an offer or if he has already done so. function checkPlayerOffer($pid) { return $this->tech->call('checkOffer', $pid); } // Makes a research offer function makeResearchOffer($cpid, $tpid, $tid, $pr) { return $this->tech->call('makeOffer', $cpid, $tpid, $tid, $pr); } // Accepts a research offer function acceptResearchOffer($pid, $oid) { return $this->tech->call('acceptOffer', $pid, $oid); } // Declines a research offer function declineResearchOffer($pid, $oid) { return $this->tech->call('declineOffer', $pid, $oid); } // Returns the list of research topics for a player; the 'status argument determines // the type of list to return: 1 for implemented, 0 for completed, and -1 for "almost // completed" (more than 75%) function getResearchTopics($pid, $type) { return $this->tech->call('getTopics', $pid, $type); } // Returns data about a research topic: identifier, title, cost, description function getResearchData($lang, $id) { return $this->tech->call('getTopicData', $lang, $id); } // Returns the list of laws available to a player, as well as their status function getLaws($pl) { return $this->tech->call('getLaws', $pl); } // Implements a technology for a player function implementTechnology($pl, $id) { return $this->tech->call('implement', $pl, $id); } // Enacts or revoke a law function switchLaw($pl, $id) { return $this->tech->call('switchLaw', $pl, $id); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MAP FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns statistics about the whole universe function getUniverseSummary() { return $this->map->call('getUniverse'); } // Returns statistics about a protection zone function getProtZoneSummary($pz) { return $this->map->call('getProtectionZone', $pz); } // Returns data about a system at specified coordinates function getSystemAt($x, $y) { return $this->map->call('at', $x, $y); } // Returns map data for planets in a specified system function getSystemPlanets($sid) { return $this->map->call('getSystem', $sid); } // Get planets within a distance of a set of coordinates function getPlanetsAround($x,$y,$d) { return $this->map->call('getPlanetsAround', $x, $y, $d); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MARKETPLACE FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getSales($pList) { return $this->sales->call('getPublicSales', $pList); } function getDirectSales($pid) { return $this->sales->call('getDirectSales', $pid); } function getSentOffers($pid) { return $this->sales->call('getSentOffers', $pid); } function getSalesHistoryFrom($player) { return $this->sales->call('getHistoryFrom', $player); } function getSalesHistoryTo($player) { return $this->sales->call('getHistoryTo', $player); } function getPlanetSale($id) { return $this->sales->call('getPlanetSale', $id); } function getFleetSale($sId) { return $this->sales->call('getFleetSale', $sId); } function newSale($player, $public, $auction, $expires, $price, $target, $planet, $fleet) { return $this->sales->call('sell', $player, $public, $auction, $expires, $price, $target, $planet, $fleet); } function cancelTransfer($pid,$id) { return $this->sales->call('cancelTransfer', $pid,$id); } function cancelSale($pid,$id) { return $this->sales->call('cancel', $pid,$id); } function isDirectOffer($pid, $oid) { return $this->sales->call('isDirectOffer', $pid, $oid); } function buy($pid, $offer) { return $this->sales->call('buy', $pid, $offer); } function placeBid($pid, $oid, $price) { return $this->sales->call('bid', $pid, $oid, $price); } function declinePrivate($id) { return $this->sales->call('decline', $id); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FLEETS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns all of the locations at which a player has stationned fleets function getFleetLocations($pid) { return $this->fleets->call('getPlayerLocations', $pid); } // Returns the list of fleets in orbit around a planet function getFleetsAt($pid, $pl = null) { return $this->fleets->call('getLocation', $pid, $pl); } // Invalidates the fleet cache function invFleetCache($id = null) { return $this->fleets->call('invCache', $id); } // Returns data regarding a fleet function getFleet($id) { return $this->fleets->call('get', $id); } // Returns data regarding current fleets function getFleetStats($pid) { return $this->fleets->call('getStats', $pid); } // Computes a fleet's power function getFleetPower($pl, $t, $g, $f, $c, $b) { // FIXME: turrets $tp = $this->planets->call('getPower', $pl, $t); return $this->fleets->call('getPower', $pl, $g, $f, $c, $b) + $tp; } // Computes a fleet's upkeep function getFleetUpkeep($pl, $g, $f, $c, $b) { return $this->fleets->call('getUpkeep', $pl, $g, $f, $c, $b); } // Switches a fleet's status function switchFleetStatus($id) { return $this->fleets->call('switchStatus', $id); } // Handles a fleet's arrival function fleetArrival($fid, $dest, $from, $nStatus = null) { return $this->fleets->call('arrival', $fid, $dest, $from, $nStatus); } // Changes a fleet's orders function setFleetOrders($fid, $newDest, $newDelay, $attack = null) { return $this->fleets->call('setOrders', $fid, $newDest, $newDelay, $attack); } // Sends messages related to fleet movements function sendFleetMoveMessages() { return $this->fleets->call('sendMoveMessages'); } // Merge fleets function mergeFleets($fIds, $okOwners, $newName) { return $this->fleets->call('merge', $fIds, $okOwners, $newName); } // Automatically split a fleet function splitFleetAuto($fid, $newName, $count) { return $this->fleets->call('autoSplit', $fid, $newName, $count); } // Manually split a fleet in player-specified fleets function splitFleetManually($fid, $newName, $count, $sg, $sf, $sc, $sb) { return $this->fleets->call('split', $fid, $newName, $count, $sg, $sf, $sc, $sb); } // Disbands a fleet and removes any sales / movement / stand-by // entries associated with it function disbandFleet($fId, $final = false) { return $this->fleets->call('disband', $fId, $final); } // Renames a fleet function renameFleet($fid, $name) { return $this->fleets->call('rename', $fid, $name); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MOVING OBJECTS MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Generate a new moving object entry function newMovingObject($srcId, $dstId, $speed, $cruisers, $wait) { return $this->move->call('newObject', $srcId, $dstId, $speed, $cruisers, $wait); } // Clone a moving object function cloneMovingObject($oid) { return $this->move->call('cloneObject', $oid); } // Get a moving object's current location function getObjectLocation($oid) { return $this->move->call('getLocation', $oid); } // Redirects a moving object to a new destination function redirectObject($oid, $newDest, $speed, $cruisers, $newWait) { return $this->move->call('redirect', $oid, $newDest, $speed, $cruisers, $newWait); } // Stop a moving object function stopMovement($oid, $newWait) { return $this->move->call('stop', $oid, $newWait); } // Get an object's current trajectory function getObjectTrajectory($oid) { return $this->move->call('getTrajectory', $oid); } // Compute an object's trajectory function getTrajectory($srcId, $dstId, $speed, $cruisers) { return $this->move->call('computeTrajectory', $srcId, $dstId, $speed, $cruisers); } // Generates a new Hyperspace stand-by order function newHSWait($time, $location,$origin = null,$spent = null) { return $this->standby->call('create', $time, $location, $origin, $spent); } // Checks whether fleets can be destroyed while waiting in hyperspace at a given location function waitCanDestroy($location, $owner) { return $this->standby->call('canDestroy', $location, $owner); } // Computes the probability for fleet destruction when standing by in Hyperspace function waitGetLossProb($timeSpent) { return $this->standby->call('getLossProb', $timeSpent); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // PLANET MANAGEMENT //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Renames a planet function renamePlanet($pid, $name) { return $this->planets->call('rename', $pid, $name); } // Returns data regarding a planet with a specified name function getPlanetByName($n) { return $this->planets->call('byName', $n); } // Returns data regarding a planet with a specified identifier function getPlanetById($id) { return $this->planets->call('byId', $id); } // Updates a planet's maximum population function updateMaxPopulation($id, $formerOwner, $newOwner) { return $this->planets->call('updateMaxPopulation', $id, $formerOwner, $newOwner); } // Gets a planet's owner function getPlanetOwner($pid) { return $this->planets->call('getOwner', $pid); } // Computes a planet's income function getPlanetIncome($owner, $pop, $happ, $ifact, $mfact, $turrets, $corruption) { return $this->planets->call('getIncome', $owner, $pop, $happ, $ifact, $mfact, $turrets, $corruption); } // Build factories on a planet function buildFactories($id, $nb, $t) { return $this->planets->call('buildFactories', $id, $nb, $t); } // Check a planet to see whether it's possible to destroy factories function checkDestroyFactories($id, $nb, $t) { return $this->planets->call('checkDestroyFactories', $id, $nb, $t); } // Try to destroy turrets on a planet function destroyTurrets($id, $nb) { return $this->planets->call('destroyTurrets', $id, $nb); } // Destroy factories on a planet function destroyFactories($id, $nb, $t) { return $this->planets->call('destroyFactories', $id, $nb, $t); } // Updates a planet's factory history and delete old history records function updateFactHistory($pid, $mil, $nb) { return $this->planets->call('updateFactHistory', $pid, $mil, $nb); } // Updates happiness for a planet function updateHappiness($id) { return $this->planets->call('updateHappiness', $id); } // Abandon a planet function setPlanetAbandon($pid, $start = true) { return $this->planets->call('setAbandon', $pid, $start); } // Destroy a planet function setPlanetBoom($pid, $start = true) { return $this->planets->call('setBoom', $pid, $start); } function updateAttackStatus($planet) { return $this->planets->call('updateMilStatus', $planet); } // Returns data regarding current planets function getPlanetStats($pid) { return $this->planets->call('getStats', $pid); } // Returns the player's empire-wide probe policy function getPlayerPolicy($id) { $q = dbQuery("SELECT probe_policy FROM player WHERE id=$id"); if (!($q && dbCount($q) == 1)) { return null; } list($r) = dbFetchArray($q); return $r; } // Sets the player's empire-wide probe policy function setPlayerPolicy($id, $pol) { dbQuery("UPDATE player SET probe_policy='$pol' WHERE id=$id"); } // Returns a planet's probe policy function getPlanetPolicy($id) { $q = dbQuery("SELECT probe_policy FROM planet WHERE id=$id"); if (!($q && dbCount($q) == 1)) { return null; } list($r) = dbFetchArray($q); return $r; } // Sets a planet's probe policy function setPlanetPolicy($id, $pol) { $ps = is_null($pol) ? "NULL" : "'$pol'"; dbQuery("UPDATE planet SET probe_policy=$ps WHERE id=$id"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BUILD QUEUE MANAGEMENT //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns the contents of a planet's build queue function getBuildQueue($id) { return $this->bq->call('get', $id); } // Flush a planet's build queue function flushBuildQueue($id) { return $this->bq->call('flush', $id); } // Add items to a planet's build queue function addToBuildQueue($id, $nb, $type) { return $this->bq->call('append', $id, $nb, $type); } // Removes an item from a build queue function deleteBuildQueueItem($pid, $item) { return $this->bq->call('remove', $pid, $item); } // Reorders the build queue function reorderBuildQueue($pid) { return $this->bq->call('reorder', $pid); } // Computes the cost of replacing a set of build queue items function getReplacementCost($pid, $items, $rCost) { return $this->bq->call('getReplacementCost', $pid, $items, $rCost); } // Replaces items in a build queue function replaceItems($pid, $items, $nb, $type) { return $this->bq->call('replace', $pid, $items, $nb, $type); } // Returns the length of a planet's build queue function getQueueLength($pl) { return $this->bq->call('getLength', $pl); } // Moves an item down the build queue function moveItemDown($pl, $it) { return $this->bq->call('moveDown', $pl, $it); } // Moves an item up the build queue function moveItemUp($pl, $it) { return $this->bq->call('moveUp', $pl, $it); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ALLIANCE MANAGEMENT //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get alliance identifier by tag function getAlliance($tag) { return $this->alliance->call('getId', $tag); } // Get alliance data function getAllianceInfo($id) { return $this->alliance->call('get', $id); } // Create an alliance function createAlliance($tag, $name, $founder) { return $this->alliance->call('create', $tag, $name, $founder); } // Get a list of IDs for the players having a role equivalent to Hyperiums' "Keepers" function getAllianceKeepers($a) { return $this->alliance->call('getKeepers', $a); } // Get the list of all people in an alliance that can vote, as well as the current leader function getAllianceVoters($a) { return $this->alliance->call('getVoters', $a); } // Sends a request to join an alliance function sendJoinRequest($p, $a) { return $this->alliance->call('sendRequest', $p, $a); } // Cancels a request to join an alliance function cancelJoinRequest($p, $a) { return $this->alliance->call('cancelRequest', $p, $a); } // Reads the list of ranks associated with an alliance function getAllianceRanks($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getRanks', $aid); } // Returns the privileges associated with a rank function getRankPrivileges($id) { return $this->alliance->call('getRankPrivileges', $id); } // Returns the list of privileges a player has inside an alliance function getAlliancePrivileges($p) { return $this->alliance->call('getPrivileges', $p); } // Switches an alliance's government mode function setAllianceDemo($aid, $demo) { return $this->alliance->call('setDemocratic', $aid, $demo); } // Changes the successor for the current leader function setAllianceSuccessor($aid, $sid) { return $this->alliance->call('setSuccessor', $aid, $sid); } // Makes the alliance leader step down from power function allianceStepDown($aid, $isLeave = false) { return $this->alliance->call('stepDown', $aid, $isLeave); } // Leave an alliance function leaveAlliance($pid, $isKick = false) { return $this->alliance->call('leave', $pid, $isKick); } // Get the list of pending requests for an alliance function getAllianceRequests($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getRequests', $aid); } // Accepts a request to join an alliance function acceptAllianceRequest($aid, $pid, $kid) { return $this->alliance->call('acceptRequest', $aid, $pid, $kid); } // Rejects a request to join an alliance function rejectAllianceRequest($aid, $pid, $kid) { return $this->alliance->call('rejectRequest', $aid, $pid, $kid); } // Returns the list of planets belonging to players of the alliance function getAlliancePlanets($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getPlanets', $aid); } // Reads the list of alliance members and their ranks function getAllianceMembers($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getMembers', $aid); } // Get the list of alliance candidates as well as the number of votes they have function getAllianceCandidates($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getCandidates', $aid); } // Changes a player's vote function setAllianceVote($pid,$v) { return $this->alliance->call('setVote', $pid,$v); } // Adds a new candidate for an alliance's presidency function newAllianceCandidate($aid,$pid) { return $this->alliance->call('addCandidate', $aid,$pid); } // Removes a candidate for an alliance's presidency function removeAllianceCandidate($aid,$pid) { return $this->alliance->call('removeCandidate', $aid,$pid); } // Makes a player the new president for an alliance function takePresidency($aid, $pid) { return $this->alliance->call('takePresidency', $aid, $pid); } // Reads the list of an alliance's forums function getAllianceForums($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getForums', $aid); } // Reads the list of an alliance's forums, with details function getAllianceForumsComplete($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getForumsComplete', $aid); } // Creates an alliance forum function newAllianceForum($aid, $name, $userPost, $after, $description) { return $this->alliance->call('createForum', $aid, $name, $userPost, $after, $description); } // Destroys an alliance forum function deleteAllianceForum($id) { return $this->alliance->call('deleteForum', $id); } // Moves an alliance forum up or down in the list function moveAllianceForum($id, $up) { return $this->alliance->call('moveForum', $id, $up); } // Modifies an alliance forum function modifyAllianceForum($id, $name, $userPost, $description) { return $this->alliance->call('modifyForum', $id, $name, $userPost, $description); } // Modifies the access list for an alliance forum function setForumAccess($id, $readers, $mods) { return $this->alliance->call('setForumAccess', $id, $readers, $mods); } // Creates a new rank within the alliance function createAllianceRank($aid, $name, $privs, $kick, $change, $fread, $fmod) { return $this->alliance->call('createRank', $aid, $name, $privs, $kick, $change, $fread, $fmod); } // Modifies a new rank within the alliance function modifyAllianceRank($rid, $name, $privs, $kick, $change, $fread, $fmod) { return $this->alliance->call('modifyRank', $rid, $name, $privs, $kick, $change, $fread, $fmod); } // Deletes a rank from an alliance's ACL function deleteAllianceRank($aid, $rId, $nrId) { return $this->alliance->call('deleteRank', $aid, $rId, $nrId); } // Get the number of alliance members at a certain rank function getPCountRank($aid, $rId) { return $this->alliance->call('getRankSize', $aid, $rId); } // Change an alliance member's rank function changeMemberRank($pid, $rid) { return $this->alliance->call('changeRank', $pid, $rid); } // Kick an alliance member function kickAllianceMember($pid) { return $this->alliance->call('kick', $pid); } // Get the list of planets under attack in an alliance function getAllianceMilitary($aid) { return $this->alliance->call('getMilitary', $aid); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // MESSAGES AND FOLDERS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Lists custom folders for a player function getCustomFolders($pid) { return $this->msgs->call('getCustomFolders', $pid); } // Creates a custom folder function createCustomFolder($pid, $name) { return $this->msgs->call('createFolder', $pid, $name); } // Renames a custom folder function renameCustomFolder($fid, $name) { return $this->msgs->call('renameFolder', $fid, $name); } // Flushes messages from a folder function flushFolder($pid, $ft, $fid) { return $this->msgs->call('flushFolder', $pid, $ft, $fid); } // Deletes a custom folder function deleteCustomFolder($pid, $fid) { return $this->msgs->call('deleteFolder', $pid, $fid); } // Get count of all messages in a player's folder function getAllMessages($pid, $ft, $cfid = null) { return $this->msgs->call('getAll', $pid, $ft, $cfid); } // Get count of new messages in a player's folder function getNewMessages($pid, $ft = null, $cfid = null) { return $this->msgs->call('getNew', $pid, $ft, $cfid); } // Get headers for all messages inside a folder function getMessageHeaders($pid, $fld, $cfid) { return $this->msgs->call('getHeaders', $pid, $fld, $cfid); } // Returns complete information about a message function getCompleteMessage($mId, $pid) { return $this->msgs->call('get', $mId, $pid); } // Sets a message status to "read" function setMessageRead($mId) { return $this->msgs->call('setRead', $mId); } // Sets a message as deleted function deleteMessage($mId, $pId) { return $this->msgs->call('delete', $mId, $pId); } // Moves a message function moveMessage($mId, $pId, $tTp, $tId) { return $this->msgs->call('move', $mId, $pId, $tTp, $tId); } // Sends a message from player to player function sendMessagePlayer($src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep = null) { return $this->msgs->call('sendToPlayer', $src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep); } // Sends a message from player to planet function sendMessagePlanet($src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep = null) { return $this->msgs->call('sendToPlanet', $src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep); } // Sends a message from a player to his own alliance function sendMessageAlliance($src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep = null) { return $this->msgs->call('sendInAlliance', $src, $dst, $sub, $msg, $rep); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FORUMS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getCatsAndForums($player) { return $this->forums->call('getStructure', $player); } function getForumTopics($f, $first, $count) { return $this->forums->call('getTopics', $f, $first, $count); } function newForumTopic($a, $fid, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es, $st) { return $this->forums->call('newTopic', $a, $fid, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es, $st); } function getForumTopic($tid) { return $this->forums->call('getTopic', $tid); } function getForumPosts($tid, $thr, $o, $cnt, $fst) { return $this->forums->call('getPosts', $tid, $thr, $o, $cnt, $fst); } function getForumPost($pid) { return $this->forums->call('getPost', $pid); } function getForumLatest($aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first) { return $this->forums->call('getLatest', $aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first); } function forumSearchPosts($aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first, $text, $complete, $sField, $sOrder) { return $this->forums->call('searchPosts', $aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first, $text, $complete, $sField, $sOrder); } function forumSearchTopics($aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first, $text, $complete, $sField, $sOrder) { return $this->forums->call('searchTopics', $aForums, $gForums, $nb, $first, $text, $complete, $sField, $sOrder); } function postForumReply($a, $post, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es) { return $this->forums->call('reply', $a, $post, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es); } function editForumPost($a, $pid, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es) { return $this->forums->call('edit', $a, $pid, $sub, $txt, $ec, $es); } function isTopicRead($topic, $player) { return $this->forums->call('isRead', $topic, $player); } function markAsRead($topic, $player) { return $this->forums->call('markRead', $topic, $player); } function markAsUnread($topic, $player) { return $this->forums->call('markUnread', $topic, $player); } function updateForumLast($forum) { return $this->forums->call('updateLast', $forum); } function deleteForumTopic($forum, $topic) { return $this->forums->call('deleteTopic', $forum, $topic); } function switchTopicSticky($forum, $topic) { return $this->forums->call('switchSticky', $forum, $topic); } function moveForumTopic($forum, $topic, $dest, $user) { return $this->forums->call('moveTopic', $forum, $topic, $dest, $user); } function deleteSinglePost($postId) { return $this->forums->call('deletePost', $postId); } function markForumAsRead($fid, $pid) { return $this->forums->call('markForumRead', $fid, $pid); } // Get the amount of read topics in an alliance forum function getReadTopics($fid, $pid) { return $this->forums->call('getRead', $fid, $pid); } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ECM/ECCM COMPUTATIONS //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function getInformationLevel($ecm, $eccm) { return $this->ecm->call('getInformationLevel', $ecm, $eccm); } function scrambleFleetPower($level, $power) { return $this->ecm->call('scrambleFleetPower', $level, $power); } } ?>