Empire Overview Page
The empire overview page provides you with a status of your empire at a glance along with shortcuts to the most important items you might be interested in viewing. It is split into several sections.
This section provides you with important facts about the planets which compose your empire:
- Planets owned: number of planets in your empire
- Average happiness: average happiness calculated based on happiness on each of your planets
- Average corruption: average corruption calculated based on corruption on each of your planets
- Total population: sum of the populations of each of your planets
- Average population: total population divided by the number of planets in your empire
- Total factories: total number of factories on all your planets
- Average factories: total number of factories divided by the number of planets in your empire
- Total turrets: total number of turrets in your empire
- Average turrets: total number of turrets divided by the number of planets you own
It also provided links to:
- The Planets overview page
- Individual planet pages
This section provides you with informations about your research budget. For each research category, it displays the percentage of research points allocated along with the number of points per day this currently represents.
It also provided you with a link to the research management page.
This section is split into several paragraphs, each presenting one important aspect of your fleet power.
This overview provides a general view of your fleets, including:
- Total fleet power: sum of the power of all the ships you possess
- Fleet upkeep: total cost to sustain all your fleets
- Number of fleets: total number of fleets
- Fleets engaged in battle: number of fleets currently engaged in combat situations
- View fleets: link to the Fleets management page
This section provides specific information about fleets located on your own planets, including:
- Number of fleets: total number of fleets located on your own planets
- Fleets engaged in battle: total number of fleets engaged in combat on your own planets
This part of the page provides informations about fleets that aren't located on your own planets, including:
- Fleets on foreign planets: total number of fleets located on planets you don't own
- Fleets engaged in battle: total number of fleets engaged in battle on planets you don't own
- Moving fleets: total number of fleets in movement
- Fleets waiting in Hyperspace: total number of fleets in stand-by in hyperspace
This section provides important statistics about your fleets, including:
- GA ships: total number of GA ships
- Fighters: total number of Fighters
- Cruisers: total number of Cruisers
- Battle cruisers: total number of Battle Cruisers
- Total ships: total number of ships