Seen Mod | > Module written by Manick | > Module Version Number: 0.1 +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | > This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or | > modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License | > as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 | > of the License, or (at your option) any later version. | > | > This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | > but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | > MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | > GNU General Public License for more details. | > | > You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | > along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software | > Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Changes | =======------- | > If you wish to suggest or submit an update/change to the source | > code, email me at with the change, and I | > will look to adding it in as soon as I can. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class seen_mod extends module { public $title = "Seen Mod"; public $author = "Manick"; public $version = "0.1"; private $seen; public function init() { $this->timerClass->addTimer("seen_mod_updateini", $this, "seen_update", "", 60*15, false); $this->seen = new ini("modules/seen/seen.ini"); } public function destroy() { $this->timerClass->removeTimer("seen_mod_updateini"); } // Write to file public function seen_update($args) { if ($this->seen->getError()) { return; } $this->seen->writeIni(); $this->dccClass->dccSend("Updated Seen Mod ini database file"); return true; } // Update actions public function seen($line, $args) { if ($this->seen->getError()) { if (DEBUG == 1) { echo "Seen error!\n"; } return; } if (strtolower($line['cmd']) == "join") { $line['text'] = ""; } if (strtolower($line['cmd']) == "kick") { $offsetA = strpos($line['params'], chr(32)); $act = "kick"; $user = substr($line['params'], $offsetA + 1); $this->addLast($user, $act, $line['text']); } else { $this->addLast($line['fromNick'], strtolower($line['cmd']), $line['text']); } $this->getLast($line['fromNick']); } private function getLast($user) { $user = irc::myStrToLower($user); if (!$this->seen->sectionExists("seen")) { return; } $var = $this->seen->getIniVal("seen", $user); if ($var == false) { return false; } $offsetA = strpos($var, "="); $offsetB = strpos($var, "=", $offsetA + 1); $offsetC = strpos($var, "=", $offsetB + 1); $info = array(); $info['user'] = substr($var, 0, $offsetA); $info['time'] = substr($var, $offsetA + 1, $offsetB - $offsetA - 1); $info['act'] = substr($var, $offsetB + 1, $offsetC - $offsetB - 1); $info['txt'] = substr($var, $offsetC + 1); return $info; } private function addLast($user, $act, $txt) { $Suser = irc::myStrToLower($user); $tAction = $user . "=" . time() . "=" . irc::myStrToLower($act) . "=" . $txt; $this->seen->setIniVal("seen", $Suser, $tAction); } // User interface public function priv_seen($line, $args) { if ($this->seen->getError()) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "There was an error while attempting to access the seen database."); return; } if ($line['to'] == $this->ircClass->getNick()) { return; } if ($args['nargs'] <= 0) { $this->ircClass->notice($line['fromNick'], "Usage: !seen "); return; } $user = irc::myStrToLower($args['arg1']); if ($user == irc::myStrToLower($line['fromNick'])) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", umm... O..kay..."); $this->ircClass->action($line['to'], "points at " . $line['fromNick'] . "..."); return; } $data = $this->getLast($user); if ($data === false) { $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", I have never seen " . $args['arg1'] . " before."); return; } $time = time() - $data['time']; if ($time > 3600*24) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%d days %h hours %m min %s sec"); } else if ($time > 3600) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%h hours %m min %s sec"); } else if ($time > 60) { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%m min %s sec"); } else { $timeString = irc::timeFormat($time, "%s sec"); } $action = ""; switch ($data['act']) { case "privmsg": $action = "saying in a channel"; break; case "notice": $action = "noticing a channel"; break; case "join": $action = "joining a channel"; break; case "kick": $action = "being kicked from a channel"; break; case "part": $action = "parting a channel"; break; case "quit": $action = "quitting"; break; } if ($data['txt'] != "") { $action .= ": " . $data['txt']; } $this->ircClass->privMsg($line['to'], $line['fromNick'] . ", I last saw " . $data['user'] . " " . $timeString . " ago " . $action . "."); } } ?>