lib = $lib; $this->db = $this->lib->game->db; } public function run($planetID) { // Get the system's ID $systemID = $this->getSystem($planetID); if ($systemID == -1) { return; } $this->systemID = $systemID; l::trace("Checking protection status in system #$systemID"); $this->now = time(); // Get the protected player's ID $this->fetchProtectedPlayerID(); if (is_null($this->ownerID)) { l::error("No owner found in system #$systemID!"); $this->db->query("UPDATE system SET prot = 0 WHERE id = $systemID"); return; } // Get the ID of the Peacekeepers $this->fetchPeacekeepersID(); // Get the list of all players who have fleets in the system $this->fetchFleetOwners(); // Get the Peacekeeper's records for the system, as well // as fleet owners status (offenses and enemy status) $this->fetchPKRecords(); $this->fetchPKOffenders(); $this->fetchPKEnemies(); // Update status records using the current list of fleets $this->updateRecords(); } private function getSystem($planetID) { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT, s.prot FROM planet p " . "LEFT JOIN system s ON = p.system " . "WHERE = $planetID" ); list($systemID, $protection) = dbFetchArray($q); if ($protection == 0 || in_array($systemID, $this->checkedSystems)) { return -1; } array_push($this->checkedSystems, $systemID); return $systemID; } private function fetchProtectedPlayerID() { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT owner FROM planet WHERE system = {$this->systemID} AND owner IS NOT NULL LIMIT 1" ); list($this->ownerID) = dbFetchArray($q); $this->ownerAllies = null; } private function fetchPeacekeepersID() { if (is_null($this->peacekeepersID)) { $this->peacekeepersID = $this->lib->call('getPeacekeepers'); } } private function fetchFleetOwners() { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT DISTINCT f.owner, f.attacking FROM fleet f " . "LEFT JOIN planet p ON = f.location " . "WHERE p.system = {$this->systemID} " . "AND f.owner NOT IN ({$this->ownerID}, {$this->peacekeepersID})" ); $result = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { $attack = ($r[1] == 't'); if (array_key_exists($r[0], $result)) { $result[$r[0]] = $result[$r[0]] || $attack; } else { $result[$r[0]] = $attack; } } $this->fleetOwners = $result; } private function fetchPKRecords() { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT player, status, switch_at FROM pk_sys_status " . "WHERE system = {$this->systemID} " . "FOR UPDATE" ); $result = array(); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { $result[$r[0]] = array( "status" => $r[1], "switch_at" => $r[2] ); } $this->pkRecords = $result; } private function fetchPKOffenders() { $this->pkOffenders = array(); if (empty($this->fleetOwners)) { return; } $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT player, nb_offenses FROM pk_offenses " . "WHERE player IN (" . join(",", array_keys($this->fleetOwners)) . ") " . "FOR UPDATE" ); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { $this->pkOffenders[$r[0]] = $r[1]; } } private function fetchPKEnemies() { $this->pkEnemies = array(); if (empty($this->fleetOwners)) { return; } $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT player FROM pk_enemy " . "WHERE player IN (" . join(",", array_keys($this->fleetOwners)) . ") " . "AND until > UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) " . "FOR UPDATE" ); while ($r = dbFetchArray($q)) { array_push($this->pkEnemies, $r[0]); } } private function updateRecords() { $this->deleteRecords = array(); $this->actions = array( "enemy" => array(), "other" => array() ); // Check all existing records and update them foreach ($this->pkRecords as $player => $record) { if (array_key_exists($player, $this->fleetOwners)) { $this->handleExistingRecord($player, $record); } else { array_push($this->deleteRecords, $player); } } // Add records for fleets that weren't here before foreach ($this->fleetOwners as $player => $attacking) { if (! array_key_exists($player, $this->pkRecords)) { $this->addRecord($player, $attacking); } } // Destroy records that are no longer necessary $this->purgeOldRecords(); // Send the actions we generated to the main library $this->lib->call('addActions', $this->actions); } private function handleExistingRecord($player, $record) { l::trace(" Updating record for player #$player with status {$record['status']}"); if ($record['status'] == 'E' || $record['status'] == 'O') { l::trace(" -> already attacking or enemy"); return; } if ($record['status'] == 'W' && !$this->fleetOwners[$player]) { l::trace(" => warned player (switch_at = {$record['switch_at']}, now = {$this->now})"); if ($this->isAlly($player)) { l::trace(" -> player is now an allied of the owner"); $this->addAction($player, 'A', false); } elseif ($record['switch_at'] <= $this->now) { l::trace(" -> player has been around for too long"); $this->addAction($player, 'O', false); } return; } if ($this->fleetOwners[$player]) { l::trace(" -> player has switched to attack"); $this->increaseOffense($player, $record['status'] == 'W' ? 1 : 2, 'O', false); return; } l::trace(" -> allied player"); if (! $this->isAlly($player)) { l::trace(" => player is no longer an ally of the owner"); $this->addAction($player, 'W', false); } } private function addRecord($player, $attacking) { l::trace(" Adding record for " . ($attacking ? "attacking " : "") . "player #$player"); if (in_array($player, $this->pkEnemies)) { l::trace(" -> player is an enemy"); $this->addAction($player, 'O', true); return; } if ($attacking) { l::trace(" -> player is attacking"); $this->increaseOffense($player, 2, 'O', true); return; } if ($this->isAlly($player)) { l::trace(" -> player is an ally of the owner"); $this->addAction($player, 'A', true); } else { l::trace(" -> player must be warned"); $this->increaseOffense($player, 1, 'W', true); } } private function purgeOldRecords() { if (!empty($this->deleteRecords)) { $this->db->query( "DELETE FROM pk_sys_status " . "WHERE system = {$this->systemID} " . "AND player IN (" . join(',', $this->deleteRecords) . ")" ); } } private function isAlly($player) { if (is_null($this->ownerAllies)) { $this->fetchOwnerAllies(); } return in_array($player, $this->ownerAllies); } private function fetchOwnerAllies() { $q = $this->db->query( "SELECT alliance, a_status FROM player WHERE id = {$this->ownerID}" ); list($alliance, $aStatus) = dbFetchArray($q); $qString = "SELECT friend AS ally FROM trusted WHERE player = {$this->ownerID}"; if (!is_null($alliance) && $aStatus == 'IN') { $qString .= " UNION SELECT id AS trusted FROM player " . "WHERE a_status = 'IN' AND alliance = $alliance"; } $q = $this->db->query($qString); $this->ownerAllies = array(); while ($q = dbFetchArray($q)) { array_push($this->ownerAllies, $r[0]); } } private function increaseOffense($player, $points, $aType, $mustInsert) { if (is_null($this->pkOffenders[$player])) { $tot = $this->pkOffenders[$player] = $points; $this->db->query("INSERT INTO pk_offenses (player, nb_offenses) VALUES ($player, $points)"); } else { $tot = ($this->pkOffenders[$player] + $points); $this->db->query( "UPDATE pk_offenses SET nb_offenses = nb_offenses + $points WHERE player = $player" ); } if ($tot > 6) { l::trace(" => PLAYER #$player HAS BEEN DECLARED AN ENEMY"); $this->declareEnemy($player); } else { $this->addAction($player, $aType, $mustInsert); } return ($tot > 6); } private function addAction($player, $aType, $mustInsert) { array_push($this->actions['other'], array( 'player' => $player, 'system' => $this->systemID, 'type' => $aType, 'mustInsert' => $mustInsert )); } private function declareEnemy($player) { if (!in_array($player, $this->actions['enemy'])) { array_push($this->actions['enemy'], $player); } } } ?>