LWWidget.Main = Base.Comp.inherits({ constructor: function () { this.base(); this.addEvent('Show'); this.addEvent('Hide'); this.addSlot('draw'); this.bindEvent('Show', 'draw'); // Game-related slots this.addSlot('login'); this.addSlot('loadGame'); this.addSlot('loadData'); // Version management slots this.addSlot('versionError'); this.addSlot('versionNewAvailable'); this.addSlot('versionNewRequired'); this.addSlot('versionOk'); // Generate the menu this.makeMenu(); // Version checker this.versionCheck = new LWWidget.VersionCheck(); this.versionPage = new LWWidget.NewVersion(); this.versionCheck.bindEvent('CommError', 'versionError', this); this.versionCheck.bindEvent('NewVersion', 'versionNewAvailable', this); this.versionCheck.bindEvent('RequiredVersion', 'versionNewRequired', this); this.versionCheck.bindEvent('VersionOk', 'versionOk', this); this.versionChecked = false; // Login page this.loginPage = new LWWidget.Login(); this.loginPage.bindEvent('Login', 'login', this); // Game selection page this.gameSelector = new LWWidget.GameSelector(); this.gameSelector.bindEvent('Select', 'loadGame', this); // Game display this.gameDisplay = new LWWidget.GameDisplay(this); this.gameDisplay.bindEvent('Refresh', 'loadData', this); // Generic text display this.textPage = new LWWidget.TextPage(); // FIXME: Set Dashboard-specific event handlers // this.initDashboard(); // FIXME: should use saved password if possible this.page = this.loginPage; this.menu.setMode('out'); this.state = 0; this.onShow(); // FIXME: use Dashboard events if possible }, initDashboard: function () { if (window.widget) { var _cid = this._cid; widget.onshow = function () { if (Base) { Base.Comp.get(_cid).onShow(); } }; widget.onhide = function () { if (Base) { Base.Comp.get(_cid).onHide(); } }; } }, makeMenu: function () { var _m; this.menu = new LWWidget.Menu(); this.addSlot('menuCommand'); this.menu.bindEvent('Click', 'menuCommand', this); // Waiting _m = this.menu.newMode('wait'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Text('Loading ... Please wait ...')); // New version available _m = this.menu.newMode('nvAvail'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Text('New version!     ')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('continue', 'Continue')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('logout', 'Log out')); // New version required _m = this.menu.newMode('nvReq'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Text('Update required     ')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('logout', 'Log out')); // Logged out user _m = this.menu.newMode('out'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Text('Please log in')); // Game selection _m = this.menu.newMode('game'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('gamesel', 'Game selection')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('logout', 'Log out')); // Error _m = this.menu.newMode('error'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Text('Error! - ')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('logout', 'Log out')); // Standard _m = this.menu.newMode('std'); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('gamesel', 'Game selection')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('player', 'Player')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('planets', 'Planets')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('fleets', 'Fleets')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('budget', 'Budget')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('tech', 'Research')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('msg', 'Messages')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('forums', 'Forums')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Entry('ticks', 'Ticks')); _m.addItem(new LWWidget.Menu.Command('logout', 'Log out')); }, initLoader: function (login, password) { this.loader = new LWWidget.Data.Loader(LWWidget.main.getPreference('lwLogin'), LWWidget.main.password); var events = ['CommError', 'FatalError', 'Kick', 'Load', 'LoginFailure', 'Maintenance', 'Destroy']; var slots = ['commError', 'serverError', 'playerKicked', 'dataLoaded', 'loginFailed', 'serverMaintenance', 'loaderDestroyed']; for (var i=0;i' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '
Legacy Worlds
'; if (LWWidget.debug) { str += '
'; } Base.Browser.get().docBody.innerHTML = str; this.menu.draw(); this.page.draw(); }, setTextPage: function (mMode, text) { this.menu.setMode(mMode); this.page = this.textPage; this.page.setText(text); }, menuCommand: function (command) { if (command == 'logout') { if (this.loader) { this.loader.destroy(); } if (this.versionCheck) { this.versionCheck.stop(); } if (this.state == 3) { this.gameDisplay.hide(); } this.state = 0; this.versionChecked = false; this.loginPage.setError(''); this.page = this.loginPage; this.menu.setMode('out'); this.page.draw(); } else if (command == 'continue') { this.login(); } else if (command == 'gamesel') { if (this.state == 3) { this.page.hide(); } this.state = 1; this.setTextPage('wait', 'Connecting to the Legacy Worlds server

Please wait'); this.loader.load('main/index'); } else if (this.state == 3) { this.gameDisplay.setPage(command); } }, versionError: function () { // Ignore the error if the version has already been checked if (!this.versionChecked) { this.commError(); } }, versionNewAvailable: function (url) { // Ignore the new version unless it is the first time we check if (this.versionChecked) { return; } this.versionChecked = true; this.versionPage.setData(url, false); this.page = this.versionPage; this.menu.setMode('nvAvail'); this.page.draw(); }, versionNewRequired: function (url) { if (this.state == 3) { this.gameDisplay.hide(); } this.versionCheck.stop(); this.versionPage.setData(url, true); this.page = this.versionPage; this.menu.setMode('nvReq'); this.page.draw(); }, versionOk: function () { if (!this.versionChecked) { // Continue login this.versionChecked = true; this.login(); } }, login: function () { this.setTextPage('wait', 'Connecting to the Legacy Worlds server

Please wait'); // If the version hasn't been checked, well, check it if (!this.versionChecked) { this.versionCheck.start(); return; } // Initialise the loader and get the game list this.initLoader(); this.loader.load('main/index'); }, handleGameList: function (data, force) { this.state = 1; var games = new Array(), auto = null; if (!force && LWWidget.main.getPreference('lwRemGame') == '1') { auto = LWWidget.main.getPreference('lwGame'); } for (var i in data.contents) { // Check if version is supported var _v = data.contents[i].getAttribute('version'); if (!LWWidget.Game.versions().containsKey(_v)) { continue; } var _g = { name: data.contents[i].getText(), path: data.contents[i].getAttribute('path'), version: LWWidget.Game.versions().get(_v) }; if (auto && auto == _g.path) { this.loadGame(_g); return; } games.push(_g); } if (games.length == 0) { this.setTextPage('error', 'It appears that you are not registered to any Legacy Worlds game.'); } else if (!force && games.length == 1) { this.loadGame(games[0]); } else { this.page = this.gameSelector; this.menu.setMode('game'); this.gameSelector.setGames(games); } }, loadGame: function (game) { this.state = 2; this.currentGame = game; this.loader.load(game.path + '/play'); }, loadData: function (path) { if (this.state == 3 && this.loader) { this.loader.load(path + '/play'); } }, commError: function () { this.setTextPage('error', 'Communications error

The server could not be reached or it sent an invalid reply.'); }, serverError: function (code, text) { var str = 'Server error

The server encountered an internal error:
' + text + '
(code: ' + code + ')'; this.setTextPage('error', str); }, playerKicked: function (reason) { var str = (reason == '' ? 'No reason was specified' : ('Reason: ' + reason)); if (this.state == 3) { this.gameDisplay.hide(); } this.setTextPage('error', 'You have been kicked from the game!

' + str); }, loginFailed: function (code) { switch (code) { case '0': if (this.state == 0) { this.loader.destroy(); LWWidget.main.password = ''; this.loginPage.setError('Invalid username or password'); this.page = this.loginPage; this.page.draw(); } else { this.setTextPage('error', 'Your password has been changed.'); } break; case '1': this.setTextPage('error', 'The server encountered an internal error while authenticating your account.'); break; case '2': this.setTextPage('error', 'Your account has been closed!'); break; case '3': this.setTextPage('error', 'Your account has not been validated yet, please check your e-mail.'); break; case '4': if (this.state < 2) { this.setTextPage('error', 'The server just did something it\'s not supposed to do. Ever.'); } else { this.gameDisplay.hide(); this.setTextPage('errsel', 'You are no longer registered to this game!'); } break; } }, serverMaintenance: function (reason, until, now) { var str = 'The server is undergoing maintenance.

Reason: ' + reason + '

It will be down until ' + until + '.
Current server time: ' + now; this.setTextPage('error', str); }, loaderDestroyed: function () { this.loader = null; }, dataLoaded: function (data) { if (this.state == 0) { // We were not loging in, save password if needed if (LWWidget.main.getPreference('lwRemAuth') == '1') { LWWidget.main.setPreference('lwPassword', LWWidget.main.password); } this.handleGameList(data); } else if (this.state == 1) { // We were logged in but asked to select a game this.handleGameList(data, true); } else if (this.state == 2) { // We just received game data for the first time this.gameDisplay.setGame(this.currentGame.version, this.currentGame.path); this.gameDisplay.handleData(data); this.page = this.gameDisplay; this.menu.setMode('std'); this.menu.setSelected('player'); this.page.draw(); this.state = 3; } else { // Update game contents this.gameDisplay.handleData(data); } } });